Francesca Galeffi M Galeffi

Profile Picture of Francesca Galeffi M Galeffi
Research Scientist
Duke University


  • MD University of Florence

Research Interests

Neuronal Function   Seizures   Pharmacology  

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Contact Information

  508 Fulton Street

  919-2860411 ext 3634

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List of Publications (10)
In 2014

Shetty PK, Galeffi F, Turner DA. Nicotinamide ameliorates NAD(H) hyperoxidation and improves neuronal function after severe hypoxia. Neurobiology of Disease 62, 469-478, 2014

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In 2012

Shetty PK, Sadgrove MP, Galeffi F, Turner DA, Pyruvate incubation enhances glycogen stores and sustains neuronal function during subsequent glucose deprivation. Neurobiology of Disease. Vol 45(1):177-8720, 2012

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In 2011

Galeffi F, Somjen GG, Foster KA, Turner DA Simultaneous monitoring of tissue PO2 and NADH fluorescence during synaptic stimulation and spreading depression reveals a transient dissociation between oxygen utilization and mitochondrial redox state in rat hippocampal slices. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism. Vol. 31(2):626-639, 2011

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Shetty PK1, Galeffi F1, Turner DA1. Age-Induced Alterations in Hippocampal Function and Metabolism. Aging and Disease. Vol. 2(3):196-218, 2011 (1authors contributed equally to this paper)

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In 2007

Turner DA, Foster KA, Galeffi F, Somjen GG. Differences in O2 availability resolve the apparent discrepancies in metabolic intrinsic optical signals in vivo and in vitro. Trends in Neuroscience Vol. 30(8):390-398, 2007

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Galeffi F, Foster KA, Sadgrove MP, Beaver CJ, Turner DA. Lactate uptake contributes to the NAD(P)H biphasic response and tissue oxygen response during synaptic stimulation in area CA1 of rat hippocampal slices. Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol. 103(6):2449-2461. 2007.

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In 2006

Foster KA1, Galeffi F1, Gerich FJ, Turner DA, Muller M. Optical and pharmacological tools to investigate the role of mitochondria during oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Progress in Neurobiology Vol. 79(3):136-171, 2006 (1authors contributed equally to this paper)

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In 2004

F. Galeffi, R. Sah, B. Pond, A. George, and R. D. Schwartz-Bloom. Changes in Intracellular Chloride after Oxygen- Glucose Deprivation in the Adult Hippocampal Slice: Effect of Diazepam. Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 24(18): 4478-4488, 2004

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In 2003

F. Galeffi, L. Bianchi, JP Bolam and L.Della Corte. The Effect of 6-Hydroxydopamine Lesions on the Release of Amino Acids in the Direct and Indirect Pathways of the Basal Ganglia: a Dual Microdialysis Probe Analysis. European Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 18(4): 856-868, 2003

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Galeffi F, Shetty PK, Sadgrove MP and Turner DA. Age-Related Metabolic Fatigue during Low Glucose Conditions in Rat Hippocampus. Neurobiology of Aging, In press.

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