Audrey Hickert

Profile Picture of Audrey Hickert
Assistant Professor
School of Criminal Justice
University of Cincinnati


  • PhD, Criminal Justice, University at Albany

Research Interests

Criminal Justice   Community Corrections   Jail  

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I joined the University of Cincinnati faculty in the School of Criminal Justice in the fall of 2023 after four years at Southern Illinois University. My research interests span post-conviction justice interventions, with a focus on understanding the mechanisms that affect the life-course trajectories of individuals. I developed my research focus while conducting program and policy analysis at the Utah Criminal Justice Center (2003-2014) and during my graduate training at the University at Albany (SUNY) (2014-2019).


Contact Information

  2610 University Circle 650F Teachers-Dyer Complex Cincinnati, OH 45221


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List of Publications (51)
In 2024

Hickert, A., Shi, L., *Shaw, O. P., & Yan, S. (2024). Do direct and courtesy prison stigma hinder support for a startup business? A vignette experiment. Under review at Criminal Justice and Behavior.

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Silver, J., Shi, L., & Hickert, A. (2024). Stigmatizing "evildoers": How beliefs about evil and public stigma explain criminal justice policy preferences. Psychology, Crime and Law. Online first June 2024. Permanent link:

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Hickert, A., Pleggenkuhle, B., & Huebner, B. (2024). Changing places: The role of household and community context in long-term patterns of recidivism. Justice Quarterly. Online first March 2024. Permanent link:

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Hickert, A., Shi, L., & Silver, J. (2024) Is compassion the flip side of punitiveness? Incorporating COVID-19 crisis in experimental vignettes to examine support for visitation & vaccination in prison. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 20(1), 1-22. Online first June 2022. Permanent link:

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Hickert, A. (2024, May). Prisons as a turning point: Looking for the impact of change on change. Scientific Lecture Series, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security, and Law. Freiburg, Germany.

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Hickert, A. (2024, May). Mixture modeling: A practical approach to analyzing administrative data. Methods Workshop, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security, and Law. Freiburg, Germany.

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In 2023

Pleggenkuhle, P., Hickert, A., Kroner, D., *Christensen, S., *Cyrus, A., *Gerry, T., *Lockett, L, *Peralta, Y., *Saldana, B., & *Wade, K. (2023). R3 Outcome Evaluation Report for Southern Illinois. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.

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In 2022

Shi, L., Silver, J., & Hickert, A. (2022). Conceptualizing and measuring public stigma towards people with prison records. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49(11), 1676-1698. Online first July 2022. Permanent link:

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Hickert, A., Bushway, S. D., Harding, D. J., & Morenoff, J. D. (2022). Prior punishments and cumulative disadvantage: How supervision status impacts prison sentences. Criminology, 60(1), 27-59. Online first October 2021. Permanent link:

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Hickert, A. (2022). Maintaining external connections during incarceration: Latent class analysis of visitors for women and men in prison. Crime & Delinquency, 68(6-7), 1093-1121. Online first August 2021. Permanent link:

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Kroner, D., Pleggenkuhle, P., Hickert, A., *Lockett, L., *Meyer, M., Phillips, C., *Saldana, B., *Wade, K., & West, N. (2022). R3 Process Evaluation Report for Southern Illinois. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.

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In 2021

Hickert, A., Bushway, S. B., Nieuwbeerta, P., & Dirkzwager, A. (2021). Confinement as a two-stage turning point: Do changes in identity or social structure predict subsequent changes in criminal activity? Criminology, 59(1), 73-108. Online first November 2020. Permanent link:

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In 2019

Hickert, A., Palmen, J. M. H., Dirkzwager, A., & Nieuwbeerta, P. (2019). Receiving social support after short-term confinement: How support pre- and during-confinement contribute. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 56(4), 563-604.

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Hickert, A. (2019, September). Prison Visits and Reentry Social Support: Exploring Dimensions and Outcomes in New York and the Netherlands. 4th Annual Utah Criminal Justice Conference. West Valley City, UT.

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In 2018

Hickert, A., Tahamont, S., & Bushway, S. (2018). A tale of two margins: Exploring the probabilistic processes that generate prison visits in the first two years of incarceration. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 34(3), 691-716.

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In 2014

Hickert, A., Worwood, E. B., Bradley, D. Prince, K.C., & Butters, R. P. (2014). Evaluation of Early Case Resolution (ECR): Year 2 report. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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In 2013

Hickert, A., Prince, K. C., Sarver, C. M., & Butters, R. P. (2013). Drug Offender Reform Act: DORA statewide report final report. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A., Worwood, E. B., & Prince, K. C. (2013). Pretrial release risk study, validation, & scoring: Final report. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A. (2013, September). Principles of effective interventions: Targeting offenders' dynamic needs. Utah Fall Substance Abuse Conference. St. George, UT.

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In 2012

Hickert, A., Worwood, E. B., & Butters, R. P. (2012). Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC): Arrest/referral assessment. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A., Worwood, E. B., & Butters, R. P. (2012). Evaluation of Oxbow and Re-Entry. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Shdaimah, C., Martinez, S., Hickert, A. (2012, October). Story-ing the social justice profession: Tales from the field. Panel member on the University of Utah, College of Social Work's Social Justice Lecture Series: Allies for Equity. Salt Lake City, UT.

