Felipe Murtinho

Profile Picture of Felipe Murtinho
Associate Professor
International Studies
Seattle University


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Research Interests

Ecosystem Services   Forest Reserves   Climate Change  

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List of Publications (28)
In 2022

Effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services after loss and uncertainty of compensation. T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff, MF Lo pez-Sandoval, J Salazar Nature Sustainability 5 (1), 81-88, 2022.

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In 2019

Collective PES: More than the sum of individual incentives. T Hayes, T Grillos, LL Bremer, F Murtinho, E Shapiro Environmental Science & Policy 102, 1-8, 2019.

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What Happens When Payments for Conservation Stop?. T Hayes, F Murtinho, MF Lopez, H Wolf .

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In 2018

Communal governance, equity and payment for ecosystem services. T Hayes, F Murtinho Land Use Policy 79, 123-136, 2018.

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Contrasting Stakeholders' Perceptions of Pine Plantations in the Pa ramo Ecosystem of Ecuador. C Quiroz Dahik, P Crespo, B Stimm, F Murtinho, M Weber, P Hildebrandt Sustainability 10 (6), 1707, 2018.

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In 2017

The impact of payments for environmental services on communal lands: an analysis of the factors driving household land-use behavior in Ecuador. T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff World Development 93, 427-446, 2017.

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Communal Participation in Payment for Environmental Services (PES): Unpacking the Collective Decision to Enroll. F Murtinho, T Hayes Environmental Management 59 (6), 939-955, 2017.

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In 2016

What facilitates adaptation? An analysis of community-based adaptation to environmental change in the Andes. F Murtinho International Journal of the Commons 10 (1), 2016.

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In 2015

An institutional analysis of Payment for Environmental Services on collectively managed lands in Ecuador. T Hayes, F Murtinho, H Wolff Ecological Economics 118, 81-89, 2015.

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Can Conservation Contracts Co-exist with Change? Payment for Ecosystem Services in the Context of Adaptive Decision-Making and Sustainability. T Hayes, F Murtinho, LMC Camacho, P Crespo, S McHugh, D Salmero n Environmental management 55 (1), 69-85, 2015.

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In 2013

Water scarcity in the Andes: a comparison of local perceptions and observed climate, land use and socioeconomic changes. F Murtinho, C Tague, B De Bie vre, H Eakin, D Lopez-Carr Human ecology 41 (5), 667-681, 2013.

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Does External Funding Help Adaptation? Evidence from Community-Based Water Management in the Colombian Andes. F Murtinho, H Eakin, D Lo pez-Carr, TM Hayes Environmental management 52 (5), 1103-1114, 2013.

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Estrategias de las Juntas Administradoras de Agua para materializar su seguridad hi drica en los Andes Colombianos. F Murtinho Agua e Inequidad: Discursos, poli ticas y medios de vida en la regio n andina, 2013.

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In 2012

Si ntesis de los impactos de los efectos del cambio clima tico en los recursos hi dricos en los Andes Tropicales y las estrategias de adaptacio n desarrolladas por los pobladores. B De Bie vre, M Bustamante, W Buytaert, F Murtinho, MT Armijos Panorama Andino de Cambio Clima tico: Vulnerabilidad y Adaptacio n en los ..., 2012.

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In 2011

Adaptation in Resource-Dependent Communities: A Call for Greater Methodological Clarity in Adaptation Field Research. F Murtinho, TM Hayes Society and Natural Resources, 2011.

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Adaptation to Environmental Change among Water User Associations in the Colombian Andes. F Murtinho UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA, 2011.

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In 2010

Adaptive capacity in evolving peri-urban spaces: Responses to flood risk in the Upper Lerma River Valley, Mexico. H Eakin, AM Lerner, F Murtinho Global Environmental Change 20 (1), 14-22, 2010.

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Understanding adaptation to climate variability: Challenges and opportunities of community based water management. F Murtinho ICARUS I: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Theories and Cases, 2010.

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Visualization of Slow-Developing Hazards: Influencing Perceptions and Behaviors to Facilitate Adaptation Planning. G Broad, D Campbell, T Frazier, P Howe, F Murtinho, HR Hernandez Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute for the Integration of Research on ..., 2010.

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External Assistance Needed for Adaptation? An Assessment of Government Intervention in Local Water Management in the Colombian Andes. F Murtinho, H Eakin, D Lopez-Carr North American Regional Meeting of the International Association for the ..., 2010.

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Si ntesis del estado del conocimiento sobre los recursos hi dricos en el contexto de vulnerabilidad y adaptacio n al cambio clima tico en los Andes Tropicales. F Murtinho, MT Armijos Programa Panorama Andino. CONDESAN, Secretari a General de la Comunidad ..., 2010.

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In 2009

Un ana lisis multinivel de poblacio n y deforestacio n en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacando n (Pete n, Guatemala). DL Carr, F Murtinho, WKY Pan, A Barbieri, RE Bilsborrow, C Suchindran, ... Documents d'Ana lisi Geogra fica, 49-67, 2009.

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Watershed Management and Adaptation to Environmental Change: A Case Study of Water User Associations in the Colombian Andes. F Murtinho Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 2009.

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Adaptacio n frente a la degradacio n de fuentes de agua: Experiencias de Acueductos Comunitarios en los Andes Colombianos. F Murtinho Segundo Congreso Mundial de Paramos. Loja, Ecuador, 2009.

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In 2008

Are indigenous forest reserves sustainable? An analysis of present and future land-use trends in Bosawas, Nicaragua. TM Hayes, F Murtinho The International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 15 (6 ..., 2008.

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A multilevel analysis of population and deforestation in the Sierra de Lacandon National Park, Peten, Guatemala. DL Carr, F Murtinho, WK Pan, A Barbieri, RE Bilsborrow, C Suchindran, ... Documents D'analisi Geografica 52, 49-67, 2008.

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In 2006

Valoracio n econo mica de los principales bienes y servicios ambientales provistos por los ecosistemas estrate gicos de la jurisdiccio n CAR y disen o de instrumentos de poli tica .... F Murtinho Instituto de Investigacio n de Recursos Biolo gicos Alexander von Humboldt, 2006.

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In 2004

Disen o de instrumentos de poli tica para la conservacio n y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad en sistemas productivos ganaderos en la cuenca del ri o La Vieja, Quindi o y norte .... S Hernandez, F Murtinho, JC Rodriguez .

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