Bahram Nassersharif

Profile Picture of Bahram Nassersharif
Mechanical, Industrial, and Systems Engineering
University of Rhode Island


  • Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering

Research Interests

Computer Simulation   Mechanical Engineering Department   Nuclear Engineering Education  

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Contact Information

  University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881


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List of Publications (148)
In 2014

B. Nassersharif, C. Boyle, N. Cressman, K. Kossak, D. Pesapane, B. Stainken, Neutron Beam Port Interface Device, Transactions of American Nuclear Society, San Diego, California, 2014.

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In 2013

B. Nassersharif, Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in a Complex Porous Medium, Proceedings of Society for Computer Simulation, Toronto, Canada, 2013.

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In 2012

B. Nassersharif and L. A. Riley, Some Best Practices in Industry Sponsored Projects, Capstone Design Conference Proceedings 2012, Urbana, Illinois, 2012.

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B. Nassersharif, Cellular Automata Simulation of Neutron Transport, Proceedings of Society for Computer Simulation Autumn Conference, San Diego, California, 2012.

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In 2011

P. Brackin, D. Knudson, B. Nassersharif, and D. O'Bannon (, "Pedagogical Implications of Project Selection in Capstone Design Courses", The International Journal of Engineering Education (Vol. 27 No. 6 2011): 1164-117..

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In 2010

B. Nassersharif, "A Complementary Paradigm in the Era of Nuclear Engineering Education Renaissance", Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society, Winter 2010 meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.

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B. Nassersharif and C. Rousseau, Best Practices in Assessing Capstone Design Projects, Capstone Design Conference 2010, Boulder, Colorado, 2010.

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In 2009

B. Nassersharif, H. Knickle, T. Tehan, "A New Paradigm for Nuclear Engineering Education," American Society for Engineering Education Northeast Conference, University of Bridgeport, 2009.

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In 2008

B. Nassersharif, " Discovery-Based Learning Engineering Classroom," American Society for Engineering Education Zone I Conference, USMA at West Point, 2008.

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In 2003

L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, G. Garcia and J. Schaub, "An Automated Testing and Classification System For Identifying Defects in Nuclear Steam Generator Tubes Using a Learning Vector Quantization Neural Architecture," Proceedings, 2003 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC 2003), Orlando, FL (April 2003).

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In 2002

Programmatic Collaborated with the Departments of Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science to develop a new graduate minor in Modeling and Simulation to be first offered in fall 2002.

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In 2001

T. W. H. Caffey, B. Nassersharif, G. V. Garcia, P. R. Smith, R. P. Jedlicka, E. C. Hensel, "An In- Tube Radar for Detecting Defects in Thin-Walled Metal Tubes," 16th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 16), August 2001.

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E. Abu Nada and B. Nassersharif "Three-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Micro- Scale Fluid Mechanics," 2001 Military, Government, Aerospace Simulation Symposium, Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, April 2001.

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In 2000

Developed and executed a plan for implementation of changes necessary in department's educational activities for compliance with ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) 2000 accreditation requirements. Wrote and compiled the department's accreditation self-study document. Obtained flawless accreditation review for the department during the review conducted in Oct. 2000.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume E. Abu Nada and B. Nassersharif "Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Multi-Component Flows in a Porous Medium," Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, August 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Initiated the publication of the Bearings newsletter (with circulation of over 2000) reporting on student, faculty, staff, and other departmental activities. Alumni giving increased as a direct result of the publication of the newsletter.

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T. W. H. Caffey, B. Nassersharif, G. V. Garcia, P. R. Smith, R. P. Jedlicka, E. C. Hensel, "An In- Tube Radar for Detecting Cracks in Metal Tubing," Proceedings of Sixth EPRI Balance- of-Plant Heat Exchanger NDE Symposium, June 2000.

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L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Technology Infrastructure on Native Lands," Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration Denver Regional Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, July 2000.

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E. Abu Nada and B. Nassersharif "Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics Simulation of Fluid Flows inside Porous Medium," WM'00 Conference, February 27-March 2, 2000, Tucson, AZ.

