Eric Burgett

Profile Picture of Eric Burgett
Associate Professor
Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics
Idaho State University


  • Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010 in Nuclear Engineering
  • M.S. from Georgia Tech in 2008

Research Interests

Nuclear Safeguardss   Gamma Spectroscopy   Radiation Detector Design  

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Dr. Burgett received his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010 in Nuclear Engineering, his M.S. from Georgia Tech in 2008. He received the H. Wade Parker award in Accelerator Applications in Health Physics. His research interests include radiation detector design, development, and fabrication, neutron and gamma spectroscopy, homeland security and nuclear safeguards.


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List of Publications (48)
In 2015

WE-D-BRA-05: Pseudo In Vivo Patient Dosimetry Using a 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Phantom. R Ger EA Burgett R R Price D F Craft S F Kry R M Howell

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In 2014

Targets for Precision Measurements. W. Loveland L. Yao David M. Asner R. G. Baker J. Bundgaard E. Burgett M. Cunningham J. Deaven D. L. Duke U. Greife [...] L. Snyder S. Stave G. Tatishvili R. T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R. S. Towell S. Watson B. Wendt L. Wood

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Liposome-based delivery of a boron-containing cholesteryl ester for high-LET particle-induced damage of prostate cancer cells: A boron neutron capture therapy study. Ian Gifford Wyatt Vreeland Slavica Grdanovska Eric Burgett John Kalinich Vernieda Vergara C-K Chris Wang Eric Maimon Dianne Poster Mohamad Al-Sheikhly

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A Time Projection Chamber for High Accuracy and Precision Fission Cross Section Measurements. NIFFTE Collaboration M. Heffner D. M. Asner R. G. Baker J. Baker S. Barrett C. Brune J. Bundgaard E. Burgett D. Carter [...] S. Stave G. Tatishvili R. T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R. S. Towell S. Watson B. Wendt L. Wood L. Yao

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Development and Integration of a Fission Event Generator into the Geant4 Framework. Brycen Wendt Eric A. Burgett

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Development of a Semi-Automated Testing and Calibration System for Custom-Built TPC DAQ Hardware. Brycen Wendt Eric A. Burgett

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Development of a Neutron Spectroscopy Unfolding Suite Integrating Former- and Next-Generation Codes. Brycen Wendt Emerald D. Ryan Eric A. Burgett

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OC-0269: Neutron spectrum measurements from 250-MeV passively scattered proton therapy. R.M. Howell E.A. Burgett

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Secondary neutron spectrum from 250-MeV passively scattered proton therapy: Measurement with an extended-range Bonner sphere system. Rebecca M Howell E A Burgett

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In 2013

WE-E-141-08: Measurements of Secondary Neutron Spectrum and Dose Equivalent From a 250 MeV Passively Scattered Proton Beam Using An Extended Range Bonner Sphere Spectrometer. R Howell W Newhauser E Burgett

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The NIFFTE project. Ruz J. Asner D. M. Baker R. G. Bundgaard J. Burgett E. Cunningham M. Deaven J. Duke D. L. Greife U. Grimes S. [...] Snyder L. Stave S. Tatishvili G. Thornton R. T. Tovesson F. Towell D. Towell R. S. Watson S. Wendt B. Wood L

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In 2012

GaN-Based Neutron Scintillators with a 6LiF Conversion Layer. Andrew G. Melton Eric Burgett Nolan Hertel Ian T. Ferguson

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Comparison of neutron conversion layers for GaN-based scintillators. Andrew G. Melton Eric Burgett Tianming Xu Nolan Hertel Ian T. Ferguson

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GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF HANDHELD SURVEY METERS FOR RADIOLOGICAL TRIAGE. Wesley E. Bolch Jorge L. Hurtado Choonsik Lee Ryan Manger Eric Burgett Nolan Hertel William Dickerson

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Guidance on the use of handheld survey meters for radiological triage: time-dependent detector count rates corresponding to 50, 250, and 500 mSV effective dose for adult males and adult females.. Wesley E Bolch Jorge L Hurtado Choonsik Lee Ryan Manger Eric Burgett Nolan Hertel William Dickerson

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In 2011

Fission TPC Prototype Commissioning at a Fast Neutron Beam of the WNR facility. R. Baker E. Burgett D. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes M. Heffner N. Hertel T. Hill D. Isenhower J.L. Klay [...] L. Montoya D. Pamplin H. Qu S. Sharma L. Snyder T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson

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Event Reconstruction for the NIFFTE TPC. R. Baker E. Burgett D. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes M. Heffner N. Hertel T. Hill D. Isenhower J.L. Klay [...] L. Montoya D. Pamplin H. Qu S. Sharma L. Snyder T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson

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The Data Acquisition for the NIFFTE TPC. R. Baker E. Burgett D. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes M. Heffner N. Hertel T. Hill D. Isenhower J.L. Klay [...] L. Montoya D. Pamplin H. Qu S. Sharma L. Snyder T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson

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Recent Data Results from the Neutron Induced Fission Fragment Tracking Experiment. R. Baker E. Burgett D. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes M. Heffner N. Hertel T. Hill D. Isenhower J.L. Klay [...] L. Montoya D. Pamplin H. Qu S. Sharma L. Snyder T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson

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Toward an Improved Hydrogen Standard. N. Kornilov T.N. Massey S.M. Grimes J.E. O'Donnell D. Carte A.D. Carlson R.C. Haight E. Burgett U. Greife M. Heffner [...] W. Loveland C. McGrath N. Pickle H. Qu S. Sharma L. Snyder T. Thornton F. Tovesson R.S. Towell S. Watson

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ZnO thermal neutron scintillators designed for high sensitivity and gamma-ray discrimination. B. J. Connors C. J. Summers B. Klein E. A. Burgett N. E. Hertel

