Ge Yang

Profile Picture of Ge Yang
Associate Professor
Computational Biology Department
Carnegie Mellon University


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Research Interests

Spatial Temporal Dynamics   Current Research Topics Include   Bioimage Informatics  

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I am an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University. My research group works on questions at interfaces between engineering, computation, and cell biology.


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List of Publications (317)
In 2015

Chen K.C., Yu Y., Kovacevic J., and Yang G. (2015) A sliding-window data aggregation method for super-resolution imaging of live cells, to appear. Selected for oral presentation.

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Lee H.-C. and Yang G. (2015) Image-based computational methods for characterizing whole-cell scale spatiotemporal dynamics of intracellular transport, to appear. Selected for oral presentation.

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Two-dimensional magnetic WS 2@ Fe 3 O 4 nanocomposite with mesoporous silica coating for drug delivery and imaging-guided therapy of cancer. G Yang, H Gong, T Liu, X Sun, L Cheng, Z Liu Biomaterials 60, 62-71, 2015.

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Preparation of polylysine-modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. G Yang, B Zhang, J Wang, S Xie, X Li Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 374, 205-208, 2015.

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Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Addition of Arylboronic Acids to Nitrostyrenes. Q He, F Xie, G Fu, M Quan, C Shen, G Yang, ID Gridnev, W Zhang Organic letters 17 (9), 2250-2253, 2015.

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Yang G. and Lee H.-C. (2015) Computational image analysis for cell mechanobiology, in Integrative Mechanobiology: Micro and Nano Techniques in Cell Mechanobiology, Yu Sun, Craig Simmon, Deok-Ho Kim eds, Cambridge University Press, to appear.

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Zbtb20 regulates the terminal differentiation of hypertrophic chondrocytes via repression of Sox9. G Zhou, X Jiang, H Zhang, Y Lu, A Liu, X Ma, G Yang, R Yang, H Shen, ... Development 142 (2), 385-393, 2015.

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Designing fuzzy supply chain network problem by mean-risk optimization method. G Yang, Y Liu Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 26 (3), 447-458, 2015.

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Design of robust adaptive neural switching controller for robotic manipulators with uncertainty and disturbances. L Yu, S Fei, L Sun, J Huang, G Yang Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 77 (3-4), 571-581, 2015.

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Using ecosystem service bundles to detect trade-offs and synergies across urbanrural complexes. G Yang, Y Ge, H Xue, W Yang, Y Shi, C Peng, Y Du, X Fan, Y Ren, ... Landscape and Urban Planning 136, 110-121, 2015.

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In 2014

Influence of forming atmosphere on the deposition characteristics of 2Cr13 stainless steel during laser solid forming. M Song, X Lin, G Yang, X Cui, H Yang, W Huang Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (3), 701-709, 2014.

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Effect of cilostazol in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PP Niu, G Yang, YQ Xing, ZN Guo, Y Yang Journal of the neurological sciences 336 (1), 146-151, 2014.

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Chen K.-C. Kovacevic J., and Yang G. (2014) Structure-based determination of imaging length for super-resolution localization microscopy, Proc. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 991-994. Selected for oral presentation.

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Lee H.-C. and Yang G. (2014) Integrating dimension reduction with mean-shift clustering for biological shape classification, Proc. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 254-257. Selected for oral presentation

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Chen K.C., Qiu M., Kovacevic J., and Yang G. (2014) Computational image modeling for characterization and analysis of intracellular cargo transport, Proc. of CompIMAGE'14 (Computational Modeling of Image Objects), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8641, pp. 292-303. CompIMAGE'14 Best Paper Award.

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Xu J.Q., Yu Y., Lee H.-C., Fan Q., Winter J., and Yang G. (2014) Cell penetrating peptide mediated quantum dot delivery and release in live mammalian cells, Proc. 36th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2014), pp. 4260-4263.

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Chen K.C., Yang G., and Kovacevic J. (2014) Spatial density estimation based segmentation of super-resolution localization microscopy images, Proc. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 867-871.

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Yang G. (2014) Image-based computational tracking and analysis of spindle protein dynamics, in Mitosis: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, D. Sharp ed., vol. 1136, 10.1007/978-1-4939-0329-0_5, Springer.

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Meriva+ Glucosamine versus Condroitin+ Glucosamine in patients with knee osteoarthritis: an observational study. G Belcaro, M Dugall, R Luzzi, A Ledda, L Pellegrini, MR Cesarone, ... Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 18 (24), 3959-3963, 2014.

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Fabrication of TiO 2 nanotube arrays and their application in flexible dye-sensitized solar cells. Y Liu, Y Cheng, K Chen, Z Peng, G Yang, GS Zakharova, W Chen Rsc Advances 4 (85), 45592-45597, 2014.

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Differential gene expression profiling analysis in workers occupationally exposed to benzene. A Gao, J Yang, G Yang, P Niu, L Tian Science of The Total Environment 472, 872-879, 2014.

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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling recruitment: a potential mechanism by which N deposition favors the dominance of grasses over forbs. L Zhen, G Yang, H Yang, Y Chen, N Liu, Y Zhang Plant and soil 375 (1-2), 127-136, 2014.

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Sulforaphane inhibits invasion via activating ERK1/2 signaling in human glioblastoma U87MG and U373MG cells. C Li, Y Zhou, X Peng, L Du, H Tian, G Yang, J Niu, W Wu PloS one 9 (2), e90520, 2014.

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Total parathyroidectomy with autotransplantation for a rare disease derived from uremic secondary hyperparathyroidism, the uremic leontiasis ossea. G Yang, B Zhang, XM Zha, NN Wang, CY Xing Osteoporosis International 25 (3), 1115-1121, 2014.

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Evaluation of dermoscopic algorithm for seborrhoeic keratosis: a prospective study in 412 patients. J Lin, S Han, L Cui, Z Song, M Gao, G Yang, Y Fu, X Liu Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 28 (7), 957-962, 2014.

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On the theory of high rate capability of LiMn 2 O 4 with some preferred orientations: insights from the crystal shape algorithm. KR Ragavendran, H Xia, G Yang, D Vasudevan, B Emmanuel, ... Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (6), 2553-2560, 2014.

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Growth of CdTe x Se 1 x from a Te-rich solution for applications in radiation detection. UN Roy, AE Bolotnikov, GS Camarda, Y Cui, A Hossain, K Lee, ... Journal of Crystal Growth 386, 43-46, 2014.

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Spirometra (Pseudophyllidea, Diphyllobothriidae) severely infecting wild-caught snakes from food markets in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Guangdong, China: implications for public health. F Wang, W Li, L Hua, S Gong, J Xiao, F Hou, Y Ge, G Yang The Scientific World Journal 2014, 2014.

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Acaricidal properties of an Ailanthus altissima bark extract against Psoroptes cuniculi and Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi in vitro. X Gu, C Fang, G Yang, Y Xie, X Nong, J Zhu, S Wang, X Peng, Q Yan Experimental and applied acarology 62 (2), 225-232, 2014.

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Effect of borosilicate glass on the mechanical and biodegradation properties of 45S5-derived bioactive glass-ceramics. S Xu, X Yang, X Chen, H Shao, Y He, L Zhang, G Yang, Z Gou Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 405, 91-99, 2014.

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Electrodes engineering of high power, long life and excellent cycling stability for rechargeable lithium batteries. H Song, G Yang, H Cui, C Wang Nano Energy 3, 16-25, 2014.

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Braided thinwalled biodegradable ureteral stent: Preliminary evaluation in a canine model. MQ Zhang, T Zou, YC Huang, YF Shang, GG Yang, WZ Wang, JM Zhou, ... International Journal of Urology 21 (4), 401-407, 2014.

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Long non-coding RNA NR_045623 and NR_028291 involved in benzene hematotoxicity in occupationally benzene-exposed workers. W Bai, J Yang, G Yang, P Niu, L Tian, A Gao Experimental and molecular pathology 96 (3), 354-360, 2014.

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Novel approach to surface processing for improving the efficiency of CdZnTe detectors. A Hossain, AE Bolotnikov, GS Camarda, Y Cui, D Jones, J Hall, KH Kim, ... Journal of Electronic Materials 43 (8), 2771-2777, 2014.

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How early can myocardial iron overload occur in beta thalassemia major?. G Yang, R Liu, P Peng, L Long, X Zhang, W Yang, S Tan, H Pan, X Long, ... PloS one 9 (1), e85379, 2014.