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B. Nassersharif, "Computer-Assisted Instruction in Mechanical Engineering - A Public University Perspective," ASEE Gulf-Southwest 2000 Conference Proceedings, published on CD ROM, April 2000.

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Enhanced the department's educational activities by expanding and growing graduate distance education. Increased number of graduate distance education students from 10 in 1997 to over 80 in 2000. Worked collaboratively with the Department of Industrial Engineering and the School of Business to develop a cross-disciplinary curriculum in Manufacturing Engineering Minor.

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L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Specific Needs for Technology Infrastructure in Alaska," Department of Commerce Northwestern Regional Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, April 2000.

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E. Abu Nada and B. Nassersharif "Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Discrete Micro-Scale Fluid Mechanics in a Fractal Porous Medium," Presented at SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, June 12-15, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico State University Academic leader of the Mechanical Engineering Department at New Mexico State University, designated as a Carnegie Doctoral/Research University - Extensive. The department has 17 tenure track faculty, four non-tenure track faculty, 350 undergraduate students, and 70 graduate students. Operating annual budget of the department is $1.4 million. Research contracts in the department total over 3 million with an annual average expenditure rate of 1.5 million over 1997-2000. Total department's endowment is approximately $0.3 million with a current goal (as part of the comprehensive university development plan) to raise $10 million over the next five years.

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L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Commerce and the Digital Divide," Economic Development Administration National Conference, Albuquerque, NM, May 2000.

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In 1999

L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Assessment of Technology Infrastructure in Native Communities," U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, Report 99-07-13799, June 1999.

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L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Findings and Overview: Technology Infrastructure in Native Communities," Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Washington D.C., September 1999.

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L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Telecommunications Technology Infrastructure Constraints for Native Communities in the North West," National Libraries of Medicine Annual Conference, Seattle WA, October, 1999.

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L. A. Riley, B. Nassersharif, and J. Mullen, "Assessing Telecommunications Infrastructure in Native Communities," Digital Fire Council Conference, National Indian Telecommunications Institute, Albuquerque, NM, May 1999.

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In 1996

B. Nassersharif, "A Parallel Adaptive Method for Prediction of Long Term Temperatures in a Spent Nuclear Fuel Underground Repository," Proceedings of the 1996 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 1996.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume B. Nassersharif, "Enhanced Eigenvalue Acceleration Technique (EEAT) for Backpropagation Learning," Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN), INNS Press, 1996.

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B. Nassersharif, "Long Term Prediction of Far-Field Heat Conduction," with L. Ma, Proceedings of the International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, May 1996.

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In 1995

B. Nassersharif, R. Marciano, S. R. Ling, Y. K. Ho, and C. Edmonds, "High-Performance Computing Approaches for Using the WWW to Access a Large-Scale Environmental Dataset Repository," Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference, CD-ROM, Dec. 1995.

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In 1994

B. Nassersharif and P. Sadhu, "Eigenvalue Acceleration Technique for Back Propagation Neural Networks," Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, June 5-9, 1994.

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B. Nassersharif, R. Marciano, M. Y. Au, D. Worthy, and D. Yuan, "A Prototype of a Public Remote Access Site for NALC Remote Sensing Data," Proceedings of Conference on Computing in Environmental Management, Air & Waste Management Association, November 30 - Dec. 2, 1994, Raleigh, North Carolina.

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B. Nassersharif and T. Rajitha, "Application of the G2 Expert System Shell to Design of a Heat Transfer Subsystem," Gensym Users Society Worldwide Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 4-6, 1994.

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B. Nassersharif, D. Ence, and M. Au, "Visualization of Evolution of Genetic Algorithms," Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, June 5-9, 1994.

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D. Yuan, B. Nassersharif, and D. Worthy, "Progress Towards An Intelligent Image Classification System Using Both Remotely Sensed and Digital Elevation Model Data," Proceedings of Conference on Computing in Environmental Management, Air & Waste Management Association, November 30 - Dec. 2, 1994, Raleigh, North Carolina.

