Jamie Thompson

Profile Picture of Jamie Thompson
Director of Hawkins Scholar Program
School of Teaching and Learning
Sam Houston State University


  • EdD, Instructional System Design and Technology, Sam Houston State University

Research Interests

Teacher Education, Teacher Educators   Pre Service Teachers   Professional Development Platform  

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Dr. Jamie Thompson is the Director of the SHSU Hawkins Scholar Program and a lecture pool faculty member in the School of Teaching and Learning at Sam Houston State University in Texas, where she teaches undergraduate courses. Her research has focused on novice teacher induction, pre-service and in-service teacher preparation, and evaluation of teacher candidates. Additional research has focused on the relationship between high-quality feedback and its link to student performance, value-added measures of teacher effectiveness, and the technical properties of several different gauges of teaching quality. She also worked as a doctoral fellow on a multimillion-dollar Department of Education grant.


Contact Information

  1908 Bobby K Marks Drive Huntsville, Texas 77341


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List of Publications (25)
In 2023

Hollas, T., & Thompson, J. (2023). Technology integration in the middle school classroom. Journal of Teacher Action Research.

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Computing in Education (AACE) (pp. 115-121). Retrieved from http://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221522/ 3. Thompson, J., Collier, J., & LaPrairie, K. (2021). Designing for all: Preparing pre- service teachers for Universal Design for Learning, In E. Langran & L. Archambault Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education international conference (pp. 1684-1688). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/219334/ 4. Collier, J., Thompson, J., & LaPrairie, K. (2020). Designing for all: Universal Design for Learning, In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education interactive 2020 online conference (pp. 686-688). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/218223/ 1. Thompson, J. Hollas, V., Coyne, J., Vargo, K., Strunc, A., Berg, H., Brooks, B., Lane, M. (2023). Examining a program's dual track training to support underserved pre-service and in-service teachers. American Educational Research Association.

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Thompson, J. Hollas, V., LaPrairie, K., Coyne, J. (2023). Video as a tool to support teacher performance evaluation: Impact on first-year teacher effectiveness. Texas Association of Teacher Educators. (submitted June 2023).

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Coyne, J., Hollas, V., Thompson, J., Young, C.. (2023). Examining the differential effects of the 4+1 TEACH pathway to a year-long residency model. Texas Association of Teacher Educators. (submitted June 2023).

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In 2022

Coyne, J., Thompson, J., & Hollas, T. (2022). Virtual STEM+C: Helping our residents navigate their first year of teaching. In Baumgartner, E., Kaplan-Rakowski, R., Ferdig, R.E., Hartshorne, R., & Mouza, C. (Ed.). A retrospective of teaching, technology, and teacher education during the covid-19 pandemic Association for the Advancement of JAMIE THO MP SO N PAGE 4

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LaPrairie,K.N, Mansfield, K., Thompson, J.L, & Collier, J.R. (2022, June 26-29)

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Thompson, J., Lane, M., Hollas, V., Coyne, J., (2022, February). Developing micro-credentials for the 4+1 teach program: Asynchronous and personalized professional development for novice teachers. Presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Chicago, Illinois.

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LaPrairie, K., Fennely-Atkinson, R., Mansfield, K., Ramirez, A., Thompson, J., Dyer, R., Collier, J., Rice, M., (2022, February). Stand up to sit-and-get professional learning: Exercise innovative strategies to motivate and engage, Texas Computer Education Assocation (TCEA), Dallas, Texas.

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In 2021

LaPrairie, K.N.,., Mansfield, K. Thompson, J.L., Collier, J.R., Fennely-Atkinson, R, Ramirez, A., Rice, M., (2021, November). Not the same old sit and get: Innovative professional learning strategies that motivate & engage participants. Presented at Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Chicago, Illinois.

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Hebert, W., Zhang, H., Nguyen, P., Ugwu, L., Thompson, J., Gronseth, S., (2021, November). Teacher/students leading student/teachers'. Presented at Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Chicago, Illinois.

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Collier, J., Thompson, J., & LaPrairie, K. (2021, September) Applying universal design for all for inclusive instructional design. Digital Education Summit (DES).

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Thompson, J., Collier, J., & LaPrairie, K. (2021, March 30-April 2) Designing for all: Preparing pre-service teachers for universal design for learning. Presented virtually at Society forInformation Technology & Teacher Education (SITE).

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Hollas, T., Thompson, J., Fisher, C., Ellis, C., Lane, M., & Coyne, J. (2021, February). A case study of novice teachers' abilities in their 1st year utilizing multipleassessments. Presented virtually at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Anaheim,CA.

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Coyne, J., Thompson, J., Ellis, C., Fisher, C., Hollas, T., & Lane, M. (2021, February). Using the teacher preparation effectiveness survey for first year teachers for principals to compare traditionally prepared first year teachers to 4+1

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In 2020

Thompson, J., Lane, M., Hollas, T., Coyne, J., & Ellis, C. (2020, November).

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Lane, M., Ellis, C., Hollas, T., Coyne, J., & Thompson, J. (2020, March). First year teacher performance: A review of 4+1 TEACH cohort 1 residents. Presented virtually at the International Conference on Education, Training, and Informatics (ICETI), March 2020,Orlando, Florida.

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Collier, J.,Thompson, J., & LaPrairie, K. (2020) Designing for all: Universal design forlearning. Presented virtually at Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE).

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Hollas, T., Coyne, J., Lane, M., Ellis, C., & Thompson, J. (2020, February). Swivl: Anew approach to teacher induction and feedback. Presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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Lane, M., Coyne, J., Ellis, C., Hollas, T., Taylor, S., Thompson, J., & Powell, A. (2020, February). Microcredentials: A promising professional development model forteacher leaders. Presented at the Association of Teacher Educators, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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Thompson, J., Hollas, T., Lane, M., Coyne, J., & Ellis, C. (2020, November).

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Microcredentials: A professional development platform for educators. Presented virtually at Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Columbus,OH.

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Stand up to sit and get: Exercise innovative professional learning strategies [Poster presentation] International Society for Technology in Education Annual Conference, Online & New Orleans, La, United States.

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TEACH residents. Presented virtually at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Anaheim, CA.

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SWIVL:A new approach to teacher induction and reflection utilizing a remote observation tool. Presented virtually at Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Columbus, OH.

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