Doug R. Oetter

Profile Picture of Doug R. Oetter
Professor of Geography
History and Geography
Georgia College & State University


  • Ph. D. in Geography, Oregon State University, 2002
  • M.A., in Geography, University of Georgia, 1992
  • B. A. in Geography, University of Washington, 1985

Research Interests

Teaching Physical Geography   Environmental Science   Geographic Techniques  

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List of Publications (81)
In 2012

Gregory, Stan; Hulse Dave; Bertrand, Melanie; Oetter Doug. "The role of remotely sensed data in citizen-driven alternative futures analyses at a regional scale." In Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management, edited by Herve Piegay. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

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In 2011

Blick, Jeffrey P., Jacqueline Hope Hopkins, and Doug Oetter. "The prehistoric settlement patterns of San Salvador, Bahamas." Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology 6 (2011): 421-441.

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Patterson, Mark, and Nancy Hoalst-Pullen. 2011. Physical Geography Lab Manual: A Google Earth Approach . John W iley & Sons.

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Anonymous. 2011. Aerial photography underestimates riparian zone impacts in a rapidly developing river corridor. Environmental Management.

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In 2010

Oetter, Doug R., Brittani Kelley, Jacob Wagener, Kyle Edenfield, David Evans, and John Frazier. "Relating Socio-Economic Indicators to Landcover Patterns in Georgia's Lake Country." In Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers. Birmingham, Alabama, 2010.

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Oetter, Doug R. "Teaching Physical Geography with Disaster Films." In National Council for Geographic Education National Conference. Savannah, Georgia, 2010.

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Oetter, Doug R. "Hollywood Does Physical Geography: Incorporating Movie Myths into Undergraduate Education." In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Washington, D. C. , 2010.

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In 2009

Bachoon, Dave Todd Nichols; Kalina Manoylov; Doug Oetter; S.; W. M. R. "Assessment of faecal pollution and relative algal abundances in Lakes Oconee and Sinclair, Georgia, USA." Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 14 (2009): 139-149.

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Bachoon, Dave S., Todd W . Nichols, Kalina M. Manoylov, and Doug R. Oetter. 2009.

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In 2008

Oetter, Doug R. "Using Local Data and GIS to Solve Local Problems." In ESRI Education Users Conference. San Diego, California, 2008.

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Oetter, Doug R., and Kelley E. Smith. "Engaging Students in Sustainability." In COPLAC Summer Meeting. Ashland, Oregon, 2008.

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Oetter, Doug R., and Monica Estela Melgar. "Characterization of Competing Spatial Development Strategies in Salta, Argentina." In Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, 2008.

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Oetter, Doug R. Combining ASTER and TM Imagery to Chronicle Lake Oconee's Rapid Growth In Georgia URISA Annual Meeting. Athens, Georgia, 2008.

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Oetter, Doug R. "Geographies of the Past, Present, and Future: Development and Globalization in Salta, Argentina." In 7th Annual Georgia Consortium for International Studies Faculty Symposium. Clarkston, Georgia, 2008.

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In 2007

Oetter, D. R. The Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the island of San Salvador showing the locations of the Minnis-Ward and North Storr's Lake sites., Edited by Intertidal Marine Resources San Salvador Bahamas(A. D. 950-1 and Blick, Jeffrey P. 2007. Evidence for Pre-Columbian Impact on Terrestrial and Journal Nature Conservation for 15(3):174-183., 2007.

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Map Products: "Modern Middle East," map for publication in book chapter by Chuck Fahrer Blick, Jeffrey P. 2007. Evidence for Pre-Columbian Impact on Terrestrial, Intertidal, and Marine Resources, San Salvador, Bahamas (A.D. 950-1500). Journal for Nature Conservation 15(3):174-183. Cited 2 times.

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In 2006

Oetter, Doug R., Mark Patterson, Jorge Marin Alfaro, and Miguel A. Curihuinca. "Detection and Analysis of Forest Cover Change in Southern Chile." In Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Morgantown, West Virginia, 2006.

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In 2005

Oetter, D. R. U. S. Wetlands in 1980, Edited by Chris. Wetland Diversity: The Limits Generalization. Journal Geography 2005 104(6 of of Meindl., 2005.

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Oetter, D. R. Wetland Locations, Edited by Chris. Wetland Diversity: The Limits Generalization. Journal Geography 2005 104(6 of of Meindl., 2005.

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Oetter, D. R. Wetland Loss 1780-1980, Edited by Chris. Wetland Diversity: The Limits Generalization. Journal Geography 2005 104(6 of of Meindl., 2005.

