Andrea Glenn

Profile Picture of Andrea Glenn
Assistant Professor
Nutrition and Food Studies
New York University


  • PhD, RD

Research Interests

Nutritional Epidemiology   Plant Based Nutrition   Cardiovascular Disease Risk  

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Andrea J. Glenn, MSc, RD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University. She is also a Visiting Scientist in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She completed her BSc in Nutrition at St. Francis Xavier University, RD training at Mount Sinai Hospital (Toronto), MSc and PhD in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto, and postdoctoral training in Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is a researcher and Registered Dietitian with experience in nutrition research (clinical trials & epidemiology), teaching, and knowledge translation. She is interested in different dietary patterns (including the cholesterol-lowering portfolio diet), and plant protein, in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. She is also interested in dietary assessment methods (including Apps) and new biomarkers for nutritional exposure and status (i.e. metabolomics).


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List of Publications (62)
In 2024

Association of glycaemic index and glycaemic load with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of mega cohorts of more than .... DJA Jenkins, WC Willett, S Yusuf, FB Hu, AJ Glenn, S Liu, A Mente, ... The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 12 (2), 107-118, 2024.

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Integration of epidemiological and blood biomarker analysis links haem iron intake to increased type 2 diabetes risk. F Wang, AJ Glenn, AJ Tessier, Z Mei, DE Haslam, M Guasch-Ferre , ... Nature Metabolism, 1-12, 2024.

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Simulation model to assess the validity of the clinical portfolio diet score used in the PortfolioDiet. app for dietary self-tracking: a secondary analysis of a randomized .... ME Kavanagh, AJ Glenn, L Chiavaroli, GA Morgan, RG Josse, VS Malik, ... Frontiers in Nutrition 11, 1398450, 2024.

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The Portfolio Diet and HbA1c in Adults Living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Patient-Level Pooled Analysis of Two Randomized Dietary Trials. ME Kavanagh, S Back, V Chen, AJ Glenn, G Viscardi, Z Houshialsadat, ... Nutrients 16 (17), 2817, 2024.

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Dietary Plant to Animal Protein Ratio and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality in Two Prospective Cohort Studies. AJ Glenn, AJ Tessier, F Wang, JAE Manson, JE Chavarro, Q Sun, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 8, 2024.

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In 2023

Nuts and cardiovascular disease outcomes: A review of the evidence and future directions. AJ Glenn, D Aune, H Freisling, N Mohammadifard, CWC Kendall, ... Nutrients 15 (4), 911, 2023.

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The Portfolio Diet and Incident Type 2 diabetes: findings from the women's Health Initiative prospective cohort study. AJ Glenn, J Li, K Lo, DJA Jenkins, BA Boucher, AJ Hanley, CWC Kendall, ... Diabetes Care 46 (1), 28-37, 2023.

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Perspective: Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Can Help Facilitate and Maintain a Lower Animal to Plant Protein Intake Ratio. M Messina, AM Duncan, AJ Glenn, F Mariotti Advances in nutrition 14 (3), 392-405, 2023.

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Portfolio diet score and risk of cardiovascular disease: findings from 3 prospective cohort studies. AJ Glenn, M Guasch-Ferre , VS Malik, CWC Kendall, JAE Manson, ... Circulation 148 (22), 1750-1763, 2023.

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Concerns about the Burden of Proof studies. AJ Glenn, X Gu, FB Hu, M Wang, WC Willett Nature Medicine 29 (4), 823-825, 2023.

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Changes in Coffee Intake, Added Sugar and Long-Term Weight Gain-Results from Three Large Prospective US Cohort Studies. M Henn, AJ Glenn, WC Willett, MA Marti nez-Gonza lez, Q Sun, FB Hu The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 118 (6), 1164-1171, 2023.

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The antioxidant capacity of breast milk and plasma of women with or without gestational diabetes mellitus. M Churchill, H Zawawi, I Elisia, M Seider, R Noseworthy, A Thompson, ... Antioxidants 12 (4), 842, 2023.

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Association of the Portfolio Diet with Total and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in the Women's Health Initiative. A Glenn, K Lo, B Boucher, M Vitolins, JA Manson, L Snetselaar, C Kendall, ... Annals of nutrition and metabolism 79 (Suppl. 1), 337-338, 2023.