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In 1993

B. Nassersharif and V. Rajan, "Automated Training of Backpropagation Neural Networks Using a Real-Time Expert System," Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, July 11-15, 1993.

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M. J. Gaeta and B. Nassersharif, "A Stochastic Cellular Automata Model for Neutron Transport," Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 113 No. 1 (1993).

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In 1992

B. Nassersharif, "Science and Engineering at the Texas A&M University Supercomputer Center," International Journal of Supercomputing Applications, 6(1) (1992).

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B. Nassersharif, "Computational Mechanics - A University Perspective (The Role of Supercomputers in Engineering," 113th ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, November 8-13, 1992.

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In 1991

B. Nassersharif and V. Rajan, "Intelligent Automated Training of Back Propagation Neural Networks," Proceedings of AI91: Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry, September 15-18, 1991, Jackson, Wyoming.

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B. Nassersharif and M. J. Gaeta, "Compact Reactor Design Automation," Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems," vol. 3, pp. 1138-1144, January 1991.

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B. Nassersharif and Jogen Pathak, "A Rule-Based Approach to Model-Based Fault Diagnosis Expert System," Proceedings of AI91: Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry, September 15-18, 1991, Jackson, Wyoming.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume B. Nassersharif, J. S. Peery, and S. Behling, "Comparison of Three-Dimensional Fine and Course Nodalization of the Reactor Vessel for a Small-Break Loss of Coolant Accident," Nuclear Technology, 94(1), 28-43 (1991).

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B. Nassersharif and V. Rajan, "Intelligent Automated Training of Back Propagation Neural Networks," G2 Users Conference, GenSym Corporation, Houston, Texas, March 5, 1991.

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S. G. Parmekar, B. Nassersharif, and G. Huang, "Frontiers in Parallel Computing," edited by Vijay Bhatkar, Anirban Basu, Sharad C. Purohit, and Kiran M. Rege. Vedams Books International, New Dehli, 1991. "Implementation of Fast Parallel Textured Algorithm on Parallel Computers and Application to Numerical Solution of Diffusion Equation." Page 26 of 44

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M. G. Portal, and B. Nassersharif, "A Fuzzy Paradigm for Nuclear System Redesign - Steps Towards an Artificially Intelligent Design System," Proceedings of AI91: Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry, September 15-18, 1991, Jackson, Wyoming.

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M. J. Gaeta and B. Nassersharif, "A Cellular Automata Model for Neutron Transport," Proceedings of Advances in Mathematics, Computations, and Reactor Physics, April 28-May 1, 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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B. Nassersharif and J. Pathak, "An Accelerated Learning Method for the Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Network Paradigm," Proceedings of AI91: Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry, September 15-18, 1991, Jackson, Wyoming.

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In 1990

R. O. Griffith and B. Nassersharif, "A Comparison of a One-Dimensional Interface-Following and Enthalpy Method Numerical Solution for the Phase Change of Lithium," Journal of Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, vol. 18, pp. 169-187, 1990.

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B. Nassersharif, "Book Review: Nuclear Engineering Data Bases, Standards, and Numerical Analysis," Journal of Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 19(2), 197-202 (1990).

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume R. P. Martin and B. Nassersharif, "A Best-Estimate Paradigm for Diagnosis of Multiple-Failure Transients in Nuclear Power Plants Using Artificial Intelligence," Nuclear Technology, 91 (3), 297-310 (1990).

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S. G. Parmekar, G. Huang, and B. Nassersharif, "Implementation of Fast Parallel Textured Algorithm on Parallel Computers and Application to Numerical Solution of Diffusion Equation," PARACOM 90, December 11-15, 1990, Pune, India.

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In 1989

B. Nassersharif, "Describing Function Method Applied to the Solution of Nonlinear Heat Conduction Equation," Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 102, No. 4, pp. 408-422, August 1989.

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B. Nassersharif, R. P. Martin, M. G. Portal, and M. J. Gaeta, "An Intelligent Design Methodology for Nuclear Power Systems," ANS Transactions, Vol. 59, pp. 272-273, 1989.

