James Sullivan

Profile Picture of James Sullivan
Executive Director
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI)
Florida Atlantic University


  • PhD, Biological Oceanography, University of Rhode Island

Research Interests

Harmful Algal Bloom Ecology   Phytoplankton Populations   Aquaculture  

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Contact Information

  Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute 5600 US1 North, Fort Pierce, FL 34946


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List of Publications (97)
In 2021

Nayak, A. R., Jiang, H., Byron, M. L., Sullivan, J. M., McFarland, M., & D. Murphy (2021). Small Scale Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Particles, Plankton, and Other Organisms. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 7, in press.

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Nayak, A. R., Malkiel, E., McFarland, M., Twardowski, M., & J. M. Sullivan (2021).

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Guo, B., Nyman, L., Nayak, A.R., Mallery, K., Yu, J., Yuan, G., Barua, R., Millmore, D., McFarland, M., Twardowski, M. S., Sullivan, J. M. & J. M. Hong (2021).

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In 2020

A review of holography in the aquatic sciences: In situ characterization of particles, plankton and small scale biophysical interactions. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 7, pp. 1256, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.572147.

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Schaefer, A. M., , L. Yrastorza, N. Stockley, K. Harvey, N. Harris, R. Grady, J. M. Sullivan, M. McFarland & J. Reif. (2020). Exposure to microcystin among coastal residents during a cyanobacteria bloom in Florida. Harmful Algae, 92, 101769, DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101769.

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McFarland, M., A. R. Nayak, N. Stockley, M. Twardowski & J. Sullivan. (2020).

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Enhanced light absorption by horizontally oriented diatom colonies modeled from in situ holographic video. Frontiers in Marine Science, 08 July 2020; doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00494

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In 2019

Nayak, A. R., McFarland, M. N., Twardowski, M. S., Sullivan, J. M., Moore, T. S., & Dalgleish, F. R. (2019). Using Digital Holography to Characterize Thin Layers and Harmful Algal Blooms in Aquatic Environments. In Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (pp. Th4A-4). Optical Society of America.

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Moore, T. S., J. H. Churnside, J. M. Sullivan, M. S. Twardowski, A. R. Nayak, M. N. McFarland, N. D. Stockley, R. W. Gould, T. H. Johengen, S. A. Ruberg. (2019).

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Schaefer, A. M., M. D. Hanisak, M. McFarland & J. M. Sullivan. (2019). Integrated observing systems: An approach to studying harmful algal blooms in south Florida. Journal of Operational Oceanography, published online: April 2019.

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In 2018

Malayeri, H. Z., M. Twardowski, J. Sullivan, T. Moore and H. Choi. (2018).

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Correlation of cyanobacterial harmful bloom monitoring parameters: A case study on western Lake Erie. AIMS Environmental Science, 5(1): 24---34. DOI: 10.3934/environsci.2018.1.24.

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J. Werdell, E. McKinna, E. Boss, S. Ackleson, S. Craig, Gregg, Z. Lee, S. Maritorena, C. Rousseaux, D. Stramski, J. Sullivan, M. Twardowski & M. Tzortziou. (2018).

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An overview of approaches and challenges for retrieving marine inherent optical properties from ocean color remote sensing. Progress in Oceanography, Vol. 160: 186-212. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.01.001

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Stockley, N. D., Sullivan, J. M., Hanisak, D., & McFarland, M. N. 2018. Using observation networks to examine the impact of Lake Okeechobee discharges on the St. Lucie Estuary, Florida. In Ocean Sensing and Monitoring X (Vol. 10631, p. 1063109).

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McFarland, M. N., Stockley, N., & Sullivan, J. M. 2018. Individual particle measurements to monitor ecological processes in the Indian River Lagoon, FL. In Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series (Vol. 10631).

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Nayak, A. R., McFarland, M. N., Twardowski, M. S., & Sullivan, J. M. 2018. On plankton distributions and biophysical interactions in diverse coastal and limnological environments. In Ocean Sensing and Monitoring X (Vol. 10631, p. 106310P).