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Increased body mass index makes an impact on brain white-matter integrity in adults with remitted first-episode mania. CN Kuswanto, MY Sum, GL Yang, WL Nowinski, RS McIntyre, K Sim Psychological medicine 44 (03), 533-541, 2014.

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In 2013

The protective effect of telmisartan in Type 2 diabetes rat kidneys is related to the downregulation of thioredoxin-interacting protein. J Wu, H Lin, D Liu, J Liu, N Wang, X Mei, J Sun, G Yang, X Zhang Journal of endocrinological investigation 36 (7), 453-459, 2013.

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Flow reversal and entropy generation due to buoyancy assisted mixed convection in the entrance region of a three dimensional vertical rectangular duct. G Yang, JY Wu, L Yan International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 67, 741-751, 2013.

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Nanoscaled Sm-doped CeO 2 buffer layers for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. D Chen, G Yang, Z Shao, F Ciucci Electrochemistry communications 35, 131-134, 2013.

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Novel coumarin-based sensitive and selective fluorescent probes for biothiols in aqueous solution and in living cells. J Li, CF Zhang, ZZ Ming, WC Yang, GF Yang RSC Advances 3 (48), 26059-26065, 2013.

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Comprehensive profiling of Epstein-Barr virus-encoded miRNA species associated with specific latency types in tumor cells. HJ Yang, TJ Huang, CF Yang, LX Peng, RY Liu, GD Yang, QQ Chu, ... Virology journal 10 (1), 1, 2013.

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Characteristics of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in patients with hepatitis B virus infection: clinicopathologic study of resected tumours. ZF Wu, N Yang, DY Li, HB Zhang, GS Yang Journal of viral hepatitis 20 (5), 306-310, 2013.

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Evaluation and compensation of steady gas flow force on the high-pressure electro-pneumatic servo valve direct-driven by voice coil motor. B Li, L Gao, G Yang Energy Conversion and Management 67, 92-102, 2013.

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Presenilin controls kinesin-1 and dynein function during APP-vesicle transport in vivo. S Gunawardena, G Yang, LSB Goldstein Human molecular genetics 22 (19), 3828-3843, 2013.

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Selective isolation and analysis of glycoprotein fractions and their glycomes from hepatocellular carcinoma sera. G Yang, T Cui, Y Wang, S Sun, T Ma, T Wang, Q Chen, Z Li Proteomics 13 (9), 1481-1498, 2013.

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Preoperative predictors of microvascular invasion in multinodular hepatocellular carcinoma. WC Zhao, LF Fan, N Yang, HB Zhang, BD Chen, GS Yang European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO) 39 (8), 858-864, 2013.

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Yang G. (2013) Bioimage informatics for understanding spatiotemporal dynamics of cellular processes (invited review), Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Systems Biology and Medicine, vol. 5, pp. 367-380.

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A novel reflective surface with polarization rotation characteristic. XC Zhu, W Hong, K Wu, HJ Tang, ZC Hao, JX Chen, GQ Yang IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 12, 968-971, 2013.

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Antioxidant Properties of cis-Z, Z'-3a. 7a', 7a. 3a'-Dihydroxy-ligustilide on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells in Vitro. W Li, Y Wu, X Liu, C Yan, D Liu, Y Pan, G Yang, F Yin, Z Weng, D Zhao, ... Molecules 18 (1), 520-534, 2013.

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A multi-objective optimisation algorithm for the hot rolling batch scheduling problem. SJ Jia, J Yi, GK Yang, B Du, J Zhu International Journal of Production Research 51 (3), 667-681, 2013.

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A MEMS sandwich differential capacitive silicon-on-insulator accelerometer. Y Zhang, G Yang, C Gao, Y Hao Microsystem technologies 19 (8), 1249-1254, 2013.

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Click chemistry with 2-ethynyl-4, 5, 6, 7-tetrahydroindoles: Towards functionalized tetrahydroindole-triazole ensembles. LN Sobenina, DN Tomilin, IA Ushakov, AI Mikhaleva, JS Ma, G Yang, ... Synthesis 45 (05), 678-682, 2013.

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Analysis of the genetic diversity of the nematode parasite Baylisascaris schroederi from wild giant pandas in different mountain ranges in China. X Zhou, Y Xie, Z Zhang, C Wang, Y Sun, X Gu, S Wang, X Peng, G Yang Parasites & vectors 6 (1), 1, 2013.

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Fabrication of nanorod InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells with self-assembled Ni nano-island masks. G Yang, Y Guo, H Zhu, D Yan, G Li, S Gao, K Dong Applied Surface Science 285, 772-777, 2013.

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Learning discriminative illumination and filters for raw material classification with optimal projections of bidirectional texture functions. C Liu, G Yang, J Gu Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern ..., 2013.

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Noninvasive cardiac arrhythmia therapy using High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) ablation. ZB Wang, J Huang International journal of cardiology 166, e28-e30, 2013.

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An integrated two-level self-calibration method for a cable-driven humanoid arm. Q Chen, W Chen, G Yang, R Liu IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (2), 380-391, 2013.

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Effect of losartan on the glomerular protein expression profile of type 2 diabetic KKAy mice. QL Fan, G Yang, XD Liu, JF Ma, JM Feng, Y Jiang, LN Wang J Nephrol 26 (3), 517-26, 2013.

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Holocene paleoclimatic reconstruction based on mud deposits on the inner shelf of the East China Sea. S Liu, X Shi, Y Liu, Y Wu, G Yang, X Wang Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 69, 113-120, 2013.

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Investigation of thick CVD diamond film with SiC interlayer on tungsten carbide for possible usage in geologic explorations. X Yu, Y Liu, L Ma, G Yang, C Wang Vacuum 94, 53-56, 2013.

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Real time content searching in social network. A Wable, H Yan, S Ahrens, YK Lee, G Yang US Patent 8,527,496, 2013.

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Potential of recombinant inorganic pyrophosphatase antigen as a new vaccine candidate against Baylisascaris schroederi in mice. Y Xie, S Chen, Y Yan, Z Zhang, D Li, H Yu, C Wang, X Nong, X Zhou, ... Veterinary research 44 (1), 1, 2013.

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Arabidopsis cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase 45 positively regulates disease resistance to Pseudomonas syringae. X Zhang, X Han, R Shi, G Yang, L Qi, R Wang, G Li Plant physiology and biochemistry 73, 383-391, 2013.

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Fault tolerant vibration-attenuation controller design for uncertain linear structural systems with input time-delay and saturation. F Weng, Y Ding, L Liang, G Yang Shock and Vibration 20 (5), 963-977, 2013.

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Key technologies review of the spectral color management system. Z Xian-dou, W Qiang, Y Gen-fu, WU Li China Printing and Packaging Study 1, 006, 2013.

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Genetic variation of Taenia pisiformis collected from Sichuan, China, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome B gene. D Yang, Y Ren, Y Fu, Y Xie, H Nie, X Nong, X Gu, S Wang, X Peng, ... The Korean journal of parasitology 51 (4), 449-452, 2013.

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Septal ablation induced by transthoracic high-intensity focused ultrasound in canines. S Rong, K Woo, Q Zhou, Q Zhu, Q Wu, Q Wang, C Deng, D Liu, G Yang, ... Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 26 (10), 1228-1234, 2013.

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Less Conservative Stability Criteria for DiscreteTime Nonlinear Stochastic Singular Systems with Mixed TimeDelay. F Weng, Y Ding, G Yang, L Liang, Z Yu Asian Journal of Control 15 (6), 1871-1876, 2013.

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Analysis of codon usage patterns in Taenia pisiformis through annotated transcriptome data. L Chen, T Liu, D Yang, X Nong, Y Xie, Y Fu, X Wu, X Huang, X Gu, ... Biochemical and biophysical research communications 430 (4), 1344-1348, 2013.

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In vivo measurement of the mouse pulmonary endothelial surface layer. Y Yang, G Yang, EP Schmidt JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e50322-e50322, 2013.

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Association of estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphism with age at onset, general psychopathology symptoms, and therapeutic effect of schizophrenia. S Wang, W Li, J Zhao, H Zhang, Y Yang, X Wang, G Yang, L Lv Behavioral and Brain Functions 9 (1), 1, 2013.

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Revolving door action of breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) facilitates or controls the efflux of flavone glucuronides from UGT1A9-overexpressing HeLa cells. Y Wei, B Wu, W Jiang, T Yin, X Jia, S Basu, G Yang, M Hu Molecular pharmaceutics 10 (5), 1736-1750, 2013.

