Chelsey Canavan

Profile Picture of Chelsey Canavan
Dartmouth College


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Addressing Food Insecurity   Food Is Medicine   Dietary Diversity  

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List of Publications (34)
In 2024

Allen S, Dev A, Canavan C, Goodman D. "Intersecting Substance Use Disorder and Unmet Social Needs in Rural Pregnant Women." (2024)

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Bukenya J, Kebede D, Mwambi H, Pate M, Adongo P, Berhane Y, Canavan CR, Chirwa T, Fawole OI, Guwatudde D, Jackson E, Madzorera I, Moshabela M, Oduola AMJ, Sunguya B, Sall A, Raji T, Fawzi W. "The future of public health doctoral education in Africa: transforming higher education institutions to enhance research and practice." (2024)

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Jordanova KE, Suresh A, Canavan CR, D'cruze T, Dev A, Boardman M, Kennedy MA. "Addressing food insecurity in rural primary care: a mixed-methods evaluation of barriers and facilitators." (2024)

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Suresh A, Jordanova KE, Boardman MB, Canavan CR, D'cruze TT, Dev A, Kennedy MA. ""Everyone's struggling right now": Impact of COVID-19 on addressing food insecurity in rural primary care." (2024)

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In 2023

Madzorera I, Bliznashka L, Blakstad MM, Bellows AL, Canavan CR, Mosha D, Bromage S, Noor RA, Webb P, Ghosh S, Kinabo JL, Masanja H, Fawzi WW. "Women's input and decision-making in agriculture are associated with diet quality in rural Tanzania." (2023)

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Allen S, Onsando WM, Patel I, Canavan C, Goodman D, Dev A. "Food Insecurity and Food Access Among Women in Northern New England During the Perinatal Period." (2023)

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In 2022

Mlalama KN, Matemu A, Kosia E, Canavan CR, Bellows AL, Blakstad M, Noor RA, Kinabo J, Fawzi WW, Masanja H, Mosha D. "Factors influencing the sustainability of homestead vegetable production intervention in Rufiji, Tanzania: A cross-sectional mixed methods study." (2022)

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Hatchell KE, Canavan CR, D'cruze T, Suresh A, Dev A, Boardman M, Kennedy MA. "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Insecurity in Northern New England Primary and Prenatal Care Settings." (2022)

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Hemler EC, Bromage S, Tadesse AW, Zack R, Berhane Y, Canavan CR, Fawzi WW, Willett WC. "Associations of percentage energy intake from total, animal and plant protein with overweight/obesity and underweight among adults in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia." (2022)

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Blakstad MM, Mosha D, Bliznashka L, Bellows AL, Canavan CR, Yussuf MH, Mlalama K, Madzorera I, Chen JT, Noor RA, Kinabo J, Masanja H, Fawzi WW. "Are home gardening programs a sustainable way to improve nutrition? Lessons from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Rufiji, Tanzania." (2022)

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Canavan CR, D'cruze T, Kennedy MA, Hatchell KE, Boardman M, Suresh A, Goodman D, Dev A. "Missed opportunities to improve food security for pregnant people: a qualitative study of prenatal care settings in Northern New England during the COVID-19 pandemic." (2022)

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In 2021

Semahegn A, Dessie Y, Assefa N, Canavan CR, Berhane Y, Fawzi WW. "Physical fighting among adolescents in eastern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study." (2021)

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Bliznashka L, Blakstad MM, Berhane Y, Tadesse AW, Assefa N, Danaei G, Canavan CR, Hemler EC, Fawzi WW. "Household-level double burden of malnutrition in Ethiopia: a comparison of Addis Ababa and the rural district of Kersa." (2021)

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Passarelli S, Ambikapathi R, Gunaratna NS, Madzorera I, Canavan CR, Noor RA, Tewahido D, Berhane Y, Sibanda S, Sibanda LM, Madzivhandila T, Munthali BLM, McConnell M, Sudfeld C, Davison K, Fawzi W. "The role of chicken management practices in children's exposure to environmental contamination: a mixed-methods analysis." (2021)

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Blakstad MM, Danaei G, Tadesse AW, Damerau K, Bellows AL, Canavan CR, Bliznashka L, Zack R, Myers SS, Berhane Y, Fawzi WW. "Life expectancy and agricultural environmental impacts in Addis Ababa can be improved through optimized plant and animal protein consumption." (2021)

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Madzorera I, Blakstad MM, Bellows AL, Canavan CR, Mosha D, Bromage S, Noor RA, Webb P, Ghosh S, Kinabo J, Masanja H, Fawzi WW. "Food Crop Diversity, Women's Income-Earning Activities, and Distance to Markets in Relation to Maternal Dietary Quality in Tanzania." (2021)

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Blakstad MM, Mosha D, Bellows AL, Canavan CR, Chen JT, Mlalama K, Noor RA, Kinabo J, Masanja H, Fawzi WW. "Home gardening improves dietary diversity, a cluster-randomized controlled trial among Tanzanian women." (2021)