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The Portfolio Dietary Pattern and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality During 1988-2019 in US Adults: Findings From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. ME Kavanagh, Z Zhang, AJ Glenn, A Zurbau, JO Oguntala, VS Malik, ... Circulation 148 (Suppl_1), A14297-A14297, 2023.

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P31-077-23 Relation of Food Sources of Fructose Containing Sugars With Incident Obesity Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. A Zurbau, SB Mejia, V Chen, L Chiavaroli, A Glenn, M Kavanagh, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 7, 2023.

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P29-016-23 Dietary Plant to Animal Protein Ratio and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Three Prospective Cohort Studies. A Glenn, F Wang, JA Manson, E Rimm, K Mukamal, S Qi, W Willett, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 7, 2023.

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P11-061-23 Dietary Heme Iron Intake and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: An Analysis in the Context of Dietary Patterns. F Wang, A Glenn, D Tobias, F Tabung, JA Manson, W Willett, E Rimm, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 7, 2023.

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P22-010-23 Coronary Heart Effectiveness Assessment of the Portfolio Diet in Primary Care (CHEAP) Trial: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. L Chiavaroli, M Kavanagh, A Glenn, V Chen, S Back, T Khan, CM Chow, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 7, 2023.

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Abstract P521: Association Between Dietary Phytosterols and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in US Adults: Findings From the Third National Health and Nutrition .... JO Oguntala, A Zurbau, ME Kavanagh, A Glenn, L Chiavaroli, TA Khan, ... Circulation 147 (Suppl_1), AP521-AP521, 2023.

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Abstract P214: The Portfolio Dietary Pattern and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in US Adults. AJ Glenn, M Guasch, V Malik, C Kendall, JE Manson, EB Rimm, W Willett, ... Circulation 147 (Suppl_1), AP214-AP214, 2023.

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Commentary: Is there a role for diabetes-specific nutrition formulas as meal replacements in type 2 diabetes?. AJ Glenn, S Liu Frontiers in Endocrinology 13, 1094954, 2023.

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In 2022

Dietary protein sources, mediating biomarkers, and incidence of type 2 diabetes: findings from the Women's Health Initiative and the UK Biobank. J Li, AJ Glenn, Q Yang, D Ding, L Zheng, W Bao, J Beasley, E LeBlanc, ... Diabetes Care 45 (8), 1742-1753, 2022.

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Nordic dietary patterns and cardiometabolic outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies and randomised controlled trials. P Massara, A Zurbau, AJ Glenn, L Chiavaroli, TA Khan, E Viguiliouk, ... Diabetologia 65 (12), 2011-2031, 2022.

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Added sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages, and artificially sweetened beverages and risk of cardiovascular disease: findings from the women's health initiative and a network meta .... B Yang, AJ Glenn, Q Liu, T Madsen, MA Allison, JM Shikany, JAE Manson, ... Nutrients 14 (20), 4226, 2022.

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Systematic review and meta-analysis examining the relationship between postprandial hypotension, cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality. DJA Jenkins, S Sahye-Pudaruth, K Khodabandehlou, F Liang, M Kasmani, ... The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 116 (3), 663-671, 2022.

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A web-based health application to translate nutrition therapy for cardiovascular risk reduction in primary care (PortfolioDiet. app): Quality improvement and usability testing .... ME Kavanagh, L Chiavaroli, AJ Glenn, G Heijmans, SM Grant, CM Chow, ... JMIR Human Factors 9 (2), e34704, 2022.

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Medical nutrition therapy for chronic pain management. A Glenn, M Kavanagh, L Bockus Thorne, L McNeill, V Melina, D Jenkins, ... Clinical Pain Management: A Practical Guide, 147-159, 2022.

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The Effect of Substituting Soy Milk for Cow's Milk on Lipid Markers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. M Erlich, D Ghidanac, S Blanco Mejia, TA Khan, M Paquette, AJ Glenn, ... Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research 83 (4), 2022.

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In 2021

Relationship between a plant based dietary portfolio and risk of cardiovascular disease: findings from the Women's Health Initiative prospective cohort study. AJ Glenn, K Lo, DJA Jenkins, BA Boucher, AJ Hanley, CWC Kendall, ... Journal of the American Heart Association 10 (16), e021515, 2021.

