Christopher P. Morley

Profile Picture of Christopher P. Morley
Professor and Chair
Public Health and Preventive Medicine
SUNY Upstate Medical University


  • PhD (Social Science), Maxwell School, Syracuse University
  • MA (Public Administration), Maxwell School, Syracuse University
  • CAS (Health Services Management & Policy), Maxwell School, Syracuse University
  • BA (History), Fredonia State College

Research Interests

Health Disparities, Health Disparity   Cancer Prevention   Chronic Diseases, Chronic Disease  

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List of Publications (101)
In 2024

The Relationship Between the Social Mission Content of Medical School Mission Statements and Minority Faculty Representation Among Faculty and Senior Leadership (2024)

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In 2021

Yanli Zhang-James and Jonathan Hess and Asif Salkin and Dongliang Wang and Samuel Chen and Peter Winkelstein and Christopher P Morley and Stephen V Faraone. "A seq2seq model to forecast the COVID-19 cases, deaths and reproductive R numbers in US counties" (2021)

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Jana Shaw and Telisa Stewart and Kathryn B Anderson and Samantha Hanley and Stephen J Thomas and Daniel A Salmon and Christopher Morley. "Assessment of US Healthcare Personnel Attitudes Towards Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccination in a Large University Healthcare System" (2021)

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In 2020

Vidita Divan and Margaret Greenfield and Christopher P. Morley and Ruth S. Weinstock. "Perceived Burdens and Benefits Associated with Continuous Glucose Monitor Use in Type 1 Diabetes Across the Lifespan" (2020)

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Social Distancing Metrics and Estimates of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Rates: Associations Between Mobile Telephone Data Tracking and R. (2020)

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Sumi M. Sexton and Caroline R. Richardson and Sarina B. Schrager and Marjorie A. Bowman and John Hickner and Christopher P. Morley and Timothy F. Mott and Nicholas Pimlott and John Saultz and Barry D. Weiss. "Systemic Racism and Health Disparities: A Statement From Editors of Family Medicine Journals" (2020)

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Christopher P. Morley and Sara Struwe and Morgan A. Pratte and Gerald H. Clayton and Pamela E. Wilson and Brad E. Dicianno and Margaret K. Formica and Laura A. Schad and Judy Thibadeau and Margaret A. Turk. "Survey of U.S. adults with spina bifida" (2020)

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Bigdeli, T.B. and Genovese, G. and Georgakopoulos, P. and Meyers, J.L. and Peterson, R.E. and Iyegbe, C.O. and Medeiros, H. and Valderrama, J. and Achtyes, E.D. and Kotov, R. and Stahl, E.A. and Abbott, C. and Azevedo, M.H. and Belliveau, R.A. and Bevilacqua, E. and Bromet, E.J. and Byerley, W. and Carvalho, C.B. and Chapman, S.B. and DeLisi, L.E. and Dumont, A.L. and O?Dushlaine, C. and Evgrafov, O.V. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Gage, D. and Kennedy, J.L. and Kinkead, B. and Macedo, A. and Moran, J.L. and Morley, C.P. and Dewan, M.J. and Nemesh, J. and Perkins, D.O. and Purcell, S.M. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Scolnick, E.M. and Sklar, B.M. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. and Sullivan, P.F. and Macciardi, F. and Marder, S.R. and Gur, R.C. and Gur, R.E. and Braff, D.L. and Calkins, M.E. and Freedman, R.R. and Green, M.F. and Greenwood, T.A. and Lazzeroni, L.C. and Light, G.A. and Nuechterlein, K.H. and Radant, A.D. and Seidman, L.J. and Siever, L.J. and Silverman, J.M. and Stone, W.S. and Sugar, C.A. and Swerdlow, N.R. and Tsuang, D.W. and Tsuang, M.T. and Turetsky, B.I. and Nicolini, H. and Escamilla, M.A. and Vawter, M.P. and Sobell, J.L. and Malaspina, D. and Lehrer, D.S. and Buckley, P.F. and Rapaport, M.H. and Knowles, J.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Pato, M.T. and McCarroll, S.A. and Pato, C.N. "Contributions of common genetic variants to risk of schizophrenia among individuals of African and Latino ancestry" (2020)

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Singh, T. and Poterba, T. and Curtis, D. and Akil, H. and Eissa, M.A. and Barchas, J.D. and Bass, N. and Bigdeli, T.B. and Breen, G. and Bromet, E.J. and Buckley, P.F. and Bunney, W.E. and Bybjerg-Grauholm, J. and Byerley, W.F. and Chapman, S.B. and Chen, W.J. and Churchhouse, C. and Craddock, N. and Curtis, C. and Cusick, C.M. and DeLisi, L. and Dodge, S. and Escamilla, M.A. and Eskelinen, S. and Fanous, A.H. and Faraone, S.V. and Fiorentino, A. and Francioli, L. and Gabriel, S.B. and Gage, D. and Gagliano Taliun, S.A. and Ganna, A. and Genovese, G. and Glahn, D.C. and Grove, J. and Hall, M.-H. and H{\"a}m{\"a}l{\"a}inen, E. and Heyne, H.O. and Holi, M. and Hougaard, D.M. and Howrigan, D.P. and Huang, H. and Hwu, H.-G. and Kahn, R.S. and Kang, H.M. and Karczewski, K.J. and Kirov, G. and Knowles, J.A. and Lee, F.S. and Lehrer, D.S. and Lescai, F. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and McCarroll, S.A. and Medeiros, H. and Milani, L. and Morley, C.P. and Morris, D.W. and Mortensen, P.B. and Myers, R.M. and Nordentoft, M. and O?Brien, N.L. and Olivares, A.M. and Ongur, D. and Ouwehand, W.H. and Palmer, D.S. and Paunio, T. and Quested, D. and Rapaport, M.H. and Rees, E. and Rollins, B. and Kyle Satterstrom, F. and Schatzberg, A. and Scolnick, E. and Scott, L.J. and Sharp, S.I. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. and Sobell, J.L. and Solomonson, M. and Stevens, C.R. and Suvisaari, J. and Tiao, G. and Watson, S.J. and Watts, N.A. and Blackwood, D.H. and B?rglum, A.D. and Cohen, B.M. and Corvin, A.P. and Esko, T. and Freimer, N.B. and Glatt, S.J. and Hultman, C.M. and McQuillin, A. and Palotie, A. and Pato, C.N. and Pato, M.T. and Pulver, A.E. and St. Clair, D. and Tsuang, M.T. and Vawter, M.P. and Walters, J.T. and Werge, T.M. and Ophoff, R.A. and Sullivan, P.F. and Owen, M.J. and Boehnke, M. and O?Donovan, M.C. and Neale, B.M. and Daly, M.J. "Exome sequencing identifies rare coding variants in 10 genes which confer substantial risk for schizophrenia" (2020)

