John Lynch

Profile Picture of John Lynch
School of Communication, Film, and Media Studies
University of Cincinnati


  • Ph.D. Communication Studies, University of Georgia

Research Interests

Electronic Medical Records   Genetic Research   Bioethics  

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John A. Lynch studies bioethics, health communication, and the rhetoric of science and medicine. He was previously the clinical research ethicist at the Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training at UC’s College of Medicine, and he has collaborated for more than 10 years with faculty at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center to research social and ethical issues related to returning genetic research results to families and adolescents. He is the author or editor of three books and more than 60 essays and articles. His 2011 book, What Are Stem Cells? Definitions at the Intersection of Science and Politics, received the 2016 Distinguished Book Award from the National Communication Association’s Health Communication Division, and his most recent book The Origins of Bioethics: Remembering When Medicine Went Wrong received the Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine’s 2020 Book award.


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List of Publications (71)
In 2024

Participant-guided development of bilingual genomic educational infographics for Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Phase IV study. A Casillan, ME Florido, J Galarza-Cornejo, S Bakken, JA Lynch, ... Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 31 (2), 306-316, 2024.

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To Know Me Is to Exonerate Me: Appeals to Character in Defense of the Willowbrook Hepatitis Study. J Lynch The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy ..., 2024.

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In 2023

Returning integrated genomic risk and clinical recommendations: The eMERGE study. JE Linder, A Allworth, HT Bland, PJ Caraballo, RL Chisholm, EW Clayton, ... Genetics in Medicine 25 (4), 100006, 2023.

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Engaging Adolescents and Young Adults in Decisions About Return of Genomic Research Results: a mixed-methods longitudinal clinical trial protocol. A Blumling, M McGowan, C Prows, K Childers-Buschle, L Martin, J Lynch, ... Research Square, 2023.

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8| Remembering Past Pandemics. JA Lynch, RV Tucker, H Fite, J Adams, B Kramer, C Laycock, S Singh, ... Ohio under COVID: Lessons from America's Heartland in Crisis, 149, 2023.

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In 2022

Developing video education materials for the return of genomic test results to parents and adolescents. JA Lynch, MJ Idleburg, M Butsch-Kovacic, KE Childers-Buschle, ... PEC Innovation, 100051, 2022.

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Space Appeal: The Rhetoric of Space Exploration. J Johnson, J DiCaglio, A Gross, J Lynch, C Conley 20th Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, 2022.

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Revising the Bioethics Story: Memory and Story in Precarious Times. JA Lynch Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4), 521-528, 2022.

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In 2021

Generational chronotopes and accounting for unethical medicine: Bill Clinton's apologies for radiation research and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. J Lynch Quarterly Journal of Speech 107 (3), 284-304, 2021.

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Returning negative results from large scale genomic screening: Experiences from the eMERGE III network. KS Finn, J Lynch, S Aufox, S Bland, W Chung, C Halverson, S Hebbring, ... American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 185 (2), 508-516, 2021.

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The Underdeveloped "Gift": Ethics in Implementing Precision Medicine Research. AA Blumling, KE Childers-Buschle, JA Lynch, MF Myers, ML McGowan The American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4), 67-69, 2021.

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Touring the Stem Cell Frontier: Rhetorical Formations in Stem Cell Clinic Rhetoric. JA Lynch, A Schaaf, MH Ward Western Journal of Communication 85 (1), 104-122, 2021.

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Evolving Exhibits: Struggles Over Public Memory in Developing "The Willowbrook Mile". JA Lynch American Behavioral Scientist 65 (13), 1771-1786, 2021.

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In 2020

Understanding the Return of Genomic Sequencing Results Process: Content Review of Participant Summary Letters in the eMERGE Research Network. JA Lynch, RR Sharp, SA Aufox, ST Bland, C Blout, DJ Bowen, ... Journal of Personalized Medicine 10 (2), 38, 2020.

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Rhetoric of Health and Medicine As/Is: Theories and Approaches for the Field. LK Meloncon, SS Graham, JM Johnson, JA Lynch, C Ryan Ohio State University Press, 2020.

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The Ethics of Rhetoric is the Rhetoric of Ethics: Refusing the Call to Codification. JA Lynch Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 3 (3), 249-257, 2020.

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Analogies in Genomics Policymaking: Debates and Drawbacks. JA Lynch, AJ Goldenberg, G Nanibaa'A, KB Brothers The American Journal of Human Genetics 107 (5), 797-801, 2020.

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In 2019

Harmonizing Clinical Sequencing and Interpretation for the eMERGE III Network. American Journal of Human Genetics 105 (3), 588-605, 2019.

