Damir Torrico Arispe

Profile Picture of Damir Torrico Arispe
Assistant Professor
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • PhD, Food Science, LSU

Research Interests

Sensory Science   Sensory Perception   Food Science  

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My teaching and research interests are focused on sensory science in the area of food and beverages. I am interested in taste perception, food product optimization and consumer acceptability, and physiological and psychological responses of consumers toward food products. In particular I explore how the variation in human senses and thinking processes affect the sensory evaluation of foods and beverages, looking at the measurement of liking and disliking different food products and establishing more accurate sensory protocols. I am also involved in new food product development. Consumers are looking for healthier products. My work measures consumer responses towards healthier food/beverages alternatives (such as sugar- and salt-reduced products) to understand the connections between the liking of taste and the healthiness of the product. I apply new statistical methods and analyses for interpreting complex sensory and consumer data. Current projects include applying novel objective technologies such as eye-tracking and virtual reality to understand the overall experiences of consumers when tasting food or beverage products.


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List of Publications (131)
In 2024

Effects of repeated tasting sessions on acceptability, emotional responses, and purchasing behaviors of waste to value added SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) ice .... A Mehta, L Serventi, L Kumar, DD Torrico Journal of Sensory Studies 39 (2), e12901, 2024.

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Differences in organic Pinot Noir wine production systems correlated with microbiome analysis, sensory characteristics and volatile composition. A Ohwofasa, B Tian, D Torrico, M Dhami, C Winefield, SLW On Food Bioscience, 104562, 2024.

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In 2023

A critical review of social media research in sensory-consumer science. SC Hutchings, Y Dixit, M Al-Sarayreh, DD Torrico, CE Realini, SR Jaeger, ... Food Research International 165, 112494, 2023.

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Exploring the textural dynamics of dairy and plant-based yoghurts: A comprehensive study. A Mehta, L Kumar, L Serventi, P Schlich, DD Torrico Food Research International 171, 113058, 2023.

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Exploring the effects of packaging on consumer experience and purchase behaviour: insights from eye tracking and facial expressions on orange juice. A Mehta, L Serventi, L Kumar, DD Torrico International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2023.

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The application of biometric approaches in agri-food marketing: A systematic literature review. L Cong, S Luan, E Young, M Mirosa, P Bremer, DD Torrico Foods 12 (16), 2982, 2023.

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In-vitro digestibility, protein digestibility corrected amino acid, and sensory properties of banana-cassava gluten-free pasta with soy protein isolate and egg white protein .... A Rachman, MA Brennan, J Morton, D Torrico, CS Brennan Food Science and Human Wellness 12 (2), 520-527, 2023.

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Understanding consumer liking of beef patties with different firmness among younger and older adults using FaceReaderTM and biometrics. B Mena, DD Torrico, S Hutchings, M Ha, H Ashman, RD Warner Meat Science 199, 109124, 2023.

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Novel Contactless Sensors for Food, Beverage and Packaging Evaluation. C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, S Fuentes Sensors 23 (19), 8082, 2023.

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The Scoop on SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast): Exploring Consumer Behaviours towards a Novel Ice Cream. A Mehta, L Serventi, L Kumar, DD Torrico Foods 12 (17), 3152, 2023.

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Social media research in sensory-consumer science: Opportunities for the dairy industry. S Hutchings, J Espinosa Ramos, Y Dixit, D Torrico, C Realini Cujo, ... AgResearch, 2023.

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Consumer Attitudes and Acceptability toward Edible New Zealand Native Plants. DD Torrico, X Nie, D Lukito, S Deb-Choudhury, SC Hutchings, CE Realini Sustainability 15 (15), 11592, 2023.

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Food Sustainability. DD Torrico, X Nie, L Serventi Sustainable Food Innovation, 1-11, 2023.

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New methods to assess sensory responses: A brief review of innovative techniques in sensory evaluation. DD Torrico, A Mehta, AB Borssato Current opinion in food science 49, 100978, 2023.

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In 2022

Effects of extrusion processing on the bioactive constituents, in vitro digestibility, amino acid composition, and antioxidant potential of novel gluten-free extruded snacks .... HNN Dilrukshi, DD Torrico, MA Brennan, CS Brennan Food chemistry 389, 133107, 2022.