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Morley, C.P. and Liaw, W. "North american primary care research group position statement on the definition of behavioral and social sciences research" (2020)

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Morley, C.P. and Reyes, A.C. "Pediatric Prevention: General Prevention" (2020)

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Richards, N.K. and Crockett, E. and Morley, C.P. and Levandowski, B.A. "Young women's reproductive health conversations: Roles of maternal figures and clinical practices" (2020)

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In 2019

Charney, A.W. and Stahl, E.A. and Green, E.K. and Chen, C.-Y. and Moran, J.L. and Chambert, K. and Belliveau, R.A. and Forty, L. and Gordon-Smith, K. and Lee, P.H. and Bromet, E.J. and Buckley, P.F. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Lehrer, D.S. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Rapaport, M.H. and Medeiros, H. and Sobell, J.L. and Backlund, L. and Bergen, S.E. and Jur{\'e}us, A. and Schalling, M. and Lichtenstein, P. and Knowles, J.A. and Burdick, K.E. and Jones, I. and Jones, L.A. and Hultman, C.M. and Perlis, R. and Purcell, S.M. and McCarroll, S.A. and Pato, C.N. and Pato, M.T. and Di Florio, A. and Craddock, N. and Land{\'e}n, M. and Smoller, J.W. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Sklar, P. "Contribution of Rare Copy Number Variants to Bipolar Disorder Risk Is Limited to Schizoaffective Cases" (2019)

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Feng, Y.-C.A. and Howrigan, D.P. and Abbott, L.E. and Tashman, K. and Cerrato, F. and Singh, T. and Heyne, H. and Byrnes, A. and Churchhouse, C. and Watts, N. and Solomonson, M. and Lal, D. and Heinzen, E.L. and Dhindsa, R.S. and Stanley, K.E. and Cavalleri, G.L. and Hakonarson, H. and Helbig, I. and Krause, R. and May, P. and Weckhuysen, S. and Petrovski, S. and Kamalakaran, S. and Sisodiya, S.M. and Cossette, P. and Cotsapas, C. and De Jonghe, P. and Dixon-Salazar, T. and Guerrini, R. and Kwan, P. and Marson, A.G. and Stewart, R. and Depondt, C. and Dlugos, D.J. and Scheffer, I.E. and Striano, P. and Freyer, C. and McKenna, K. and Regan, B.M. and Bellows, S.T. and Leu, C. and Bennett, C.A. and Johns, E.M.C. and Macdonald, A. and Shilling, H. and Burgess, R. and Weckhuysen, D. and Bahlo, M. and O{'}Brien, T.J. and Todaro, M. and Stamberger, H. and Andrade, D.M. and Sadoway, T.R. and Mo, K. and Krestel, H. and Gallati, S. and Papacostas, S.S. and Kousiappa, I. and Tanteles, G.A. and ?t?rbov{\'a}, K. and Vl?kov{\'a}, M. and Sedl{\'a}?kov{\'a}, L. and La??uthov{\'a}, P. and Klein, K.M. and Rosenow, F. and Reif, P.S. and Knake, S. and Kunz, W.S. and Zsurka, G. and Elger, C.E. and Bauer, J. and Rademacher, M. and Pendziwiat, M. and Muhle, H. and Rademacher, A. and van Baalen, A. and von Spiczak, S. and Stephani, U. and Afawi, Z. and Korczyn, A.D. and Kanaan, M. and Canavati, C. and Kurlemann, G. and M{\"u}ller-Schl{\"u}ter, K. and Kluger, G. and H{\"a}usler, M. and Blatt, I. and Lemke, J.R. and Krey, I. and Weber, Y.G. and Wolking, S. and Becker, F. and Hengsbach, C. and Rau, S. and Maisch, A.F. and Steinhoff, B.J. and Schulze-Bonhage, A. and Schubert-Bast, S. and Schreiber, H. and Borggr{\"a}fe, I. and Schankin, C.J. and Mayer, T. and Korinthenberg, R. and Brockmann, K. and Dennig, D. and Madeleyn, R. and K{\"a}lvi{\"a}inen, R. and Auvinen, P. and Saarela, A. and Linnankivi, T. and Lehesjoki, A.-E. and Rees, M.I. and Chung, S.-K. and Pickrell, W.O. and Powell, R. and Schneider, N. and Balestrini, S. and Zagaglia, S. and Braatz, V. and Johnson, M.R. and Auce, P. and Sills, G.J. and Baum, L.W. and Sham, P.C. and Cherny, S.S. and Lui, C.H.T. and Bari?i?, N. and Delanty, N. and Doherty, C.P. and Shukralla, A. and McCormack, M. and El-Naggar, H. and Canafoglia, L. and Franceschetti, S. and Castellotti, B. and Granata, T. and Zara, F. and Iacomino, M. and Madia, F. and Vari, M.S. and Mancardi, M.M. and Salpietro, V. and Bisulli, F. and Tinuper, P. and Licchetta, L. and Pippucci, T. and Stipa, C. and Minardi, R. and Gambardella, A. and Labate, A. and Annesi, G. and Manna, L. and Gagliardi, M. and Parrini, E. and Mei, D. and Vetro, A. and Bianchini, C. and Montomoli, M. and Doccini, V. and Marini, C. and Suzuki, T. and Inoue, Y. and Yamakawa, K. and Tumiene, B. and Sadleir, L.G. and King, C. and Mountier, E. and Caglayan, S.H. and Arslan, M. and Yap?c?, Z. and Yis, U. and Topaloglu, P. and Kara, B. and Turkdogan, D. and Gundogdu-Eken, A. and Bebek, N. and U?ur-??eri, S. and Baykan, B. and Salman, B. and Haryanyan, G. and Y{\"u}cesan, E. and Kesim, Y. and {\"O}zkara, ?. and Poduri, A. and Shiedley, B.R. and Shain, C. and Buono, R.J. and Ferraro, T.N. and Sperling, M.R. and Lo, W. and Privitera, M. and French, J.A. and Schachter, S. and Kuzniecky, R.I. and Devinsky, O. and Hegde, M. and Khankhanian, P. and Helbig, K.L. and Ellis, C.A. and Spalletta, G. and Piras, F. and Piras, F. and Gili, T. and Ciullo, V. and Reif, A. and McQuillin, A. and Bass, N. and McIntosh, A. and Blackwood, D. and Johnstone, M. and Palotie, A. and Pato, M.T. and Pato, C.N. and Bromet, E.J. and Carvalho, C.B. and Achtyes, E.D. and Azevedo, M.H. and Kotov, R. and Lehrer, D.S. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and Medeiros, H. and Morley, C.P. and Perkins, D.O. and Sobell, J.L. and Buckley, P.F. and Macciardi, F. and Rapaport, M.H. and Knowles, J.A. and Fanous, A.H. and McCarroll, S.A. and Gupta, N. and Gabriel, S.B. and Daly, M.J. and Lander, E.S. and Lowenstein, D.H. and Goldstein, D.B. and Lerche, H. and Berkovic, S.F. and Neale, B.M. "Ultra-Rare Genetic Variation in the Epilepsies: A Whole-Exome Sequencing Study of 17,606 Individuals" (2019)