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Development and application of a universal Taqman real-time PCR for quantitation of duck hepatitis B virus DNA. Y Wang, Y Li, C Yang, L Hui, Q Han, L Ma, Q Wang, G Yang, Z Liu Journal of virological methods 191 (1), 41-47, 2013.

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Inhibition of Cdc42-interacting protein 4 (CIP4) impairs osteosarcoma tumor progression. N V Koshkina, G Yang, E S Kleinerman Current cancer drug targets 13 (1), 48-56, 2013.

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Association of serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) polymorphisms with schizophrenia susceptibility and symptoms in a Chinese-Han population. W Li, Y Yang, J Lin, S Wang, J Zhao, G Yang, X Wang, M Ding, H Zhang, ... Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 44, 290-295, 2013.

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Magnesium deficiency-induced changes in organic acid metabolism of Citrus sinensis roots and leaves. LT Yang, GH Yang, X You, CP Zhou, YB Lu, LS Chen Biologia Plantarum 57 (3), 481-486, 2013.

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K-Shell Photoabsorption Edge of Strongly Coupled Matter Driven by Laser-Converted Radiation. Y Zhao, J Yang, J Zhang, G Yang, M Wei, G Xiong, T Song, Z Zhang, ... Physical review letters 111 (15), 155003, 2013.

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Electronic and optical properties of kesterite Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 under in-plane biaxial strains: First-principles calculations. CR Li, YF Li, B Yao, G Yang, ZH Ding, R Deng, L Liu Physics Letters A 377 (37), 2398-2402, 2013.

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Real-time temperature measurement with fiber Bragg sensors in lithium batteries for safety usage. G Yang, C Leito, Y Li, J Pinto, X Jiang Measurement 46 (9), 3166-3172, 2013.

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Feasibility analysis of SPH method in the simulation of condensed explosives detonation with ignition and growth model. G Yang, Y Fu, D Hu, X Han Computers & Fluids 88, 51-59, 2013.

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Synthesis and characterization of shape-controlled mesoporous Co 3 O 4 hierarchical nanostructures. G Yang, D Gao, J Zhang, J Zhang, Z Shi, Z Zhu, D Xue RSC Advances 3 (2), 508-512, 2013.

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Primary mediastinal myelolipoma: A case report and review of the literature. C Geng, N Liu, G Yang, M Qi, W Chen Oncology letters 5 (3), 862-864, 2013.

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Polyethylenimine loaded nanoporous carbon with ultra-large pore volume for CO 2 capture. Z Tang, Z Han, G Yang, J Yang Applied Surface Science 277, 47-52, 2013.

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Simulation study on the boron-coated GEM neutron beam monitor. YF Wang, ZJ Sun, JR Zhou, GA Yang, H Xu, T Wang, YB Chen Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 56 (10), 1897-1902, 2013.

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Comparison of parathyroid hormone (1-34) and elcatonin in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: an 18-month randomized, multicenter controlled trial in China. Y Li, M Xuan, B Wang, J Yang, H Zhang, XZ Zhang, XH Guo, XF L, ... Chinese medical journal 126 (3), 457-463, 2013.

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Contribution of ultracompact dark matter minihalos to the isotropic radio background. Y Yang, G Yang, X Huang, X Chen, T Lu, H Zong Physical Review D 87 (8), 083519, 2013.

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Forward current transport mechanisms in Ni/Au-AlGaN/GaN Schottky diodes. D Yan, J Jiao, J Ren, G Yang, X Gu Journal of Applied Physics 114 (14), 144511, 2013.

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Treat-to-target comparison between once daily biphasic insulin aspart 30 and insulin glargine in Chinese and Japanese insulin-naive subjects with type 2 diabetes. W Yang, X Xu, X Liu, G Yang, Y Seino, H Andersen, H Jinnouchi Current medical research and opinion 29 (12), 1599-1608, 2013.

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In 2012

Conjugated Polymers for LightActivated Antifungal Activity. C Xing, G Yang, L Liu, Q Yang, F Lv, S Wang Small 8 (4), 525-529, 2012.

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A simple photoactivation and image analysis module for visualizing and analyzing axonal transport with high temporal resolution. S Roy, G Yang, Y Tang, DA Scott nature protocols 7 (1), 62-68, 2012.

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Qiu M., Lee H.-C., and Yang G. (2012), Nanometer resolution tracking and modeling of bidirectional axonal cargo transport, Proc. 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 992-995. Selected for oral presentation.

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Dynamic reorganization of Eg5 in the mammalian spindle throughout mitosis requires dynein and TPX2. A Gable, M Qiu, J Titus, S Balchand, NP Ferenz, N Ma, ES Collins, ... Molecular biology of the cell 23 (7), 1254-1266, 2012.

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Force-induced changes in subnuclear movement and rheology. EA Booth-Gauthier, TA Alcoser, G Yang, KN Dahl Biophysical journal 103 (12), 2423-2431, 2012.

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Gable A., Qiu M., Titus J., Balchand S., Ferenz N. F., Ma N., Fagerstrom C., Ross R. L., Yang G., and Wadsworth P. (2012), Dynamic reorganization of Eg5 in the mammalian spindle throughout mitosis requires dynein and TPX2, Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 23, pp. 1254-1266.

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Molecular motor function in axonal transport in vivo probed by genetic and computational analysis in Drosophila. GF Reis, G Yang, L Szpankowski, C Weaver, SB Shah, JT Robinson, ... Molecular biology of the cell 23 (9), 1700-1714, 2012.

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Reis R. F.*, Yang G.*, Szpankowski L., Weaver C., Shah S. B., Robinson J. T., Hays T. S., Danuser G., and Goldstein L. S. B. (2012) Molecular motor function in axonal transport in vivo probed by genetic and computational analysis in Drosophila, Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 23, pp. 1700-1714. (*: equal contribution)

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One-step synthesis of open-cell Ni foams by annealing the Ni 2+-based precursor in air. D Gao, G Yang, Z Zhu, J Zhang, Z Yang, Z Zhang, D Xue Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (19), 9462-9465, 2012.

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Isolation and characterization of rhamnolipid producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from waste edible oils. X Zhang, D Xu, G Yang, H Zhang, J Li, H Shim African Journal of Microbiology Research 6 (7), 1466-1471, 2012.

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[Design of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor for Alzheimer's disease therapy: from multi-binding site inhibitors to multi-target directed ligands]. WC Yang, Q Sun, NX Yu, XL Zhu, GF Yang Yao xue xue bao= Acta pharmaceutica Sinica 47 (3), 313-321, 2012.

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Molecular taxonomic relationships of Psoroptes and Chorioptes mites from China based on COI and 18S rDNA gene sequences. S Wang, X Gu, Y Fu, S Lai, S Wang, X Peng, G Yang Veterinary parasitology 184 (2), 392-397, 2012.

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An introduction to China FY3 radio occultation mission and its measurement simulation. YM Bi, ZD Yang, P Zhang, YQ Sun, WH Bai, QF Du, GL Yang, J Chen, ... Advances in Space Research 49 (7), 1191-1197, 2012.

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Nanometer resolution tracking and modeling of bidirectional axonal cargo transport. M Qiu, HC Lee, G Yang 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 992-995, 2012.

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PGC1 Modulates the Expression of Genes Involved in Mitochondrial Function and Adipogenesis During Preadipocyte Differentiation. H Ji, RH Lu, ZG Chang, SS Su, GS Yang Reproduction in domestic animals 47 (3), 419-427, 2012.

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A review of particle breakage characteristics of coarse aggregates. H Liu, Y Sun, G Yang, Y Chen Journal of Hohai University: Natural Sciences 40 (4), 361-369, 2012.

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Concentration of extended defects in CdZnTe single crystals: Effects of cooling rate after growth. L Xu, W Jie, AE Bolotnikov, UN Roy, J Stein, A Hossain, GS Camarda, ... Journal of Crystal Growth 355 (1), 84-87, 2012.

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Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in YBCO nanoparticles. Z Zhu, D Gao, C Dong, G Yang, J Zhang, J Zhang, Z Shi, H Gao, H Luo, ... Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (11), 3859-3863, 2012.

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Characterization of phosphorus starvation-induced gene BnSPX3 in Brassica napus. G Yang, G Ding, L Shi, H Cai, F Xu Plant and soil 350 (1-2), 339-351, 2012.