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Tonizzo, A., Russell, B. J., Sullivan, J. M., & Twardowski, M. S. 2018. Propagation of bioluminescent signals to near-surface from mesopelagic waters. In Ocean Sensing and Monitoring X (Vol. 10631, p. 1063113). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

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In 2017

Stockley, N., R. Ro---ttgers, D. McKee, J. Sullivan & M. Twardowski. (2017). Improving in situ absorption measurement uncertainties for ocean color remote sensing JAMES M. SULLIVAN (24): A1139-A1153. DOI: validation. Optics Express. Vol. 10.1364/OE.25.0A1139.

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Moore T.S., Mouw C.B., Sullivan J.M., Twardowski M.S., Burtner A.M., Ciochetto A.B., McFarland M.N., Nayak A.R., Paladino D., Stockley N.D., Johengen T.H., Yu A.W., Ruberg S. and Weidemann A. (2017). Bio-optical properties of cyanobacteria blooms in western Lake Erie. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4:300. doi: 0.3389/fmars.2017.00300.

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Nayak, A.N., McFarland, M., Sullivan, J., & M. Twardowski. (2017). Evidence for ubiquitous preferential particle orientation in representative oceanic shear flows: Nonrandom particle orientation in ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. doi.10.1002/lno.10618.

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Nayak, A. R., McFarland, M. N., Stockley, N. D., Twardowski, M. S., & Sullivan, J. M. 2017. In situ particle characterization and evidence of ubiquitous particle orientation in the ocean using a submersible holographic imaging system. In Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IX (Vol. 10186, p. 101860C). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

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In 2016

(2016). Response to comment on "Open-ocean fish reveal an omnidirectional solution to camouflage in polarized environments." Science, 353(6299):552, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf5018.

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Zamankhan, H., Westrick, J., Anscombe, F.R., Stumpf, R., Wynne, T.T., Sullivan, J., Twardowski, M., Moore, T. & Choi, H. (2016). Chapter 3. Sustainable Monitoring of Algal Blooms. Sustainable Water Management and Technologies: Sustainable Water Management Volume I, D.H. Chen [Ed.], CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 828 pp. DOI: 10.1201/9781315373850.

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Twardowski, M.S., J. Sullivan, & F. Dalgleish. (2016). Novel technologies to study undisturbed particle fields in the ocean. Sea Technology, 57(2):15-19.

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Sun, B., G. W. Kattawar, P. Yang, M. S. Twardowski & J. M. Sullivan (2016).

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Simulation of the scattering properties of a chain-forming triangular prism oceanic diatom. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. Vol. 178: 390- 399. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jqert.2016.02.035.

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Gu, Y., C. Carrizo, A. A. Gilerson, P. Brady., M. E. Cummings, M. S. Twardowski, J. M. Sullivan, A. I. Ibrahim & G. W. Kattawar. (2016). Polarimetric imaging and retrieval of target polarization characteristics in underwater environment. Applied Optics. 55: 626-637.

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Churnside, J. H., R. D. Marchbanks, P. L. Donaghay, J. M. Sullivan & W. M. Graham (2016). Hollow aggregations of moon jellyfish (Aurelia spp.). Journal of Plankton Research. 38(1): 122-130, doi:10.1093/plank/fbv092.

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In 2015

Brady, P., A. Gilerson, G. Kattawar, J. M. Sullivan, M. Twardowski, H. Dierssen, M. Gao, K. Travis, R. I. Etheredge, C. Carrizo, Y. Gu, B. Russel, S. Zhao & M. Cummings (2015). Open ocean fish reveal an omnidirectional solution to camouflage in polarized environments. Science, 350 (6263): 965-969.

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Twardowski, M. S., Townsend, D. W., Sullivan, J. M., Koch, C., Pettigrew, N. R., O'Donnell, J., Stymiest, C., Salisbury, J., Moore, T., Young-Morse, R., Stockley, N. D. & J. R. Morrison, J. (2015). Developing the First Operational Nutrient Observatory for and Hazard Monitoring for Ecosystem, Climate, NERACOOS. Journal of the Marine Technology Society, 49(3), 72-80.

