David Salomon

Profile Picture of David Salomon
Director, Student Research and Creative Activity
Office of Research and Creative Activity
Christopher Newport University


  • PhD, English, University of Connecticut

Research Interests

Undergraduate Research   Medieval Religion   Augustine  

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Contact Information

  1 Avenue of the Arts Newport News, VA 23606


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List of Publications (102)
In 2023

"St. Augustine's Search for Self," Exploring Personhood in Contemporary Times: From Leadership to Philosophy. Ed. Lemuel W. Watson. Information Age Publishing, 2023. 139-147. (ISBN: 979888731310).

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Invited Speaker: "My Personal Sins: Why I Wrote a Book on the Seven Deadly Sins," Robert Nusbaum Center, Virginia Wesleyan University, October 2023.

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With Anne Boettcher, "Connecting with Alumni to Build and Expand Undergraduate Research Programs," ConnectUR, Council on Undergraduate Research, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2023.

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With Karen Lee and Michael Wolyniak, "Growing from Grassroots: The Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia," ConnectUR, Council on Undergraduate Research, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2023.

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In 2022

With Laura Grace Godwin, "What we know must be": Undergraduate Research in an Online Shakespeare Course," Undergraduate Research in Online, Virtual, and Hybrid Courses: Proactive Practices for Distant Students, edited by Nancy Hensel, Jennifer Coleman and Bill Campbell. Stylus Publishing (in association with AAC&U and the Council on Undergraduate Research), 2022. 151-165 (ISBN: 978- 1642674125)

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With Anne Boettcher, "Making the Connection with Philanthropy," ConnectUR, Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington, D.C., June 2022.

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With Linda Blockus, "Earn your S.T.A.R. or Passport: An Incentive-Based Workshop Program to Prepare Students for Research," ConnectUR, Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington, D.C., June 2022.

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"The Outlook for Intelligence," Invited Keynote Address, 10th Annual Art(S)cience Festival, Christopher Newport University, March 2022.

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With Jennifer Coleman, Lydia Huerto Moreno, Julio C. Rivera, and Jeffrey Ryan, "Bypassing obstacles with innovation: Models of undergraduate research from across the curriculum using online, virtual and hybrid delivery," Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., January 2022.

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In 2021

"While He Was Reading": St. Augustine's Search for Self, The Essence of Personhood: Philosophy, Religion, and Worldview Expressions Conference, Christopher Newport University, March 2021.

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In 2020

The Seven Deadly Sins: Sin: How Sin Influenced the West from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger (imprint of ABC-CLIO), 2019. (ISBN: 978-1440858796). Nominated for 2020

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"A Plan for Compensating Faculty for UR and Creative Activity Mentoring," Council on Undergraduate Research Virtual Biennial, June 2020.

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With Linda Blockus, Chrys Egan, Dominique Galli, and Jessica Clark, "Incorporating Arts, Design, Performance, and Media into Celebration Showcases: Challenges and Solutions," Council on Undergraduate Research Virtual Biennial, June 2020.

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"From Boardroom to Bedroom: The Seven Deadly Sins," American Academy of Religion Southeastern Regional Meeting, Athens, Georgia, February 2020.

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In 2019

"Why I Wrote This Book," Medieval and Renaissance Studies Lecture Series, Christopher Newport University, September 2019.

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With Dominique Galli and Karen Havholm, "The Quick Pitch: An Undergraduate Model for Sharing Research and Creative Activity," Undergraduate Research Program Division Conference, Council on Undergraduate Research, Ohio State University, June 2019.

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Keynote Speaker, Resident Hall Association Leadership Banquet, Invited Speaker, Christopher Newport University, April 2019.

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In 2018

With Nancy Hensel, Rick Gilman, and Stephen Wilhite, Refining the Paradigm: Holistic Evaluation of Faculty to Support Faculty and Student Learning. New American Colleges and University, 2018. (ISBN: 9780692074404).

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With Chrys Egan and Jessica Clark, "Yes, We Are Open: Challenges and Opportunities in Opening an Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity," National Conference on Undergraduate Research Faculty-Administrator Network Session, Edmond, Oklahoma, April 2018.