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Consumer characterization of wet-and dry-aged mutton flavor profile using check-all-that-apply. M Hastie, D Torrico, Z Li, M Ha, R Warner Foods 11 (20), 3167, 2022.

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Plant and dairy-based yogurts: a comparison of consumer sensory acceptability linked to textural analysis. MK Gupta, DD Torrico, L Ong, SL Gras, FR Dunshea, JJ Cottrell Foods 11 (3), 463, 2022.

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Effects of tasting and ingredient information statement on acceptability, elicited emotions, and willingness to purchase: A case of pita chips containing edible cricket protein. CE Gurdian, DD Torrico, B Li, W Prinyawiwatkul Foods 11 (3), 337, 2022.

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Influence of label design and country of origin information in wines on consumers' visual, sensory, and emotional responses. C Liu, C Sharma, Q Xu, C Gonzalez Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico Sensors 22 (6), 2158, 2022.

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Nutritional, physicochemical, and textural properties of gluten free extruded snacks containing cowpea and whey protein concentrate. ND HewaNadungodage, DD Torrico, MA Brennan, CS Brennan International Journal of Food Science & Technology 57 (7), 3903-3913, 2022.

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Influence of expectations and emotions raised by packaging characteristics on orange juice acceptability and choice. A Mehta, L Serventi, L Kumar, CG Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico Food Packaging and Shelf Life 33, 100926, 2022.

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High consumer acceptance of mutton and the influence of ageing method on eating quality. M Hastie, M Ha, RH Jacob, G Hepworth, DD Torrico, RD Warner Meat Science 189, 108813, 2022.

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Combining hierarchical clustering and preference mapping differentiates consumer preference for dry aged mutton. M Hastie, DD Torrico, G Hepworth, R Jacob, M Ha, R Polkinghorne, ... Meat Science 192, 108890, 2022.

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Digital technologies to assess yoghurt quality traits and consumers acceptability. MK Gupta, CG Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico, PC Saturno, SL Gras, ... Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102 (13), 5642-5652, 2022.

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Understanding dominance: The effect of changing the definition of dominance when using TDS with consumers. SC Hutchings, W Cha, FR Dunshea, C Sharma, DD Torrico Journal of Sensory Studies 37 (4), e12750, 2022.

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Health claim effects on consumer acceptability, emotional responses, and purchase intent of protein bars. M Thakur, C Sharma, A Mehta, DD Torrico Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 8, 100291, 2022.

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Sensory Methods for Shelf Life Assessment of Foods. C Sharma, DD Torrico, S Singh Shelf Life and Food Safety, 33-60, 2022.

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Exploring 3D printing. H Lee, J Hampton, I Pope, S Peddisetti, D Torrico, L Kaur, J Singh, ... Food New Zealand 22 (6), 36-38, 2022.

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In 2021

Exploring text mining for recent consumer and sensory studies about alternative proteins. Z Chen, C Gurdian, C Sharma, W Prinyawiwatkul, DD Torrico Foods 10 (11), 2537, 2021.

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Novel Techniques to Measure the Sensory, Emotional, and Physiological (Biometric) Responses of Consumers toward Foods and Packaging. D Torrico MDPI-Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2021.

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Effect of Serving Plate Types and Color Cues on Liking and Purchase Intent of Cheese-Flavored Tortilla Chips. Foods 2021, 10, 886. CE Gurdian, DD Torrico, B Li, W Prinyawiwatkul s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published ..., 2021.

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Self-reported emotions and facial expressions on consumer acceptability: A study using energy drinks. A Mehta, C Sharma, M Kanala, M Thakur, R Harrison, DD Torrico Foods 10 (2), 330, 2021.

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Animal welfare information affects consumers' hedonic and emotional responses towards milk. R Jiang, C Sharma, R Bryant, MS Mohan, O Al-Marashdeh, R Harrison, ... Food Research International 141, 110006, 2021.

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Virtual reality environments on the sensory acceptability and emotional responses of no-and full-sugar chocolate. DD Torrico, C Sharma, W Dong, S Fuentes, CG Viejo, FR Dunshea Lwt 137, 110383, 2021.

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Effect of informed conditions on sensory expectations and actual perceptions: A case of chocolate brownies containing edible-cricket protein. CE Gurdian, DD Torrico, B Li, G Tuuri, W Prinyawiwatkul Foods 10 (7), 1480, 2021.