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Pizarro, D. and Richards, N.K. and Coots, S. and Crockett, E. and Morley, C.P. and Levandowski, B.A. "Community-Based Participatory Research: Incorporating the Integral Voice of Community in Study Design" (2019)

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Kost, A. and Bentley, A. and Phillips, J. and Kelly, C. and Prunuske, J. and Morley, C.P. "Graduating medical student perspectives on factors influencing specialty choice: an aafp national survey" (2019)

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Theobald, M. and Rutter, A. and Steiner, B. and Morley, C.P. "Preceptor expansion initiative takes multitactic approach to addressing shortage of clinical training sites" (2019)

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Phillips, J.P. and Wendling, A.L. and Bentley, A. and Marsee, R. and Morley, C.P. "Trends in US medical school contributions to the family physician workforce: 2018 update from the American academy of family physicians" (2019)

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In 2018

Epling, J.W. and Heidelbaugh, J. and Woolever, D. and Castelli, G. and Mi, M. and Mader, E.M. and Morley, C.P. "Examining an evidence-based medicine culture in residency education" (2018)

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Shaw, J. and Mader, E.M. and Bennett, B.E. and Vernyi-Kellogg, O.K. and Tony Yang, Y. and Morley, C.P. "Immunization mandates, vaccination coverage, and exemption rates in the United States" (2018)

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Hazer, M. and Formica, M.K. and Dieterlen, S. and Morley, C.P. "The relationship between self-reported exposure to greenspace and human stress in Baltimore, MD" (2018)

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In 2017

Charney, A.W. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Stahl, E.A. and Moran, J.L. and Chambert, K. and Belliveau, R.A. and Forty, L. and Gordon-Smith, K. and Di Florio, A. and Lee, P.H. and Bromet, E.J. and Buckley, P.F. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Lehrer, D.S. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Rapaport, M.H. and Medeiros, H. and Sobell, J.L. and Green, E.K. and Backlund, L. and Bergen, S.E. and Jur{\'e}us, A. and Schalling, M. and Lichtenstein, P. and Roussos, P. and Knowles, J.A. and Jones, I. and Jones, L.A. and Hultman, C.M. and Perlis, R.H. and Purcell, S.M. and McCarroll, S.A. and Pato, C.N. and Pato, M.T. and Craddock, N. and Land{\'e}n, M. and Smoller, J.W. and Sklar, P. "Evidence for genetic heterogeneity between clinical subtypes of bipolar disorder" (2017)

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Morley, C.P. and Wang, D. and Mader, E.M. and Plante, K.P. and Kingston, L.N. and Rabiei, A. "Analysis of the association between millennium development goals 4 & 5 and the physician workforce across international economic strata" (2017)

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Elkins, C. and Plante, K.P. and Germain, L.J. and Morley, C.P. "Burnout and depression in MS1 and MS3 years: A comparison of cohorts at one medical school" (2017)

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Lyons, K.D. and Li, H.H. and Mader, E.M. and Stewart, T.M. and Morley, C.P. and Formica, M.K. and Perrapato, S.D. and Seigne, J.D. and Hyams, E.S. and Irwin, B.H. and Mosher, T. and Hegel, M.T. "Cognitive and Affective Representations of Active Surveillance as a Treatment Option for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer" (2017)

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Morley, C.P. and Rosas, S.R. and Mishori, R. and Jordan, W. and Jarris, Y.S. and Prunuske, J. "Essential Public Health Competencies for Medical Students: Establishing a Consensus in Family Medicine" (2017)

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Mader, E.M. and Li, H.H. and Lyons, K.D. and Morley, C.P. and Formica, M.K. and Perrapato, S.D. and Irwin, B.H. and Seigne, J.D. and Hyams, E.S. and Mosher, T. and Hegel, M.T. and Stewart, T.M. "Qualitative insights into how men with low-risk prostate cancer choosing active surveillance negotiate stress and uncertainty" (2017)

