Bradley Schmerl

Profile Picture of Bradley Schmerl
Senior Systems Scientist
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University


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Research Interests

Software Engineering, Software Engineer, Software Engineers   Pervasive Computing   Mobile  

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My research interests are in the general field of software engineering, focusing on Software Architecture, Self-adaptive Systems, and Everyday Computing. Software architecture: Techniques and tools for precisely defining the design of a software system, specifically so that its quality attributes can analyzed early in the development lifecycle. My current specific interests are in how to use architectural modeling techniques to design system that have high degrees of software and physical elements, so-called cyber-physical systems. Self-adaptive systems: Many systems today have the requirement that they must be kept running 24/7, and be robust and responsive even in changing environments. This requires software to dynamically change. This research is exploring the use of software architectures to provide advice as the system runs on how the system should adapt and change, while still maintaining quality of service requirements. Software for everyday people: Software is becoming all pervasive and everyday non-computer scientists must interact with software to get their daily tasks done. In this research, I am interested in how people's tasks can be better supported by software, either by capturing mundane tasks so that they can be automated, or by providing simple specification techniques that allow people to define how these tasks should be automated. Current research is focusing on providing software platforms and tools to aid in the automation of workflows for scientists studying human social, cultural, and behavioral structures.


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List of Publications (103)
In 2015

Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs. Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan

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In 2014

Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures. Akshay Rajhans, Ajinkya Bhave, Ivan Ruchkin, Bruce H. Krogh, David Garlan, Andre Platzer, Bradley Schmerl

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Impact Models for Architecture-Based Self-Adaptive Systems. Javier Cmara, Antnia Lopes, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Model-based Assistance for Making Time/Fidelity Trade-offs in Component Compositions. Vishal Dwivedi, David Garlan, Jrgen Pfeffer, Bradley Schmerl

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Architecture-Based Self-Protection: Composing and Reasoning about Denial-of-Service Mitigations. Bradley Schmerl, Javier Cmara, Jeffrey Gennari, David Garlan, Paulo Casanova, Gabriel A Moreno, Thomas J Glazier, Jeffrey M Barnes

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In 2013

An Architectural Approach to Heterogeneous Modeling and Verification of CPS [Poster]. Ivan Ruchkin, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Bruce Krogh, David Garlan, Andre Platzer, Bradley Schmerl, James Kapinski, Prashant Ramachandra, Ken Butts

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Architecture-based self-protecting software systems. Eric Yuan, Sam Malek, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan, Jeff Gennari

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Evolving an adaptive industrial software system to use architecture-based self-adaptation. Javier Cmara, Pedro Correia, Rogrio de Lemos, David Garlan, Pedro Gomes, Bradley R. Schmerl, Rafael Ventura

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Diagnosing architectural run-time failures. P. Casanova, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl, R. Abreu

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In 2012

Stitch: A Language for Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation}. S.-W Cheng, David Garlan, B Schmerl

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Introduction to the special issue on state of the art in engineering self-adaptive systems. Danny Weyns, Sam Malek, Jesper Andersson, Bradley Schmerl

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Foundations and Tools for End-User Architecting. David Garlan, Vishal Dwivedi, Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl

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Evolution Styles: foundations and models for software architecture evolution.}. David Garlan, Jeffrey M. Barnes, Bradley Schmerl

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In 2011

Software Engineering for Self-Adpaptive Systems: A second Research Roadmap. Rogrio Lemos, Holger Giese, Hausi A Mller, Mary Shaw, Jesper Andersson, Luciano Baresi, Basil Becker, Nelly Bencomo, Yuriy Brun, Bojan Cikic, [...], Bradley Schmerl, Dennis B Smith, Joao P Sousa, Gabriel Tamura, Ladan Tahvildari, Norha M Villegas, Thomas Vogel, Danny Weyns, Kenny Wong, Jochen Wuttke

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Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Second Research Roadmap (Draft Version of May 20, 2011). Rogrio De Lemos, Holger Giese, Hausi A Mller, Mary Shaw, Jesper Andersson, Luciano Baresi, Basil Becker, Nelly Bencomo, Yuriy Brun, Bojan Cukic, [...], Bradley Schmerl, Dennis B Smith, Joo P Sousa, Gabriel Tamura, Ladan Tahvildari, Norha M Villegas, Thomas Vogel, Danny Weyns, Kenny Wong, Jochen Wuttke

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View Consistency in Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems. A. Bhave, B.H. Krogh, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl

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An Architectural Approach to End User Orchestrations.. Vishal Dwivedi, Perla Velasco Elizondo, Jos Maria Fernandes, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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SORASCS: a case study in soa-based platform design for socio-cultural analysis.. Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan, Vishal Dwivedi, Michael W. Bigrigg, Kathleen M. Carley

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Architecture-Based Run-Time Fault Diagnosis.. Paulo Casanova, Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan, Rui Abreu

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In 2010

Agent-assisted task management that reduces email overload.. Andrew Faulring, Brad A. Myers, Ken Mohnkern, Bradley R. Schmerl, Aaron Steinfeld, John Zimmerman, Asim Smailagic, Jeffery P. Hansen, Daniel P. Siewiorek