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Review of the effects of grapevine smoke exposure and technologies to assess smoke contamination and taint in grapes and wine. V Summerson, C Gonzalez Viejo, A Pang, DD Torrico, S Fuentes Beverages 7 (1), 7, 2021.

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Differences in hedonic responses, facial expressions and self-reported emotions of consumers using commercial yogurts: A cross-cultural study. M Gupta, DD Torrico, G Hepworth, SL Gras, L Ong, JJ Cottrell, ... Foods 10 (6), 1237, 2021.

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Assessment of volatile aromatic compounds in smoke tainted Cabernet Sauvignon wines using a low-cost e-nose and machine learning modelling. V Summerson, C Gonzalez Viejo, A Pang, DD Torrico, S Fuentes Molecules 26 (16), 5108, 2021.

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Effect of disclosed information on product liking, emotional profile, and purchase intent: a case of chocolate brownies containing edible-cricket protein. CE Gurdian, DD Torrico, B Li, G Tuuri, W Prinyawiwatkul Foods 10 (8), 1769, 2021.

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Silicon supplementation improves the nutritional and sensory characteristics of lentil seeds obtained from drought stressed plants. S Biju, S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, S Inayat, D Gupta Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101 (4), 1454-1466, 2021.

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Application of augmented reality in the sensory evaluation of yogurts. Y Dong, C Sharma, A Mehta, DD Torrico Fermentation 7 (3), 147, 2021.

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Digital smoke taint detection in Pinot Grigio wines using an E-nose and machine learning algorithms following treatment with activated carbon and a cleaving enzyme. V Summerson, C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, A Pang, S Fuentes Fermentation 7 (3), 119, 2021.

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Digital integration and automated assessment of eye-tracking and emotional response data using the BioSensory App to maximize packaging label analysis. S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea Sensors 21 (22), 7641, 2021.

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Effect of carcase characteristics and sheep breeding values on the yield of dry-and wet-aged multipurpose merino cull ewe meat. M Hastie, R Jacob, M Ha, G Hepworth, D Torrico, H Ashman, R Warner Livestock Science 243, 104375, 2021.

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Effect of serving plate types and color cues on liking and purchase intent of cheese-flavored tortilla chips. CE Gurdian, DD Torrico, B Li, W Prinyawiwatkul Foods 10 (4), 886, 2021.

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Product design to enhance consumer liking of cull ewe meat. M Hastie, H Ashman, D Lyman, L Lockstone-Binney, R Jacob, M Ha, ... Foods 10 (1), 96, 2021.

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Novel techniques to measure the sensory, emotional, and physiological responses of consumers toward foods. DD Torrico Foods 10 (11), 2620, 2021.

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Indigenous meanings of provenance in the context of alternative food movements and supply-chain traceability: A review. C Sharma, DD Torrico, L Carpenter, R Harrison Social Sciences 10 (7), 255, 2021.

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Accounting for taste: Do non-cage eggs taste different? Discoveries from a blind-taste test. K Bicknell, X Lucock, B Greig, D Torrico .

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In 2020

Instrumental and sensory properties of cowpea and whey protein concentrate-fortified extruded rice snacks. ND HN, DD Torrico, MA Brennan, CS Brennan Proceedings 70 (1), 95, 2020.

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Effects of context and virtual reality environments on the wine tasting experience, acceptability, and emotional responses of consumers. DD Torrico, Y Han, C Sharma, S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, FR Dunshea Foods 9 (2), 191, 2020.

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Virtual reality and immersive environments on sensory perception of chocolate products: A preliminary study. Y Kong, C Sharma, M Kanala, M Thakur, L Li, D Xu, R Harrison, ... Foods 9 (4), 515, 2020.

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Consumer rejection threshold, acceptability rates, physicochemical properties, and shelf life of strawberry flavored yogurts with reductions of sugar. DD Torrico, J Tam, S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, FR Dunshea Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (7), 3024-3035, 2020.

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Beer and consumer response using biometrics: Associations assessment of beer compounds and elicited emotions. C Gonzalez Viejo, R Villarreal-Lara, DD Torrico, YG Rodri guez-Velazco, ... Foods 9 (6), 821, 2020.