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B. Nassersharif, M. G. Portal, and M. J. Gaeta, "Heuristic Decision Model for Intelligent Nuclear Power Systems Design," ANS Transactions, Vol. 60, pp. 189-190, 1989.

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In 1988

Bahram Nassersharif Resume B. Nassersharif, J. S. Peery, and M. D. DeHart, "Transient Modelling of Space Reactor Systems," 5th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power, January 10-14, 1988.

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B. Nassersharif and R. P. Martin, "CATALisp - An Expert System for Real Time Diagnosis of Multiple-Failure Transients in Pressurized Water Reactors," ANS Transactions, Vol. 56, pp. 280-281, 1988.

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B. Nassersharif, M. D. DeHart, and J. S. Peery, "Prediction of SP-100 Transient Performance Using CENTAR," ANS Transactions, Vol. 56, pp. 491-492, 1988.

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B. Nassersharif and M. D. DeHart, "An Advanced Highly Vectorized Heat Transfer Model," Proceedings of the 1988 National Heat Transfer Meeting, 1988, pp. 313-317.

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B. Nassersharif and R. P. Martin, "CATALisp - An Expert System for Real-Time Diagnosis of Multiple-Failure Transients in Nuclear Power Plants," 1988 National Heat Transfer Meeting.

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B. Nassersharif and R. P. Martin, "Artificial Intelligence and other Innovative Computer Applications in the Nuclear Industry," Plenum Press, 1988. "A Deep Knowledge Expert System for Diagnosis and Analysis of Reactor Transients," pp. 281-288.

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B. Nassersharif, J. S. Peery, and M. D. DeHart, "Transient Simulation of Space Reactor Systems," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Supercomputing (1988), Vol. I, pp. 378-384.

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B. Nassersharif and R. O. Griffith, "Modeling of the SP-100 Reactor System," Second Symposium on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, April 6, 1988.

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B. Nassersharif, J. S. Peery and M. D. DeHart, "Highly Vectorized Algorithm for Transient Simulation of Space Reactor Systems," Proceedings of Supercomputing 88, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 393-399, November 1988.

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B. Nassersharif and R. O. Griffith, "Determination of Surface Temperatures for SP-100 type Reactor Systems as a Function of Orbital Position," Second Symposium on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, April 6, 1988.

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B. Nassersharif and Richard O. Griffith, "Transient Modelling of Space Reactor Systems," Proceedings of the 23rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 681-684, 1988.

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In 1987

B. Nassersharif, "Science and Engineering on Cray Supercomputers," edited by John E. Aldag, Cray Research, Inc., 1987. "CENTAR - A Highly Vectorized Code for Analysis of Space Reactor Systems," pp. 363-378.

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B. Nassersharif, R. O. Griffith, C. A. Beard, and D. L. Archer, "A Feasibility and Performance Study of Nonchemical Propulsion Concepts," Case for Mars III, July 18-22, 1987, Boulder, Colorado.

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F. R. Best, J. S. Peery, and B. Nassersharif, "Heat Pipe Rapid Transient Modeling," AIAA Meeting, Houston, Texas, May 1987.

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B. Nassersharif and Robert P. Martin, "Expert System for Diagnosis of Reactor Transients Using Confidence Levels," ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 1987, Dallas, Texas.

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B. Nassersharif, "TRAC Analysis of Multiple-Failure Steam Generator Tube Rupture Events in Pressurized Water Reactors," International Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Operations, Chicago, Illinois, August 31-September 2, 1987.

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B. Nassersharif and R. O. Griffith, "Space Station Power Requirements," Case for Mars III, July 18-22, 1987, Boulder, Colorado.

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B. Nassersharif, R. O. Griffith, J. S. Peery, M. D. DeHart, D. Carpenter, J. K. Thomas, D. Palmrose, J. Krohn, and D. Sunderland, "Development of a Space Reactor Systems Code at Texas A&M University," ANS Annual Meeting, June 7-11, 1987, Dallas, Texas.

