Andrea Pappas

Profile Picture of Andrea Pappas
Associate Professor`
Art History
Santa Clara University


  • PhD, Art History, University of Southern California

Research Interests

American Antiquarian Society   Material Culture, Material Cultures   Eighteenth Century Studies  

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Contact Information

  Dept. Art and Art History Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95053


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List of Publications (70)
In 2024

Chapel, Aaron Rosen and Annie Cohen-Solal, eds., Brepols Publishers. Spring 2024.

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In 2023

Book: Embroidering the Landscape: Art, Women, and the Environment, 1740-1770. Lund Humphries, Northern Lights Series, Walter S. Melion, series ed., 2023.

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Reader, Art Bulletin, (2023), Ars Judaica (2020), Panorama (2018), Artl@s Bulletin (2018), Archives of American Art Journal (2018), Art Journal (2017, 2020), American Art (2017), Modern Jewish Studies (2007-present), Art History Pedagogy and Practice, (2016, 2017, 2021, 2022), Religion and the Arts, (2010).

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In 2022

Encyclopedia Entries "George Segal." Allgemeines Ku nstlerlexikon: Die Bildenden Ku nstler aller Zeiten und Vo lker, Be ne dicte Savoy, Andreas Beyeer, and Wolf Tegethofff, eds. Berlin, De Gruyter. (Successor to Thieme-Becker) 2022.

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"'My Will and Pleasure:' Art and Enslavement in Two Massachusetts Embroideries,1756-1758" American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. St. Louis, March 9-12, 2022.

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In 2021

Panorama, Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art (7.1) Spring 2021 "Diana Linden, Ben Shahn's New Deal Murals: Jewish Identity in the American Scene." (Book review). Public Art Dialogue 7. No. 2 (November 2017): 257-258.

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"Botanizing the (Embroidered) Landscape: Women's Knowledge of Nature in British North America" Flyover Texts panel at the 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. St. Louis, MO. March 19-21, 2020. (Conference held online in 2021 due to Covid-19)

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In 2020

"Embroidered Landscapes and Women's Hidden Knowledge of Nature in British North America" Textile Society of America, 17th Biennial Symposium: Hidden Stories/Human Lives. Boston, October 15-17, 2020. Symposium held online due to COVID-19.

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In 2018

"An Ecology of Vision: Eighteenth-Century Needlework, Globally-Sourced Artifacts, and Representational Systems." Association of Historians of American Art Fourth Biennial Symposium, October 4-6, 2018, Minneapolis-St. Paul.

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"SOTL: Looking Forward" closing keynote talk, College Art Association Education Committee Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Bootcamp, CAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 2018.

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In 2017

"Through the Eye of the Needle: The Visual Systems in Embroidered Landscapes." Omohundro Institute for Early American History and Culture. Ann Arbor, MI. June 2017.

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"Embroidering the Landscape: Eighteenth-Century Pastoral Needlework-An Environmental History Perspective." William and Mary Quarterly-Early Modern Studies Institute 12th Annual Workshop: "Early American Environmental Histories." Huntington Library, Los Angeles. May 18-20, 2017.

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"'The Natural Embroidery of the Meadows:' Needlework Landscapes 1740-1770, an Ecocritical Reading." Society of Early Americanists Tenth Biennial Meeting, Tulsa, OK. March 2-4, 2017.

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Hugh's College, Oxford, UK. January 4-7, 2017.

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In 2016

Editor's introduction: "Configuring and Contesting Jewish Identities in the Visual Field." Modern Jewish Studies: Special Issue on Jewish Art and Culture. March 2016.

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"'Each Wise Nymph that Angles for a Heart': The Politics of Courtship in the Boston 'Fishing Lady' Pictures." Winterthur Portfolio 48, No. 1 (2015); 1-27. Recipient, 2016 Robert C. Smith Award for the best article on the decorative arts, published in English, in 2015.

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Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 9, No. 1 (March 2016):174-175.

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"Embroidery and the Limits of Art History." Winterthur Biennial Needlework Conference: Embroidery as Art, Winterthur Museum and Library, Wilmington, DE. October 14-15, 2016. (Invited paper)

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In 2015

"Outside the Window: An Ecocritical Look at Early American Embroideries." University of Delaware, History Department Workshop Series. Wilmington, DE. October 18, 2015. (Invited paper).

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"SoTL: What Difference Does It Make?" Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn: Developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Art History (College Art Association Education Committee session), College Art Association Annual Meeting, New York, February 11-14, 2015.

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Advisory Board Member, Art History Pedagogy and Practice. E-journal supported by AHTR and the Kress Foundation. 2015-present.

