Christian Garcia

Profile Picture of Christian Garcia
Post Doc Fellow
Graduate College
University of Cincinnati


  • PhD, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Florida

Research Interests

Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorders   Addiction Science   Behavioral Change, Behavior Change  

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Contact Information

  Van Wormer Hall, University of Cincinnati

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List of Publications (15)
In 2024

Miller, M. E., Porter, A., Spaeth, A., Garcia, C.C., Buckman, J., McGreary, J., Witkiewitz, K., & Fucito, L. Bidirectional associations and potential mechanisms linking sleep and alcohol-related harm. Program accepted for presentation at the Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) Scientific Meeting. Minneapolis, MN (June 25, 2024).

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In 2023

Garcia, CC, Funez, M., Fenton, M., Ward, M., & Wagner, E. Diverse Faces, Diverse Places: Considerations of Populations and Methodologies in Substance Use Research. Program presented at the Annual Center for Addiction Research & Education (CARE) Symposium. Gainesville, FL (April 17, 2023).

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In 2022

Garcia, CC, Lewis, B., & Nixon, SJ. Alcohol's Impact on Brain and Behavior. Invited speaker at Miami Dade College, Psychology Student Association (PSA) & Psi Beta Honor Society. Miami Dade College Miami, FL (April 14, 2022).

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In 2021

Garcia, CC, Lewis, B., & Nixon, SJ. Diversity in research and academic success. Invited speaker at Miami Dade College, Psychology Student Association (PSA) & Psi Beta Honor Society. Miami Dade College Miami, FL (February 24, 2021).

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Garcia, CC. "Diversity and Professional Development" invited speaker at Miami Dade College Psychology Student Association and Psi Beta's Seminar Series (February 24, 2021).

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In 2020

Nixon, SJ, Lewis, B, Garcia, CC, Prather, R. Invited Symposium Presentation: "Aging Social Drinking Episodes: Impact on Neurobehavior with Age" in the symposium "Age and sex determinants for alcohol drinking." Virtual Meeting 2020 of the Latin American Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (LASBRA): "Neurobiology of Alcohol Use-Disorders." (December, 3 2020).

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In 2019

Lewis, B, Price, JL, Garcia CC, & Nixon SJ. "Alcohol-Associated Dysregulation in Emotion Processing." Symposium oral presentation. Co-author for the 42nd Annual RSA Scientific Meeting. Minneapolis, MN (June, 2019).

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Nixon, SJ, Lewis, B, Garcia, CC & Price, JL. "Drinking as We Age: Surely One Drink Doesn't Matter." Symposium oral presentation. Co-author for the 42nd Annual RSA Scientific Meeting. Minneapolis, MN (June, 2019).

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In 2018

Garcia, CC & Nixon, SJ. "Beyond the Honors College" Invited speaker at Miami Dade College Fall Alumni Series Miami, FL (November 19, 2018).

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In 2017

Garcia, CC & Nixon, SJ. "Understanding alcohol use and Alcohol Use Disorders." Invited speaker at Miami Dade College Fall Alumni Series Miami, FL (November 22, 2017).

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In 2015

Garcia, CC, Haak, E, & LaPlante, D. "Alcohol specific parenting: Development of a parent report measure." Invited speaker at Miami Dade College Psychology Student Association and Psi Beta's Monthly Alumni Series, Miami, FL (March 4, 2015).

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Nixon, SJ, Lewis, B, Garcia, CC, Prather, R. Invited Symposium Presentation: "Social Drinking Episodes: Impact on Neurobehavior with Age." Simposio Internacional: Neurociencia, Psiquiatria y Salud Mental.

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Garcia CC, Lewis B, Nixon SJ. Preliminary evidence of potential bias in the emotional face expression (EFE) task. Selected for data blitz presentation at the 9th Annual Center for Addiction research & Education (CARE)

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Garcia, CC. "Investigating Race Differences in Emotional face Processing among Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders" Invited speaker at University of Florida Center for Addiction Research & Education Data Blitz.

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International/National Published Abstracts & Poster Presentations

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