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A fissionable scintillator for neutron flux monitoring. Sy Stange Ernst I. Esch Eric A. Burgett Rico E. Del Sesto Ross E. Muenchausen Felicia L. Taw Fredrik K. Tovesson

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Using handheld plastic scintillator detectors to triage individuals exposed to a radiological dispersal device. R P Manger N E Hertel E A Burgett A Ansari

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Erratum: "Secondary neutron spectra from modern Varian, Siemens, and Elekta linacs with multileaf collimators" [Med. Phys. 36(9), 4027-4038 (2009)].. Rebecca M Howell Stephen F Kry Eric Burgett Nolan E Hertel David Followill

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In 2010

GaN as a neutron detection material. A. Melton E. Burgett M. Jamil T. Zaidi N. Hertel I. Ferguson

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Status Update on the NIFFTE High-Precision Fission Cross-Section Measurement Program. E. Burgett U. Greife S. Grimes M. Heffner N. Hertel T. Hill D. Isenhower J.L. Klay N. Kornilov R. Kudo [...] T. Massey C. McGrath N. Pickle H. Qu S. Sharma L. Snyder T. Thornton F. Tovesson R.S. Towell S. Watson

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Calibration of a Bonner sphere extension (BSE) for high-energy neutron spectrometry. R M Howell E A Burgett B Wiegel N E Hertel

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In 2009


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Energy Response and Angular Dependence of a Bonner Sphere Extension. E.A. Burgett N.E. Hertel R.M. Howell

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MEASUREMENT OF HIGH-ENERGY NEUTRON SPECTRA WITH A BONNER SPHERE EXTENSION SYSTEM. Howell Rebecca M. Burgett Eric Hertel Nolan E. Kry Stephen F. Zhonglu Wang Salehpour Mohammad

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Secondary neutron spectra from modern Varian, Siemens, and Elekta linacs with multileaf collimators. Rebecca M Howell Stephen F Kry Eric Burgett Nolan E Hertel David S Followill

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Effects of tertiary MLC configuration on secondary neutron spectra from 18 MV x-ray beams for the Varian 21EX linear accelerator. Rebecca M Howell Stephen F Kry Eric Burgett David Followill Nolan E Hertel

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Neutron spectral measurement of the Ohio state research reactor pneumatic tube. E. Burgett N. Hertel T. Blue J. Chenkovich J. Talnagi

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Calibration of indium response functions in an Au-In-BSE system up to 800 MeV. Zhonglu Wang Rebecca M Howell Eric A Burgett Stephen F Kry Nolan E Hertel Mohammad Salehpour

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In 2008

Polyethylene/Boron Composites for Radiation Shielding Applications. Courtney Harrison Eric Burgett Nolan Hertel Eric Grulke

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Study of a gold-foil-based multisphere neutron spectrometer. Z Wang J D Hutchinson N E Hertel E Burgett R M Howell

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TH-D-AUD A-02: Measurement of Neutron Spectrum and Ambient Dose Equivalent Around a Mini-Phantom at a Proton Therapy Facility. Z. Wang S. Kry E. Burgett R. Howell R. Tailor J. Oliver D. Followill A. Smith M. Salehpour

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Polyethylene/boron nitride composites for space radiation shielding. Courtney Harrison Sean Weaver Craig Bertelsen Eric Burgett Nolan Hertel Eric Grulke

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In 2007

Experimental validation of the new nanodosimetry-based cell survival model for mixed neutron and gamma-ray irradiation. C-K Chris Wang Xin Zhang Ian Gifford Eric Burgett Vince Adams Mohamad Al-Sheikhly

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In 2006

High temperature helium-cooled fast reactor (HTHFR). R. A. Karam Dwayne Blaylock Eric Burgett S. Mostafa Ghiaasiaan Nolan Hertel

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A broad spectrum neutron spectrometer utilizing a high energy Bonner sphere extension. Eric A. Burgett

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Fermilab Neutron Therapy Facility Neutron Spectrum Determination by Threshold Foils. Zhonglu Wang Nolan E. Hertel Eric Burgett Arlene Lennox

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A scintillating fission detector for neutron flux measurements. Sy Stange Ernst I Esch Eric A Burgett Iain May Ross E Muenchausen Felicia Taw Fredrik K Tovesson

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Novel neutron detectors. Eric Anthony Burgett

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The Data Analysis Framework for the NIFFTE Fission Time Projection Chamber. S. Stave D.M. Asner R.G. Baker J. Bundgaard E. Burgett M. Cunningham J. Deaven D.L. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes [...] B. Seilhan L. Snyder G. Tatishvili R.T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson B. Wendt L. Wood

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An Ethernet-based Data Acquisition System for the NIFFTE Time Projection Chamber. L. Wood D.M. Asner R.G. Baker J. Bundgaard E. Burgett M. Cunningham J. Deaven D.L. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes [...] B. Seilhan L. Snyder S. Stave G. Tatishvili R.T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson B. Wendt

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Measuring the /SF Branching Ratio of 252Cf with the NIFFTE TPC. L. Snyder D.M. Asner R.G. Baker J. Bundgaard E. Burgett M. Cunningham J. Deaven D.L. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes [...] B. Seilhan S. Stave G. Tatishvili R.T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson B. Wendt L. Wood

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Commissioning the NIFFTE Time Projection Chamber: Towards the 238U / 235U (n, f) Cross-section Ratio. R. Meharchand D.M. Asner R.G. Baker J. Bundgaard E. Burgett M. Cunningham J. Deaven D.L. Duke U. Greife S. Grimes [...] L. Snyder S. Stave G. Tatishvili R.T. Thornton F. Tovesson D. Towell R.S. Towell S. Watson B. Wendt L. Wood

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