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Ambikapathi R, Passarelli S, Madzorera I, Canavan CR, Noor RA, Abdelmenan S, Tewahido D, Tadesse AW, Sibanda L, Sibanda S, Munthali B, Madzivhandila T, Berhane Y, Fawzi W, Gunaratna NS. "Men's nutrition knowledge is important for women's and children's nutrition in Ethiopia." (2021)

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In 2020

Passarelli S, Ambikapathi R, Gunaratna NS, Madzorera I, Canavan CR, Noor AR, Worku A, Berhane Y, Abdelmenan S, Sibanda S, Munthali B, Madzivhandila T, Sibanda LM, Geremew K, Dessie T, Abegaz S, Assefa G, Sudfeld C, McConnell M, Davison K, Fawzi W. "A Chicken Production Intervention and Additional Nutrition Behavior Change Component Increased Child Growth in Ethiopia: A Cluster-Randomized Trial." (2020)

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Bellows AL, Canavan CR, Blakstad MM, Mosha D, Noor RA, Webb P, Kinabo J, Masanja H, Fawzi WW. "The Relationship Between Dietary Diversity Among Women of Reproductive Age and Agricultural Diversity in Rural Tanzania." (2020)

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Bukenya JN, Canavan CR, Barnighausen T, Fawzi WW. "Strengthening our knowledge base and research capacity for improved adolescent health in sub-Saharan Africa: a South-South-North collaboration." (2020)

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Irenso AA, Dessie Y, Berhane Y, Assefa N, Canavan CR, Fawzi WW. "Prevalence and predictors of adolescent linear growth and stunting across the urban-rural gradient in eastern Ethiopia." (2020)

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Berhane Y, Canavan CR, Darling AM, Sudfeld CR, Vuai S, Adanu R, Barnighausen T, Dessie Y, Bukenya JN, Guwatudde D, Killewo J, Sando MM, Sie A, Oduola AMJ, Fawzi WW. "The age of opportunity: prevalence of key risk factors among adolescents 10-19 years of age in nine communities in sub-Saharan Africa." (2020)

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Tesfaye G, Dessie Y, Berhane Y, Assefa N, Semahegn A, Canavan CR, Fawzi WW. "HIV/AIDS awareness and testing practices among adolescents in eastern Ethiopia." (2020)

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Darling AM, Sunguya B, Ismail A, Manu A, Canavan C, Assefa N, Sie A, Fawzi W, Sudfeld C, Guwattude D. "Gender differences in nutritional status, diet and physical activity among adolescents in eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa." (2020)

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De Neve JW, Karlsson O, Canavan CR, Chukwu A, Adu-Afarwuah S, Bukenya J, Darling AM, Harling G, Moshabela M, Killewo J, Fink G, Fawzi WW, Berhane Y. "Are out-of-school adolescents at higher risk of adverse health outcomes? Evidence from 9 diverse settings in sub-Saharan Africa." (2020)

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Darling AM, Assefa N, Barnighausen T, Berhane Y, Canavan CR, Guwatudde D, Killewo J, Oduola A, Sando MM, Sie A, Sudfeld C, Vuai S, Adanu R, Fawzi WW. "Design and field methods of the ARISE Network Adolescent Health Study." (2020)

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In 2019

Canavan CR, Fawzi WW. "Addressing Knowledge Gaps in Adolescent Nutrition: Toward Advancing Public Health and Sustainable Development." (2019)

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Ambikapathi R, Gunaratna NS, Madzorera I, Passarelli S, Canavan CR, Noor RA, Madzivhandila T, Sibanda S, Abdelmenan S, Tadesse AW, Berhane Y, Sibanda LM, Fawzi WW. "Market food diversity mitigates the effect of environment on women's dietary diversity in the Agriculture to Nutrition (ATONU) study, Ethiopia." (2019)

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Blakstad MM, Bellows AL, Mosha D, Canavan CR, Mlalama K, Kinabo J, Kruk ME, Masanja H, Fawzi WW. "Neighbour home gardening predicts dietary diversity among rural Tanzanian women." (2019)

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In 2018

Passarelli S, Canavan CR, Paarlberg R, Juma C, Akyeampong E, Fekadu H, Golden CD, Gunaratna NS, Jaacks LM, Kennedy E, Madzorera I, McCann J, Nwanze K, Sauerborn R, Tang L, Webb P, Willett WC, Fawzi WW. "Harnessing University Strengths in Multisectoral Collaborations for Planetary Health." (2018)

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Mosha D, Canavan CR, Bellows AL, Blakstad MM, Noor RA, Masanja H, Kinabo J, Fawzi W. "The impact of integrated nutrition-sensitive interventions on nutrition and health of children and women in rural Tanzania: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial." (2018)

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In 2017

Canavan CR, Noor RA, Golden CD, Juma C, Fawzi W. "Sustainable food systems for optimal planetary health." (2017)

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In 2016

Canavan CR, Graybill L, Fawzi W, Kinabo J. "The SDGs Will Require Integrated Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health at the Community Level." (2016)

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