Behzad Imanian

Profile Picture of Behzad Imanian
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Food Science and Nutrition
Illinois Institute of Technology


  • PhD, Botany, UBC

Research Interests

Pathogens, Pathogenicity   Bioinformatics   Evolution  

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Prior to acquiring his doctorate degree, Dr. Behzad Imanian worked as a computational biologist and research fellow in the Genome Sciences Center, BC Cancer Agency, Canada. During this time, he contributed to the quality control of sequencing of the Bovine and Spruce genome and transcriptome sequencing and the Pleiades Promoter Projects. His PhD and postdoctoral research explored the genomic consequences of a long-term endosymbiosis in dinotoms. Since March 2016, he has been leading the High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) Initiative in the Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH), at Illinois Tech (IIT). The IFSH HTS laboratory he helped to establish is equipped with advanced HTS sequencers, capable of conducting Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), metagenomics (16s rDNA and shotgun sequencing) for environmental monitoring, transcriptomics (RNA-seq) and other HTS applications. In addition to directing the HTS laboratory, Dr. Imanian has established the bioinformatics facility in IFSH. This facility houses four High Performance Computers (HPCs), and a large data storage and backup system. The facility can and do perform HTS and big data analyses from quality control, genome and transcriptome assembly, SNP analysis, to annotation and much more.


Contact Information

  6502 South Archer Road Bedford Park, IL 60501


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List of Publications (26)
In 2024

Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Assay for Direct Detection and Serotyping of Salmonella from Enrichment. A Lin, A Singh, A Allred, M Allard, D Waltman, B Imanian, JHJ Ng, ... Journal of Food Protection 87 (4), 100256, 2024.

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In 2023

PlasmidHunter: Accurate and fast prediction of plasmid sequences using gene content profile and machine learning. R Tian, B Imanian bioRxiv, 2023.02. 01.526640, 2023.

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VBCG: 20 validated bacterial core genes for phylogenomic analysis with high fidelity and resolution. R Tian, B Imanian Microbiome 11 (1), 247, 2023.

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In 2022

The power, potential, benefits, and challenges of implementing high-throughput sequencing in food safety systems. B Imanian, J Donaghy, T Jackson, S Gummalla, B Ganesan, RC Baker, ... npj Science of Food 6 (1), 35, 2022.

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The Light Chain Domain and Especially the C-Terminus of Receptor-Binding Domain of the Botulinum Neurotoxin (BoNT) Are the Hotspots for Amino Acid Variability and Toxin Type .... R Tian, M Widel, B Imanian Genes 13 (10), 1915, 2022.

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ASAP 2: a pipeline and web server to analyze marker gene amplicon sequencing data automatically and consistently. R Tian, B Imanian BMC bioinformatics 23 (1), 27, 2022.

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Surrounded on All Sides: A Dive into the Unseen Microbiomes of Residential and Industrial Built Environments and Food Safety Implications. JK Salazar, C Rolfe, B Imanian IAFP 2022, 2022.

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In 2021

Integration of Complete Plasmids Containing Bont Genes into Chromosomes of Clostridium parabotulinum, Clostridium sporogenes, and Clostridium argentinense. TJ Smith, R Tian, B Imanian, CHD Williamson, SL Johnson, HE Daligault, ... Toxins 13 (7), 473, 2021.

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In 2020

A letter to Denis Lynn. PJ Keeling, V Boscaro, F Bardell, F Burki, A Cho, EC Cooney, ... Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 23 (1), 17-18, 2020.

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In 2019

Application of High-throughput Sequencing by Industry: Potential, Barriers and Opportunities. B Imanian, R Brackett, E Brown, B Ganesan, E Griep, S Gummalla, ... IAFP 2019 Annual Meeting, 2019.

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In 2018

Genetic Characterization of 60 Proteolytic Clostridium botulinum Strains Using Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis and High-throughput Sequencing. KM Schill, M Widel, Y Wang, G Skinner, NR Reddy, T Morrissey, ... IAFP 2018 Annual Meeting, 2018.

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In 2017

Major transitions in dinoflagellate evolution unveiled by phylotranscriptomics. J Janous kovec, GS Gavelis, F Burki, D Dinh, TR Bachvaroff, SG Gornik, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2), E171-E180, 2017.

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In 2014

Evidence for the retention of two evolutionary distinct plastids in dinoflagellates with diatom endosymbionts. E Hehenberger, B Imanian, F Burki, PJ Keeling Genome biology and evolution 6 (9), 2321-2334, 2014.

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Endosymbiotic gene transfer in tertiary plastid-containing dinoflagellates. F Burki, B Imanian, E Hehenberger, Y Hirakawa, S Maruyama, PJ Keeling Eukaryotic Cell 13 (2), 246-255, 2014.

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Horizontal gene transfer and redundancy of tryptophan biosynthetic enzymes in dinotoms. B Imanian, PJ Keeling Genome biology and evolution 6 (2), 333-343, 2014.

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In 2013

A genomic survey of two dinotoms. B Imanian University of British Columbia, 2013.

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In 2012

Tertiary endosymbiosis in two dinotoms has generated little change in the mitochondrial genomes of their dinoflagellate hosts and diatom endosymbionts. B Imanian, JF Pombert, RG Dorrell, F Burki, PJ Keeling Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43763, 2012.

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Tertiary Endosymbiosis in Two Dinotoms Has Generated Little Change in the Mitochondrial Genomes of Their Dinoflagellate. B Imanian, JF Pombert, R Dorrell, F Burki .

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In 2010

The complete plastid genomes of the two 'dinotoms' Durinskia baltica and Kryptoperidinium foliaceum. B Imanian, JF Pombert, PJ Keeling PloS one 5 (5), e10711, 2010.

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A regulatory toolbox of MiniPromoters to drive selective expression in the brain. E Portales-Casamar, DJ Swanson, L Liu, CN Leeuw, KG Banks, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (38), 16589-16594, 2010.

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In 2007

Mitochondrial genome of a tertiary endosymbiont retains genes for electron transport proteins. B Imanian, KJ Carpenter, PJ Keeling Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 54 (2), 146-153, 2007.

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The dinoflagellates Durinskia baltica and Kryptoperidinium foliaceum retain functionally overlapping mitochondria from two evolutionarily distinct lineages. B Imanian, PJ Keeling BMC Evolutionary Biology 7, 1-11, 2007.

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In 2006

The mitochondrial genome of a tertiary endosymbiont retains genes for electron transport proteins. B Imanian, KJ Carpenter, PJ Keeling JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY 42, 8-9, 2006.

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Mitochondria in a tertiary endosymbiont. B Imanian University of British Columbia, 2006.

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In 2002

Seasonal and interannual trends in heterotrophic bacterial processes between 1995 and 1999 in the subarctic NE Pacific. ND Sherry, B Imanian, K Sugimoto, PW Boyd, PJ Harrison Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 49 (24-25), 5775-5791, 2002.

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Manuel Library. R Tian, B Imanian .

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