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Base station switching based dynamic energy saving algorithm for cellular networks. T Kang, X Sun, T Zhang 2012 3rd IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital ..., 2012.

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Adaptive active-mask image segmentation for quantitative characterization of mitochondrial morphology. KCJ Chen, Y Yu, R Li, HC Lee, G Yang, J Kovaevi 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2033-2036, 2012.

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Catalyst for oxidative coupling of methane, method for preparing the same, and method for oxidative coupling reaction of methane using the same. JM HA, DJ Suh, JW Choi, YH Yoon, GS Yang, J Wonjin US Patent App. 13/668,516, 2012.

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A new approach to reduced graphite oxide with tetrathiafulvalene in the presence of metal ions. G Yang, G Zhang, P Sheng, F Sun, W Xu, D Zhang Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (10), 4391-4395, 2012.

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Effects of precipitation change and nitrogen addition on organic carbon mineralization and soil microbial carbon of the forest soils in Dinghushan, southeastern China. X Fang, JX Liu, DQ Zhang, SZ Liu, GW Chu, L Zhao, F SHI, C ZHAO, ... Chin J Appl Environ Biol 18 (4), 531-538, 2012.

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Security of underwater sensor networks. ZQ Wei, G Yang, YP Cong Jisuanji Xuebao(Chinese Journal of Computers) 35 (8), 1594-1606, 2012.

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Monotonicity formulae and Liouville theorems of harmonic maps with potential. H Lin, G Yang, Y Ren, T Chong Journal of Geometry and Physics 62 (9), 1939-1948, 2012.

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Real-time imaging of mouse lenticulostriate artery following brain ischemia. F Yuan, Y Wang, Y Guan, Y Ren, H Lu, T Xiao, H Xie, PS Vosler, J Chen, ... Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition) 5, 517-524, 2012.

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Effect of High Salinity on CO sub (2) Geological Storage: A Case Study of Qianjiang Depression in Jianghan Basin. YL Li, Q Fang, YB Ke, JX Dong, GD Yang, X Ma Earth Science/Diqiu Kexue 37 (2), 2012.

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The application of tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carbonyl-TARGD (F) F as an anti-thrombotic agent having dual mechanisms of action. G Yang, H Zhu, M Zhao, J Wu, Y Wang, Y Wang, M Zheng, M Chen, J Liu, ... Molecular BioSystems 8 (10), 2672-2679, 2012.

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An efficient provable data possession scheme with data dynamics. C Li, Y Chen, P Tan, G Yang Computer Science & Service System (CSSS), 2012 International Conference on ..., 2012.

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High performance tubular solid oxide fuel cells with BSCF cathode. H Shi, G Yang, Z Liu, G Zhang, R Ran, Z Shao, W Zhou, W Jin international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (17), 13022-13029, 2012.

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Compromised cerebrovascular modulation in chronic anxiety: evidence from cerebral blood flow velocity measured by transcranial Doppler sonography. HL Zhang, ZN Guo, G Yang, L Yang, K Han, J Wu, Y Xing, Y Yang Neuroscience bulletin 28 (6), 723-728, 2012.

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Versican gene: regulation by the -catenin signaling pathway plays a significant role in dermal papilla cell aggregative growth. Y Yang, Y Li, Y Wang, J Wu, G Yang, T Yang, Y Gao, Y Lu Journal of dermatological science 68 (3), 157-163, 2012.

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The effects of wavy plate phase shift on flow and heat transfer characteristics in corrugated channel. J Yin, G Yang, Y Li Energy Procedia 14, 1566-1573, 2012.

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A transanal procedure using an endoscopic linear stapler for obstructed defecation syndrome: the first Chinese experience. C Jiang, Z Ding, M Wang, G Yang, G Situ, Y Wu, K Zheng, S Tang, Z Liu, ... Techniques in coloproctology 16 (1), 21-27, 2012.

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Isolation and identification of native membrane glycoproteins from living cell by concanavalin Amagnetic particle conjugates. G Yang, T Cui, Q Chen, T Ma, Z Li Analytical biochemistry 421 (1), 339-341, 2012.

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Isoform-specific palmitoylation of JNK regulates axonal development. G Yang, Y Liu, K Yang, R Liu, S Zhu, A Coquinco, W Wen, L Kojic, W Jia, ... Cell Death & Differentiation 19 (4), 553-561, 2012.

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New Conjugated Polymers for Photoinduced Unwinding of DNA Supercoiling and Gene Regulation. G Yang, H Yuan, C Zhu, L Liu, Q Yang, F Lv, S Wang ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (5), 2334-2337, 2012.

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Analysis of the load sharing characteristics of the series-parallel connected interleaved LLC resonant converter. G Yang, P Dubus, D Sadarnac Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM), 2012 13th ..., 2012.

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Abnormality of glycometabolism related factors in non-psychotic offspring of schizophrenic patients. J Yang, X Liu, X Liu, L Wang, H Lv, J Yu, Z Xun, G Yang Psychiatry research 198 (2), 183-186, 2012.

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L-and M-shell absorption measurements of radiatively heated Fe plasma. J Zhang, H Li, Y Zhao, G Xiong, Z Yuan, H Zhang, G Yang, J Yang, S Liu, ... Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 19 (11), 113302, 2012.

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RBF . 27 (7), 997-1002, 2012.

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Product-of-exponential (POE) model for kinematic calibration of robots with joint compliance. PY Tao, G Yang, YC Sun, M Tomizuka, CY Lai 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics ..., 2012.

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Phenol oxidation catalyzed by a simple water-soluble copper catalyst with an imidazole salt tag. G Yang, X Hu, Y Wu, C Liu, Z Zhang Catalysis Communications 26, 132-135, 2012.

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Tensile and fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained low-carbon steel processed by equal channel angular pressing. JC Pang, MX Yang, G Yang, SD Wu, SX Li, ZF Zhang Materials Science and Engineering: A 553, 157-163, 2012.

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MCP-1-induced histamine release from mast cells is associated with development of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome in rat models. J Lv, Y Huang, S Zhu, G Yang, Y Zhang, J Leng, J Bo, D Liu Mediators of inflammation 2012, 2012.

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Construction hoist security application for tall building construction in wireless networks. G Yang, H Liang, C Wu, X Cao Automation in Construction 27, 147-154, 2012.

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Synthesis and anomalous magnetic behaviour of NiO nanotubes and nanoparticles. H Gao, D Gao, J Zhang, Z Zhang, G Yang, Z Shi, J Zhang, Z Zhu, D Xue IET Micro & Nano Letters 7 (1), 5-8, 2012.

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Theoretical Examination of Long-Range Energy Propagation in Nano-Engineered Light-Harvesting Antenna Arrays. G Yang, N Wu, T Chen, K Sun, Y Zhao The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (5), 3747-3756, 2012.

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Expression of APP, BACE1, AChE and ChAT in an AD model in rats and the effect of donepezil hydrochloride treatment. Q Li, M Chen, H Liu, L Yang, G Yang Molecular medicine reports 6 (6), 1450-1454, 2012.

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In 2011

An Application Research on the Workflow-based Large-scale Hospital Information System Integration. G Yang, Y Zheng, G Wang Journal of Computers 6 (1), 106-113, 2011.

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The Application of SaaS-Based cloud computing in the university research and teaching platform. G Yang, F Zhou, Z Zhu Intelligence Science and Information Engineering (ISIE), 2011 International ..., 2011.

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Isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas putida WLY for reactive brilliant red x-3b decolorization. G Yang, Y He, Z Cai, X Zhao, L Wang African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (51), 10456-10464, 2011.

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Spectrum handoff decision algorithm with dynamic weights in cognitive radio networks. X Xie, G Yang, B Ma Mobile Congress (GMC), 2011 Global, 1-6, 2011.

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Yang G. (2011) Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of axonal cargo transport in normal and degenerative neurons (invited paper), Proc. 45th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 431-435.

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Matov A., Edvall M.M., Yang G., and Gaudenz Danuser (2011), Optimalflow minimum-cost correspondence assignment in particle flow tracking, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 115, pp. 531-540.

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A nonmotor microtubule binding site in kinesin-5 is required for filament crosslinking and sliding. JS Weinger, M Qiu, G Yang, TM Kapoor Current Biology 21 (2), 154-160, 2011.

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Bioremediation: the new directions of oil spill cleanup. JC L, ZT Li, K Hussain, GK Yang Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 7 (5), 738-740, 2011.