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In 2016

Mader, E.M. and Rodr{\'i}guez, J.E. and Campbell, K.M. and Smilnak, T. and Bazemore, A.W. and Petterson, S. and Morley, C.P. "Status of underrepresented minority and female faculty at medical schools located within Historically Black Colleges and in Puerto Rico" (2016)

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Mader, E.M. and Fox, C.H. and Epling, J.W. and Noronha, G.J. and Swanger, C.M. and Wisniewski, A.M. and Vitale, K. and Norton, A.L. and Morley, C.P. "A practice facilitation and academic detailing intervention can improve cancer screening rates in primary care safety net clinics" (2016)

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Swofford, S.J. and Allmon, A.L. and Morley, C.P. and Kruse, R.L. and Garrett, E. "Expectations of the Competencies of Entering Family Medicine Residents: Do Members of the Family Agree? A CERA Study" (2016)

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McIntosh, E.W. and Morley, C.P. "Family medicine or primary care residency selection: Effects of family medicine interest groups, MD/ MPH dual degrees, and rural medical education" (2016)

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Cameron, B.J. and Bazemore, A.W. and Morley, C.P. "Federal research funding for family medicine: Highly concentrated, with decreasing new investigator awards" (2016)

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Cameron, B.J. and Bazemore, A.W. and Morley, C.P. "Lost in translation: NIH funding for family medicine research remains limited" (2016)

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Estrada, E. and Hartz, S.M. and Tran, J. and Hilty, D.M. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. and Pato, M.T. and Pato, C.N. and Medeiros, H. and Sobell, J.L. and Abbott, C. and Azevedo, M.H. and Macedo, A. and Bromet, E.J. and Buckley, P.F. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Lehrer, D.S. and Macciardi, F. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Rapaport, M.H. and McCarroll, S.A. and Kincaid, B. and Knowles, J.A. and Vawter, M. "Nicotine dependence and psychosis in Bipolar disorder and Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar type" (2016)

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Lehrer, D.S. and Pato, M.T. and Nahhas, R.W. and Miller, B.R. and Malaspina, D. and Buckley, P.F. and Sobell, J.L. and Walsh-Messinger, J. and Pato, C.N. and Abbott and Azevedo, M.H. and Bromet, E.J. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Kinkead, B. and Knowles, J.A. and Macciardi, F. and Macedo, A. and Marder, S.R. and McCarroll, S.A. and Medeiros, H. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Jeffrey J Rakofsky and Rapaport, M.H. and Perkins, D.O. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. and Vawter, M. and Cohort Consortium, G.P. "Paternal age effect: Replication in schizophrenia with intriguing dissociation between bipolar with and without psychosis" (2016)

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Wendling, A.L. and Wudyka, A.E. and Phillips, J.P. and Levine, D.L. and Mulhem, E. and Neale, A.V. and Morley, C.P. "RU4PC? Texting to quantify feedback about primary care and its relationship with student career interest" (2016)

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Morley, C.P. and Nolte, T. "Stfm launches a new journal focused on family medicine education: "peer-reviewed reports in medical education research" (PRIMER)" (2016)

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Tang, V.K. and Pato, M.T. and Sobell, J.L. and Hammond, T.C. and Valdez, M.M. and Lane, C.J. and Pato, C.N. and Medeiros, H. and Abbott, C. and Azevedo, M.H. and Macedo, A. and Bromet, E.J. and Buckley, P.F. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Knowles, J.A. and Lehrer, D.S. and Macciardi, F. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Rapaport, M.H. and McCarroll, S.A. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. "Substance use associated with short sleep duration in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder" (2016)

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Perlman, G. and Kotov, R. and Fu, J. and Bromet, E.J. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Medeiros, H. and Pato, M.T. and Pato, C.N. and Abbott, C. and Azevedo, M.H. and Buckley, P.F. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Knowles, J.A. and Lehrer and Macciardi, F. and Macedo, A. and Malaspina, D. and Marder, S.R. and McCarroll, S.A. and Morley and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Rapaport and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. and Sobell, J.L. "Symptoms of psychosis in schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder: A comparison of African Americans and Caucasians in the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort" (2016)

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Morley, C.P. and Cameron, B.J. and Bazemore, A.W. "The impact of administrative academic units (AAU) grants on the family medicine research enterprise in the United States" (2016)

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Cieslak, K. and Pato, M. and Buckley, P. and Pato, C. and Sobell, J.L. and Medeiros, H. and Zhao, Y. and Ahn, H. and Malaspina, D. and Abbott, C. and Knowles, J.A. and Azevedo, M.H. and Macedo, A. and Bromet, E.J. and Fochtmann, L.J. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Kincaid, B. and Rakofsky, J.J. and Rapaport, M.H. and Lehrer, D.S. and Macciardi, F. and Vawter, M. and Marder, S.R. and McCarroll, S.A. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. "Traumatic brain injury and bipolar psychosis in the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort" (2016)

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Mader, E.M. and Lapin, B. and Cameron, B.J. and Carr, T.A. and Morley, C.P. "Update on performance in tobacco control: A longitudinal analysis of the impact of tobacco control policy and the US adult smoking rate, 2011-2013" (2016)

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In 2015

Morley, C.P. and Mader, E.M. and Smilnak, T. and Bazemore, A. and Petterson, S. and Rodr{\'i}guez, J.E. and Campbell, K.M. "The social mission in medical school mission statements: Associations with graduate outcomes" (2015)

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Lee, A.L. and Mader, E.M. and Morley, C.P. "Teaching cross-cultural communication skills online: A multi-method evaluation" (2015)

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Morley, C.P. "The politics of tobacco regulation" (2015)

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In 2014

Morgan A. Pratte and Kaushal B. Nanavati and Virginia Young and Christopher P. Morley. "An Alternative Treatment for Anxiety: A Systematic Review of Human Trial Results Reported for the Ayurvedic Herb Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera )" (2014)