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"Women's Leadership in the Medieval and Early Modern World: Hildegard of Bingen," Student Leadership and Diversity Conference, Christopher Newport University, February 2018.

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With Stephen Wilhite and Nancy Hensel, "Improving Learning and Teaching through Faculty Evaluation," Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., January 2018.

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"Incipit: Archival Research in Medieval Studies," Medieval and Renaissance Studies Series, Christopher Newport University, February 2018.

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In 2017

"'A Bad Counselor': Anger in the Bible," Understanding Angry Groups: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Their Motivations and Effects on Society, ed. Steven Leibo and Susan Cloninger. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2017. 111-129 (ISBN: 978-1440833502)

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"From STEM to STEAM: Why the Arts Matter in the Sciences," Salon Talk for Photograph 51, Christopher Newport University, October 2017.

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"Undergraduate Research Across the Disciplines Through the CNU LENS," Invited Keynote Speaker, Opening Day, Christopher Newport University, August 2017.

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Co-Organizer (with Ruth Kassell, Siena College), Engage for Change: Capital Region Community Engagement Conference, Siena College, May 2017 (also moderated closing panel with local government officials).

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In 2016

Adrianna Kezar and Daniel Maxey. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016, 143-156.

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Review of In Dante's Wake, by John Freccero (Fordham UP, 2015), published in The Medieval Review 16.10.28 (October 2016).

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Co-Organizer (with Rebecca Frost Davis, St. Edward's University), Digital Scholarship Workshop New American Colleges and Universities, St. Edward's University, October 2016.

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"Creating New Knowledge: The Growth of Undergraduate Research at The Sage Colleges," New American Colleges and Universities Summer Institute, Manhattan College, NY, June 2016.

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"Finding the Melody: Advancing Undergraduate Research at The Sage Colleges," New American Colleges and Universities Summer Institute, Manhattan College, NY, June 2016.

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"Reimagining Promotion and Tenure," Invited Speaker, Widener University, Philadelphia, PA, May 16, 2016.

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In 2015

Co-editor with Nancy H. Hensel and Lynn Hunnicutt, Redefining the Paradigm: Faculty Models to Support Student Learning. New American Colleges and Universities, 2015. (ISBN: 9780692401309)

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"Introduction," Redefining the Paradigm: Faculty Models to Support Student Learning, New American Colleges and Universities, 2015. (ISBN: 9780692401309)

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With Jon Kilpinen and Nancy Hensel, "Supporting Student Learning Through Holistic Faculty Evaluation," Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., January 2015.

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In 2014

"Academic Collaboration in the Digital Age" (with Heidi Laudien, Manhattan College) New American Colleges and Universities Summer Institute, Redlands College, CA, June 2014.

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In 2013

With David Bunce, Dogs of War: Shakespeare's Soldiers (a one-man show exploring Shakespeare and war), Theatre Institute at Sage, November 2013.

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Review of Corona Regia, by Winfried Schleiner, edited by Tyler Fyotek (Droz, 2010), published in The Sixteenth-Century Journal 44.1 (Spring 2013): 269.

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Invited Speaker: "Incipit: Archival Research in Medieval Studies," Manhattan College, November 2013.

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Presenter, New American Colleges and Universities Innovation Teaching Summit, North Central College, November 2013.

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"Reading Augustine in Medieval England," First Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, St. Louis, MO, June 2013.

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"Hamlet in Hyperspace: Writing, Technology and the Future of Ideas," 2013 Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2013.

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"Design, Delivery, and Dynamics of an Interdisciplinary Course" (with Deb Lawrence, Sage Colleges), 5th Annual Conference on Teaching Excellence, SUNY Plattsburgh, April 2013.

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In 2012

An Introduction to the Glossa Ordinaria as Medieval Hypertext, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2012. "Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages" series, edited by Diane Watt and Dennis Renevy.

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"Developing an Interdisciplinary Course in Literature and Mathematics" (with Deb Lawrence, Sage Colleges), 2012 Teaching Professor Conference, Washington, D.C., June 2012.

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Glossa Ordinaria Roundtable, 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012.

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In 2011

Review of Luther: A Guide for the Perplexed, by David M. Whitford (T&T Clark, 2011), forthcoming in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion.