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Meindl, Chris. 2005. Wetland Locations, U. S. Wetlands in 1980, and Wetland Loss 1780-1980. Maps for "Wetland Diversity: The Limits of Generalization." Journal of Geography 104(6):243-256. Cited 1 time.

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In 2004

Oetter, Doug R. "GIS and Remote Sensing Methods for Mapping Forests: Lessons from the Western Oregon Vegetation Mapping Project." In 4th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference. Athens, Georgia, 2004.

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Oetter, Doug R. "Enhancing Digital Orthophotographs for Spectral Classification of Wetlands." In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2004.

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Krankina, Olga. N., Mark. E. Harmon, Warren B. Cohen, Doug. R. Oetter, Olga Zyrina, and Maureen V. Duane. "Carbon stores, sinks, and sources in forests of Northwestern Russia: can we reconcile forest inventories with remote sensing results?" Climatic Change 67 (2004): 257-272.

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Perry, David, Huang Jing, Andrew Youngblood, and Doug Oetter. "Forest structure and fire susceptibility in volcanic landscapes of the Eastern High Cascades, Oregon." Conservation Biology 18 (2004): 913-926.

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Oetter, Doug R., Linda R. Ashkenas, Stanley V. Gregory, and Paula J. Minear. "GIS methodology for characterizing historical conditions of the Willamette River flood plain, Oregon." Transactions in GIS 8 (2004): 367-383.

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Lattin, Peter D., Jr. Parker. J. Wigington, Thomas J. Moser, Barbara E. Peniston, Dale R. Lindeman, and Doug R. Oetter. "Influence of remote sensing imagery source on quantification of riparian land cover/land use." Journal of the American Water Resources Association 40 (2004): 215-227.

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Krankina, O. N., G. Sun, H. H. Shugart, V. Kharuk, E. Kasischke, K. M. Bergen, J. G. Masek, W. B. Cohen, D. R. Oetter, and M. V. Duane. "Northern Eurasia: remote sensing of boreal forest in selected regions." In Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, edited by G. Gutman. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

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Oetter, Doug R., Linda R. Ashkenas, Stanley V. Gregory, Paula J. Minear. 2004.

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Perry, David, Huang Jing, Andrew Youngblood, and Doug Oetter. 2004. Forest structure and f ire susceptibility in volcanic landscapes of the Eastern High Cascades, Oregon. Conservation Biology 18(4):913-926. Cited 19 times.

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Krankina, Olga. N., Mark. E. Harmon, Warren B. Cohen, Doug. R. Oetter, Olga Zyrina and Maureen V. Duane. 2004. Carbon stores, sinks, and sources in forests of Northwestern Russia: can we reconcile forest inventories with remote sensing results? Climatic Change 67(2):257-272. Cited 18 times.

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Krankina, O.N., G. Sun, H. H. Shugart, V. Kharuk, E. Kasischke, K. M. Bergen, J. G. Masek, W . B. Cohen, D. R. Oetter, and M. V. Duane. 2004. Northern Eurasia: remote sensing of boreal forest in selected regions. Chapter 8 in: Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing , G. Gutman et al.

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Lattin, Peter D., Parker. J. W igington Jr., Thomas J. Moser, Barbara E. Peniston, Dale R. Lindeman, and Doug R. Oetter. 2004. Influence of remote sensing imagery source on quantif ication of riparian land cover/land use. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 40(1):215-227. Cited 11 times.

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In 2003

Oetter, Doug R. "Estimating Carbon Storage for the Boreal Forest of St. Petersburg, Russia using Satellite Imagery." In Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Savannah, Georgia, 2003.

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Oetter, Doug R. "Riparian Land Cover Change Detection Along the Willamette River, Oregon." In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2003.

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Morisette, Jeffrey T., Jaime E. Nickeson, Paul Davis, Yujie Wang, Yuhong Tian, Curtis E. Woodcock, Nikolay Shabanov, Matthew Hansen, Warren B. Cohen, Doug R. Oetter et al. "High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase." Remote Sensing of Environment 88 (2003): 100-110.

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Oetter, Douglas R. Geographic location of the McKenzie River watershed, western Oregon In Cheng, Antony S., and Steven E. Daniels. 2003. Examining the Interaction Between Geographic Scale and Ways of Knowing in Ecosystem Management: A Case Study of Place-Based Collaborative Planning. Forest Science 49(6): 841-854.., 2002.