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McFarland, M. N., J. E. B. Rines, J. M. Sullivan & P. L. Donaghay (2015). Impact of phytoplankton size and physiology on particulate optical properties determined with scanning flow cytometry. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 531: 43-61. doi:10.3354/meps11325.

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In 2014

JAMES M. SULLIVAN 35. Churnside, J. H., J. M. Sullivan & M.S. Twardowski. (2014). Lidar extinction-to- backscatter ratio of the ocean. Optics Express, 22(15): 18698-18706.

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Berdalet, E., M. A. McManus, O.N. Ross, H. Burchard, F. P. Chavez, J. S. Jaffe, I. R. Jenkinson, R. Kudela, I. Lips, U. Lips, A. Lucas, D. Rivasi, M. C. Ruiz-delaTorre, J. Ryan, J. M. Sullivan, & H. Yamazaki (2014). Understanding harmful algae in stratified systems: Review of progress and identification of gaps in knowledge.

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In 2013

Deep-Sea Research. II, Vol. 101:4-20, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.042

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Gilerson, A. A., Stepinski, J., Ibrahim, A. I., You, Y., Sullivan, J. M., Twardowski, M. S., & Kattawar, G. W. (2013). Benthic effects on the polarization of light in shallow waters. Applied Optics, 52(36), 8685-8705.

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Lee, J. H., J. H. Churnside, R. D. Marchbanks, P. L. Donaghay & J. M. Sullivan (2013)

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Talapatra, S., Hong, J., McFarland, M., Nayak, A.R., Zhang, C., Katz, J., Sullivan, J. M., Twardowski, M. S., Rines, J., & P. Donaghay (2013). Characterization of biophysical interactions in the water column using in situ holography. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 473: 29-51., doi: 10.3354/meps10049.

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Sullivan, J. M., M. S. Twardowski, J. R. V. Zaneveld & C. Moore (2013) - Measuring optical backscattering in water. Light Scattering Reviews 7: Radiative Transfer and Optical Properties of Atmosphere and Underlying Surface, A.A. Kokhanovsky [Ed.], S Praxis Books, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-21907-8_6, pp. 189-224.

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Sullivan, J., and M. Twardowski. 2013. Optical backscattering in water: measurements and uncertainties. Proc. SPIE Ocean Sensing and Monitoring, Baltimore, MD, April 29- May 3.

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Rines, J., McFarland, M., Donaghay, P., Sullivan, J. & J. Churnside. 2013. A massive and unusual diatom bloom: ecology and oceanography of a rarely reported planktonic Haslea in East Sound, Washington, USA. Phycologia, 52(4): 91-92.

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McFarland, M., Rines, J., Donaghay, P., & J Sullivan. 2013. Variation of phytoplankton community characteristics over centimeter to kilometer scales. Phycologia, 52(4): Sullivan, J., and M. Twardowski. 2012. Biological thin layers: history, ecological significance and consequences to oceanographic sensing systems. Proc. SPIE Ocean Sensing and Monitoring, Baltimore, MD, April 23-27.

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In 2012

Twardowski, M., X. Zhang, S. Vagle, J. Sullivan, S. Freeman, H. Czerski, Y. You, L. Bi, G. Kattawar. (2012). The optical volume scattering function in a surf zone inverted to derive sediment and bubble particle subpopulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C00H17, doi:10.1029/2011JC007347.

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Gleason, A.C.R., K. J. Voss, H. R. Gordon, M. Twardowski, J. M. Sullivan, C. Trees, A. Weidemann, J. F. Berthon, D. Clarke & Z. Lee (2012) - Detailed validation of the bidirectional effect in various Case I and Case II waters. Optics Express, 20(7): 7631-7645.