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Review of The Glossa Ordinaria on Romans, by Michael Scott Woodward (Medieval Academy, 2011), published in The Medieval Review 11.09.29, 2011.

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In 2007

Review of Purity (Tehora), dir. Anat Zuria, 2002 published in Women in Judaism, Fall 2007.

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In 2006

Panel Discussion on Academic Freedom, President's Council, The Sage Colleges, February 2006.

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In 2005

"Corpus Mysticum: Text as Body/Body as Text," Intersections of Sexuality and the Divine in Medieval Culture, ed. Susannah Mary Chewning. Ashgate Press, 2005. 141-155. (ISBN 0754640655)

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Manuscript Review of A Writer's Resource for McGraw-Hill, May 2005.

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"The Glossa Ordinaria: Medieval Hypertext," The Sage Colleges, Faculty Development Research Cafe , October 2005.

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In 2004

Entries on "Fra Angelico," "Girolamo Savonarola," "Gregory of Nyssa," "John Chrysostom," and "Imitation of Christ" in Holy People of the World: An Encyclopedia, ed. Phyllis G. Jestice. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2004.

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Review of Jesuit Science and the Republic of Letters, ed. Mordechai Feingold (MIT Press, 2002), published in Seventeenth-Century News 62.1 and 2 (Spring-Summer 2004): 96-98.

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"Women in the Renaissance," Union County College, Cranford, NJ, December 2004, by invitation.

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In 2003

Manuscript Review of Suppose: Collected Thought Experiments for AB Longman, July 2003.

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"The Influence of the Glossa Ordinaria on Early Print Culture," 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2003.

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Invited Speaker, South Dakota Public Forum on South Dakota Public Radio (a National Public Radio affiliate), Discussion of Weapons Inspections, United Nations, and War in Iraq, January 2003.

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In 2002

Review of Christian Figural Reading and the Fashioning of Identity, by John David Dawson (U Ca Pr, 2002), published in Review of Biblical Literature.

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Review of Conformity and Orthodoxy in the English Church, c.1560-1660, ed. Peter Lake and Michael Questier (Boydell, 2000), to be published in Seventeenth-Century News 60.3 and 4 (Fall-Winter 2002): 307-310.

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Manuscript Review of Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama for McGraw-Hill, August 2002.

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Review of The Book of the Heart, by Eric Jager (Chicago UP, 2001), published in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion 70.2 (June 2002): 418-19.

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Manuscript Review of Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing for Thomson Heinle, April 2002.

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Review of The Possession at Loudon, by Michel de Certeau (University of Chicago, 2000), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 33.1 (Spring 2002): 304-05.

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Manuscript Review of reader and handbook for Pearson, February 2002.

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Invited Speaker, South Dakota Public Forum on South Dakota Public Radio (a National Public Radio affiliate), Discussion on the War on Terrorism and the Possible War in Iraq, October 2002.

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"Religion and the Middle East," South Dakota Council for the Humanities, Sturgis, SD, September 2002.

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In 2001

Review of Shakespeare's Reading, by Robert Miola (Oxford UP, 2000), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 32.4 (Winter 2001): 1209-10.

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Review of Sermon Texts on Saint Joseph, by Francis de Sales (Peregrina, 2000), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 32.3 (Fall 2001): 873.

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Review of Preaching Wisdom to the Wise, by Roberta De Nobilis (Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2000), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 32.3 (Fall 2001): 844-45.

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Review of The Elizabethan Secret Services by Alan Haynes (Sutton, 2000), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 32.1 (Spring 2001): 248-49.

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Review of Church, Culture, and Curriculum: Theology and Mathematics in the Ratio Studiorum by Ladislaus Lukacs and Giuseppe Cosentino (St. Joseph's University Press, 1999), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 32.1 (Spring 2001): 237-38.

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"Technology of Space in Recusant Devotional Literature," PAIDEIA Retreat on Globalization, Technology, and Ideas, Ontario, Canada, August 2001, by invitation.

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"From Macbeth to Macs: Shakespeare Past, Present and Future," Aberdeen Shakespeare Society, Aberdeen, SD, June 2001, by invitation.