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B. Nassersharif, "TRAC Analyses of Multiple-Failure Steam Generator Tube Rupture Events in Pressurized Water Reactors," International Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Operation, August 30- September 3, 1987.

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B. Nassersharif and J. S. Peery, "Code for Extended Nonlinear Transient Analysis of Extraterrestrial Reactors," AIAA Meeting, Houston, Texas, May 1987.

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In 1986

Pressurized Water Reactors," International ANS/ENS Meeting on Thermal Reactor Safety, February 2-6, 1986, San Diego, California, Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-85-4145.

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In 1985

B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of Multiple Tube Ruptures in Both Steam Generators for the Three Mile Island-1 Pressurized Water Reactor," Third International Meeting on Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, October 15-18, 1985, Newport, Rhode Island.

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Los Alamos Unclassified Reports B. Nassersharif, "Rapid-Response Analysis of the Davis-Besse Loss-of-Feedwater event on June 9, 1985," Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-85-3083, LA-UR- 86-205, and LA-UR-86-1782.

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B. Nassersharif, "Alternate Steam Generator Tube Rupture Mitigation Strategies for the Three Mile Island Unit 1 During a Loss-of-Offsite Power," 23rd ASME/AIChE/ANS National Heat Transfer Conference, August 4-7, 1985, Denver, Colorado, Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-85-355.

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In 1984

B. Nassersharif, "Interfacing Systems Loss-of-Coolant Accident in Oconee-1 Pressurized Water Reactor," ANS Winter Meeting, November 11-16, 1984, Washington, D.C., Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-84-2640.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume B. Nassersharif, "Interfacing Systems Loss-of-Coolant Accident in Oconee-1 Pressurized Water Reactor," Twelfth Water Reactor Safety Research Information Meeting, October 22-26, 1984, Gaithersburg, Maryland, NUREG/CP-0058, Vol. 3, Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-84-2077.

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Pressurized Water Reactors During Shutdown," ANS Winter Meeting, November 11- 16, 1984, Washington, D.C., Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-84- 2102.

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In 1983

B. Nassersharif, "Combined Steam Generator Tube Rupture and Loss of Feedwater Transients for the Zion-1 PWR," November 1983, Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-83-3251.

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In 1982

B. Nassersharif, "Describing Function Theory in Application to Thermal and Neutronic Problems," Oregon State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, OSU-NE- 8304, 1982.

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B. Nassersharif and A. H. Robinson, "Dynamic Display of Monte Carlo Simulation Using High Resolution Graphics," ANS Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, June 1982.

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In 1980

B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of Fuel Pin Temperature Using Describing Functions (Annular Fuel Pellets)," Oregon State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, OSU-NE-8006, 1980.

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the achievement of the outstanding alumni of the College of Engineering.

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B. Nassersharif, and Michael Gaeta, "Compact Reactor Design Automation", TAMU-TEES- NSCL-90-33.

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B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of Multiple-Tube Ruptures in Both Steam Generators for the Three Mile Island-1 Pressurized Water Reactor," Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-85-1404.

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James Peery and B. Nassersharif, "TRAC Interactive Graphics System (TIGS) User's Manual", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-05.

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NUREG/CR Reports J. F. Dearing, R. J. Henninger, and B. E. Boyack, and B. Nassersharif "Dominant Accident Sequences in Oconee-1 Pressurized Water Reactor," NUREG/CR-4140, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-10351-MS.

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S. G. Parmekar, B. Nassersharif, G. Huang, "Implementation of Fast Parallel Textured Algorithm on Parallel computers and Application to Numerical Solution of Diffusion Equation", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-89-15.

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V. Rajan and B. Nassersharif, "Automated Intelligent Training of Backpropagation Neural Networks", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-35.

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B. Nassersharif, M. G. Portal, and M. J. Gaeta, "Intelligent Computer-Aided Engineering and Design: Phase I - Final Report", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-89-14.

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B. Nassersharif, G. McKaskle, Rajesh Godbole, and Matthew Howe, "TRAC-PF1 Movie Generator (TMG) User's Manual", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-07.