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J. W. Epling and E. M. Mader and C. A. Roseamelia and C. P. Morley. "Emerging Practice Concerning Vitamin D in Primary Care" (2014)

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A qualitative study of medical students in a rural track: views on eventual rural practice. (2014)

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Hartz SM. "Comorbidity of severe psychotic disorders with measures of substance use." (2014)

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A curriculum on care for people with disabilities: effects on medical student self-reported attitudes and comfort level. (2014)

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Roseamelia, C. and Greenwald, J.L. and Bush, T. and Pratte, M. and Wilcox, J. and Morley, C.P. "A qualitative study of medical students in a rural track: Views on eventual rural practice" (2014)

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Kingston, L.N. and Morley, C.P. "Immigrants and displaced persons" (2014)

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Practice characteristics and prior authorization costs: secondary analysis of data collected by SALT-Net in 9 central New York primary care practices. (2014)

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Prunuske, J. and Chang, L. and Mishori, R. and Dobbie, A. and Morley, C.P. "The extent and methods of public health instruction in family medicine clerkships" (2014)

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The temporal decline of idealism in two cohorts of medical students at one institution. (2014)

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In 2013

Decline of medical student idealism in the first and second year of medical school: a survey of pre-clinical medical students at one institution. (2013)

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Morley, C.P. and Badolato, D.J. and Hickner, J. and Epling, J.W. "Response: Re: The impact of prior authorization requirements on primary care physicians' offices: Report of two parallel network studies" (2013)

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Morley, C.P. and Pratte, M.A. "State-level tobacco control and adult smoking rate in the United States: An ecological analysis of structural factors" (2013)

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Pato, M.T. and Sobell, J.L. and Medeiros, H. and Abbott, C. and Sklar, B.M. and Buckley, P.F. and Bromet, E.J. and Escamilla, M.A. and Fanous, A.H. and Lehrer, D.S. and Macciardi, F. and Malaspina, D. and Mccarroll, S.A. and Marder, S.R. and Moran, J. and Morley, C.P. and Nicolini, H. and Perkins, D.O. and Purcell, S.M. and Rapaport, M.H. and Sklar, P. and Smoller, J.W. and Knowles, J.A. and Pato, C.N. "The genomic psychiatry cohort: Partners in discovery" (2013)

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Morley, C.P. and Badolato, D.J. and Hickner, J. and Epling, J.W. "The impact of prior authorization requirements on primary care physicians' offices: Report of two parallel network studies" (2013)

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Zoeckler JM , Cibula DA , Morley CP , Lax MB. "Predictors for return to work for those with occupational respiratory disease: clinical and structural factors." (2013)

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Pato MT. "What to learn and how to teach it: five years of pre-meetings for training directors in psychiatry." (2013)

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In 2012

Schizophrenia susceptibility alleles are enriched for alleles that affect gene expression in adult human brain. (2012)

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Morley, C.P. "Supporting physicians who work in challenging contexts: A role for the academic health center" (2012)

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Jia P , Wang L , Fanous AH , Chen X , Kendler KS. "A bias-reducing pathway enrichment analysis of genome-wide association data confirmed association of the MHC region with schizophrenia." (2012)

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In 2011

Chen, X. and Lee, G. and Maher, B.S. and Fanous, A.H. and Chen, J. and Zhao, Z. and Guo, A. and Van Den Oord, E. and Sullivan, P.F. and Shi, J. and Levinson, D.F. and Gejman, P.V. and Sanders, A. and Duan, J. and Owen, M.J. and Craddock, N.J. and O'Donovan, M.C. and Blackman, J. and Lewis, D. and Kirov, G.K. and Qin, W. and Schwab, S. and Wildenauer, D. and Chowdari, K. and Nimgaonkar, V. and Straub, R.E. and Weinberger, D.R. and O'Neill, F.A. and Walsh, D. and Bronstein, M. and Darvasi, A. and Lencz, T. and Malhotra, A.K. and Rujescu, D. and Giegling, I. and Werge, T. and Hansen, T. and Ingason, A. and No ethen, M.M. and Rietschel, M. and Cichon, S. and Djurovic, S. and Andreassen, O.A. and Cantor, R.M. and Ophoff, R. and Corvin, A. and Morris, D.W. and Gill, M. and Pato, C.N. and Pato, M.T. and Macedo, A. and Gurling, H.M.D. and McQuillin, A. and Pimm, J. and Hultman, C. and Lichtenstein, P. and Sklar, P. and Purcell, S.M. and Scolnick, E. and St Clair, D. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Kendler, K.S. and Kahn, R.S. and Linszen, D.H. and Van Os, J. and Wiersma, D. and Bruggeman, R. and Cahn, W. and De Haan, L. and Krabbendam, L. and Myin-Germeys, I. and O'Donovan, M.C. and Kirov, G.K. and Craddock, N.J. and Holmans, P.A. and Williams, N.M. and Georgieva, L. and Nikolov, I. and Norton, N. and Williams, H. and Toncheva, D. and Milanova, V. and Owen, M.J. and Hultman, C.M. and Lichtenstein, P. and Thelander, E.F. and Sullivan, P. and Morris, D.W. and O'Dushlaine, C.T. and Kenny, E. and Quinn, E.M. and Gill, M. and Corvin, A. and McQuillin, A. and Choudhury, K. and Datta, S. and Pimm, J. and Thirumalai, S. and Puri, V. and Krasucki, R. and Lawrence, J. and Quested, D. and Bass, N. and Gurling, H. and Crombie, C. and Fraser, G. and Kuan, S.L. and Walker, N. and St Clair, D. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Muir, W.J. and McGhee, K.A. and Pickard, B. and Malloy, P. and Maclean, A.W. and Van Beck, M. and Wray, N.R. and Macgregor, S. and Visscher, P.M. and Pato, M.T. and Medeiros, H. and Middleton, F. and Carvalho, C. and Morley, C. and Fanous, A. and Conti, D. and Knowles, J.A. and Ferreira, C.P. and Macedo, A. and Azevedo, M.H. and Pato, C.N. and Stone, J.L. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Kirby, A.N. and Ferreira, M.A.R. and Daly, M.J. and Purcell, S.M. and Sklar, P. and Chambert, K. and Kuruvilla, F. and Gabriel, S.B. and Ardlie, K. and Moran, J.L. and Scolnick, E.M. "GWA study data mining and independent replication identify cardiomyopathy-associated 5 (CMYA5) as a risk gene for schizophrenia" (2011)