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Elimination of interface states of Co2MnSi/MgO/Co2MnSi magnetic tunneling junction by inserting an Al atomic layer. HL Yu, GW Yang Applied Physics Letters 98 (1), 1910, 2011.

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A low-loss image-reject mixer using source follower isolation method for DRM/DAB tuner applications. K Wang, Z Wang, X Lei, X Cao, P Han, G Yang, K Ma, KS Yeo IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 58 (11), 729-733, 2011.

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Versican targeting by RNA interference suppresses aggregative growth of dermal papilla cells. M Feng, G Yang, J Wu Clinical and experimental dermatology 36 (1), 77-84, 2011.

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A novel group signature scheme based on mpkc. G Yang, S Tang, L Yang International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience ..., 2011.

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Tc-99m MDP uptake in a giant pulmonary chondroma. G Yang, X Wang, Z Wang, Y Jiang, J Fu Clinical nuclear medicine 36 (11), 1029-1030, 2011.

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Molecular structure of advanced photoresists. J Xu, L Chen, KJ Tian, R Hu, SY Li, SQ Wang, GQ Yang Imaging Science and Photochemistry 29 (6), 417-429, 2011.

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Permethrin modulates cholinergic mini-synaptic currents by partially blocking the calcium channel. Y Yan, Y Yang, J You, G Yang, Y Xu, N Huang, X Wang, D Ran, X Yuan, ... Toxicology letters 201 (3), 258-263, 2011.

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Research of an adjacent correction positioning algorithm based on RSSI-distance measurement. Z Zhang, G Wan, M Jiang, G Yang Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2011 Eighth International ..., 2011.

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A compact band-notched UWB antenna with controllable notched bandwidths by using coupled slots. G Yang, QX Chu, ZH Tu Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 25 (14-15), 2148-2157, 2011.

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Association study of RELN polymorphisms with schizophrenia in Han Chinese population. W Li, X Song, H Zhang, Y Yang, C Jiang, B Xiao, W Li, G Yang, J Zhao, ... Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 35 (6), 1505-1511, 2011.

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MIMO radar array synthesis using QPSO with normal distributed contraction-expansion factor. H Liu, G Yang, G Song Procedia Engineering 15, 2449-2453, 2011.

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Cytoplasm affects grain weight and filled-grain ratio in indica rice. D Tao, P Xu, J Zhou, X Deng, J Li, W Deng, J Yang, G Yang, Q Li, F Hu BMC genetics 12 (1), 1, 2011.

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Research and analysis of Image edge detection algorithm Based on the MATLAB. G Yang, F Xu Procedia Engineering 15, 1313-1318, 2011.

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The application of MapReduce in the cloud computing. G Yang Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing (IPTC), 2011 2nd ..., 2011.

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In 2010

Kinetics study of direct hydration of dihydromyrcene in a jet reactor. Y Liu, Z Zhou, G Yang, Y Wu, Z Zhang Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (7), 3170-3175, 2010.

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Lamin B counteracts the kinesin Eg5 to restrain spindle pole separation during spindle assembly. B Goodman, W Channels, M Qiu, P Iglesias, G Yang, Y Zheng Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (45), 35238-35244, 2010.

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Cameron, L.A., Houghtaling, B.R., and Yang G. (2010) Fluorescent Speckle Microscopy, inOptical Imaging Techniques: a Laboratory Manual, Yuste R. eds., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, pp. 667-682.

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A new certified reference material (GBW10037) of vitamin B 3 in infant formula. T Huang, W Zhang, J Liu, Y Tian, G Yang, C Quan Journal of food composition and analysis 23 (4), 367-372, 2010.

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A simplified chemical synthesis of Cu 2 O films with periodic pattern transfer. L Xiong, H Yu, G Yang, M Qiu, J Chen, Y Yu Thin Solid Films 518 (23), 6738-6745, 2010.

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Physically-based animation for realistic interactions between tree branches and raindrops. M Yang, MC Huang, G Yang, EH Wu Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and ..., 2010.

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Survey of visual tracking algorithms. G Yang, H Liu CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems 5 (2), 95-105, 2010.

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Touch input detecting display filter and display device having the same. SW Kim, DC Park, GM Yang, YO Choi, DK Shin, DH Lee US Patent App. 12/503,330, 2010.

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Omnidirectional vision for mobile robot human body detection and localization. H Liu, Z Huo, G Yang Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on ..., 2010.

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Radiation inspection system. K Kang, H Hu, Z Chen, S Sun, G Yang, F Zhang, Y Bi, Y Wu, J Li, R Liu US Patent 7,817,775, 2010.

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Design and motion control of a cable-driven dexterous robotic arm. GZ Lum, SK Mustafa, HR Lim, WB Lim, G Yang, SH Yeo Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology ..., 2010.

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Learning agents for storage devices management in the smart grid. C Wei, H Hu, Q Chen, G Yang Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE), 2010 ..., 2010.

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The improved performance of dye sensitized solar cells by bifunctional aminosilane modified dye sensitized photoanode. J Zhang, G Yang, Q Sun, J Zheng, P Wang, Y Zhu, X Zhao Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2 (1), 013104, 2010.

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Sequentially-accessed 1R/1W double-pumped single port SRAM with shared decoder architecture. HK Lin, G Yang, EA Frazier, CCY Young US Patent 7,643,330, 2010.

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Ferromagnetic properties in Fe-doped ZnS thin films. F Zhu, S Dong, GD Yang .

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Analytical research on large close-die forging press housing structure. G YANG, J YU, W CHEN, M HU, J DU Forging & Stamping Technology 3, 029, 2010.

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A study of direct hydration of dihydromyrcene to dihydromyrcenol using cation exchange resins as catalyst. Y Liu, Z Zhou, G Yang, Y Wu, Z Zhang International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 8 (1), 2010.

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Semi-supervised classification by local coordination. G Yang, X Xu, G Yang, J Zhang International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 517-524, 2010.

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Scalable FFT processor for MIMO-OFDM based SDR systems. G Yang, Y Jung Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2010 5th IEEE International Symposium ..., 2010.

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In 2009

Geochemical environmental changes and dinosaur extinction during the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/T) transition in the Nanxiong Basin, South China: Evidence from dinosaur eggshells. ZK Zhao, XY Mao, ZF Chai, GC Yang, FC Zhang, Z Yan Chinese Science Bulletin 54 (5), 806-815, 2009.

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Op18 reveals the contribution of nonkinetochore microtubules to the dynamic organization of the vertebrate meiotic spindle. BR Houghtaling, G Yang, A Matov, G Danuser, TM Kapoor Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (36), 15338-15343, 2009.

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Houghtaling B.R., Yang G.*, Matov A.*, Danuser G., and Kapoor T. (2009) Op18 reveals the contribution of non-kinetochore microtubules to the dynamic organization of the vertebrate meiotic spindle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, pp. 15338-15343.

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Applegate, K., Yang G., Danuser, G. (2009) High-content analysis of cytoskeleton functions by fluorescent speckle microscopy, Nanotechnology, vol. 5, Nanomedicine, Vogel V. et al. eds., pp. 167-206, Wiley-VCH.

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Simulation experiments on gas production from hydrate-bearing sediments. JM Gong, ZM Cao, JW Chen, M Zhang, J Li, GF Yang Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (1), 22-28, 2009.

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Shape and size computation of planar robot workspace. Y Cao, S Qi, K Lu, Y Zang, G Yang Computer Science and Information Engineering, 2009 WRI World Congress on 2 ..., 2009.

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An implementation of improved apriori algorithm. G Yang, H Zhao, L Wang, Y Liu 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2009.

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Nisu dialect geography. C Yang SIL Electronic Survey Reports 7, 40, 2009.

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Deformation Feature and Genesis Simulation of Fold-and-Thrust Belts in the Southern Margin, Junggar Basin [J]. F YU, G LI, G YANG, B MA, S CHEN Geotectonica Et Metallogenia 3, 012, 2009.

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On China's Floating Population: Based On the Analysis of 1% National Population Sample Survey 2005 [J]. C DUAN, G Yang Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management 4, 003, 2009.

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Kinematic analysis and design optimization of a cable-driven universal joint module. WB Lim, SH Yeo, G Yang, SK Mustafa 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics ..., 2009.

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Extensive diversity of the ADRB3 gene in Chinese sheep identified by PCR-SSCP. G Yang, H Zhou, J Hu, Y Luo, JGH Hickford Biochemical genetics 47 (7-8), 498-502, 2009.

