Profile Picture of BENJAMIN RUNKLE
Assistant professor
Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
University of Arkansas


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Research Interests

Rice Fields   Carbon Cycling, Carbon Cycle   Climate Change  

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List of Publications (17)
In 2020

Bryant N. Fong and Michele L. Reba and Tina G. Teague and Benjamin R.K. Runkle and Kosana Suvo{\v{c} }arev. "Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water fluxes in US mid-south cotton production" (2020)

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In 2019

K. Suvo{\v{c} }arev and F. Castellv{\'{\i} } and M.L. Reba and B.R.K. Runkle. "Surface renewal measurements of H, E and CO2 fluxes over two different agricultural systems" (2019)

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Gillian Simpson and Benjamin R.K. Runkle and Tim Eckhardt and Lars Kutzbach. "Evaluating closed chamber evapotranspiration estimates against eddy covariance measurements in an arctic wetland" (2019)

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Lu Liang and Benjamin R. K. Runkle and Bishwa B. Sapkota and Michele L. Reba. "Automated mapping of rice fields using multi-year training sample normalization" (2019)

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David Holl and Christian Wille and Torsten Sachs and Peter Schreiber and Benjamin R. K. Runkle and Lutz Beckebanze and Moritz Langer and Julia Boike and Eva-Maria Pfeiffer and Irina Fedorova and Dimitry Y. Bolshianov and Mikhail N. Grigoriev and Lars Kutzbach. "A long-term (2002 to 2017) record of closed-path and open-path eddy covariance CO2 net ecosystem exchange fluxes from the Siberian Arctic" (2019)

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Benjamin R. K. Runkle and Kosana Suvo{\v{c} }arev and Michele L. Reba and Colby W. Reavis and S. Faye Smith and Yin-Lin Chiu and Bryant Fong. "Methane Emission Reductions from the Alternate Wetting and Drying of Rice Fields Detected Using the Eddy Covariance Method" (2019)

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User-friendly Greehouse Gas calculators to assess water-saving practices in rice fields in Arkansas (2019)

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In 2017

Aleksandr F. Sabrekov and Benjamin R. K. Runkle and Mikhail V. Glagolev and Irina E. Terentieva and Victor M. Stepanenko and Oleg R. Kotsyurbenko and Shamil S. Maksyutov and Oleg S. Pokrovsky. "Variability in methane emissions from West Siberia's shallow boreal lakes on a regional scale and its environmental controls" (2017)

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In 2015

F. Cresto Aleina and B. R. K. Runkle and T. Kleinen and L. Kutzbach and J. Schneider and V. Brovkin. "Modeling micro-topographic controls on boreal peatland hydrology and methane fluxes" (2015)

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In 2014

Avagyan, A. and Runkle, B.R.K. and Kutzbach, L. "Application of high-resolution spectral absorbance measurements to determine dissolved organic carbon concentration in remote areas" (2014)

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Sabrekov, A.F. and Runkle, B.R.K. and Glagolev, M.V. and Kleptsova, I.E. and Maksyutov, S.S. "Seasonal variability as a source of uncertainty in the West Siberian regional CH4 flux upscaling" (2014)

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Avagyan, A. and Runkle, B.R.K. and Hartmann, J. and Kutzbach, L. "Spatial Variations in Pore-Water Biogeochemistry Greatly Exceed Temporal Changes During Baseflow Conditions in a Boreal River Valley Mire Complex, Northwest Russia" (2014)

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In 2013

Runkle, B.R.K. and Sachs, T. and Wille, C. and Pfeiffer, E.-M. and Kutzbach, L. "Bulk partitioning the growing season net ecosystem exchange of CO 2 in Siberian tundra reveals the seasonality of it carbon sequestration strength" (2013)

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Helbig, M. and Boike, J. and Langer, M. and Schreiber, P. and Runkle, B.R.K. and Kutzbach, L. "Spatial and seasonal variability of polygonal tundra water balance: Lena River Delta, northern Siberia (Russia) | Variabilite saisonniere et spatiale du bilan d'eau de la toundra polygonale: Delta de la riviere Lena, Nord Siberien (Russie)" (2013)

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In 2011

Sonnentag, O. and Detto, M. and Runkle, B.R.K. and Teh, Y.A. and Silver, W.L. and Kelly, M. and Baldocchi, D.D. "Carbon dioxide exchange of a pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.) infestation: How do flowering and mowing affect canopy photosynthesis and autotrophic respiration?" (2011)

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Sonnentag, O. and Detto, M. and Vargas, R. and Ryu, Y. and Runkle, B.R.K. and Kelly, M. and Baldocchi, D.D. "Tracking the structural and functional development of a perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.) infestation using a multi-year archive of webcam imagery and eddy covariance measurements" (2011)

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In 2009

Dougherty, W. and Kartha, S. and Rajan, C. and Lazarus, M. and Bailie, A. and Runkle, B. and Fencl, A. "Greenhouse gas reduction benefits and costs of a large-scale transition to hydrogen in the USA" (2009)

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