Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana

Profile Picture of Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana
Assistant Professor
Agriculture Community and Sciences
Kentucky State University


  • PhD in Agriculture Science Education at Purdue University

Research Interests

Urban Agriculture   Minority Youth   Hydroponics  

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Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana is an assistant Professor for Urban Agriculture at Kentucky State University. His research interests are in developing programming to identify and provide solutions for farmers and professionals to impact the global food system. Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana specializes in urban farming and youth programs, small farms, Extension/Engagement methods and community development, experiential methods and integrated evaluation of STEM learning in informal and formal programs.


Contact Information

  400 East Main Street Frankfort, Kentucky, 4060

  (502) 597-6537

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List of Publications (9)
In 2023

Nzaramyimana,T., Orvis, K.S, Hallet, S., Prokopy, L., Flachs, A. 2023. Contribution of race and agriculture classes in promoting a multicultural awareness among undergraduate students (Under review)

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Nzaramyimana1, T., D. Kopsell2, D. Kopsell3, and R. Rhykerd2. (2023). A comparative study on the Effect of Sulfur Fertility on Proteins and Carbohydrates in Bean of Edamame Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. (Under review)

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Nzaramyimana, T., Orvis,K.S, Russell, M. (2023). Role of Urban Agriculture Youth Programs in Promoting Healthy Eating Intentions among Minority Youth (Under review).

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In 2022

Nzaranyimana, T., Orvis, K., Benjamin, T., Shoaf, N., (2022). Indiana Urban Farmers 'Attitude and Perception Towards a Certificate Program (Under review)

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In 2021

Nzaranyimana, T., Orvis, K.S., Russell, M. 2021. Contribution of Individual Background Factors towards Entrepreneurship intentions among Minority Youth who Attend an Urban Farming Youth Program. International Journal of Social Science and Business.

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In 2020

Nzaranyimana, T., M. Russell, S. Tinkler, and Orvis, K. S. 2020. Assessing cultural awareness and international engagement skills through experiential learning: The spring 2018 study abroad experiences in rural areas of Peru for twelve undergraduate students from Purdue University in the College of Agriculture. NACTA Journal 64:422-428.

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Nzaramyimana, T. (2020). Exploration of the role of an urban farming program in promoting youth's life skills, entrepreneurship, and healthy eating intentions for minority youth attending Felege Hiywot center, Indianapolis (doctoral dissertation, Purdue University).

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In 2019

Kopsell,D., &Kopsell, D. Horticulture: Principles, Practices, and Career Opportunities. Amanda Ramler and Nicole Beau-Stephenson (Eds). Greater River Learning (2019). (Contributed on career path in Horticulture chapter).

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In 2017

Nzaranyimana, T. (2017). Determining the effects of sulfur fertility levels on edamame soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] protein components. Available from ProQuest Nzaranyimana_ilstu_0092N_11006.pdf

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