Alan S. Bruce

Profile Picture of Alan S. Bruce
Professor of Criminal Justice
Justice and Law
Quinnipiac University


  • PhD, Sociology, Bowling Green State University, 1998
  • MA, Sociology, Bowling Green State University, 1995
  • Bachelors Degree, Psychology, Aberdeen University, 1991

Research Interests

Crime and Media   Youth Crime   Criminological Theory  

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Alan Bruce has been at Quinnipiac since 2001 and has served as Director of the Criminal Justice Program and Chair of the Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Anthropology. Throughout his time at Quinnipiac he has taught courses in the Sociology and Criminal Justice programs. In the classroom he enjoys constantly learning from students as well as educating them. His greatest teaching reward is when his students tell him they have taken learning from the classroom into internship and/or work settings and performed better as a result. He has co-authored the texts "Classics of Criminology" (with Theresa Severance at Eastern Connecticut State University) and "An Reintroduction to Criminal Justice" (with Stephen McGuinn at Quinnipiac University) and numerous scholarly articles. He is a longtime volunteer in the working men's center at the Open Hearth in Hartford and serves on the West Hartford Juvenile Review Board.


Contact Information

  275 Mount Carmel Avenue, Department of Justice and Law, Quinnipiac University, Hamden CT 06518

  (203) 582-8458

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List of Publications (13)
In 2019

McGuinn, S. C. and Bruce, Alan S. (2019). A Re-Introduction to Criminal Justice. Kendall Hall Academic Publishing.

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In 2012

Desmond, S. A., Bruce, A. S. & Stacer, M. J. (2012). Self-control, Opportunity, and Substance Use. Deviant Behavior 33(6) 425-447.

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Bruce, A. S. (2012). What Works in Treatment Programs for Substance-Abusing Youth. In What Works in Child Welfare 2nd Edition. Edited by Gina Alexander and Patrick A Curtis. Washington DC: CWLA Press (Child Welfare League of America).

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Jacoby, J. E., Severance, T. A. & Bruce, A. S. (2012). Classics of Criminology, 4th edition. Waveland Press.

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In 2011

Bruce, A. S. & Severance, T. A. (2011). Creating the Youthful Offender in Connecticut. Justice Policy Journal 8(2).

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In 2010

Bruce, A. S. & Severance, T. A. (2010) Key Issues in Capital Punishment. In Key Issues in Corrections 2nd Edition edited by Rosalyn Muraskin. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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In 2007

Bruce, A. S., & Becker, P. J. (2007). State-Corporate Crime and the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Western Criminology Review 8(2).

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In 2005

Bruce, A. S., & Severance, T. A. (2005). The Death Penalty. In Key Issues in Corrections, edited by Rosalyn Muraskin. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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In 2002

Bruce, Alan S., and Theresa A. Severance. (2002). Swinging Revisited. In Sexual Deviance: A Reader, edited by Christopher Hensley and Richard Tewksbury. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

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Becker, Paul J., Arthur Jipson, and Alan S. Bruce. (2002). State of Indiana v. Ford Motor Company Revisited. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 26(2), 181-202.

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In 2000

Becker, P. J., Jipson, A., & Bruce, A. S. (2000). The Pinto Legacy: The Community as an Indirect Victim of Corporate Deviance. The Justice Professional, 12(3), 305-326.

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In 1998

Bruce, A. S., & Desmond, S. A. (1998). A Classroom Exercise for Teaching the Problems of Offense Classification and Tabulation Associated with the UCR. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 9(1), 119-130.

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In 1997

Bruce, A. S., & Desmond, S. A. (1997). Limitations of Self-Report Delinquency Surveys: A "Hands-On" Approach. Teaching Sociology, 25(4), 315-321.

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