Jennifer Hellmann

Profile Picture of Jennifer Hellmann
Assistant Professor
University of Dayton


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Research Interests

Transgenerational Plasticity   Social Environment   Maternal Effect  

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List of Publications (21)
In 2024

Predator-induced transgenerational plasticity of parental care behaviour in male three-spined stickleback fish across two generations (2024)

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In 2023

Kustra MC and Stiver KA and Marsh-Rollo S and Hellmann JK and Alonzo SH. "Social Environment Influences the Temporal Dynamics of Sneak-Spawning in a Fish with Alternative Reproductive Tactics." (2023)

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In 2022

Afseth C and Shim A and Anderson S and Bell AM and Hellmann JK. "Vertical transmission of horizontally acquired social information in sticklebacks: implications for transgenerational plasticity." (2022)

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In 2021

Jennifer K. Hellmann and Erika R. Carlson and Alison M. Bell. "The interplay between sperm-mediated and care-mediated paternal effects in threespine sticklebacks" (2021)

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Eunice Chen and Christian Zielinski and Jack Deno and Raiza Singh and Alison M. Bell and Jennifer K. Hellmann. "The specificity of sperm-mediated paternal effects in threespine sticklebacks" (2021)

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In 2020

Chen E and Zielinski C and Deno J and Singh R and Bell AM and Hellmann JK. "The specificity of sperm-mediated paternal effects in threespined sticklebacks" (2020)

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Jennifer K. Hellmann and Syed Abbas Bukhari and Jack Deno and Alison M. Bell. "Sex specific plasticity across generations I: Maternal and paternal effects on sons and daughters" (2020)

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Jennifer K. Hellmann and Erika R. Carlson and Alison M. Bell. "Sex specific plasticity across generations II: Grandpaternal effects are lineage specific and sex specific" (2020)

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Jennifer K Hellmann and Kelly A Stiver and Susan Marsh-Rollo and Suzanne H Alonzo. "Defense against outside competition is linked to cooperation in male-male partnerships" (2020)

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Sarah C. Donelan and Jennifer K. Hellmann and Alison M. Bell and Barney Luttbeg and John L. Orrock and Michael J. Sheriff and Andrew Sih. "Transgenerational plasticity in human-altered environments" (2020)

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In 2019

Alison M. Bell and Jennifer K. Hellmann. "An integrative framework for understanding the mechanisms and multigenerational consequences of transgenerational plasticity" (2019)

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In 2018

Hellmann JK and Hamilton IM. "Intragroup social dynamics vary with the presence of neighbors in a cooperatively breeding fish." (2018)

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Marion Dellinger and Weiran Zhang and Alison M. Bell and Jennifer K. Hellmann. "Do male sticklebacks use visual and/or olfactory cues to assess a potential mate's history with predation risk?" (2018)

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Dominant and subordinate outside options alter help and eviction in a pay-to-stay negotiation model (2018)

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In 2017

Reddon AR and O'Connor CM and Nesjan E and Cameron J and Hellmann JK and Ligocki IY and Marsh-Rollo SE and Hamilton IM and Wylie DR and Hurd PL and Balshine S. "Isotocin neuronal phenotypes differ among social systems in cichlid fishes." (2017)

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In 2016

Hellmann JK and Sovic MG and Gibbs HL and Reddon AR and O'Connor CM and Ligocki IY and Marsh-Rollo S and Balshine S and Hamilton IM. "Within-group relatedness is correlated with colony-level social structure and reproductive sharing in a social fish." (2016)

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Hellmann JK and Ligocki IY and O'Connor CM and Reddon AR and Farmer TM and Marsh-Rollo SE and Balshine S and Hamilton IM. "The influence of status and the social environment on energy stores in a social fish." (2016)

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In 2015

Ligocki IY and Earley RL and Hellmann JK and Hamilton IM. "Variation in glucocorticoid levels in relation to direct and third-party interactions in a social cichlid fish." (2015)

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Hellmann JK and Ligocki IY and O'Connor CM and Reddon AR and Garvy KA and Marsh-Rollo SE and Gibbs HL and Balshine S and Hamilton IM. "Reproductive sharing in relation to group and colony-level attributes in a cooperative breeding fish." (2015)

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In 2014

Wilkenfeld DA and Hellmann JK. "Understanding beyond grasping propositions: a discussion of chess and fish." (2014)

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O'Connor CM and Reddon AR and Marsh-Rollo SE and Hellmann JK and Ligocki IY and Hamilton IM and Balshine S. "A comparative study of an innate immune response in Lamprologine cichlid fishes." (2014)

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