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A mixed method approach for the investigation of consumer responses to sheepmeat and beef. M Hastie, H Ashman, D Torrico, M Ha, R Warner Foods 9 (2), 126, 2020.

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Machine learning modeling of wine sensory profiles and color of vertical vintages of pinot noir based on chemical fingerprinting, weather and management data. S Fuentes, DD Torrico, E Tongson, C Gonzalez Viejo Sensors 20 (13), 3618, 2020.

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Detection of smoke-derived compounds from bushfires in Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes, must, and wine using Near-Infrared spectroscopy and machine learning algorithms. V Summerson, CG Viejo, D Torrico, A Pang, S Fuentes The International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES), 2020.

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Classification of smoke contaminated Cabernet Sauvignon berries and leaves based on chemical fingerprinting and machine learning algorithms. V Summerson, C Gonzalez Viejo, C Szeto, KL Wilkinson, DD Torrico, ... Sensors 20 (18), 5099, 2020.

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In 2019

Sensory acceptability, quality and purchase intent of potato chips with reduced salt (NaCl) concentrations. DD Torrico, PT Nguyen, T Li, B Mena, CG Viejo, S Fuentes, FR Dunshea Lwt 102, 347-355, 2019.

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The effect of sonication on bubble size and sensory perception of carbonated water to improve quality and consumer acceptability. CG Viejo, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea, S Fuentes Beverages 5 (3), 58, 2019.

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Aroma and quality assessment for vertical vintages using machine learning modelling based on weather and management information. S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, X Wang, DD Torrico Proceedings of the 21st GiESCO International Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece ..., 2019.

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Cross-cultural effects of food product familiarity on sensory acceptability and non-invasive physiological responses of consumers. DD Torrico, S Fuentes, CG Viejo, H Ashman, FR Dunshea Food research international 115, 439-450, 2019.

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Machines and fire: Developing a rapid detection system for grapevine smoke contamination using NIR spectroscopy and machine learning modelling. V Summerson, CG Viejo, D Torrico, S Fuentes .

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Integration of non-invasive biometrics with sensory analysis techniques to assess acceptability of beer by consumers. CG Viejo, S Fuentes, K Howell, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea Physiology & behavior 200, 139-147, 2019.

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Chemical characterization of aromas in beer and their effect on consumers liking. CG Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico, A Godbole, FR Dunshea Food chemistry 293, 479-485, 2019.

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Development of artificial neural network models to assess beer acceptability based on sensory properties using a robotic pourer: A comparative model approach to achieve an .... C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea, S Fuentes Beverages 5 (2), 33, 2019.

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Emerging technologies based on artificial intelligence to assess the quality and consumer preference of beverages. C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea, S Fuentes Beverages 5 (4), 62, 2019.

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Development of emotion lexicons to describe chocolate using the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) methodology across Asian and Western groups. TM Gunaratne, CG Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico, NM Gunaratne, ... Food Research International 115, 526-534, 2019.

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Effects of packaging design on sensory liking and willingness to purchase: A study using novel chocolate packaging. NM Gunaratne, S Fuentes, TM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, C Francis, ... Heliyon 5 (6), 2019.

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Physiological responses to basic tastes for sensory evaluation of chocolate using biometric techniques. TM Gunaratne, S Fuentes, NM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, C Gonzalez Viejo, ... Foods 8 (7), 243, 2019.

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Bubbles, foam formation, stability and consumer perception of carbonated drinks: A review of current, new and emerging technologies for rapid assessment and control. C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea, S Fuentes Foods 8 (12), 596, 2019.

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D-tagatose as a sucrose substitute and its effect on the physico-chemical properties and acceptability of strawberry-flavored yogurt. DD Torrico, J Tam, S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, FR Dunshea Foods 8 (7), 256, 2019.

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Consumer acceptability, eye fixation, and physiological responses: A study of novel and familiar chocolate packaging designs using eye-tracking devices. NM Gunaratne, S Fuentes, TM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, H Ashman, ... Foods 8 (7), 253, 2019.

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Modeling pinot noir aroma profiles based on weather and water management information using machine learning algorithms: A vertical vintage analysis using artificial intelligence. S Fuentes, E Tongson, DD Torrico, C Gonzalez Viejo Foods 9 (1), 33, 2019.