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Sullivan, J. M.; Twardowski, M.; Zaneveld, R.; Moore, C.; McKee, D. 2012. Measuring optical backscattering in water. Proc. Ocean Optics XXI, Glasgow, Scotland, Oct 7 - 12.

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Twardowski, M.; Sullivan, J.; Bi, L.; You, Y.; Kattawar, G. 2012. Linear polarization specificity of scattering by oceanic particles. Proc. Ocean Optics XXI, Glasgow, Scotland, Oct 7 - 12.

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Talapatra, S., J. Sullivan, J. Katz, M. Twardowski, H. Czerski, P. Donaghay, J. Hong, J. Rines, M. McFarland, A. R. Nayak & C. Zhang. 2012. Application of in-situ digital holography in the study of particles, organisms and bubbles within their natural environment. Proc. SPIE 8372, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring IV, 837205 doi:10.1117/12.920570.

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In 2011

Erickson, J. S., N. Hashemi, J. M. Sullivan, A. D. Weidemann, and F. S. Ligler (2011)

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Yu Y., A. Tonizzo, A. A. Gilerson, M. E. Cummings, P. Brady, J. M. Sullivan, M. S. Twardowski, H. M. Dierssen, S. A. Ahmed, and G. W. Kattawar (2011).

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Rines, J., McFarland, M., Donaghay, P. & J. Sullivan. 2011. The role of thin layer formation in the sexual reproduction of the planktonic diatom Chaetoceros JAMES M. SULLIVAN concavicornis in Montery Bay, California. Journal of Phycology, 47:S46.

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Sullivan, J., J. Katz, S. Talapatra, M. Twardowski, J. Hong, and P. Donaghay. 2011. Using in-situ holographic microscopy for ocean particle characterization. Proc. SPIE OCEANS11.

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In 2010

Sullivan, J. M., P. L. Donaghay & J. E. B. Rines (2010) - Coastal thin layer dynamics: consequences to biology and optics. Continental Shelf Research, 30(1): 50-65. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.07.009.

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(2010) - Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean: An Introduction to Planktonic Thin Layers and the LOCO Project. Continental Shelf Research, 30(1): 1-6.

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Ryan, J. P., M. M. McManus & J. M. Sullivan (2010) - Geophysical and biological forcing of phytoplankton thin layer variability in Monterey Bay, California.

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JAMES M. SULLIVAN 22. Rines, J. E. B., M. McFarland, P.L. Donaghay & J. M. Sullivan (2010) - Thin Layers and Species-Specific Characterization of the Phytoplankton Community in Monterey Bay, California USA. Continental Shelf Research, 30(1): 66-80. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.11.001.

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Cheriton, O. M., M. A. McManus, J. V. Steinbuck, M. T. Stacey and J. M. Sullivan (2010) - Towed vehicle observations of thin layer structure and a low-salinity intrusion in Northern Monterey Bay, CA. Continental Shelf Research. Continental Shelf Research, 30(1): 39-49. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.09.005.

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Sullivan, J. M., M. S. Twardowski, J. Katz, J. Hong, S. Talapatra & P. Donaghay (2010)

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Talapatra, S., A.R. Nayak, C. Zhang, J. Hong, J. Katz, M. Twardowski, J. Sullivan, and P. Donaghay. 2010. Characterization of organisms, particles, and bubbles in the water column using a free-drifting, submersible, digital holography system. Proc. Ocean Optics XX, Anchorage, AK, Sep 27 - Oct 1.

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Twardowski, M., X. Zhang, S. Freeman, M. Slivkoff, J. Sullivan, H. Czerski, S. Vagle, Y. You, and G. Kattawar. 2010. Inverting the Volume Scattering Function to Infer Particle Composition at the Near-Surface. Proc. Ocean Optics XX, Anchorage, AK, Sep 27 - Oct 1.

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In 2009

Continental Shelf Research, 30(1): 7-16. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.10.017.