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In 2009

An Architectural Approach to the Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems. Akshay Rajhans, Shang-Wen Cheng, Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan, Bruce H. Krogh, Clarence Agbi, Ajinkya Bhave

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Evolution Styles: Foundations and Tool Support for Software Architecture Evolution. David Garlan, Jeffrey M. Barnes, Bradley R. Schmerl, Orieta Celiku

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Evaluating the effectiveness of the Rainbow self-adaptive system.. Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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vol: A tool for defining and planning architecture evolution.. David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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Using Service-oriented Architectures for Socio-Cultural Analysis.. David Garlan, Kathleen M. Carley, Bradley R. Schmerl, Michael W. Bigrigg, Orieta Celiku

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Improving Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation through Resource Prediction. Shang-Wen Cheng, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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Improving Architecture-Based Self-adaptation Using Preemption.. Rahul Raheja, Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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RAIDE for Engineering Architecture-Based Self-Adaptive Systems. Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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In 2008

uDesign: End-User Design Applied to Monitoring and Control Applications for Smart Spaces. J.P. Sousa, Bradley Schmerl, Vahe Poladian, Alex Brodsky

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Steps toward activity-oriented computing.. Joo Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste

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In 2007

The Radar Architecture for Personal Cognitive Assistance.. David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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Leveraging Resource Prediction for Anticipatory Dynamic Configuration. Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, Mary Shaw, M. Satyanarayanan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Joo Pedro Sousa

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In 2006

Discovering Architectures from Running Systems. Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Rick Kazman, Hong Yan

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Task-based adaptation for ubiquitous computing. J.P. Sousa, V. Poladian, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl, M. Shaw

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Differencing and Merging of Architectural Views. Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, Nagi Nahas, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan

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An Architecture for Personal Cognitive Assistance.. David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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In 2005

Dynamically discovering architectures with DiscoTect.. Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan, Hong Yan

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Improving system dependability by enforcing architectural intent.. Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Nagi H. Nahas, Tony Tseng

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Modeling and implementing software architecture with Acme and ArchJava. Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Nagi Nahas, Tony Tseng

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Semi-Automated Incremental Synchronization between Conceptual and Implementation Level Architectures. M. Abi-Antoun, J. Aldrich, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl, N. Nahas

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Capitalizing on Awareness of User Tasks for Guiding Self-Adaptation.. Joo Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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Bridging the Gap between Systems Design.. David Garlan, William K. Reinholtz, Bradley R. Schmerl, Nicholas D. Sherman, Tony Tseng

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Making Self-Adaptation an Engineering Reality.. Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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In 2004

Rainbow: Architecture-based self-adaptation with reusable infrastructure. D. Garlan, S.-W. Cheng, AC Huang, B. Schmerl, P. Steenkiste

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An architecture for coordinating multiple self-management systems. Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl, P. Steenkiste

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DiscoTect: A system for discovering architectures from running systems. Hong Yan, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl, J. Aldrich, R. Kazman

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AcmeStudio: Supporting Style-Centered Architecture Development.. Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan

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Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches.. Roshanak Roshandel, Bradley R. Schmerl, Nenad Medvidovic, David Garlan, Dehua Zhang

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Using Architectural Models at Runtime: Research Challenges.. David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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Task-based self-adaptation.. David Garlan, Vahe Poladian, Bradley R. Schmerl, Joo Pedro Sousa

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Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure.. Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste

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In 2002

Software architecture-based adaptation for Grid computing. Shang-Wen Cheng, D. Garlan, B. Schmerl, P. Steenkiste, Ningning Hu

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Software Architecture-Based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems.. Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Joo Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, Ningning Hu

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Exploiting architectural design knowledge to support self-repairing systems.. Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan

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Model-based adaptation for self-healing systems.. David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl

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Using Architectural Style as a Basis for System Self-repair.. Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley R. Schmerl, Joo Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste

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Increasing System Dependability through Architecture-Based Self-Repair.. David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, Bradley R. Schmerl

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In 2001

Using Gauges for Architecture-Based Monitoring and Adaptation. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jichuan Chang

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In 2000

Toward Pure Polylingual Persistence.. Alan Kaplan, John V. E. Ridgway, Bradley R. Schmerl, Krishnan Sridhar, Jack C. Wileden

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In 1999

Toward Automated Support for Transparent Interoperable Queries. Alan Kaplan, Bradley Schmerl, Rajesh Veeraraghavan

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In 1996

Consistency issues in partially bound dynamically composed systems. B. Schmerl, C. Marlin

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In 1995

Designing Configuration Management Facilities for Dynamically Bound Systems.. Bradley R. Schmerl, Chris D. Marlin

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Diagnosing unobserved components in self-adaptive systems. Paulo Casanova, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Rui Abreu

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Architectural Modeling of Ozone Widget Framework End-User Compositions. Ivan Ruchkin, Vishal Dwivedi, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Resolving Data Mismatches in End-User Compositions. Perla Velasco-Elizondo, Vishal Dwivedi, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jose Maria, Fernandes