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B. Nassersharif, Jogen Pathak, and Asit Kini, "A Rule Based Approach to Model-Based Fault Diagnostic Expert Systems", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-43.

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B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of Steam-Generator Tube-Rupture Events Combined with Auxiliary- Feedwater Control-System Failure for Three Mile Island Unit 1 and Zion Unit 1

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B. Nassersharif, Mukund Wadekar, and Marilyn Gaeta, "CENTAR Material Properties", TAMU- TEES-NSCL-91-36.

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Numeric/Symbolic Computations Laboratory Technical Reports Carole Chantal Guyot and B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of Small-Break LOCA Transients Combined with Complete Loss-of-Feedwater Accidents for the South Texas Project Plant Using TRAC-PF1/MOD1", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-87-01.

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B. Nassersharif, "Unmitigated Boron Dilution Events in Oconee-1, Calvert Cliffs-1, and Zion-1

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Francoise Berge, B. Nassersharif, and Marilyn Gaeta, "CENTAR Model for the TOPAZ II Space Nuclear Power System", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-38.

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Drove change in curriculum and teaching methods by encouraging faculty and reexamination of curriculum topics and including constituency assessment, employer surveys, and modern and best practices in the discipline.

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Created an endowment fund by obtaining matching federal dollars ($360,000 over five years) for a chaired professorship in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

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B. Nassersharif, "Alternate Steam Generator Tube Rupture Mitigation Strategies for the Three Mile Island Unit 1 During a Loss-of-Offsite Power" Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-85-182 and LA-UR-84-355.

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B. Nassersharif, Michael Gaeta, and Trae Chancellor, "Cellular Automata Simulation of the LACEF Swiss Cheese Sub-Critical Experiment", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-41.

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Developed plans, obtained funding, and implemented wireless networking in Jett Hall, Cat-5 wired networks to all offices and laboratories, wired graduate student work areas and desks.

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B. Nassersharif and V. Rajan, "Intelligent Automated Training of Backpropagation Neural Networks", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-44.

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Visited with prospective donors including alumni and corporations to increase the departmental endowment and annual fund raising levels.

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James Peery and B. Nassersharif, "TRAC Interactive Graphics System (TIGS) Design Document", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-09.

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Developed plans, obtained funding, and implemented a mobile technology classroom project (wireless notebooks on a mobile wireless cart).

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Developed proposals and obtained funding through NSF for technology infrastructure enhancement through collaboration with Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Computer Science. Upgraded the department's network infrastructure from thin-net to Fast Ethernet to Gigabit Ethernet (three orders of magnitude improvement) over three years.

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Development Created development plans for the department in the areas of scholarships, faculty development, general fund, graduate fellowships, and chaired professorships.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume Pressurized Water Reactors," Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-85- 1773 and LA-UR-85-2816.

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Kimberly I. R. Knippel and B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of a 4-inch Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident in a Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor Using TRAC-PF1/MOD1", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-88-03.

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B. Nassersharif and M. G. Portal, "Nuclear Design Trade Off Analysis using Fuzzy Set Theory", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-40.

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Evelyn Marie Breiner and B. Nassersharif, "Analysis of a Natural Circulation Cooldown Transients in a Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor Using TRAC-PF1/MOD1 and TRAC-PF1/MOD2", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-88-01.

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Khalid Warraich, B. Nassersharif, and Marilyn Gaeta, "CENTAR Model Development Environment (Alpha) Demo User's Guide", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-34.

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Developed strategic and research affiliation with corporations and government agencies including US DOE, US DoEd, Raytheon, General Motors, Del Phi, Sandia Page 16 of 44

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Developed strategic plans for department operation and technological evolution.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume B. Nassersharif, Michael J. Gaeta, and Francoise Berge, "Extension of the CENTAR System Simulation Code to Thermionic Space Nuclear Reactors", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-46.

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B. Nassersharif, "Interfacing Systems Loss-of-Coolant Accidents in Oconee-1 Pressurized Water Reactor," Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-84-3284.

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Periodically upgraded and enhanced the computing and networking services, laboratories, and physical plant according to strategic plan and in response to constituency needs and demands.