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Longitudinal changes in adherence to the portfolio and DASH dietary patterns and cardiometabolic risk factors in the PREDIMED-Plus study. AJ Glenn, P Herna ndez-Alonso, CWC Kendall, MA Marti nez-Gonza lez, ... Clinical Nutrition 40 (5), 2825-2836, 2021.

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Development of a Portfolio Diet score and its concurrent and predictive validity assessed by a food frequency questionnaire. AJ Glenn, BA Boucher, CC Kavcic, TA Khan, M Paquette, CWC Kendall, ... Nutrients 13 (8), 2850, 2021.

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Prospective association of the Portfolio Diet with all-cause and cause-specific mortality risk in the Mr. OS and Ms. OS Study. K Lo, AJ Glenn, S Yeung, CWC Kendall, JL Sievenpiper, DJA Jenkins, ... Nutrients 13 (12), 4360, 2021.

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Prospective Association of the Portfolio Diet with All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Risk in the Mr. OS and Ms. OS Study. Nutrients 2021, 13, 4360. K Lo, AJ Glenn, S Yeung, C Kendall, JL Sievenpiper, D Jenkins, J Woo s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in ..., 2021.

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Relation of Food Sources of Fructose Containing Sugars With Incident Obesity Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. A Zurbau, SB Mejia, T Khan, M Kavanagh, A Glenn, F Au-Yeung, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 5, 1116, 2021.

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Greater Adherence to the Portfolio Diet Is Associated with Lower Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the Women's Health Initiative. A Glenn, K Lo, D Jenkins, B Boucher, A Hanley, C Kendall, A Shadyab, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 5, 1034, 2021.

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The Portfolio Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction: Insights from International Prospective Cohort Studies. AJ Glenn University of Toronto (Canada), 2021.

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In 2020

Destigmatizing carbohydrate with food labeling: The use of non-mandatory labelling to highlight quality carbohydrate foods. CPF Marinangeli, SV Harding, AJ Glenn, L Chiavaroli, A Zurbau, ... Nutrients 12 (6), 1725, 2020.

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SCIENTIFIC UPDATE. H Kahleova, N Becerra-Tomas, SB Mejia, AJ Glenn, S De Vriese, ... .

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Relation of Food Sources of Fructose Containing Sugars with Incident Obesity Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. A Zurbau, SB Mejia, T Khan, L Chiavaroli, A Glenn, F Au-Yeung, ... Current Developments in Nutrition 4, nzaa063_108, 2020.

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Abstract P511: Adherence to the Dietary Portfolio is Associated With Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk in the Women's Health Initiative Study. AJ Glenn, K Lo, BA Boucher, MZ Vitolins, JE Manson, LG Snetselaar, ... Circulation 141 (Suppl_1), AP511-AP511, 2020.

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In 2019

Associations between dietary pulses alone or with other legumes and cardiometabolic disease outcomes: an umbrella review and updated systematic review and meta-analysis of .... E Viguiliouk, AJ Glenn, SK Nishi, L Chiavaroli, M Seider, T Khan, ... Advances in Nutrition 10, S308-S319, 2019.

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Relation of vegetarian dietary patterns with major cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. AJ Glenn, E Viguiliouk, M Seider, BA Boucher, TA Khan, S Blanco Mejia, ... Frontiers in nutrition 6, 80, 2019.

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The avoiding diabetes after pregnancy trial in moms program: Feasibility of a diabetes prevention program for women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus. LL Lipscombe, F Delos-Reyes, AJ Glenn, S de Sequeira, X Liang, S Grant, ... Canadian journal of diabetes 43 (8), 613-620, 2019.

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In 2018

Portfolio dietary pattern and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials. L Chiavaroli, SK Nishi, TA Khan, CR Braunstein, AJ Glenn, SB Mejia, ... Progress in cardiovascular diseases 61 (1), 43-53, 2018.

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The effect of small doses of fructose and allulose on postprandial glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetes: A double blind, randomized, controlled, acute feeding, equivalence trial. JC Noronha, CR Braunstein, AJ Glenn, TA Khan, E Viguiliouk, ... Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 20 (10), 2361-2370, 2018.

