Cecil Saunders

Profile Picture of Cecil Saunders
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Kean University


  • PhD, Neuroscience, University of Colorado Medical School

Research Interests

Chemical Senses   Sensory Neuroscience   Earthworms  

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List of Publications (30)
In 2023

Mechanisms of carbon dioxide detection in the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta. EJ Smith, JL Ryan, SA Lopresti, DBS Haghnazari, KAS Anderson, ... Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1202410, 2023.

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In 2022

Can earthworms detect glutamic acid in soil?. U Ahn, A Wilder, AS Blackburn, E Farah, WL Silver, CJ Saunders, ... CHEMICAL SENSES 47, 2022.

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Modulation of Metabolic Hormone Signaling via a Circadian Hormone and Biogenic Amine in Drosophila melanogaster. JT Braco, JM Nelson, CJ Saunders, EC Johnson International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (8), 4266, 2022.

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In 2021

Dendrobaena veneta avoids ethyl pentanoate and ethyl hexanoate, two compounds produced by the soil fungus Geotrichum candidum. EMS Reed, MO O'Connor, IC Johnson, WL Silver, CJ Saunders PeerJ 9, e12148, 2021.

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Hatchling earthworms, Eisenia hortensis, avoid allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) at lower concentrations than adolescents or adults. HG Watson, L Silenzi, AT Ashchi, C Riley, I Nelson, GS Marrs, WL Silver, ... CHEMICAL SENSES 46, 2021.

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The intrinsic nutrient sensing adipokinetic hormone producing cells function in modulation of metabolism, activity, and stress. JM Nelson, CJ Saunders, EC Johnson International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (14), 7515, 2021.

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In 2020

A TRP Along the Silk Roads: How and Why We Detect and Use Spices. WL Silver, CJ Saunders Silk Roads: From Local Realities to Global Narratives, 65, 2020.

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Regulation of Metabolism by an Ensemble of Different Ion Channel Types: Excitation-Secretion Coupling Mechanisms of Adipokinetic Hormone Producing Cells in Drosophila. RJ Perry, CJ Saunders, JM Nelson, MJ Rizzo, JT Braco, EC Johnson Frontiers in Physiology 11, 580618, 2020.

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In 2019

A novel T-maze assay to evaluate chemical irritants on Lumbricus terrestris. WL Silver, AH Kim, EY Kim, CJ Saunders Applied Soil Ecology 133, 186-189, 2019.

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Evidence for TRP channels in the earthworm, Eisenia hortensis. KA Smith, E Reed, GB McKinney, SA Gonzalez, PM DeZego, EP Adams, ... CHEMICAL SENSES 44 (7), E37-E38, 2019.

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DASPEI Imaging: In Search of Earthworm Chemoreceptors Using a Live Cell Dye. EY Kim, EM Reed, GS Marrs, CJ Saunders, WL Silver CHEMICAL SENSES 44 (7), E110-E110, 2019.

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Chemesthesis and TRP Channels in the Wolf Spider, Tigrosa georgicola. CJ Saunders, HM Graser, NJ Patel, GS Marrs, EC Johnson CHEMICAL SENSES 44 (7), E33-E33, 2019.

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Chemesthetic Responses to Allyl Isothiocyanate in Eisenia hortensis. MA Schley, TA Myers, CJ Saunders, WL Silver, JM Breza CHEMICAL SENSES 44 (7), E37-E37, 2019.

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In 2018

Digging into Earthworm Chemoreception. CJ Saunders, JB Pease, WL Silver, EC Johnson Chemical Senses 43 (7), E225-E225, 2018.

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Evidence for TRPA1 Channels in the Earthworm, Eisenia hortensis. KA Smith, E Reed, SA Gonzalez, PM DeZego, EP Adams, CJ Saunders, ... CHEMICAL SENSES 43 (7), E225-E226, 2018.

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Unexpected role of a conserved domain in the first extracellular loop in G protein-coupled receptor trafficking. MJ Rizzo, JP Evans, M Burt, CJ Saunders, EC Johnson Biochemical and biophysical research communications 503 (3), 1919-1926, 2018.

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In 2017

CALHM1-mediated ATP release and ciliary beat frequency modulation in nasal epithelial cells. AD Workman, RM Carey, B Chen, CJ Saunders, P Marambaud, ... Scientific reports 7 (1), 6687, 2017.

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In 2016

Anatomy and physiology of chemesthesis. CJ Saunders, WL Silver Chemesthesis: Chemical touch in food and eating, 77-91, 2016.

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Nasal trigeminal chemoreception: From free nerve endings to epithelial chemosensors. WL Silver, CJ Saunders CHEMICAL SENSES 41 (9), E135-E135, 2016.

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IL-1 receptor antagonist inhibits early granulation formation. EA Nicolli, A Ghosh, S Haft, R Frank, CJ Saunders, N Cohen, N Mirza Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 125 (4), 284-289, 2016.

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A role for airway taste receptor modulation in the treatment of upper respiratory infections. JE Douglas, CJ Saunders, DR Reed, NA Cohen Expert review of respiratory medicine 10 (2), 157-170, 2016.

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Functional neuroanatomy of the upper airway in experimental animals. PM Richards, CJ Saunders, WL Silver Toxicology of the nose and upper airways, 59-78, 2016.

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In 2015

EVOLUTION OF TRPCHANNELS AS MEDIATORS OF PHEROMONE SIGNALING. R Ostrow, T Ruel, T Voigt, CJ Saunders, R Hallock Journal of Communications Research 7 (2), 2015.

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In 2014

Solitary chemosensory cells and chemosensory brush cells: taste cell-like airway chemosensors. CJ Saunders University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, 2014.

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Cholinergic neurotransmission links solitary chemosensory cells to nasal inflammation. CJ Saunders, M Christensen, TE Finger, M Tizzano Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (16), 6075-6080, 2014.

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In 2013

Chemosensory brush cells of the trachea. A stable population in a dynamic epithelium. CJ Saunders, SD Reynolds, TE Finger American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 49 (2), 190-196, 2013.

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Dissecting the role of TRPV1 in detecting multiple trigeminal irritants in three behavioral assays for sensory irritation. CJ Saunders, WY Li, TD Patel, JA Muday, WL Silver F1000Research 2, 2013.

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In 2011

Solitary chemosensory cells turnover in tracheal epithelium, in vivo and in vitro models. CJ Saunders, SD Reynolds, TE Finger A65. MECHANISMS OF AIRWAY RESPONSE TO INJURY (RESPIRATORY VIRUSES, CIGARETTE ..., 2011.

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In 2010

3 Functional Neuroanatomy of the Upper Airway in Experimental Animals Paige M. Richards Department of Biology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. CJ Saunders, WL Silver Toxicology of the Nose and Upper Airways, 45, 2010.

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In 2008

The respiratory response of TRPV1 knockout mice to trigeminal irritants. CJ Saunders Wake Forest University, 2008.

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