Jeanette Zoeckler

Profile Picture of Jeanette Zoeckler
Director, Occupational Health Clinical Center; Assistant Teaching Professor
Family Medicine
SUNY Upstate Medical University


  • PhD Social Science; MPH

Research Interests

Occupational Health   Low Wage Work   New York State  

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Jeanette Zoeckler, PhD, MPH is the Director of the Occupational Health Clinical Center, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY. In this role, she is responsible for the development and oversight related to both preventive and clinical programming. Jeanette has been designing and implementing collaborative public health initiatives to expand the OHCC’s research, education, and prevention agendas for over 10 years. She has experience with quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, and community-based research methods. Her public health practice focuses on occupational health inequities. She completed her MPH from SUNY Upstate Medical University (2011) and her PhD in Social Science at Syracuse University (2017).


Contact Information

  Occupational Health Clinical Center 6712 Brooklawn Parkway, Suite 204 Syracuse, NY 13211

  (315) 432-8899 ext 121

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List of Publications (20)
In 2022

Zoeckler, J. Greater Syracuse Works Leadership Meeting. Syracuse, NY "Low-Wage Workers' Health Project." July 2022.

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In 2021

Lax M., Zoeckler J. (2021). Occupational Disease in New York State: An Update. Occupational Health Clinical Center. Upstate Medical University. Syracuse, NY.

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Rosen J., Zelnick JR., Zoeckler J., Landsbergis P., (co-editors, special edition). (2021). Introduction to the Special Issue: Opioids and the Workplace - Risk Factors and Solutions. New Solut. 2021 Nov;31(3):201-209. doi: 10.1177/10482911211048438.

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Zoeckler J., Rosen J. (2021). Instructor Training on Opioids and the Workplace, Prevention and Response in the Plumbing and Pipe-Fitting Industry: An Interview with Cheryl Ambrose.

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New Solut. 2021 Nov;31(3):356-360. doi: 10.1177/10482911211037018.

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Zoeckler, J. New York State United Teachers Central New York Region, Leadership Conference, Syracuse, N.Y. "Occupational Health in the Education Sector." October 2021.

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In 2020

Zoeckler, J., Sokas, RK., Hagopian, A., Morrissey, MB., Coto-Batres, R.Tsui, EK., Muramatsu, N. Supporting and Sustaining the Home Care Workforce to Meet the Growing Need for Long-Term Care. American Public Health Association, policy adopted by Governing Council Oct 24, 2020.

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In 2018

Zoeckler, J. (2017). Occupational Stress among Home Health Care Workers: Integrating Worker and Agency Level Factors. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy. 2018 Feb;27(4):524-542. doi: 10.1177/1048291117742678.

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Landsbergis P, Zoeckler J, Kashern Z, Rivera B, Alexander D, Bahruth A. (2017). Organizational Policies and Programs to Reduce Job Stress and Risk of Workplace Violence Among K-12 Education Staff. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy. 2018 Feb;27(4):559-580. doi: 10.1177/1048291117739420.

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Zoeckler, J. New York State United Teachers, Annual Meeting, Albany, NY. "Research in Home Health Care Work in Upstate New York." April 2018.

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In 2017

Zoeckler J. (2017). Occupational Stress and Health among Home Health Care Workers. Dissertation. Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Successfully defended: April 14, 2017. Advisor: Wilmoth, Janet M.

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Landsbergis P, Zoeckler J, Kashem Z, et al. (2017) Organizational Policies and Programs to Reduce Job Stress and Risk of Workplace Violence Among K-12 Teachers. In: McIntyre T, McIntyre S and Francis D, (eds.). Stress in Educators: An Occupational Health Perspective. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

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Zoeckler, J, Lax M, Zanoni, J. (2017). Mapping the Landscape of Low-Wage Work and Health in Syracuse... Continuing the Conversations. Occupational Health Clinical Center. Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY.

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Zoeckler, J. Housing Visions. "Workplace Incivility: In Context of Occupational Health and ... On the continuum of workplace violence and work-related stress." June 2017.

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Lax, M. & Zoeckler, J. SUNY Educational Opportunities Center, Syracuse. "Occupational Health." June 2017.

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Zoeckler, J. Onondaga County Social Services and NYS JobPlus! Program. "Work-Related Stress and Human Service Work." March 2017.

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In 2016

Zoeckler, J. & Silverstein, M. (2016). Work and Retirement. In Harrington Meyer, M. & Daniele, E. Gerontology: Changes, Challenges and Solutions. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishing.

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In 2015

Zoeckler, J., Lax, M., Zanoni, J. (2015). Healthy Work in Syracuse: Conversations with Low-Wage Workers. Occupational Health Clinical Center. Upstate Medical University. Syracuse, NY.

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In 2014

Zoeckler, J., Lax, M., Gonos, G., Mangino, M., Hart, G., Goodness, D. (2014). Low-Wage Work in Syracuse. Occupational Health Clinical Center. Upstate Medical University. Syracuse, NY.

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In 2013

Zoeckler, J., Cibula, D., Morley, C., Lax, M. (2013). Predictors for Return to Work for Those with Occupational Respiratory Disease: Clinical and Structural Factors. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 56:1371-1382.

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