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A double-blind, randomized controlled, acute feeding equivalence trial of small, catalytic doses of fructose and allulose on postprandial blood glucose metabolism in healthy .... CR Braunstein, JC Noronha, AJ Glenn, E Viguiliouk, R Noseworthy, ... Nutrients 10 (6), 750, 2018.

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Avoiding Diabetes after Pregnancy Trial in Moms (Adapt-M): Feasibility of a Health-Coaching Program for Women with Recent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. F Delos-Reyes, AJ Glenn, H Berger, S De Sequeira, D Feig, K Fleming, ... Canadian Journal of Diabetes 42 (5), S11, 2018.

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Vegetarian Diets with Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Prospective Cohort Studies. A Glenn, E Viguiliouk, M Seider, SB Mejia, C Kendall, H Kavleova, ... Canadian Journal of Diabetes 42 (5), S20, 2018.

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In 2017

The effect of low glycaemic index education on satisfaction, knowledge, behaviour, and glycaemic control in women with gestational diabetes. S Grant, R Noseworthy, A Thompson, A Glenn, M Seider, D O'connor, ... Canadian Journal of Diabetes 41 (5), S18, 2017.

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"Catalytic" Doses of Fructose and its Epimers on Glycemic Control: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. JC Noronha, C Braunstein, SB Mejia, AI Cozma, T Khan, A Glenn, ... The FASEB Journal 31, 798.8-798.8, 2017.

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In 2016

'Catalytic'Doses of Fructose Improve Glycemic Control but Not Insulin Resistance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. J Noronha, C Braunstein, SB Mejia, A Cozma, A Glenn, J Sievenpiper Circulation 133, 2016.

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Liquid meal replacements improve glycemic control: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials image 9. JC Noronha, SB Mejia, CR Braunstein, VL Choo, TA Khan, A Glenn, ... Canadian Journal of Diabetes 40 (5), S14, 2016.

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Evaluation of glycemic index education in people living with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Participant satisfaction, knowledge uptake and application. S Grant, T Wolever, R Josse, D O'Connor, A Thompson, M Seider, ... Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice & Research 77 (3), 2016.

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Abstract P277:'Catalytic'Doses of Fructose Improve Glycemic Control but Not Insulin Resistance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. J Noronha, C Braunstein, S Blanco Mejia, A Cozma, A Glenn, ... Circulation 133 (suppl_1), AP277-AP277, 2016.

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In 2015

An innovative home-based cardiovascular lifestyle prevention program for women with recent gestational diabetes: a pilot feasibility study. G Mukerji, S McTavish, A Glenn, F Delos-Reyes, J Price, W Wu, P Harvey, ... Canadian journal of diabetes 39 (6), 445-450, 2015.

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In 2014

Long-Term Vitamin D3 Supplementation Does Not Prevent Colonic Inflammation or Modulate Bone Health in IL-10 Knockout Mice at Young Adulthood. AJ Glenn, KA Fielding, J Chen, EM Comelli, WE Ward Nutrients 6 (9), 3847-3862, 2014.

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In 2012

Higher Bifidobacteria counts in male offspring exposed to supplemental levels of vitamin D in utero and during suckling in IBD prone mice. AJ Glenn, S Li, KA Fielding, JC Chen, EM Comelli, WE Ward The FASEB Journal 26, lb430-lb430, 2012.

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Vitamin D supplementation results in higher numbers of Clostridium coccoides in the feces of female but not male mice with intestinal inflammation. AJ Glenn, KA Fielding, JC Chen, EM Comelli, WE Ward The FASEB Journal 26, 830.1-830.1, 2012.

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Mo2018 Vitamin D Deficiency in Utero Through Adulthood Results in an Inflammation-Prone Colonic Gene Expression Profile in Healthy CD-1 Mice While IL-10 Knock-out Mice are Not .... R Jahani, AJ Glenn, KA Fielding, R Vieth, WE Ward, E Comelli Gastroenterology 5 (142), S-721, 2012.

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Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Intestinal Inflammation in Experimental Inflammatory Bowel Disease. A Glenn .

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Original Research Communications. A Crimarco, KM Cunanan, A Chang, CC Dant, JL Robinson, SH Kim, ... .

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Adherence to the Portfolio Diet is Associated with Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk in the Women's Health Initiative Study. AJ Glenn, K Lo, DJA Jenkins, BA Boucher, AJ Hanley, CWC Kendall, ... .

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