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Molecular pathways involved in neuronal cell adhesion and membrane scaffolding contribute to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder susceptibility. (2011)

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Arasheben, A. and Barzee, K.A. and Morley, C.P. "A meta-analysis of bone mineral density in collegiate female athletes" (2011)

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Epling, J.W. and Morley, C.P. and Ploutz-Snyder, R. "Family physician attitudes in managing obesity: A cross-sectional survey study" (2011)

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Bridges, M. and Heron, E.A. and O{'}Dushlaine, C. and Segurado, R. and Morris, D. and Corvin, A. and Gill, M. and Pinto, C. and Morris, D.W. and O{'}Dushlaine, C. and Kenny, E. and Quinn, E.M. and Gill, M. and Corvin, A. and O{'}Donovan, M.C. and Kirov, G.K. and Craddock, N.J. and Holmans, P.A. and Williams, N.M. and Georgieva, L. and Nikolov, I. and Norton, N. and Williams, H. and Toncheva, D. and Milanova, V. and Owen, M.J. and Hultman, C.M. and Lichtenstein, P. and Thelander, E.F. and Sullivan, P. and McQuillin, A. and Choudhury, K. and Datta, S. and Pimm, J. and Thirumalai, S. and Puri, V. and Krasucki, R. and Lawrence, J. and Quested, D. and Bass, N. and Gurling, H. and Crombie, C. and Fraser, G. and Kuan, S.L. and Walker, N. and St Clair, D. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Muir, W.J. and McGhee, K.A. and Pickard, B. and Malloy, P. and Maclean, A.W. and Van Beck, M. and Wray, N.R. and Visscher, P.M. and Macgregor, S. and Pato, M.T. and Medeiros, H. and Middleton, F. and Carvalho, C. and Morley, C. and Fanous, A. and Conti, D. and Knowles, J.A. and Paz Ferreira, C. and Macedo, A. and Helena Azevedo, M. and Pato, C.N. and Stone, J.L. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Ferreira, M.A.R. and Purcell, S.M. and Stone, J.L. and Chambert, K. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Kuruvilla, F. and Gabriel, S.B. and Ardlie, K. and Daly, M.J. and Scolnick, E.M. and Sklar, P. "Genetic classification of populations using supervised learning" (2011)

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Morley, C.P. and Flad, J.R. and Arthur, M. and Recker-Hughes, C. and Barzee, K.A. and Bailey, R.E. and Manyon, A.T. "Pilot evaluation of a biopsychosocial integrated standardized patient examination in a family medicine clerkship" (2011)

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Chen, J. and Lee, G. and Fanous, A.H. and Zhao, Z. and Jia, P. and O{'}neill, A. and Walsh, D. and Kendler, K.S. and Chen, X. and O?Donovan, M.C. and Kirov, G.K. and Craddock, N.J. and Holmans, P.A. and Williams, N.M. and Georgieva, L. and Nikolov, I. and Norton, N. and Williams, H. and Toncheva, D. and Milanova, V. and Owen, M.J. and Hultman, C.M. and Lichtenstein, P. and Thelander, E.F. and Sullivan, P. and Morris, D.W. and O?Dushlaine, C.T. and Kenny, E. and Quinn, E.M. and Gill, M. and Corvin, A. and McQuillin, A. and Choudhury, K. and Datta, S. and Pimm, J. and Thirumalai, S. and Puri, V. and Krasucki, R. and Lawrence, J. and Quested, D. and Bass, N. and Gurling, H. and Crombie, C. and Fraser, G. and Kuan, S.L. and Walker, N. and St Clair, D. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Muir, W.J. and McGhee, K.A. and Pickard, B. and Malloy, P. and Maclean, A.W. and Van Beck, M. and Wray, N.R. and Macgregor, S. and Visscher, P.M. and Pato, M.T. and Medeiros, H. and Middleton, F. and Carvalho, C. and Morley, C. and Fanous, A. and Conti, D. and Knowles, J.A. and Paz Ferreira, C. and Macedo, A. and Helena Azevedo, M. and Pato, C.N. and Stone, J.L. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Kirby, A.N. and Ferreira, M.A.R. and Daly, M.J. and Purcell, S.M. and Sklar, P. and Stone, J.L. and Chambert, K. and Kuruvilla, F. and Gabriel, S.B. and Ardlie, K. and Moran, J.L. and Scolnick, E.M. "Two non-synonymous markers in PTPN21, identified by genome-wide association study data-mining and replication, are associated with schizophrenia" (2011)

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In 2010

Kingston, L.N. and Cohen, E.F. and Morley, C.P. "Debate: Limitations on universality: The "right to health" and the necessity of legal nationality" (2010)

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Morley, C.P. "Disparities in ADHD assessment, diagnosis, and treatment" (2010)

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Morley, C.P. "The effects of patient characteristics on ADHD diagnosis and treatment: A factorial study of family physicians" (2010)

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Raychaudhuri S. "Accurately assessing the risk of schizophrenia conferred by rare copy-number variation affecting genes with brain function." (2010)