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Genomic Contextualism: Shifting the Rhetoric of Genetic Exceptionalism. NA Garrison, KB Brothers, AJ Goldenberg, JA Lynch The American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1), 51-63, 2019.

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The Origins of Bioethics: Remembering When Medicine Went Wrong. JA Lynch MSU Press, 2019.

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Bioethics and" Brave New World": Science Fiction and Public Articulation of Bioethics. JA Lynch Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 2 (1), 33-59, 2019.

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In 2018

From Hysteria to Hormones: A Rhetorical History. J Lynch Quarterly Journal of Speech 104 (4), 448-452, 2018.

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Guest Reviewers for the Special Issue, Volume 66, Issue 2. EC Appel, KV Anderson, VB Beasley, TW Benson, EB Paup, DM Bostdorff, ... Communication Quarterly 66 (2), 222-223, 2018.

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In 2017

"This Was His Georgia": Polio, Poverty and Public Memory at FDR's Little White House. JA Lynch, ME Stuckey Howard Journal of Communications 28 (4), 390-404, 2017.

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Parental perception of self-empowerment in pediatric pharmacogenetic testing: the reactions of parents to the communication of actual and hypothetical CYP2D6 test results. S Adelsperger, CA Prows, MF Myers, CL Perry, A Chandler, IA Holm, ... Health communication 32 (9), 1104-1111, 2017.

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Public Relations in Health and Risk Communication. J Lynch Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, 2017.

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Women as Bioethical Points of Articulation: Maude Jacobs and Public Remembrance of the Cincinnati Whole-Body Irradiation Study. J Lynch Southern Communication Journal 82 (4), 216-227, 2017.

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In 2016

When participants in genomic research grow up: contact and consent at the age of majority. KB Brothers, IA Holm, JE Childerhose, AHM Antommaria, BA Bernhardt, ... The Journal of pediatrics 168, 226-31, 2016.

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Possibilities for Inclusive Family and Community in Beth Stroud's" Walking in the Light". LG Spencer, J Lynch QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 3 (1), 61-82, 2016.

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Lay attitudes toward trust, uncertainty, and the return of pediatric research results in biobanking. J Lynch, J Hines, S Theodore, M Mitchell AJOB empirical bioethics 7 (3), 160-166, 2016.

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Scientists as Prophets: A Rhetorical Genealogy by Lynda Walsh (review). J Lynch Rhetoric & Public Affairs 19 (3), 514-518, 2016.

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Laboratory Medicine and Biorepositories. PE Steele, JA Lynch, JJ Corsmo, DP Witte, JB Harley, BL Cobb Pediatric Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Pediatric ..., 2016.

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In 2015

Recognizing differences and commonalities: The rhetoric of health and medicine and critical-interpretive health communication. JA Lynch, H Zoller Communication Quarterly 63 (5), 498-503, 2015.

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On the Frontier of Science: An American Rhetoric of Exploration and Exploitation. J Lynch Quarterly Journal of Speech 101 (3), 559-563, 2015.

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Introduction to Reports from the ARST Preconference "Articulating Risk". J Lynch Poroi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis & Invention 11 (1), 2015.

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In 2014

Return of genomic results to research participants: the floor, the ceiling, and the choices in between. GP Jarvik, LM Amendola, JS Berg, K Brothers, EW Clayton, W Chung, ... The American Journal of Human Genetics 94 (6), 818-826, 2014.

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A review of the key issues associated with the commercialization of biobanks. T Caulfield, S Burningham, Y Joly, Z Master, M Shabani, P Borry, ... Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1 (1), 94-110, 2014.

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Practical guidance on informed consent for pediatric participants in a biorepository. KB Brothers, JA Lynch, SA Aufox, JJ Connolly, BD Gelb, IA Holm, ... Mayo Clinic Proceedings 89 (11), 1471-1480, 2014.

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Bridging science and journalism: Identifying the role of public relations in the construction and circulation of stem cell research among laypeople. J Lynch, D Bennett, A Luntz, C Toy, E VanBenschoten Science Communication 36 (4), 479-501, 2014.

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In 2013

"Prepare to believe": The Creation Museum as embodied conversion narrative. J Lynch Rhetoric and Public Affairs 16 (1), 1-28, 2013.

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The rhetoric of technology as a rhetorical technology. JA Lynch, WJ Kinsella Poroi 9 (1), 2013.

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Mothers' perceptions of family health history and an online, parent-generated family health history tool. KA Berger, J Lynch, CA Prows, RM Siegel, MF Myers Clinical pediatrics 52 (1), 74-81, 2013.

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Factors that affect integrity of authorship of scientific meeting abstracts. J Lynch, JE Strasser, CJ Lindsell, J Tsevat AJOB primary research 4 (2), 15-22, 2013.