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Oetter, Douglas R. Geographic location of the Mohawk River watershed, western Oregon In Cheng, Antony S., and Steven E. Daniels. 2003. Examining the Interaction Between Geographic Scale and Ways of Knowing in Ecosystem Management: A Case Study of Place-Based Collaborative Planning. Forest Science 49(6): 841-854.., 2002.

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South, Stephen, Jiaguo Qi, and David P. Lusch. 2003. Optimal classif ication methods for mapping agricultural tillage practices. Remote Sensing of Environment .

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Morisette, Jeffrey T., Jaime E. Nickeson, Paul Davis, Yujie Wang, Yuhong Tian, Curtis E. Woodcock, Nikolay Shabanov, Matthew Hansen, Warren B. Cohen, Doug R. Oetter and Robert E. Kennedy. 2003. High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientif ic Data Purchase. Remote Sensing of Environment 88(1-2):100-110.

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Anonymous. 2003. Using remote sensing to assess changes in moisture and nutrient f lux and vegetative stress in the Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Physical Geography.

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In 2002

Cohen, Warren B., Thomas A. Spies, Ralph J. Alig, Douglas R. Oetter, Thomas K. Maiersperger, and Maria Fiorella. "Characterizing 23 years (1972-95) of stand replacement disturbance in western Oregon forests with Landsat imagery." Ecosystems 5 (2002): 122-137.

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Zahler, David A., and Douglas R. Oetter. Forests of Oregon In Zahler, David A., Edward C. Jensen, and Dawn Anzinger. 2002. Forests of Oregon.. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon Forest Resources Institute, 2002.

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Consortium, Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Research. Willamette River Basin Atlas: Trajectories of Environmental and Ecological Change, Edited by David Hulse, Stan Gregory and Joan Baker. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2002.

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Sawaya, K., L. Olmanson, G. Holden, N. Heinert, J. Sieracki, P. Brezonik, T. Burk, and M. Bauer. 2002. Extending satellite remote sensing to lo cal scales: land and water resource management using high resolution imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment.

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Pacif ic Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium. 2002. Willamette River Basin Atlas: Trajectories of Environmental and Ecological Change . Corvallis: Oregon State University Press. 192 pp. Cited 68 times.

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Cheng, Antony S., and Steven E. Daniels. 2002. Examining the interaction between geographic scale and ways of knowing in ecosystem management : a case study of place-based collaborative planning. Forest Science 49(6):841-854. Cited 40 times.

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Cohen, Warren B., Thomas A. Spies, Ralph J. Alig, Douglas R. Oetter, Thomas K. Maiersperger, and Maria Fiorella. 2002. Characterizing 23 years (1972 -95) of stand replacement disturbance in western Oregon forests with Landsat imagery.

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Macias, F., and Cerrillo. 2002. Land-cover and land-use mapping in the Buffer Zone of Alto Mayo Protection Forest (Peru) from Landsat 7 -ETM data. Remote Sensing of Environment.

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Taft, O.W ., S.M. Haig, and C. Kiilsgaard. 2002. Use of radar remote sensing (RADARSAT) to map winter wetland habitat for shorebirds in an agricultural landscape. Environmental Management.

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Maxwell, S. K, J. R. Nuckols, E. Smith, M. H. Ward, and R. M. Hoffer. 2002. An automated approach to mapping corn from Landsat imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

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Oetter, Douglas R. 2002. Land Cover Change Along the W illamette River, Oregon .

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Zahler, David A., Edward C. Jensen, and Dawn Anzinger. Cartography by David A. Zahler and Doug R. Oetter. 2002. Forests of Oregon. Map publication. Corvallis: Oregon Forest Resources Institute. (Received International Association of Communicators and Information Technologies in Education (ACE) Bronze Award)

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Oetter, Doug R. 2002. Land Cover Classification, St. Petersburg Region. Map publication. Corvallis: Forestry Sciences Laboratory.

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In 2001

Oetter, Doug R., O. N. Krankina, W. B. Cohen, and Thomas K. Maiersperger. "Land Cover and Forest Biomass in the St. Petersburg Region of Russia: Integrating Landsat with Forest Inventory Data." In International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Open Science Conference. Amsterdam, Holland, 2001.

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Oetter, Doug R., Warren B. Cohen, Mercedes Berterretche, Thomas K. Maiersperger, and Robert E. Kennedy. "Land cover mapping in an agricultural setting using multi-seasonal Thematic Mapper data." Remote Sensing of Environment 76 (2001): 139-155.