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ECAP 304L . 45 (8), 906-911, 2009.

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An integrated method for workspace computation of robot manipulator. Y Cao, S Qi, K Lu, Y Zang, G Yang Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2009. CSO 2009. International Joint ..., 2009.

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Impact of novel human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase mutations P119S and T165A on 4-ethynylthymidine analog resistance profile. G Yang, E Paintsil, GE Dutschman, SP Grill, CJ Wang, J Wang, H Tanaka, ... Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 53 (11), 4640-4646, 2009.

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Trends in destination distribution of floating population in China. C Duan, G Yang Population Research 33 (6), 1-12, 2009.

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Active bit line charge keeper. HK Lin, G Yang, EA Frazier, CCY Young US Patent 7,626,878, 2009.

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The hydroxyl-modified surfaces on glass support for fabrication of carbohydrate microarrays. G Nan, H Yan, G Yang, Q Jian, C Chen, Z Li Current pharmaceutical biotechnology 10 (1), 138-146, 2009.

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The influences of laser scanning speed on the structural and optical properties of thin GaN films separated from sapphire substrates by excimer laser lift-off. XL Tong, L Li, DS Zhang, YT Dai, DJ Lv, K Ling, ZX Liu, PX Lu, G Yang, ... Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (4), 045414, 2009.

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Characterization of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/Na+MMT composites: An investigation into the crystalline nucleation effect of Na+MMT. T Wu, T Xie, G Yang Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 47 (9), 903-911, 2009.

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The hydroxyl-functionalized magnetic particles for purification of glycan-binding proteins. X Sun, G Yang, S Sun, R Quan, W Dai, B Li, C Chen, Z Li Current pharmaceutical biotechnology 10 (8), 753-760, 2009.

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In 2008

Computational processing and analysis of dynamic fluorescence image data. JF Dorn, G Danuser, G Yang Methods in cell biology 85, 497-538, 2008.

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Regional variation of microtubule flux reveals microtubule organization in the metaphase meiotic spindle. G Yang, LA Cameron, PS Maddox, ED Salmon, G Danuser The Journal of cell biology 182 (4), 631-639, 2008.

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Application of Bayesian Tree Algorithm to Anomaly Intrusion Detection [J]. Y LI, B ZHAO, G YANG, J XU Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Natural Science ..., 2008.

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The Reliability and Validity of Self-Concept of Nurses Instrument Used in the Baccalaureate Nursing Students [J]. G YANG, X LIN, Y DU, L WAN Journal of Nursing Science 6, 004, 2008.

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Simulation study for assist characteristic of electric power steering [J]. RP Wang, GR Yang Tractor & Farm Transporter 35 (4), 93-97, 2008.

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Study on constitutive equation of rock rheological model with thermo-mechanical coupling effects. JP Zuo, K Man, H Cao, GX Yang, CP Hu Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 27 (supplement 1), 2610-2616, 2008.

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Research on the external grind-hardening and Its grinding force [J]. G YANG, C DU, Z HAN Machinery Design & Manufacture 12, 040, 2008.

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Rapid replication of powder composite high-aspect-ratio microstructures using silicone rubber micromolds. G Yang, OV Makarova, P Amstutz, CM Tang Microsystem Technologies 14 (9-11), 1663-1667, 2008.

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Interactive fur shaping and rendering using nonuniform-layered textures. G Yang, H Sun, E Wu, L Wang IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 4 (28), 85-93, 2008.

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The Relationship between Grinding Parameters and Grinding-hardened Layer of 40Cr Steel [J]. G YANG, Z HAN, C DU Mining and Metallurgical Engineering 1, 024, 2008.

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[Study on effect of promoting blood circulation drugs components in treating unstable angina in patients with blood stasis inflammatory levels]. X Liu, J Li, G Yang, J Wang Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi= Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi= China journal of Chinese ..., 2008.

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Portable reading lamp. W Ding, S Liang, W Gu, G Yang, B Liu, X Zhu, VM Vaucelle, SP Hughes, ... US Patent D582,590, 2008.

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Changes in nutritional quality and anti-oxidant exzyme activity in line pepper fruit [J]. H ZHAO, Z ZHAO, Z GONG, G YANG, J GUO Journal of China Agricultural University 4, 007, 2008.

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Investigation on the electromagnetic scattering from the spheroid covered with the plasma. R Wang, LX Guo, G Yang Journal of Xidian University 35, 903-909, 2008.

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Fabrication of antiscatter grids and collimators for X-ray and gamma-ray imaging by lithography and electroforming. OV Makarova, G Yang, PT Amstutz, CM Tang Microsystem Technologies 14 (9-11), 1613-1619, 2008.

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In-situ test on stress characteristics of composite foundation with sparse T-shaped rigid piles under widening embankment. CL Gao, JM Ling, H Du, X Qiu, G Yang Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 27 (2), 354-360, 2008.

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An Adaptive Blind Watermarking Algorithm Based on DCT and Modified Watson's Visual Model. Y Li, H Zhu, R Yu, G Yang, J Xu Electronic Commerce and Security, 2008 International Symposium on, 904-907, 2008.

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Study on chiral resolution of three beta-blockers by affinity electrokinetic chromatography. G Yang, Y Zhao, M Li, Z Zhu, Q Zhuang Talanta 75 (1), 222-226, 2008.

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In 2007

Long Fe 3 O 4 nanowires decorated by CdTe quantum dots: synthesis and magneticoptical properties. X Lan, X Cao, W Qian, W Gao, C Zhao, Y Guo Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (8), 2340-2345, 2007.

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Yang G. and Nelson, B.J. (2007) Fundamentals of microscopy and machine vision, inLife Science Automation: Fundamentals and Applications, Zhang M.J., Nelson B.J., and Felder R.A. eds., pp.125-149, Artech House.

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Architectural dynamics of the meiotic spindle revealed by single-fluorophore imaging. G Yang, BR Houghtaling, J Gaetz, JZ Liu, G Danuser, TM Kapoor Nature Cell Biology 9 (11), 1233-1242, 2007.

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Dynactin is required for coordinated bidirectional motility, but not for dynein membrane attachment. M Haghnia, V Cavalli, SB Shah, K Schimmelpfeng, R Brusch, G Yang, ... Molecular biology of the cell 18 (6), 2081-2089, 2007.

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Exploration on the Reform of Environmental Monitoring Experiment System [J]. J XIA, G YANG, C HU Experiment Science & Technology 5, 032, 2007.

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Research on the dry intrusion accompanying the low vortex precipitation. XP Yao, GX Wu, BK Zhao, YB Yu, GM Yang Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 50 (9), 1396-1408, 2007.

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Geometric and energetic properties of Al-doped Sin (n= 221) clusters: FP-LMTO-MD calculations. B Li, G Wang, M Ye, G Yang, C Yao Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 820 (1), 128-140, 2007.

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Preclinical characterization of INCB7839, a potent and selective inhibitor of ErbB ligand and HER2 receptor shedding: inhibition of ADAM10 and ADAM17 for the treatment of breast cancer. JS Fridman, PA Scherle, X Liu, E Calder, M Hansbury, G Yang, Q Wang, ... Breast Cancer Res Treat 106 (Supp1), S82, 2007.

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Research into grinding hardening of microalloyed non-quenched and tempered steel. Z Han, NJ Zhang, GAO Ding, Y Gang Journal of China University of Mining and Technology 17 (2), 238-241, 2007.

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Research on crop water requirement prediction in Shengyang Region [J]. C LI, X CHEN, G Han, T WANG, G YANG, M WANG, S ZHENG China Rural Water and Hydropower 5, 61-65, 2007.

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Acoustic test technique for submarine using remote submersible model [J]. Y BI, X GAO, B WANG, G YANG Journal of Naval University of Engineering 5, 011, 2007.

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In 2006

1, YANG Gui-lin~ 1, WANG Qing-chun~ 2 (1. Qinghai Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau, Xining Qinghai 810001, China; 2. Climate Center of Qinghai Meteorological Bureau, Xining Qinghai 810001, China); Change of Annual Runoff Distribution in the Headwaters of the Yangtze River [J]. YAN Hua-yun Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 4, 2006.

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Shah S., Yang G., Danuser G., and Goldstein L.S.B. (2006) Axonal transport: imaging and modeling of a neuronal process, inProc. Nobel Symposium 131: Controlled Nanoscale Motion in Biological and Artificial Systems. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 711, pp. 65-84, Springer-Verlag.