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In 2012

Recent rhetorical studies in public understanding of science: Multiple purposes and strengths. CM Condit, J Lynch, E Winderman Public Understanding of Science 21 (4), 386-400, 2012.

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Biobanking in pediatric research. MG Barnes, JA Lynch, JJ Corsmo, DP Witte, PE Steele Pediatric Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Pediatric ..., 2012.

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In 2011

Media coverage of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. J Lynch, A Parrott, RJ Hopkin, M Myers Journal of genetic counseling 20 (5), 486-494, 2011.

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What are stem cells?: Definitions at the intersection of science and politics. JA Lynch University of Alabama Press, 2011.

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What are stem cells?: Definitions at the intersection of science and politics. JA Lynch University of Alabama Press, 2011.

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Perceived utility of parent-generated family health history as a health promotion tool in pediatric practice. EE Kanetzke, J Lynch, CA Prows, RM Siegel, MF Myers Clinical pediatrics 50 (8), 720-728, 2011.

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Information at the intersection of the public and technical spheres: A reply to Majdik. J Lynch Rhetoric & Public Affairs 14 (2), 369-378, 2011.

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"Through a glass darkly": researcher ethnocentrism and the demonization of research participants. JA Lynch The American Journal of Bioethics 11 (4), 22-23, 2011.

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In 2010

Community engagement and the ethics of global, translational research: A response to Sofaer and Eyal. J Lynch, M Mitchell The American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8), 37-38, 2010.

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Key Personnel and "Long Distance" Settings: Determining Who Must Report Financial Conflict of Interest. J Lynch, CJ Lindsell Accountability in research 17 (4), 211-222, 2010.

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In 2009

Articulating Scientific Practice: Understanding Dean Hamer's "Gay Gene" Study as Overlapping Material, Social and Rhetorical Registers. JA Lynch Quarterly Journal of Speech 95 (4), 435-456, 2009.

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Stem cells and the embryo: biorhetoric and scientism in Congressional debate. J Lynch Public Understanding of Science 18 (3), 309-324, 2009.

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Decisions to seek healthcare based on family health history among urban Appalachian women. RA Cree, J Lynch, MG Au, MF Myers Journal of genetic counseling 18, 534-550, 2009.

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Exemplary Objects: The Role of Materiality, Sociality, and Rhetoric in Articulating Science through Model Organisms. J Lynch Communicating Science, 175-200, 2009.

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In 2008

A preliminary study of how multiple exposures to messages about genetics impact on lay attitudes towards racial and genetic discrimination. J Lynch, J Bevan, P Achter, T Harris, CM Condit New Genetics and Society 27 (1), 43-56, 2008.

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Geography, genealogy and genetics: Dialectical substance in newspaper coverage of research on race and genetics. J Lynch Western Journal of Communication 72 (3), 259-279, 2008.

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In 2007

Memory and Matthew Shepard: Opposing expressions of public memory in television movies. J Lynch Journal of Communication Inquiry 31 (3), 222-238, 2007.

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In 2006

Genes and race in the news: a test of competing theories of news coverage. J Lynch, CM Condit American journal of health behavior 30 (2), 125-135, 2006.

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Using Cluster Agon Method to Assess the Radical Potential of "European American" as a Substitute for "White". J Lynch KB journal 2, 2006.

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Making room for stem cells: Dissociation and establishing new research objects. J Lynch Argumentation and Advocacy 42 (3), 143-156, 2006.

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Drugs and double binds: Racial identification and pharmacogenomics in a system of binary race logic. J Lynch, T Dubriwny Health communication 19 (1), 61-73, 2006.

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Race and radical renamings. J Lynch Kenneth Burke Journal 2, 1-19, 2006.

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In 2005

Warranted concerns, warranted outlooks: a focus group study of public understandings of genetic research. BR Bates, JA Lynch, JL Bevan, CM Condit Social science & medicine 60 (2), 331-344, 2005.

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Institution and imprimatur: Institutional rhetoric and the failure of the Catholic Church's pastoral letter on homosexuality. J Lynch Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 383-403, 2005.

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Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine. J Lynch Journal of the National Medical Association 97 (7), 1041, 2005.

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What are Stem Cells?: Strategies of Definition at the Intersection of Politics and Science. J Lynch University of Georgia, 2005.

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In 2004

The role of "genetics" in popular understandings of race in the United States. CM Condit, RL Parrott, TM Harris, J Lynch, T Dubriwny Public Understanding of Science 13 (3), 249-272, 2004.

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Lay people's understanding of and preference against the word "mutation". CM Condit, T Dubriwny, J Lynch, R Parrott American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 130 (3), 245-250, 2004.

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