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Sullivan, J. M., & M. S. Twardowski (2009) - Angular shape of the oceanic particulate volume scattering function in the backward direction. Applied Optics, 48(35): 6811-6819.

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Zhang, X., L. Hu, M. S. Twardowski, & J.M. Sullivan. (2009) - Scattering by solutions of major sea salts. Optics Express, 17(22): 19585.

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Holliday, D.V., P.L. Donaghay, C.F. Greenlaw, J.M. Napp, & J.M. Sullivan (2009) - High-frequency acoustics and bio-optics in ecosystems research. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 974-980.

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In 2007

McManus, M. A., R. M. Kudela, M. W. Silver, G. F. Steward, P. L. Donaghay & J. M. Sullivan (2007) - Cryptic blooms: Are thin Layers the missing connection? Estuaries & Coasts, 31(2): 396-401.

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McFarland, M., Rines, J., Donaghay, P. & J. Sullivan. 2007. Fine-scale distribution and abundance of large and small phytoplankton in Monterey Bay, CA. Journal of Phycology, 43:25-26.

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In 2006

Sullivan, J. M., M. S. Twardowski, J. R. Zaneveld, C. Moore, A. Barnard, P. L. Donaghay & B. Rhoades (2006) -The hyper-spectral temperature and salinity dependent absorption of pure water, salt water and heavy salt water (D2O) in the visible and near-IR wavelengths (400 - 750 nm). Applied Optics, 45(21): 5294- 5309.

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In 2005

Sullivan, J. M., M. S. Twardowski, P.L. Donaghay & S. Freeman (2005) - Using optical scattering to discriminate particle types in coastal waters. Applied Optics, 44 (9): 1667-1680.

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Ryan, J. P., H. Dierssen, R. Kudela, C. Scholin, K. Johnson, F. Chavez, J. Sullivan, A. Fischer, E. Rienecker & P. McEnaney (2005) Coastal ocean physics and red tides.

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In 2004

Twardowski, M.S., E. Boss, J. M. Sullivan, & P.L. Donaghay (2004) - Modeling spectral absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Marine Chemistry, 89: 69-88.

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2004. The hyperspectral temperature and salinity dependent absorption coefficients of pure water. Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVII, October 25-29, Freemantle, Australia.

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In 2003

Sullivan, J. M., E. Swift, P. L. Donaghay & J. E. B. Rines (2003) - Small-scale turbulence affects the division rate and morphology of two red-tide dinoflagellates.

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Sullivan, J. M. & E. Swift (2003) - Effects of small-scale turbulence on the net growth rate and size of ten species of marine dinoflagellates. Journal of Phycology, 39(1): 83-94.

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Holliday, D. V., P. L. Donaghay, C. F. Greenlaw, D. E. McGehee, M. M. McManus, J. M. Sullivan, & J. L. Miksis (2003) - Advances in defining fine- and micro-scale pattern in marine plankton, Aquatic Living Resources, 16: 131-136.

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McManus, M. A., A. L. Alldredge, A. H. Bernard, E. Boss, J.F. Case, T. J. Cowles, P. L. Donaghay, L.B. Eisner, D.J. Gifford, C. F. Greenlaw, C. M. Herren, D. V. Holliday, D. Johnson, S. MacIntyre, D. M. McGehee, T.R. Osborn, M. J. Perry, R. E. Pieper, J.E.B. Rines, D.C. Smith, J. M. Sullivan, M. K. Talbot, M. S. Twardowski, A. Weidemann & R. V. Zaneveld. (2003) - Characteristics, JAMES M. SULLIVAN distribution and persistence of thin layers over a 48 hour period. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 261: 1-19.

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In 2002

Dekshenieks, M. M., P.L. Donaghay, J. M. Sullivan, J. E. B. Rines, T. R. Osborn, & M.S. Twardowski (2002) - Temporal and spatial occurrence of thin phytoplankton layers in relation to physical processes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 223: 61- 7. Rines, J. E. B., P. L. Donaghay, M. M. Dekshenieks, & J. M. Sullivan (2002) - Thin layers and camouflage: hidden Pseudo-nitzschia populations in a fjord in the San Juan Islands, Washington, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 225: 123-137.