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In 2009

Purcell, S.M. and Wray, N.R. and Stone, J.L. and Visscher, P.M. and O'Donovan, M.C. and Sullivan, P.F. and Ruderfer, D.M. and McQuillin, A. and Morris, D.W. and Og dushlaine, C.T. and Corvin, A. and Holmans, P.A. and Og donovan, M.C. and MacGregor, S. and Gurling, H. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Craddock, N.J. and Gill, M. and Hultman, C.M. and Kirov, G.K. and Lichtenstein, P. and Muir, W.J. and Owen, M.J. and Pato, C.N. and Scolnick, E.M. and St Clair, D. and Williams, N.M. and Georgieva, L. and Nikolov, I. and Norton, N. and Williams, H. and Toncheva, D. and Milanova, V. and Thelander, E.F. and O'Dushlaine, C.T. and Kenny, E. and Quinn, E.M. and Choudhury, K. and Datta, S. and Pimm, J. and Thirumalai, S. and Puri, V. and Krasucki, R. and Lawrence, J. and Quested, D. and Bass, N. and Crombie, C. and Fraser, G. and Leh Kuan, S. and Walker, N. and McGhee, K.A. and Pickard, B. and Malloy, P. and MacLean, A.W. and Van Beck, M. and Pato, M.T. and Medeiros, H. and Middleton, F. and Carvalho, C. and Morley, C. and Fanous, A. and Conti, D. and Knowles, J.A. and Paz Ferreira, C. and MacEdo, A. and Helena Azevedo, M. and Kirby, A.N. and Ferreira, M.A.R. and Daly, M.J. and Chambert, K. and Kuruvilla, F. and Gabriel, S.B. and Ardlie, K. and Moran, J.L. and Sklar, P. "Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder" (2009)

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Cohen, E.F. and Morley, C.P. "Children, ADHD, and citizenship" (2009)

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Raychaudhuri, S. and Plenge, R.M. and Rossin, E.J. and Ng, A.C.Y. and Purcell, S.M. and Sklar, P. and Scolnick, E.M. and Xavier, R.J. and Altshuler, D. and Daly, M.J. and Ardlie, K. and Azevedo, M.H. and Bass, N. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Carvalho, C. and Chambert, K. and Choudhury, K. and Conti, D. and Corvin, A. and Craddock, N.J. and Crombie, C. and Curtis, D. and Datta, S. and Gabrie, S.B. and Gates, C. and Georgieva, L. and Gill, M. and Gurling, H. and Holmans, P.A. and Hultman, C.M. and Fanous, A. and Fraser, G. and Kenny, E. and Kirov, G.K. and Knowles, J.A. and Krasucki, R. and Korn, J. and Soh, L.K. and Lawrence, J. and Lichtenstein, P. and Macedo, A. and Macgregor, S. and Maclean, A.W. and Mahon, S. and Malloy, P. and McGhee, K.A. and McQuillin, A. and Medeiros, H. and Middleton, F. and Milanova, V. and Morley, C. and Morris, D.W. and Muir, W.J. and Nikolov, I. and Norton, N. and O'Dushlaine, C.T. and O'Donovan, M.C. and Owen, M.J. and Pato, C.N. and Ferreira, C.P. and Pickard, B. and Pimm, J. and Puri, V. and Quested, D. and Ruderfer, D.M. and St. Clair, D. and Stone, J.L. and Sullivan, P.F. and Thelander, E.F. and Thirumalai, S. and Toncheva, D. and Van Beck, M. and Visscher, P.M. and Waddington, J.L. and Walker, N. and Williams, H. and Williams, N.M. "Identifying relationships among genomic disease regions: Predicting genes at pathogenic SNP associations and rare deletions" (2009)

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Kolva, D.E. and Barzee, K.A. and Morley, C.P. "Practice management residency curricula: A systematic literature review" (2009)

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Hahn, W. and Morley, C.P. and Morrow, C. and Epling, J.W. "The effect of media attention on concern for and medical management of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus: A multimethod study" (2009)

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Practice management residency curricula: a systematic literature review. (2009)

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In 2008

Faraone, S.V. and Biederman, J. and Morley, C.P. and Spencer, T.J. "Effect of stimulants on height and weight: A review of the literature" (2008)

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Morley, C.P. and Beatty, P.G. "Ethical problems in rural healthcare: Local symptoms, systemic disease" (2008)

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Stone, J.L. and O'Donovan, M.C. and Gurling, H. and Kirov, G.K. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Corvin, A. and Craddock, N.J. and Gill, M. and Hultman, C.M. and Lichtenstein, P. and McQuillin, A. and Pato, C.N. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Owen, M.J. and St Clair, D. and Sullivan, P.F. and Sklar, P. and Purcell, S.M. and Korn, J. and Macgregor, S. and Morris, D.W. and O'Dushlaine, C.T. and Daly, M.J. and Visscher, P.M. and Holmans, P.A. and Scolnick, E.M. and Williams, N.M. and Georgieva, L. and Nikolov, I. and Norton, N. and Williams, H. and Toncheva, D. and Milanova, V. and Thelander, E.F. and Sullivan, P. and Kenny, E. and Waddington, J.L. and Choudhury, K. and Datta, S. and Pimm, J. and Thirumalai, S. and Puri, V. and Krasucki, R. and Lawrence, J. and Quested, D. and Bass, N. and Curtis, D. and Crombie, C. and Fraser, G. and Leh Kwan, S. and Walker, N. and Muir, W.J. and McGhee, K.A. and Pickard, B. and Malloy, P. and Maclean, A.W. and Van Beck, M. and Pato, M.T. and Medeiros, H. and Middleton, F. and Carvalho, C. and Morley, C. and Fanous, A. and Conti, D. and Knowles, J.A. and Paz Ferreira, C. and Macedo, A. and Helena Azevedo, M. and McCarroll, S.A. and Daly, M. and Chambert, K. and Gates, C. and Gabriel, S.B. and Mahon, S. and Ardlie, K. "Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications increase risk of schizophrenia" (2008)

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Christopher P. Morley , 2008. "Primary Care, Patient Autonomy, and Healthcare Justice" (2008)

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In 2006

Middleton, F.A. and Trauzzi, M.G. and Shrimpton, A.E. and Gentile, K.L. and Morley, C.P. and Medeiros, H. and Pato, M.T. and Pato, C.N. "Complete maternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 4 in a subject with major depressive disorder detected by high density SNP genotyping arrays" (2006)