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Chocolate quality assessment based on chemical fingerprinting using near infra-red and machine learning modeling. TM Gunaratne, C Gonzalez Viejo, NM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, ... Foods 8 (10), 426, 2019.

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Spatial variability of aroma profiles of cocoa trees obtained through computer vision and machine learning modelling: A cover photography and high spatial remote sensing .... S Fuentes, G Chacon, DD Torrico, A Zarate, C Gonzalez Viejo Sensors 19 (14), 3054, 2019.

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Effects of imagery as visual stimuli on the physiological and emotional responses. NM Gunaratne, CG Viejo, TM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, H Ashman, ... J 2 (2), 206-225, 2019.

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Influence of dry versus wet ageing of sheepmeat on eating quality. M Hastie, R Jacob, S Bonney, L Huynh, R Polkinghorne, M Ha, D Torrico, ... Proceedings of the 65th International Congress of Meat Science and ..., 2019.

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In 2018

Novel techniques to understand consumer responses towards food products: A review with a focus on meat. DD Torrico, SC Hutchings, M Ha, EP Bittner, S Fuentes, RD Warner, ... Meat science 144, 30-42, 2018.

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Assessment of beer quality based on foamability and chemical composition using computer vision algorithms, near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning algorithms. C Gonzalez Viejo, S Fuentes, D Torrico, K Howell, FR Dunshea Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 (2), 618-627, 2018.

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Robotics and computer vision techniques combined with non-invasive consumer biometrics to assess quality traits from beer foamability using machine learning: A potential for .... CG Viejo, S Fuentes, K Howell, D Torrico, FR Dunshea Food control 92, 72-79, 2018.

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Non-contact heart rate and blood pressure estimations from video analysis and machine learning modelling applied to food sensory responses: A case study for chocolate. C Gonzalez Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea Sensors 18 (6), 1802, 2018.

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Images and chocolate stimuli affect physiological and affective responses of consumers: A cross-cultural study. DD Torrico, S Fuentes, CG Viejo, H Ashman, NM Gunaratne, ... Food Quality and Preference 65, 60-71, 2018.

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Development of a biosensory computer application to assess physiological and emotional responses from sensory panelists. S Fuentes, C Gonzalez Viejo, DD Torrico, FR Dunshea Sensors 18 (9), 2958, 2018.

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Assessment of beer quality based on a robotic pourer, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms using commercial beers. C Gonzalez Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico, K Howell, FR Dunshea Journal of food science 83 (5), 1381-1388, 2018.

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Analysis of thermochromic label elements and colour transitions using sensory acceptability and eye tracking techniques. DD Torrico, S Fuentes, CG Viejo, H Ashman, PA Gurr, FR Dunshea LWT 89, 475-481, 2018.

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Novel modelling approaches to characterize and quantify carryover effects on sensory acceptability. DD Torrico, W Jirangrat, J Wang, P Chompreeda, S Sriwattana, ... Foods 7 (11), 186, 2018.

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The effect of soundwaves on Foamability properties and sensory of beers with a machine learning modeling approach. C Gonzalez Viejo, S Fuentes, DD Torrico, MH Lee, YQ Hu, S Chakraborty, ... Beverages 4 (3), 53, 2018.

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Effects of Transglutaminase and Kappa-carrageenan on the Physical and Sensory Qualities of Fish (Pangasius hypophthalmus). P Chareonthaikij, J Srilarp, NW Winnavoravej, T Uan-On, DD Torrico, ... Current Applied Science and Technology Journal 18 (1), 12-23, 2018.

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A salt on the senses. S Sukkwai, K Kijroongrojana, N Chokumnoyporn, S Sriwattana, ... Food Science & Technology. 32 (2), 26-29, 2018.

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In 2017

Taste perception and purchase intent of oil in water spreads: effects of oil types and salt (NaCl or KCl) concentrations. WA Cerrato Rodriguez, DD Torrico, LF Osorio, J Cardona, ... International Journal of Food Science & Technology 52 (10), 2138-2147, 2017.

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Increasing oil concentration affects consumer perception and physical properties of mayonnaise type spreads containing KCl. DD Torrico, W Prinyawiwatkul Journal of food science 82 (8), 1924-1934, 2017.