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Developed a technology plan for upgrading departmental technology infrastructure.

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B. Nassersharif and G. McKaskle, "TRAC-PF1 Movie Generator (TMG) Design Document", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-12.

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Michael Gaeta and Bahram Nassersharif, "A Cellular Automata Model for Neutron Transport", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-39.

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B. Nassersharif, J.S. Peery, and E. Breiner, "Comparison of Three-Dimensional Fine and Course Nodalization of the Reactor Vessel for a Small Size Break Loss of Coolant Accident", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-90-34.

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B. Nassersharif, Khalid Warraich, Roger B. Dubbs III, "TRAC Model Development Environment (TMDE) Prototype Design Document", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-08.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NASA White Sands Facility, and Army White Sands Testing Range.

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B. Nassersharif, James Peery, Michael Gaeta, and Marilyn Gaeta, "CENTAR Interactive Graphics System (CIGS) User's Manual", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-90-31.

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Developed a strategic plan for the department by engaging all faculty in the department to participate in the development of the plan. Encouraged faculty and developed research focus areas in the department by identifying and emphasizing faculty core competencies. Developed a regular annual schedule for review and modification of the plan.

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B. Nassersharif and James S. Peery, "A Summer Internship: Code Migration and Nuclear Plant Modeling", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-87-02.

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B. Nassersharif, "TRAC Analysis of Multiple-Failure Steam Generator Tube Rupture Events in Pressurized Water Reactors," NUREG/CR-4774, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-10867-MS.

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Anand Panthagani and B. Nassersharif, "Distributed-CASE Tool for UNIX Workstations", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-37.

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B. Nassersharif, James Peery, Richard Griffith, Michael Gaeta, and Francoise Berge, "CENTAR Code Manual", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-90-32.

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B. Nassersharif, M. G. Portal, and M. J. Gaeta, "Intelligent Computer-Aided Engineering and Design Phase I - Final Report", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-06.

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Developed plans for and implemented technology use in the classrooms. Converted four classrooms in Jett Hall (home to Mechanical Engineering Department) from traditional classrooms into electronic multimedia classrooms.

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Pressurized Water Reactors During Shutdown," Los Alamos National Laboratory Document, LA-UR-84-3211.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume B. Nassersharif and R. Griffith, "A Comparison of One-Dimensional Interface-Following and Enthalpy Methods for the Numerical solution of Phase Change", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-90- B. Nassersharif and R. Martin, "A Best-Estimate Paradigm for Diagnosis of Multiple-Failure Transients in Nuclear Power Plants Using Artificial Intelligence", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-90- B. Nassersharif, Cedric Simms, and Marilyn Gaeta, "CENTAR Interactive Graphics System for X Windows/Open Look (XCIGS) User's Guide", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-33.

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Worked with the Mechanical Engineering Academy to create the ME Academy Professor Award, the Academy Graduate Student Fellowship, and the Academy Endowment Fund for the Mechanical Engineering Department.

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B. Nassersharif, Roger B. Dubbs III, and Khalid Warraich, "TRAC Model Development Environment (MDE) Functional Requirements Document", TAMU-TEES-NUKE-89-04.

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Bahram Nassersharif Resume Bahram Nassersharif, "Describing Function Theory as Applied to Thermal and Neutronic Problems", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-88-04.

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B. Nassersharif, Michael Gaeta, Francoise Berge, and Marilyn Gaeta, "CENTAR User's Guide and Input Description", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-90-30.

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B. Nassersharif and Jogen K. Pathak, "An Accelerated Learning Method for the Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Paradigm", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-42.

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B. Nassersharif, B. E. Boyack, R. J. Henninger, E. Horley, and R. Smith, "Los Alamos PWR Decay Heat Removal Studies - Summary Results and Conclusions," NUREG/CR-4471, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, LA-10637-MS.

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M. G. Portal and B. Nassersharif, "A Fuzzy Paradigm for Nuclear System Redesign - Steps Towards an Artificially Intelligent Design System", TAMU-TEES-NSCL-91-45.

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