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Cameron L.A., Yang G., Cimini D., Canman J.C., Kisurina-Evgenieva O., Khodjakov A., Danuser G., and Salmon E.D. (2006) A pulling-in mechanism produces the majority of kinetochore microtubule poleward flux in PtK1 cells, Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 173, pp. 173-179. (Cover)

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Kinesin 5independent poleward flux of kinetochore microtubules in PtK1 cells. LA Cameron, G Yang, D Cimini, JC Canman, O Kisurina-Evgenieva, ... The Journal of cell biology 173 (2), 173-179, 2006.

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HDPE/POEg/CaCO 3 . 1 (1), 53-58, 2006.

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Synthesis, crystal structures and antibacterial activities of a pair of isostructural dinuclear Schiff base nickel (II) and copper (II) complexes. YX Sun, DS Kong, G Yang, ZL You Polish journal of chemistry 80 (9), 1457-1463, 2006.

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Interactive fur modeling based on hierarchical texture layers. G Yang, H Sun, W Wang, E Wu Proceedings of the 2006 ACM international conference on Virtual reality ..., 2006.

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Higher vocational education in China: A preliminary critical review of developments and issues in Liaoning province. GR Durden, G Yang Journal of European Industrial Training 30 (8), 622-638, 2006.

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Closed-loop control method and implementation of selective harmonic type active power filters. X Guo, Q Han, G Yang, G Yang Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 21 (9 ..., 2006.

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Tin dioxide coated calcium carbonate as flame retardant for semirigid poly (vinyl chloride). J Xu, Y Jiao, B Zhang, H Qu, G Yang Journal of applied polymer science 101 (1), 731-738, 2006.

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Traversal fields for ray tracing dynamic scenes. P Huang, W Wang, G Yang, E Wu Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology ..., 2006.

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Release effects of tropical seasonal rain forest and rubber forest on rainfall erosivity in South Yunnan. Y Zhang, Y He, G Yang Chin. J. Ecol 25, 731-737, 2006.

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Origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta in a 25-year-old man. M Wu, G Yang Texas Heart Institute Journal 33 (4), 534, 2006.

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Employee demography moderate involvement of decision making and adoption of management accounting innovations for Chinese accountants. HL Yang, G Yang, WP Wu Journal of American Academy of Business 9 (2), 338-343, 2006.

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In 2005

Yang G., Matov A., and Danuser G. (2005) Reliable tracking of large-scale dense particle motion for fluorescent live cell imaging. Proc. Workshop on Computer Vision Methods for Bioinformatics, IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. pp. 9-17.

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Reliable tracking of large scale dense antiparallel particle motion for fluorescence live cell imaging. G Yang, A Matov, G Danuser 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern ..., 2005.

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Base selectivity is impaired by mutants that perturb hydrogen bonding networks in the RB69 DNA polymerase active site. G Yang, J Wang, W Konigsberg Biochemistry 44 (9), 3338-3346, 2005.

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Optomechatronic design of microassembly systems for manufacturing hybrid microsystems. G Yang, JA Gaines, BJ Nelson IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (4), 1013-1023, 2005.

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On the computation of Lyapunov exponents for forced vibration of a LennardJones oscillator. G Yang, J Lu, ACJ Luo Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 23 (3), 833-841, 2005.

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[Determination of vitamin B12 concentration by fluorescence quenching with acridine orange-rhodamine 6G energy transfer system]. BS Liu, J Gao, GL Yang Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi= Guang pu 25 (7), 1080-1082, 2005.

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Design of High Frequency Lock-in Amplifier Applied in R-MOG [J]. G Yang, H Ma, X Zhang, K Zhou, Z Jin Journal of Transcluction Technology 4, 045, 2005.

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Study on extracting technology of the flavones in Houttuynia cordata Thunb. and its antiallergic activity. JY Qiu, YL Yang, GR Yang, Q Lin, Q Zhou Journal of Yunnan University 27 (3), 239-244, 2005.

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Optimization of HPLC Condition for Determination of Compound Amino Acids Injection Derived with DNFB. Y Fu, G Yang, D Gong, S YUAN, D SHI, G HUANG, W WANG Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 25 (7), 762, 2005.

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Phenology Observation and Seed-collecting and Seedling-nursing Techniques of Machilus thunbergii [J]. X JIANG, S WU, N WAN, G YANG, B GONG, J YE Jiangxi Forestry Science and Technology 5, 000, 2005.

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Tris (2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)(pyridine-3-carboxylato) tin (IV). LJ Tian, YX Sun, M Yang, GM Yang Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 61 (7), m1346-m1347, 2005.

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A novel anticancer approach: SEA-anchored tumor cells expressing heat shock protein 70 onto the surface elicit strong anticancer efficacy. C Huang, H Yu, Q Wang, G Yang, W Ma, D Xia, X Chen, P Yi, F Shen, ... Immunology letters 101 (1), 71-80, 2005.

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In 2004

A new sequential learning algorithm for RBF neural networks. G Yang, J L, Z Liu Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 47 (4), 447-460, 2004.

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A novel bursting mechanism of type a neurons in injured dorsal root ganglia. Z Jian, JL Xing, GS Yang, SJ Hu Neurosignals 13 (3), 150-156, 2004.

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Scale-based integrated microscopic computer vision techniques for micromanipulation and microassembly. G Yang University of Minnesota, 2004.

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[Relationship between plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene 4G/5G polymorphism and type 2 diabetic nephropathy in Chinese Han patients in Guangdong Province]. SQ Liu, YM Xue, GC Yang, FY He, XS Zhao Di 1 jun yi da xue xue bao= Academic journal of the first medical college of ..., 2004.

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Fabrication of collimators for gamma-ray imaging. OV Makarova, G Yang, CM Tang, DC Mancini, R Divan, J Yaeger Proc. of SPIE Vol 5539, 127, 2004.

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Investigation on the Thermal Stability of La/ZSM-5 Zeolite and the La^ 3^+ Species. G Yang, Y Wang, DH Zhou, JQ Zhuang, XC Liu, XW Han, XH Bao ACTA PHYSICOCHIMICA SINICA 20 (1), 60-64, 2004.

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In 2003

Establishment of GOD-POD assay in a minimal way and application to glucose metabolism of 3T3-L1 adipocyte and HepG2 cell in vitro. GZ Yang, XP Gao, JF Yan, KQ Ou Sichuan J Anat () 11, 12-15, 2003.

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Micromanipulation contact transition control by selective focusing and microforce control. G Yang, BJ Nelson Robotics and Automation, 2003. Proceedings. ICRA'03. IEEE International ..., 2003.

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Yang G. and Nelson B.J. (2003) Automated microassembly, in MEMS Packaging, T.-R. Hsu ed., pp. 109-140, IEE Press.

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A supervisory wafer-level 3D microassembly system for hybrid MEMS fabrication. G Yang, JA Gaines, BJ Nelson Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 37 (1), 43-68, 2003.

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Wavelet-based autofocusing and unsupervised segmentation of microscopic images. G Yang, BJ Nelson Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003.(IROS 2003). Proceedings. 2003 IEEE/RSJ ..., 2003.

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[Iodine-125 interstitial brachytherapy for malignant tumor]. KY Luo, WY Mao, B Li, QH Shao, Y Yang, Q Zhao, R Yang, GK Yang Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery] 41 (2), 122-124, 2003.

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Automated microassembly. G Yang, BJ Nelson MEMS Packaging, 109-140, 2003.

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The Relationship of Eutrophication of the Lake of Hongze and Environmental Physical-chemical Factors [J]. G YANG, A HAN, Y LIU, B LIU The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring 2, 010, 2003.

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A new stilbene tetramer from Caragana rosea. GX Yang, CQ Hu CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS 14 (10), 1048-1050, 2003.

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In 2002

Obtaining transgenic plants of Chinese cabbage resistant to Pieris rapae L. with modified CpTI gene (sck). Y Guangdong, Z Zhen, L Yan e, Z Zhujun, X Guifang, W Xiaoli Acta Horticulturae Sinica 29 (3), 224-228, 2002.

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Method and system for a point to point protocol-bridge operating mode in network communication system. J Tang, TS Lin, X Ma, G Yang US Patent App. 10/253,329, 2002.

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Yang G. and Nelson B.J. (2002) Integration of microscopic vision and microforce feedback for microassembly. Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Microfactories, pp. 145-148.

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RPHPLC . : 22 (2), 145-147, 2002.