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In 2011

Hickert, A., Becker, E., Pro spero, M., & *Moleni, K. (2011). Impact of juvenile drug courts on drug use and criminal behavior. Journal of Juvenile Justice, 1(1), 60-77.

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Hickert, A., & Taylor, M. J. (2011). Supportive housing for addicted, incarcerated homeless. Journal of Social Service Research, 37(2), 136-151.

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Hickert, A., Worwood, E. B., & Butters, R. P. (2011). Evaluation of Utah Juvenile Court's implementation of the Carey Guides. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A., Becker, E., & Butters, R. P. (2011). Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) diversion assessment. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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In 2010

Byrnes, E. C., Hickert, A., & Kirchner, R. A. (2010). An outcome evaluation of Social Responsibility Training in the Jefferson Parish School District. Annapolis, MD: Glacier Consulting, Inc.

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Hickert, A., Becker, E., & Pro spero, M. (2010). Evaluation of the Homeless Assistance Rental Program. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A., Becker, E., & Pro spero, M. (2010). Evaluation of Pretrial Services. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A., Becker, E., & Pro spero, M. (2010). Evaluation of Utah Juvenile Drug Courts. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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In 2009

Hickert, A., Boyle, S. W., & Tollefson, D. R. (2009). Factors that predict drug court completion and drop out: Findings from an evaluation of Salt Lake County's Adult Felony Drug Court. Journal of Social Service Research, 35(2), 149-162.

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Hickert, A., Felt, D., & Chesnut, D. (2009, June). Lessons learned from the Drug Offender Reform Act pilot. The University of Utah 58th Annual School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies. Salt Lake City, UT.

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In 2008

Van Vleet, R. K., Hickert, A., Becker, E. E., & Kunz, C. (2008). Evaluation of the Salt Lake County Mental Health Court. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Hickert, A., & Pro spero, M. (2008). Norming the proxy risk assessment for Salt Lake County. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Utah Criminal Justice Center.

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Steadman, K., Kimball, J., McMillan, S., & Hickert, A. (2008, Oct). The Homeless Assistance Rental Program. Utah Fall Conference on Substance Abuse. Layton, UT.

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Hickert, A., & Becker, E. (2008, May). Does it make any difference? Outcomes of providing housing to homeless. 2008 National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials - Utah Annual Spring Conference. St. George, UT.

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In 2007

Byrnes, E. C., Hickert, A., & Kirchner, R. A. (2007). Process and outcome evaluation of the Grand County, Utah Adult Drug Court Program. Annapolis, MD: Glacier Consulting, Inc.

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In 2006

Lawson, H. A., Anderson-Butcher, D., Byrnes, E. C., Hickert, A., & Claiborne, N. (2006). A utilization-focused evaluation of Birth and Beyond. Albany, NY: State University of New York, Center for Human Services Research.

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In 2005

Van Vleet, R. K., Hickert, A., & Becker. E. E. (2005). Evaluation of the Salt Lake County Adult Felony Drug Court: Final report. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah, Criminal and Juvenile Justice Consortium.

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Fowles, R., Byrnes, E. C., & Hickert A. O. (2005). The cost of crime: A cost/benefit tool for analyzing Utah criminal justice program effectiveness. Salt Lake City, UT: Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice & University of Utah, Criminal and Juvenile Justice Consortium.

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Hickert, A., & Becker, E. (2005, June). Process and outcome evaluation: The Salt Lake County Adult Felony Drug Court experience. First Annual Utah Drug Court Conference. Park City, UT.

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In 2004

Byrnes, E. C., & Hickert, A., (2004). Process and outcome evaluation of the Third District Juvenile Drug Court in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Annapolis, MD: Glacier Consulting, Inc.

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In 2002

Francisco, V.T., Curie, C.J., Grassmeyer, K.V., & Hickert, A.O. (2002). Evaluation report on the State of Kansas State Incentive Cooperative Agreement (SICA) 1998 - 2001. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, Work Group on Health Promotion and Community Development.

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Courtesy stigma and housing instability: An experimental survey approach (with Luzi Shi, Olivia Shaw, Shi Yan)

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Public knowledge about Black Americans' criminal justice contact (with Leah Butler, J.Z. Bennett)

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Prison as a turning point: identity and social factors associated with changes in crime in the ROADS I cohort (with Rachel Novick, Ronet Bachman)

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Intersectional differences in the relationship between employment and desistance: A mixed methods analysis with ROADS I (with Rachel Novick)

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Using Oregon's Measure 11 reform to examine the causal impact of juvenile transfers to adult court on recidivism (with John Leverso)

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Examining employment dynamics: post-conviction experiences and changes (with Breanne Pleggenkuhle, Beth M. Huebner, Bailey Saldana*)

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Lee, H., Bennett, J.Z., & Hickert, A. (Eds.). Understanding desistance: Contemporary theoretical perspectives. Advances in Criminological Theory. Routledge. Delivery date March 15, 2025.

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Lee, H., Hickert, A., & Petrich, D. M. (forthcoming). Narrative identity and the desistance process. In H. Lee, J. Z. Bennett, & A. Hickert (Eds.), Understanding desistance: Contemporary theoretical perspectives. Advances in Criminological Theory. Routledge.

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