Ashley Holland

Profile Picture of Ashley Holland
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Psychology Department Undergraduate
Edgewood College


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Research Interests

Developmental Psychology   Clinical Psychology   Educational Psychology  

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My research has mainly focused on understanding how early experiences with caregivers influence later experiences in the context of romantic relationships. More specifically, my research is guided by Bowlby's attachment theory which provides a framework for understanding how early experiences may be important later in life. By understanding how early experiences are related to later experiences we can begin to identify developmental pathways that lead to the ability to establish and maintain successful romantic relationships, a major developmental task of adolescence and young adulthood.


Contact Information

  (608) 663-4159

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List of Publications (13)
In 2014

ChildMother Attachment Security and Child Characteristics as Joint Contributors to Young Children's Coping in a Challenging Situation. Nancy L. McElwain, Ashley S. Holland, Jennifer M. Engle, Maria S. Wong, Helen T. Emery

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Getting Acquainted: Actor and Partner Effects of Attachment and Temperament on Young Children's Peer Behavior. Nancy L McElwain, Ashley S Holland, Jennifer M Engle, Brian G Ogolsky

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In 2013

Maternal and Paternal Perceptions of Coparenting as a Link Between Marital Quality and the Parent-Toddler Relationship. Ashley S Holland, Nancy L McElwain

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Interpersonal and Genetic Origins of Adult Attachment Styles: A Longitudinal Study From Infancy to Early Adulthood. R Chris Fraley, Glenn I Roisman, Cathryn Booth-Laforce, Margaret Tresch Owen, Ashley S Holland

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In 2012

Autonomic Arousal and Relational Aggression in Heterosexual Dating Couples. Dianna Murray-Close, Ashley S Holland, Glenn I Roisman

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Attachment styles in dating couples: Predicting relationship functioning over time. ASHLEY S. HOLLAND, R. CHRIS FRALEY, GLENN I. ROISMAN

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In 2011

Child Anger Proneness Moderates Associations Between Child-Mother Attachment Security and Child Behavior With Mothers at 33 Months. Nancy L McElwain, Ashley S Holland, Jennifer M Engle, Maria S Wong

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Attachment States of Mind and the Quality of Young Adults' Sibling Relationships. Keren Fortuna, Glenn I Roisman, Katherine C Haydon, Ashley M Groh, Ashley S Holland

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In 2010

Adult attachment security and young adults' dating relationships over time: self-reported, observational, and physiological evidence.. Ashley S Holland, Glenn I Roisman

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In 2008

Big Five personality traits and relationship quality: Self-reported, observational, and physiological evidence. Ashley S. Holland, Glenn I. Roisman

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Adult romantic relationships as contexts of human development: A multimethod comparison of same-sex couples with opposite-sex dating, engaged, and married dyads. Glenn I Roisman, Eric Clausell, Ashley Holland, Keren Fortuna, Chryle Elieff

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In 2007

The Adult Attachment Interview and self-reports of attachment style: an empirical rapprochement.. Glenn I Roisman, Ashley Holland, Keren Fortuna, R Chris Fraley, Eric Clausell, Alexis Clarke

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In 2006

An experimental manipulation of retrospectively defined earned and continuous attachment security. Glenn I Roisman, Keren Fortuna, Ashley Holland

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