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On Patterns for Decentralized Control in Self-Adaptive Systems. Danny Weyns, Bradley Schmerl, Vincenzo Grassi, Sam Malek, Raffaela Mirandola, Christian Prehofer, Jochen Wuttke, Jesper Andersson, Holger Giese, Karl M. Gschka

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Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A second Research Roadmap. Rogrio de Lemos, Holger Giese, Hausi A. Mller, Mary Shaw, Jesper Andersson, Marin Litoiu, Bradley Schmerl, Gabriel Tamura, Norha M. Villegas, Thomas Vogel, [...], Oscar Nierstrasz, Mauro Pezz, Christian Prehofer, Wilhelm Schfer, Rick Schlichting, Dennis B. Smith, Joao P. Sousa, Ladan Tahvildari, Kenny Wong, Jochen Wuttke

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SWiFT: A Tool for Constructing Workflows for Dynamic Network Analysis. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Vishal Dwivedi, Aparup Banerjee, Laura Glendenning, Mai Nakayama, Nina Patel

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Using the SORASCS Prototype Web Portal. Bradley Schmerl, Michael W. Bigrigg, David Garlan, Kathleen M. Carley

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Software Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Shang-Wen Cheng

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Differencing and merging of architectural views.. Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, Nagi H. Nahas, Bradley R. Schmerl, David Garlan

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Architecture-based self-adaptation in the presence of multiple objectives. Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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RAINBOW: Architecture-Based Adaptation of Complex Systems. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004.. Hong Yan, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, Rick Kazman

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Documenting Component and Connector Views with UML 2.0. James Ivers, Paul Clements, David Garlan, Robert Nord, Bradley Schmerl, Jaime R. Silva

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Two-tiered architectural design for automotive control systems: An experience report. Kevin Steppe, Greg Bylenok, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Kanat Abirov, Nataliya Shevchenko

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Semantic Issues in Architectural Refinement. Tony Tseng, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Architecture Based Information Flow Analysis for Software Security. Kirti Garg, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Component-Based Software Engineering in Pervasive Computing Environments. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Designing Configuration Management Tools for Dynamically Composed Systems. Bradley Robert Schmerl, B. Sc. (hons

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Designing Configuration ManagementTools for Dynamically Composed Systems. Bradley Schmerl, Chris Marlin

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Automating Interoperabilty For Heterogeneous Software Components. Alan Kaplan, Bradley Schmerl, Jack C. Wileden

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Visualising Configurations of Dynamically Composed Systems. Bradley Schmerl, Chris Marlin

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Consistency Issues in Partially Bound Dynamically Composed Systems.. Bradley R. Schmerl, Chris D. Marlin

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Versioning and Consistency for Dynamically Composed Configurations. Bradley R. Schmerl, Chris D. Marlin

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Configuration Management for Dynamically Bound Systems. Bradley Schmerl, Chris Marlin

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Modelling Dynamic Configurations to Guide Tool Design. Bradley R. Schmerl, Chris D. Marlin

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End User Orchestrations}. Vishal Dwivedi, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Architecture-driven modelling and analysis. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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A Proposal for a DASADA Gauge Infrastructure. B. Schmerl

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Architecture-based Simulation for Security and Performance. Bradley Schmerl, Shawn Butler, David Garlan

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Exploiting Architectural Style for Self-repairing Systems. Shang-Wen Cheng, Joo Pedro Sousa, David Garlan, Bridget Spitznagel, Bradley Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste

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Coordinating Adaptations in Self-managing Systems. An-Cheng Huang, Shang-Wen Cheng, Peter Steenkiste, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Discovering Architectures from Running Systems: Lessons Learned. Hong Yan, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Rick Kazman, Bradley Schmerl

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Dynamic Architecture-Based Monitoring. David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jichuan Chang

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Augmenting software architectures with physical components. Ajinkya Bhave, David Garlan, Bruce H Krogh, Akshay Rajhans, Bradley Schmerl

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Bridging the gap between systems design and space systems software. David Garlan, William K Reinholtz, Bradley Schmerl, Nicholas D Sherman, Tony Tseng

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Tool Support for Model Based Architectural Design for Automotive Control Systems. Kevin Steppe, David Garlan, Greg Bylenok, Bradley Schmerl, Kanat Abirov, Nataliya Shevchenko

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Augmenting architectural modeling to cope with uncertainty. Orieta Celiku, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

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Using multiple views to model and analyze software architecture: An experience report. Roshanak Roshandel, Bradley Schmerl, Nenad Medvidovic, David Garlan, Dehua Zhang

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The Recovery of Runtime Architectures. Rick Kazman, Hong Yan, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich

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Integrating Components into SORASCS. Bradley Schmerl, Michael W Bigrigg, David Garlan, Kathleen M Carley

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RAPID EATHNOAGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT: DATA-TO-MODEL. Kathleen M Carley, Michael Lanham, Michael Martin, Geoff Morgon, Bradley Schmerl, Tracy Van Holt, Michael W Bigrigg, David Garlan, Jeff Johnson, Frank Kunkel

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