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Sensing nanonewton level forces by visually tracking structural deformations. MA Greminger, G Yang, BJ Nelson Robotics and Automation, 2002. Proceedings. ICRA'02. IEEE International ..., 2002.

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Air classification of moist raw coal in a vibrated fluidized bed. G Yang, D Zheng, J Zhou, Y Zhao, Q Chen Minerals engineering 15 (8), 623-625, 2002.

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In 2001

Microassembly of hybrid magnetic MEMS. B Vikramaditya, BJ Nelson, GE Yang, ET Enikov Journal of Micromechatronics 1 (2), 99-116, 2001.

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A flexible experimental workcell for efficient and reliable wafer-level 3D micro-assembly. G Yang, JA Gaines, BJ Nelson Robotics and Automation, 2001. Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International ..., 2001.

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Methodology Research on Refraction Stack Imaging of Refractive Seismic Recording. TL FENG, XG ZHANG, YD LI, TC BAI, Y LI, GX YANG, XL LU Chinese Journal of Geophysics 44 (1), 128-134, 2001.

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Process Development on (3 S, 4 S)-[(R)-1'-((tert-Butyldimethylsilyl) oxy) ethyl]-4-[(R)-1-carboxyethyl]-2-azetidinone: 1--Methylcarbapenem Key Intermediate. X Lu, Z Xu, G Yang, R Fan Organic Process Research & Development 5 (2), 186-188, 2001.

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16SrRNA . 12 (5), 757-760, 2001.

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A Simulation of Salt and Alkali Mixed Ecological Conditions and Analysis of Their Stress Factors in the Seedlings of Aneurolepidium chinese. D Shi, Y Li, G Yang, Y Li, K Zhao Acta Ecologica Sinica 22 (8), 1323-1332, 2001.

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Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA encoding alkaline lipase from Penicillium expansum PF898. L Lin, B Xie, G Yang, Q Shi, Q Lin, L Xie, X Wu, S Wu Chinese journal of biochemistry and molecular biology 18 (1), 32-37, 2001.

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Relationship of large multifunctional proteasome 7 gene polymorphism with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus and DR3 gene. H Ding, H Cheng, Z Fu, L Yan, G Yang Chinese medical journal 114 (12), 1263-1266, 2001.

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A study on the relationship between iridium concentration in hen eggshell and iridium-enriched feed by NAA. G Yang, X Mao, J Wang, Y Lu, H Ouyang, Z Zhang, Z Chai Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 247 (3), 567-570, 2001.

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Structure of dental glass-ionomer cements by confocal fluorescence microscopy and stereomicroscopy. L Fano, V Fano, WY Ma, GW Yang, F Zhu Biomaterials 22 (17), 2353-2358, 2001.

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In 2000

Modern tuberculosis. HA Xie, GT Yang, SZ Lin Beijing: Peoples Medical Publishing House, 431-444, 2000.

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Volume reflection holographic confocal imaging. GG Yang, HS Chen, EN Leith Applied optics 39 (23), 4076-4079, 2000.

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In 1999

Microstructure, magnetic properties and giant magnetoresistance of granular Cu-Co alloy. W Wang, F Zhu, W Lai, J Wang, G Yang, J Zhu, Z Zhang Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (16), 1990, 1999.

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Paleomagnetic results of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks from Xingshan-Zigui section in Hubei Province, South China. H Wu, R Zhu, V Courtillot, L Bai, J Xing, Y Zhao, G Yang Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 42 (2), 182-194, 1999.

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Multi-lingual recognizing method using context information. J Chang, C Chiu, G Yang US Patent 5,995,919, 1999.

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Structural and thermodynamic properties of solutions of butane in aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate: A study using neutron scattering and solubility measurements. B Han, G Yang, H Yan, Z Li, RK Thomas, J Penfold, RK Heenan, ... Journal of colloid and interface science 218 (1), 145-151, 1999.

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C (1)-Substituted menthol derivatives: Self-removing chiral auxiliaries for asymmetric conjugate additions to cycloalkenones. RL Funk, G Yang Tetrahedron letters 40 (6), 1073-1074, 1999.

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Cloning, expression and biochemical characterization of a basic-acidic hybrid phospholipase A 2-II from Agkistrodon halys Pallas. X Liu, H Pan, G Yang, X Wu, Y Zhou Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Protein Structure and Molecular ..., 1999.

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In 1998

Ground freezing for repairing a damaged tunnel. RN Hwang, ZC Moh, GR Yang, CB Fan, CL Chao, RK Wong Proceedings of 13th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei, Taiwan ..., 1998.

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Cerebellar vascular and synaptic responses in normal mice and in transgenics with Purkinje cell dysfunction. G Yang, RM Feddersen, F Zhang, HB Clark, AJ Beitz, C Iadecola American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative ..., 1998.

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Differences in C/EBPs in normal tissue and papillomas of the larynx. L Jin, GY Yang, K Auborn Cell proliferation 31 (3), 127-138, 1998.

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Transmission electron microscopic study of new, regular, mixed-layer structures in calciumrare-earth fluorocarbonate minerals. W Xiuling, M Dawei, P Zhaolu, Y Guangming, L Douxing Mineralogical Magazine 62 (1), 55-64, 1998.

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In 1997

Fe_ (73.5) Cu_ (1.0) Mo_ (3.0) Si_ (13.5) B_ (9.0) . 32 (1), 69-74, 1997.

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[GC-MS analysis of constituents of essential oils from stems of Ephedra sinica Stapf, E. intermedia Schrenk et CA Mey. and E. equisetina Bge.]. L Ji, Z Xu, G Pan, G Yang Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi= Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi= China journal of Chinese ..., 1997.

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In 1996

Programmable wavefront generation using two binary phase spatial light modulators. GG Yang, SE Broomfield Optics communications 124 (3), 345-353, 1996.

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Preparation of YBCO/Ag superconducting tapes with a high current-carrying capacity by MOCVD using a single solution source from a supersonic atomizer. FC Yuan, YY Xie, JP Chen, GW Yang, BJ Cheng Superconductor Science and Technology 9 (11), 991, 1996.

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Effect of E2 envelope glycoprotein cytoplasmic domain mutations on Sindbis virus pathogenesis. B Levine, HH Jiang, L Kleeman, G Yang Journal of virology 70 (2), 1255-1260, 1996.

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Immunologic effect of traditional Chinese drugs. G Yang Chinese medical journal 109 (1), 59, 1996.

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A new strain space elasto-plastic constitutive model for soils. GH Yang Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on soft soil engineering ..., 1996.

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In 1995

Electrochemical reactions during constant DC current stimulation: An in vitro experiment with cultured rat calvarial cells. Q Wang, S Zhong, Y Xie, Z Zhang, G Yang Electro-and Magnetobiology 14 (1), 31-40, 1995.

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Effects of measurement factor on electrochemical capacity of some hydrogen storage alloys. D Sun, JJ Jiang, Y Lei, W Liu, J Wu, Q Wang, G Yang Materials Science and Engineering: B 30 (1), 19-22, 1995.

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Method and a system for testing a cathode ray tube or like products. Y Hung, Y Tsai, GJ Yang US Patent 5,442,391, 1995.

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In 1994

Chronic ventilator use in osteogenesis imperfecta congenita with basilar impression: a case report. TG Wang, GF Yang, A Alba Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 75 (6), 699-702, 1994.

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In 1993

Programmble diffractive optics with a ferroelectric liquid crystal SLM in a binary phase-only mode. SE Broomfield, MAA Neil, EGS Paige, RH Scarbrough, GG Yang Holographics International'92, 287-296, 1993.

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In 1991

Optimal design of high efficiency optical interconnection system with a simulated annealing algorithm. GG Yang Holographic Systems, Components and Applications, 1991., Third International ..., 1991.

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In 1989

New Edition Handbook of Food Additives. TJ Ma, GF Yang Beijing Chinese Agriculture Publishing Press, 1989.

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In 1988

Rate of dissolution of lime in converter slag. MH Chiang, GL Yang, HY Chang, TF Li Am. Ceramic Sac. Bull. 67, 1222-1227, 1988.

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In 1985

Study on pressure drop of fast fluidized bed. R Zhang, GH Luo, JS Liu Fluidization85 Science and Technology, 148-157, 1985.

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In 1981

An image deblurring method using diffraction gratings. GG Yang, E Leith Optics Communications 36 (2), 101-106, 1981.

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RSC Advances. J Hu, C Li, R Nie, YQ Li, JX Tang, X Deng synthesis 6, 10, 0.

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