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Cohen, Warren B., Thomas A. Spies, Thomas K. Maiersperger, and Douglas R. Oetter. "Modelling forest cover attributes as continuous variables in a regional context with Thematic Mapper data." International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (2001): 2279-2310.

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Oetter, Doug R., Warren B. Cohen, Mercedes Berterretche, Thomas K. Maiersperger, Robert E. Kennedy. 2001. 1992 Land Cover of the Willamette Valley. Map publication. Corvallis: Forestry Sciences Laboratory.

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Oetter, Doug R., Warren B. Cohen, Mercedes Berterretche, Thomas K. Maiersperger, Robert E. Kennedy. 2001. Land cover mapping in an agricultural setting using multi - seasonal Thematic Mapper data. Remote Sensing of Environment 76(2):139-155.

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Cohen, Warren B., Thomas A. Spies, Thomas K. Maiersperger, and Douglas R. Oetter. 2001. Modelling forest cover attributes as continuous variables in a regional context with Thematic Mapper data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22(12):2279-2310. Cited 89 times.

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In 2000

Duane, M.V., O.N. Krankina, D.R. Oetter, S.P. Healey, W .B.Cohen. In preparation. Patterns of timber harvest and effects on carbon balance in the St Petersburg region of Russia (1977 -2000). Forest Ecology and Management.

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In 1999

Oetter, Doug R., W. B. Cohen, Thomas K. Maiersperger, Mercedes Berterretche, and Robert E. Kennedy. "Land Cover Mapping in an Agricultural Setting using Multi-seasonal TM Data." In American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon, 1999.

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In 1992

Oetter, Doug. 1992. The Home Planet. Planetarium show produced by the Mark Smith Planetarium, Macon (Georgia) Museum of Arts and Sciences.

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Oetter, Doug, Glenn Carroll, and Maxine Tourney. 1992. Georgia's Rivers: Our Most Important Natural Resource Needs Protection . Brochure/poster published by Campaign for a Prosperous Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia.

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In 1990

Oetter, Douglas Rudolph. 1990. Forecasting Municipal Water Usage for Albany, Georgia. Master's Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.

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In 1988

Oetter, Doug. "Spirituality and politics in the riparian zone." Georgia Landscape Spring (1988): 20.

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Oetter, Doug. 1988. Spirituality and politics in the riparian zone. Georgia Landscape (Spring):20.

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(eds.). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 459pp. Cited 7 times.

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Gregory, Stanley, Dixon Landers, Linda Ashkenas, Randy W ildman, Paula Minear, Doug Oetter, Peter Bayley, Chip Andrus, Monty Pearson, Sam Fernald. In preparation. Historical and future trajectories of f loodplains, forests, and off -channel habitats of the mainstem W illamette River. Ecological Applications.

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Assessment of faecal pollution and relative algal abundances in Lakes Oconee and Sinclair, Georgia, USA. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 14:139- 149. Cited 3 times.

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Introduction to Remote Sensing using Imagine8.4

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Secondary Author: Gregory, Stan, Dave Hulse, Melanie Bertrand, and Doug Oetter. In press. The role of remotely sensed data in citizen-driven alternative futures analyses at a regional scale.

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World W ide Web Publications: Land Cover and Forest Cover of St. Petersburg Region, Russia .

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GIS methodology for characterizing historical conditions of the W illamette River f lood plain, Oregon. Transactions in GIS 8(3):367-383. Cited 6 times.

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Primary Author: Oetter, Doug R. In preparation. Land cover change detection within the W illamette River Greenway, Oregon. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing.

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Oetter, Doug R., Warren C. Cohen, Thomas K. Maiersperger, Olga N. Krankina. In preparation. Comparison of land and forest cover mapping methods for carbon studies in Northwest Russia and Western Oregon.

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Kennedy, Robert E., Warren B. Cohen, Douglas Oetter, Alan A. Kirschbaum, Thomas Maiersperger, and S. Thomas Gower. In review. Constrained stochastic sampling for spatial studies in ecology. Remote Sensing of Environment.

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Pacif ic Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium: W il lamette River Basin Mapping Project .

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Book chapter in Piegay, H. Blick, Jeffrey P., Doug Oetter, and J. Hope Hopkins. In press. Analysis of prehistoric settlement patterns on San Salvador, Bahamas, using the San Salvador Island GIS database. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology .

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Introduction to GIS/Remote Sensing in Forest Science Research Network .

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Ph. D. Dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis.

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