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In 2014

"In Search of a Jewish Audience: New York's Guild Art Gallery, 1935-1937" Journal of American Jewish History 98, Vol. 4 (2014): 263-288.

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In 2013

"No. 5/No. 22." Yale Initiative for the Study of the Material and Visual Cultures of Religion. 2013

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"Applying Metalearning: Using Master Metaphors to Teach Transfer." (With Stephen Carroll) Lilly Conference: College and University Teaching and Learning. Traverse City, MI. Oct. 17-20, 2013.

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"Two Birds/One Stone: A Course-Assessment Instrument that Measures Progress Toward Department Learning Objectives." (With Stephen Carroll). Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. Bethesda, MD. May 30-June 2, 2013.

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In 2011

"Seeing the Homeless: Photography and Self-Determination" essay in Changing the Face of Homelessness. De Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University. July 29-December 4, 2011.

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"Overtaking the Avant-Garde: Marketing Middle-Brow Modern Art in the 1930s." The Space Between Society: Literature and Culture 1914-1945. Montreal, (McGill University). June 16-18, 2011

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In 2008

Eye on the Sixties, Vision, Body, and Soul: Selections from the Collections of Harry W. and Mary Margaret Anderson. (Essayist and curator). Exh. Cat., de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University, February 2-June 15, 2008.

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Teaching Art History with Technology: Reflections and Case Studies, contributing co-editor with Kelly Donahue-Wallace and Laetitia La Follette. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. "Introduction," Course Management Software and Collaborative Teaching," Co-authored with Stephen Carroll and Dolores laGuardia.

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"Combined Resource Teaching: How Technology can Improve Student Learning" Illuminating Learning, Accrediting Quality, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Academic Resource Conference (WASC Annual Meeting) San Diego, CA. April 16-19, 2008. (With Stephen Carroll)

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In 2007

"Haunted Abstraction: Mark Rothko, Witnessing and the Holocaust in 1942" Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 6, No.2 (July 2007): 167-183.

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"Beyond Modernist Histories: Rethinking the Marketplace for American Modernist Art." Depolarizing American Modernism, 1915-1940. Annual Meeting, CAA, February 14-17, 2007.

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Editorial Board, Modern Jewish Studies. 2007-present.

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In 2006

"Mark Rothko's Antigone and its Christological Sources." Annual meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego, CA. December 17-19, 2006.

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In 2005

"Haunted Abstraction: Mark Rothko, Witnessing, and the Holocaust in 1942." Centrifugal Forces: Problems and Issues in Holocaust Art, Annual Meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies, Washington, D.C, December 2005.

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In 2004

"Invisible Points of Departure: Reading Rothko's Christological Imagery" Journal of American Jewish History 92, No. 4 (December 2004): 401-436.

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In 2003

"Painting in the Subjunctive Mode: Inez Storer and the Art of Possibilities." Essay for exhibition catalog, Theatrical Realism: The Art of Inez Storer, A Retrospective. De Saisset Museum, Santa Clara, CA. October-December 2003. (In conjunction with concurrent exhibitions, Inez Storer: Recent Work at Villa Montalvo and Inez Storer: The Legacy at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art), traveled to the National Museum of Jewish History, Philadelphia.

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"Post-Natural Eco-Systems: Technological Interventions in the California Landscape." Peer-reviewed panel, "Western Landscapes." Proceedings, 2002 Meeting, Southwest/Texas chapters of the American Culture Association/Popular Culture Association. Albuquerque, NM. October 2003

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"For Love or Money: A Case Study of a 'Gatekeeper' Gallery." Making Art Make History, College Art Association Annual Meeting, New York. February 19-22, 2003.

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Invited paper, "Problems and Pitfalls in the Adaptation of Digital Technology to Art History Writing Assignments" (with Alice Christ, University of Kentucky). Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology, College Art Association Annual Meeting, New York, February 2003.

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In 2002

"The Picture at Menorah Journal: Making 'Jewish Art.'" Journal of American Jewish History 90, No. 3 (September 2002): 205-238. Leo Wasserman Prize for best publication in the JAJH for 2002.

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March-30 June 2002. (Ten other venues on a three-year national tour through ExhibitsUSA).

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Kristen Swinth, Painting Professionals: Women Artists and the Development of Modern American Art, 1870-1930. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 2001. Gender and American Culture Series; Thadious M. Davis and Linda K. Kerber, eds. Reviewed for H-SHGAPE (listserv for the Society for the History of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era). September 2002.