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In 2000

Review of Women and Faith: Catholic Religious Life in Italy from Late Antiquity to the Present, edited by Lucetta Scaraffia and Gabriella Zarri (Harvard University Press, 1999), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 31.1 (Spring 2000): 237-38.

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Review of Studies in Spirituality 8 and 9 (1998 and 1999), electronically published on Mystic-L Book Reviews, 00.01, January 2000.

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Revision Review for St. Martin's Press: The Bedford Introduction to Literature by Michael Meyer, Spring 2000.

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Respondent, "English Literature Before 1800," Midwest Modern Language Association, Kansas City, MO, November 2000.

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Chair and Organizer, "Ignatius Loyola/Society of Jesus" Special Session, 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2000.

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Chair, "Spirituality and Language," 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2000.

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"The Technology of Religion/The Religion of Technology," 3rd Annual Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing, via Picture Tel (to Vermillion, SD), February 2000.

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In 1999

"'Hast Thou Found My Daughter?': Shylock and the Death of Jessica in The Merchant of Venice," Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 1999.

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Editor, The Works of Gregory of Nyssa, CD-ROM, translated by Richard McCambly, St. Joseph's Abbey, with an introduction by E. Ann Matter. Great American Publishing Society, Greenwich, CT, 1999.

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Review of Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism by Catherine Brown (Stanford University Press, 1999), published in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion 68.4

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Review of Christian Mysticism: East and West by Maria Jaoudi (Paulist Press, 1999), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 30.3 (Spring 1999): 873-74.

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Review of Religious Experience and Mysticism: Otherness as Experience of Transcendence by Jose Nieto (University Press of America, 1997), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 30.1 (Winter 1999): 297-98.

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Proposal Review for Sage Publications: Cyberculture & Cyberpunk: Life in the Matrix by Paul A Taylor, September 1999.

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"'Nothing Adds More Sparkle': The Parable in Sixteenth-Century Devotional Literature," American Academy of Religion, Boston, MA, November 1999.

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In 1998

"Michel de Certeau's Marginalized Mysticism," Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Newport, RI, November 1998.

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"Forging A New Identity: Narcissism and Imagination in the Mysticism of Ignatius Loyola," Christianity and Literature 47.8 (Winter 1998): 195-212, special number on negative theology.

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Review of Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte, edited by Dennis Martin (Paulist Press, 1997), published in Sixteenth Century Journal 29.2 (Winter 1998): 602-03.

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Manuscript Review for Longman Press: Reading, Writing, and Literature by Steven Lynn, September 1998.

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In 1997

"Mysticism in the Margins: A New Way of Reading Post-Reformation English Devotional Texts," American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, CA, November 1997.

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Keynote Speaker: "Speaking from the Margins: The Effect of Print on Reading Catholic Devotional Text in Post-Reformation England." Annual Spring Symposium: "Revolutions in Education: Past, Present, and Future," Lock Haven University, University of Pennsylvania, April 1997.

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Study Guide for New Ways of Writing: A Handbook for Writing with Computers by Kyle Knowles and Susan Miller (Prentice-Hall), February 1997. http://www.prenhall.com/miller.

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In 1996

"'God Came To His Imagination': The Visual and the Imagination in the Mysticism of St. Ignatius Loyola's Autobiography," Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Brigham Young University, May 1996.

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In 1994

"In Clamide Se Super Togam Vestitus: A Note on Mak's Name in the Secunda Pastorum," Medieval Studies Society, Fall 1994: 37-45.

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"The Brotherhood of Unfulfilled Early Promise: Tommy Wilhelm in Saul Bellow's Seize the Day and 'You' in Jay McInerney's Bright Lights, Big City," The Saul Bellow Journal 12.2 (Fall 1994): 37-43.

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With Kelly A. O'Connor-Salomon, Angels, Demons, and Demigods: An Encyclopedia of Supernatural Beings in Story and on Screen. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Forthcoming. 2024.

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Religion News Association Non-Fiction Book of the Year.

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With Richard Alan Gillman and Nancy Hensel, "A New Paradigm for Faculty Work and Evaluation," The Faculty for the 21st Century: Moving to a Mission-Oriented and Learner Centered Faculty Model, ed.

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