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Application of biometrics and machine learning algorithms to model emotional responses to image stimuli. NM Gunaratne, S Fuentes, TM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, CG Viejo, ... .

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Effect of Language on Lexicon of Emotions for Chocolate: Comparing the Same Survey in Different Languages, English and Chinese. TM Gunaratne, S Fuentes, NM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, H Ashman, ... .

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RoboBEER. CG Viejo, S Fuentes, K Howell, D Torrico, F Dunshea .

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In 2016

Development of a robotic pourer constructed with ubiquitous materials, open hardware and sensors to assess beer foam quality using computer vision and pattern recognition .... CG Viejo, S Fuentes, GJ Li, R Collmann, B Conde , D Torrico Food Research International 89, 504-513, 2016.

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Assessment of the ability of five culture media for the detection of Escherichia coli O157. ME Gutierrez, ME Janes, DD Torrico, KM Carabante, W Prinyawiwatkul International Journal of Food Science & Technology 51 (8), 1910-1915, 2016.

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In 2015

Oil in water emulsion exhibits bitterness suppressing effects in a sensory threshold study. DD Torrico, A Sae Eaw, S Sriwattana, C Boeneke, W Prinyawiwatkul Journal of food science 80 (6), S1404-S1411, 2015.

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Oil and tastant concentrations affect saltiness and bitterness perception of oil in water emulsions. DD Torrico, KM Carabante, KD Pujols, P Chareonthaikij, ... International Journal of Food Science & Technology 50 (12), 2562-2571, 2015.

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Soy sauce odour induces and enhances saltiness perception. N Chokumnoyporn, S Sriwattana, Y Phimolsiripol, DD Torrico, ... International journal of food science & technology 50 (10), 2215-2221, 2015.

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Psychophysical effects of increasing oil concentrations on saltiness and bitterness perception of oil in water emulsions. DD Torrico, W Prinyawiwatkul Journal of food science 80 (8), S1885-S1892, 2015.

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Cross cultural consumer acceptability and purchase intent of forage finished rib eye steaks. DD Torrico, W Wardy, KD Pujols, KM Carabante, W Jirangrat, G Scaglia, ... Journal of food science 80 (10), S2287-S2295, 2015.

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Sensory Perception of Saltiness and Bitterness in Oil-in-Water Emulsions. DD Torrico Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2015.

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Assessment on the Sensitivity and Specificity of Five Culture Media in the Detection of Environmental Escherichia coli O157. M Gutierrez 2015 Annual Meeting (July 25-28, 2015), 2015.

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In 2014

Comparing effects of vs. chitosan coating and emulsion coatings on egg quality during room temperature storage. KD Pujols, L Osorio, EP Carrillo, W Wardy, DD Torrico, HK No, ... International Journal of Food Science & Technology 49 (5), 1383-1390, 2014.

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Proximate and fatty acid compositions and sensory acceptability of Hispanic consumers towards rib eye steaks from forage finished steers. DD Torrico, W Jirangrat, G Scaglia, F Malekian, ME Janes, KW McMillin, ... International Journal of Food Science & Technology 49 (8), 1788-1798, 2014.

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Consumer acceptance of ribeye steaks from forage-finished steers: a comparison of American, Asian and Hispanic populations. DD Torrico, W Wardy, K Carabante, K Pujols, G Scaglia, F Malekian, ... .

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Is forage-fed beef a healthier choice for Louisiana families?. F Malekian, W Prinyawiwatkul, DD Torrico, G Scaglia .

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Quality of eggs coated with oil-chitosan emulsion: Combined effects of emulsifier types, initial albumen quality, and storage. DD Torrico, W Wardy, KM Carabante, KD Pujols, Z Xu, HK No, ... LWT-Food Science and Technology 57 (1), 35-41, 2014.

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Beef carcass and meat traits of steers finished on three forage systems. K McMillin, G Scaglia, M Persica, JC Gregorie, D Torrico, ... Meat Science 1 (96), 445, 2014.

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In 2013

Storage Time and Temperature Affect Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan Solutions against Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157: H7. DD Torrico, HK No, W Prinyawiwatkul 18 (2), 69-74, 2013.

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Effect of pH on technological parameters and physicochemical and texture characteristics of the pasta filata cheese Telita. R Maldonado, B Melendez, I Arispe, C Boeneke, D Torrico, ... Journal of dairy science 96 (12), 7414-7426, 2013.