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In 2001

"Patrolling the Borders: Gender Analysis in a Transcultural Artistic Context." Proceedings, Miradas Cruzadas/Dual Visions: Coloquio Binacional de Arte Contempora neo Pintoras Chicanas y Mexicanas. Centro Cultural Santo Domingo, Oaxaca, Mexico. Oct. 26-Nov. 1, 2001.

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In 1997

"The Crucified Jew: Considering Mark Rothko's War-time Pictures in the Light of Jewish Identity." Constructions of the Human. California State University, Stanislaus. October 17-19, 1997.

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"Making Jewish Art in America: Abstraction, Mark Rothko, and the Construction of Jewish-American Artistic Identity." Transnational, National, and Regional Cultures in an International Age. Great Lakes American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Bloomington, IN, March 7-8, 1997.

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"Technology and Collaborative Learning: Towards a New Pedagogical Frame for Art History." Learning Digitally: Glossy Gadgets or 21st-Century Chalk? College Art Association Committee on Electronic Information. CAA Annual Meeting, New York City, February 12-15, 1997.

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Lectures and Workshops "Should We or Shouldn't We? Considering the World Wide Web and Teaching Art History in an Institutional Setting." Walker Art Gallery, Minneapolis, MN. October 3, 1997.

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In 1996

"Making Jewish Art in America: Menorah Journal and the Construction of Jewish-American Artistic Identity." Art Historians of Southern California, UCLA, November 16, 1996.

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"Wo lfflin meets Nintendo: New Technology and New Teaching Methods for Art History." From Medieval Manuscript to CD-ROM: Re-examining Image, Text, and Performance. Department of French and Italian, University of California at Santa Barbara, February 16-17, 1996.

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Invited paper, "Wo lfflin Meets Nintendo: New Instructor-driven Challenges for Visual Resource Libraries." A Whole New World: New Image Technologies--Who Gets Custody? Art Libraries International Society (ARLIS) Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, Apr. 27-30, 1996.

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Invited paper, "From the 19th to the 21st Century in a Single Bound: Teaching an Art History Survey with Digital Technology." Digital Images Enter the Lecture Hall. Visual Resources Association (VRA) Annual Meeting, Boston, Feb. 21-24, 1996.

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Blog Post Assessing Teaching Art History with Digital Technology: Past, Present, and Future. CAA THATCamp Pre-Conference Camp. Faculty Development: Teaching Art History with Digital Technology: an Introduction. School of Fine Arts, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, June-July 1996.

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"Surf's Up! Art History, the World Wide Web, and the Virtually Virtual Classroom." ArtTable 1996

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Symposium, Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles. Nov. 18, 1996.

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"Wo lfflin Meets Nintendo: Technology, Teaching, and Art History." Humanities Research Institute, University of California at Irvine. Irvine, CA. May 21, 1996. (revised from ARLIS paper above)

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In 1994

"Art History and Education by Stephen Addiss and Mary Erickson." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52, No. 4 (Fall 1994): 486-487.

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In 1992

"Observations on the Ancestor Cycle of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling." Source: Notes in the History of Art 11, No. 2 (Winter 1992), pp. 27-31.

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"Ovidian Manners: Hendrick Goltzius and the Metamorphoses." Hendrick Goltzius and the Classical Tradition. Exh. cat., March 11-April 25, 1992. The Fisher Gallery, USC, Los Angeles.

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In 1991

"John McCracken." Finish Fetish: LA's Cool School. Exh. cat., March 13-April 20, 1991. The Fisher Gallery, USC, Los Angeles.

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"'At My Will and Pleasure': Art and Enslavement in Massachusetts Embroidered Pictures" (article)

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American Women in the Visual Arts, 300 Years (book project)

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"Field Update: Studies on Jewish American Art" Tulane University Grant Center for the American Jewish Experience. (Invited essay)

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"Tradition and Innovation at the Poindexter Gallery," The Most Difficult Journey: The Poindexter Collections of American Modernist Painting. Ex. Cat., Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT. 23

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"Katherine Manthorne, Restless Enterprise: The Art and Life of Eliza Pratt Greatorex (book review)

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"Samantha Baskind, Jewish Artists and the Bible in Twentieth-Century America." (Book review)

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American art, women and the visual arts, contemporary art, cultural studies, New York School.

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"Sewn in Place: Eighteenth-Century Embroidered Landscapes, Enslavement, and Settler Colonialism" The Material Cultures of Landscape, 112th Annual Meeting of the College Art Association.

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"Embroidering the Landscape: An Ecocritical Approach to Early American Pastorally-Themed Embroidered Pictures. British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 46th Annual Meeting, St.

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"A Prototype for Undergraduate Learning at University of Southern California: An Integrated, Digital Art History Survey." New Learning Communities Workshop, Coalition for Networked Information.

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