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In 2005

Althoff, R.R. and Faraone, S.V. and Rettew, D.C. and Morley, C.P. and Hudziak, J.J. "Family, twin, adoption, and molecular genetic studies of juvenile bipolar disorder" (2005)

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Middleton, F.A. and Pato, C.N. and Gentile, K.L. and McGann, L. and Brown, A.M. and Trauzzi, M. and Diab, H. and Morley, C.P. and Medeiros, H. and Macedo, A. and Azevedo, M.H. and Pato, M.T. "Gene expression analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes from discordant sib-pairs with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder reveals points of convergence between genetic and functional genomic approaches" (2005)

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Petryshen, T.L. and Middleton, F.A. and Tahl, A.R. and Rockwell, G.N. and Purcell, S. and Aldinger, K.A. and Kirby, A. and Morley, C.P. and McGann, L. and Gentile, K.L. and Waggoner, S.G. and Medeiros, H.M. and Carvalho, C. and Macedo, A. and Albus, M. and Maier, W. and Trixler, M. and Eichhammer, P. and Schwab, S.G. and Wildenauer, D.B. and Azevedo, M.H. and Pato, M.T. and Pato, C.N. and Daly, M.J. and Sklar, P. "Genetic investigation of chromosome 5q GABAA receptor subunit genes in schizophrenia" (2005)

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Pato, C.N. and Middleton, F.A. and Gentile, K.L. and Morley, C.P. and Medeiros, H. and Macedo, A. and Azevedo, M.H. and Pato, M.T. "Genetic linkage of bipolar disorder to chromosome 6q22 is a consistent finding in Portuguese subpopulations and may generalize to broader populations" (2005)

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Petryshen, T.L. and Middleton, F.A. and Tahl, A.R. and Rockwell, G.N. and Purcell, S. and Aldinger, K.A. and Kirby, A. and Morley, C.P. and McGann, L. and Gentile, K.L. and Waggoner, S.G. and Medeiros, H.M. and Carvalho, C. and Macedo, A. and Albus, M. and Maier, W. and Trixler, M. and Eichhammer, P. and Schwab, S.G. and Wildenauer, D.B. and Azevedo, M.H. and Pato, M.T. and Pato, C.N. and Daly, M.J. and Sklar, P. "Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype structure of five GABAA receptor subunit genes investigated for association with schizophrenia" (2005)

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Petryshen, T.L. and Middleton, F.A. and Kirby, A. and Aldinger, K.A. and Purcell, S. and Tahl, A.R. and Morley, C.P. and McGann, L. and Gentile, K.L. and Rockwell, G.N. and Medeiros, H.M. and Carvalho, C. and Macedo, A. and Dourado, A. and Valente, J. and Ferreira, C.P. and Patterson, N.J. and Azevedo, M.H. and Daly, M.J. and Pato, C.N. and Pato, M.T. and Sklar, P. "Support for involvement of neuregulin 1 in schizophrenia pathophysiology" (2005)

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In 2004

Pato, C.N. and Pato, M.T. and Kirby, A. and Petryshen, T.L. and Medeiros, H. and Carvalho, C. and Macedo, A. and Dourado, A. and Coelho, I. and Valente, J. and Soares, M.J. and Ferreira, C.P. and Lei, M. and Verner, A. and Hudson, T.J. and Morley, C.P. and Kennedy, J.L. and Azevedo, M.H. and Daly, M.J. and Sklar, P. "Genome-Wide Scan in Portuguese Island Families Implicates Multiple Loci in Bipolar Disorder: Fine Mapping Adds Support on Chromosomes 6 and 11" (2004)

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Sklar, P. and Pato, M.T. and Kirby, A. and Petryshen, T.L. and Medeiros, H. and Carvalho, C. and Macedo, A. and Dourado, A. and Coelho, I. and Valente, J. and Soares, M.J. and Ferreira, C.P. and Lei, M. and Verner, A. and Hudson, T.J. and Morley, C.P. and Kennedy, J.L. and Azevedo, M.H. and Lander, E. and Daly, M.J. and Pato, C.N. "Genome-wide scan in Portuguese Island families identifies 5q31-5q35 as a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia and psychosis" (2004)

Found on Publication Page

Middleton, F.A. and Pato, M.T. and Gentile, K.L. and Morley, C.P. and Zhao, X. and Eisener, A.F. and Brown, A. and Petryshen, T.L. and Kirby, A.N. and Medeiros, H. and Carvalho, C. and Macedo, A. and Dourado, A. and Coelho, I. and Valente, J. and Soares, M.J. and Ferreira, C.P. and Lei, M. and Azevedo, M.H. and Kennedy, J.L. and Daly, M.J. and Sklar, P. and Pato, C.N. "Genomewide Linkage Analysis of Bipolar Disorder by Use of a High-Density Single-Nucleotide-Polymorphism (SNP) Genotyping Assay: A Comparison with Microsatellite Marker Assays and Finding of Significant Linkage to Chromosome 6q22" (2004)

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In 2002

Cummings, K.M. and Morley, C.P. and Hyland, A. "Failed promises of the cigarette industry and its effect on consumer misperceptions about the health risks of smoking" (2002)

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Cummings, K.M. and Morley, C.P. and Horan, J.K. and Steger, C. and Leavell, N.-R. "Marketing to America's youth: Evidence from corporate documents" (2002)

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Chaloupka, F.J. and Cummings, K.M. and Morley, C.P. and Horan, J.K. "Tax, price and cigarette smoking: Evidence from the tobacco documents and implications for tobacco company marketing strategies" (2002)

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Wakefield, M. and Morley, C. and Horan, J.K. and Cummings, K.M. "The cigarette pack as image: New evidence from tobacco industry documents" (2002)

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Morley, C.P. and Cummings, K.M. and Hyland, A. and Giovino, G.A. and Horan, J.K. "Tobacco Institute lobbying at the state and local levels of government in the 1990s" (2002)

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