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(2002) Occurrence and mechanisms of formation of a dramatic thin layer of marine snow in a shallow Pacific fjord, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 233: 1-12.

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Sullivan, J.M., M.S. Twardowski, P.L. Donaghay, and S. Freeman. 2002. Particulate bulk refractive index distributions in coastal regions as determined from backscattering ratio measurements. Proceedings from Ocean Optics XVI, November 18-22, Santa Fe.

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In 2000

Sullivan, J. M. 2000. Ph.D. Dissertation: The Effects of Small-Scale Turbulence on Marine Dinoflagellates. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

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In 1999

Twardowski, M.S., J. M. Sullivan, P.L. Donaghay & R. V. Zaneveld (1999) - Microscale quantification of the absorption of dissolved and particulate material in coastal waters with an ac-9. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16: 691-707.

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In 1997

Sullivan, J. M., J. E. B. Rines, E. Swift, & P. L. Donaghay (1997) - The effects of small- scale turbulence on marine dinoflagellates. ICES ASM 1997 (ICES CM 1997/O:06).

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In 1995

Sullivan, J. M. & E. Swift (1995) - Photoenhancement of bioluminescence capacity in natural and laboratory populations of the autotrophic dinoflagellate Ceratium fusus (Ehrenb.) Dujardin. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100 (C4): 6565-6574.

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Swift, E., J. M. Sullivan, H. P. Batchelder, J. Van Keuren & R. D. Vaillancourt (1995)

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In 1994

Sullivan, J. M. & E. Swift (1994) - Photoinhibition of mechanically stimulable bioluminescence in the autotrophic dinoflagellate Ceratium fusus (Pyrrophyta).

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In 1993

Sullivan, J. M. 1993. M.S. Thesis: The Effects of Light on the Bioluminescence Physiology of the Marine Autotrophic Dinoflagellate Ceratium Fusus (Ehrenb.)

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Automated Plankton Classification from Holographic Imagery with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. Vol. 19: 21-36, DOI: doi.org/10.1002/lom3.10402.

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Vertical distributions of blooming cyanobacteria populations in a freshwater lake from LIDAR observations. Remote Sensing of the Environment. Vol. 225: 347-367.

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Brady, P., A. Gilerson, G. Kattawar, J. Sullivan, M. Twardowski, H. Dierssen, M. Gao, K. Travis, R.I. Etheredge, C. Carrizo, Y. Gu, B. Russell, S. Zhao, & M. Cummings.

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- Oceanographic lidar profiles compared with estimates from in situ optical measurements, Applied Optics, 52(4): 786-794.

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- In Situ phytoplankton analysis: There's plenty of room at the bottom. Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/ac201623k.

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Measurements and simulations of polarization states of underwater light in clear oceanic waters. Applied Optics, 50, 4873-4893.

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Sullivan, J. M, M. M. McManus, O. Cheriton, K. Benoit-Bird, L. Goodman, Z. Wang, J. Ryan, M. Stacey, D. V. Holliday, C.F. Greenlaw,M. Moline & M. McFarland.

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Alldredge, A.L., T. J. Cowles, S. MacIntyre, J.E.B. Rines, P. L. Donaghay, C. F. Greenlaw, D. V. Holliday, M. M. Dekshenieks, J. M. Sullivan, & R. V. Zaneveld.

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- Bioluminescent organisms and bioluminescence measurements in the North Atlantic Ocean near latitude 59.5 N, longitude 21 W. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100 (C4): 6527-6547.

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Dujardin. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

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International Society for Optics and Photonics.

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- Understanding particle dynamics using in-situ holography. Proc. Ocean Optics XX, Anchorage, AK, Sep 27 - Oct 1.

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Sullivan, J.M., M.S. Twardowski, J.R.V. Zaneveld, C. Moore, B. Rhoades, and R. Miller.

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