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Soybean oil chitosan emulsion affects internal quality and shelf life of eggs stored at 25 and 4 C. W Wardy, DD Torrico, JA Herrera Corredor, HK No, X Zhang, Z Xu, ... International Journal of Food Science & Technology 48 (6), 1148-1156, 2013.

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In 2012

Sensory acceptability and chemical characteristics of healthy rib-eye steaks from forage finished steers. D Torrico, W Jirangrat, G Scaglia, F Malekian, ME Janes, KW McMillin, ... .

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In 2011

Chitosan-soybean oil emulsion coating affects physico-functional and sensory quality of eggs during storage. W Wardy, DD Torrico, W Jirangrat, HK No, FK Saalia, W Prinyawiwatkul LWT-Food Science and Technology 44 (10), 2349-2355, 2011.

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Mineral oil-chitosan emulsion coatings affect quality and shelf life of coated eggs during refrigerated and room temperature storage. DD Torrico, HK No, W Prinyawiwatkul, M Janes, JAH Corredor, LF Osorio Journal of Food Science 76 (4), S262-S268, 2011.

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Effects of initial albumen quality and mineral oil-chitosan emulsion coating on internal quality and shelf life of eggs during room temperature storage. DD Torrico, HK No, S Sriwattana, D Ingram, W Prinyawiwatkul International journal of food science & technology 46 (9), 1783-1792, 2011.

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In 2010

Edible coating affects physico functional properties and shelf life of chicken eggs during refrigerated and room temperature storage. W Wardy, DD Torrico, HK No, W Prinyawiwatkul, FK Saalia International Journal of Food Science & Technology 45 (12), 2659-2668, 2010.

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Effects of mineral oil coating on internal quality of chicken eggs under refrigerated storage. W Jirangrat, DD Torrico, J No, HK No, W Prinyawiwatkul International Journal of food science & technology 45 (3), 490-495, 2010.

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A novel emulsion coating and its effects on internal quality and shelf life of eggs during room temperature storage. DD Torrico, W Jirangrat, HK No, W Prinyawiwatkul, B Ge, D Ingram International journal of food science & technology 45 (11), 2241-2249, 2010.

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Effects of emulsion coatings on the internal quality and shelf life of eggs. DD Torrico Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2010.

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In 2006

Ana lisis de compuestos feno licos y estabilidad del color en el jugo de ca scaras de uvas Muscadinas (Vitis rotundifolia). DD Torrico Zamorano: Escuela Agri cola Panamericana, 2012, 2006.

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Change in phenolic compunds and color stability in skin juice of Muscadine grapes (Vitis rotundifolia). DD Torrico Zamorano, 2006.

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Development of a Novel App for Sensory Analysis of Food and Beverages using Biometrics from Video and Image Analysis. S Fuentes, D Torrico, M Talbo, C Gonzalez-Viejo, S Moore, Y Kashima, ... .

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Consumer trends and food waste reduction. M Hastie, M Ha, R Jacob, G Hepworth, D Torrico, R Warner 67th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 102, 0.

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Silicon supplementation improved the nutritional potential and sensory properties of drought-stressed lentil seeds as revealed by a novel sensory analysis using non-invasive .... S Biju, S Fuentes, CG Viejo, D Torrico, D Gupta .

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Use of non-invasive biometric techniques and machine learning algorithms to classify beer quality based on foamability parameters. CG Viejo, S Fuentes, K Howell, D Torrico, FR Dunshea .

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Consumer response to eating quality of ovine and bovine meat and demographic effects. M Hastie, M Ha, D Torrico, H Ashman, R Warner .

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Fast-screening of beer acceptability based on foamability and color obtained using a robotic pourer, computer vision and machine learning algorithms. CG Viejo, S Fuentes, D Torrico, FR Dunshea .

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Cross-cultural study to develop an emotion lexicon for chocolate consumption using the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) methodology. TM Gunaratne, S Fuentes, NM Gunaratne, DD Torrico, H Ashman, ... .

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Pair social interaction on the sensory and facial expression responses of consumers towards snack products. D Torrico, C Gonzalez Viejo, H Ashman, FR Dunshea Proceedings of the 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, UK 28, 0.

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