Annalisa L. Raymer

Profile Picture of Annalisa L. Raymer
Director of Lifelong Learning (CLASP) and Lecturer
Development Sociology
Cornell University


  • PhD, Cornell University, Independent Doctorate combining Adult Education, Sociology, Anthropology, Evaluation and Community Planning. Department of Policy Analysis & Management.
  • MPS, Cornell University, Community and Rural Development.
  • MLS, University of Kentucky, Library and and Information Science
  • BA, Berea College, English Literature

Research Interests

Facilitative Teaching   Democracy, Learning and Education   Design Process  

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Annalisa L. Raymer’s adventuresome background includes community organizing and leadership development in Appalachia and Alaska, teaching seminarians as well as kindergarteners, and process design. A member of the Development Sociology department at Cornell University, Dr. Raymer teaches community-engaged courses in Adult, Community & Leadership Learning. Her students apply their studies in real-world settings by: a) partnering with adult learners for educational mentoring and mutual growth, and, b) planning and offering professional development and community education. Additionally, Annalisa directs Cornell’s adult lifelong learning program, the Community Learning and Service Partnership, CLASP. Her research interests include global education and learning cities; public life and democratic placemaking; media and identity; theory articulation in emergent research; and design + evaluation. Dr. Raymer consults in organizational culture change, faculty development, teacher continuing education, instructional design, and community capacity-building.


Contact Information

  Cornell University Development Sociology | Education Warren Hall Room 234, 137 Reservoir Ave, Ithaca, NY 14853-7801 USA

  1+( 607) 255.4673

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List of Publications (1)

& Proceedings Appalachian Identities: Identity, Place and Representation University of Alaska, Anchorage; College of Health & Social Welfare

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