Benjamin Swedlund

Profile Picture of Benjamin Swedlund
Postdoctoral Scholar
Department of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
University of Southern California


  • PhD, Biomedical Sciences

Research Interests

Synthetic Biology   Developmental Biology   Regenerative Medicine  

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Postdoctoral researcher in the Morsut lab at the University of Southern California (USC). Trained stem cell biologist with parallel expertise in bioinformatics and in vivo developmental biology. Aspiring synthetic biologist with the construction of synthetic gene circuits to control cell behaviour and tissue patterning. Passionate about fundamental research, education, science outreach, equity, and inclusivity.


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List of Publications (7)
In 2024

GWAS reveals determinants of mobilization rate and dynamics of an active endogenous retrovirus of cattle (2024)

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In 2022

Mesp1 controls the chromatin and enhancer landscapes essential for spatiotemporal patterning of early cardiovascular progenitors (2022)

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In 2021

Fat1 deletion promotes hybrid EMT state, tumour stemness and metastasis (2021)

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In 2020

Mariaceleste Aragona and Alejandro Sifrim and Milan Malfait and Yura Song and Jens Van Herck and Sophie Dekoninck and Souhir Gargouri and GaA lle Lapouge and Benjamin Swedlund and Christine Dubois and Pieter Baatsen and Katlijn Vints and Seungmin Han and Fadel Tissir and Thierry Voet and Benjamin D. Simons and C{\'{e} }dric Blanpain. "Mechanisms of stretch-mediated skin expansion at single-cell resolution" (2020)

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Farida Benhadou and Elisabeth Glitzner and Audrey Brisebarre and Benjamin Swedlund and Yura Song and Christine Dubois and Milena Rozzi and Catherine Paulissen and Veronique del Marmol and Maria Sibilia and C{\'{e} }dric Blanpain. "Epidermal autonomous VEGFA/Flt1/Nrp1 functions mediate psoriasis-like disease" (2020)

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In 2019

Swedlund B and Lescroart F. "Cardiopharyngeal Progenitor Specification: Multiple Roads to the Heart and Head Muscles." (2019)

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In 2018

Fabienne Lescroart and Xiaonan Wang and Xionghui Lin and Benjamin Swedlund and Souhir Gargouri and Adriana S{\`{a} }nchez-D{\`{a} }nes and Victoria Moignard and Christine Dubois and Catherine Paulissen and Sarah Kinston and Berthold GA ttgens and C{\'{e} }dric Blanpain. "Defining the earliest step of cardiovascular lineage segregation by single-cell RNA-seq" (2018)

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