John Zimmerman

Profile Picture of John Zimmerman
Associate Professor
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University


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Research Interests

Design Research   Enabling Technologies   Social Computing  

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I am an interaction designer and researcher with a joint appointment as an Associate Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction and at the School of Design. I have four main research areas: Designing for the Self: I have been investigating how to operationalize theories on material possession attachment and theories on material practices and material in the design of interactive products and services. These theories describe how meaning and attachment grow from repeated use of different artifacts. One example I really like is how parents develop an attachment to specific books they read to their children. If you visit parents 20 years after their children have left home, many still possess and cherish these books. My work looks at how to make things that help people become the person they desire to be; how a product can help a person feel they are moving towards their idealized self in a specific role. Examples of things I have made with my students and collaborators include the reverse alarm clock that keeps young children from waking their parents; a smart activity bag that allows parents to pass responsibility of preparing for an activity to a child; and the family time flow, a system that learns the routines of busy families and then uses this knowledge to support these families. Recently I have been taking this work in a new direction, looking at how teens construct value with their virtual possessions; things like their music, photos, text messages, video game avatars, and social network profiles. Research through Design: This work investigates how the design process can be recast as a method of inquiry. Design has an ability to holistically embrace “wicked problems;” an approach much different than the reductionist practices found in engineering and scientific inquiry. My work in this area has been to formalize research through design so that contributions made following this approach will be accepted in the HCI resea


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List of Publications (205)
In 2016

Design for rituals of letting go: an embodiment perspective on disposal practices informed by grief therapy. C Sas, S Whittaker, J Zimmerman ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 2016.

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Engaging Teens in Dialogue on Potential Technological Futures with User Enactments. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Perspectives on HCI Research with Teenagers, 151-178, 2016.

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The utility of tables for screen reader users. S Gardiner, A Tomasic, J Zimmerman 2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC ..., 2016.

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Investigating the Heart Pump Implant Decision Process: Opportunities for Decision Support Tools to Help. Q Yang, J Zimmerman, A Steinfeld, L Carey, JF Antaki Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2016.

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Planning Adaptive Mobile Experiences When Wireframing. Q Yang, J Zimmerman, A Steinfeld, A Tomasic Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 565-576, 2016.

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Teens, Parents, and Financial Literacy. J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, J Finkenaur, S Amick, JY Ahn, N Era, O Tong Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 312-322, 2016.

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Combining contribution interactions to increase coverage in mobile participatory sensing systems. Y Huang, J Zimmerman, A Tomasic, A Steinfeld Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer ..., 2016.

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Mailing Archived Emails As Postcards: Probing the Value of Virtual Collections. DB Gerritsen, D Tasse, JK Olsen, TA Vlahovic, R Gulotta, W Odom, ... Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2016.

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Boundary Troubles: Here, There, Design, Make, Research. J Bardzell, S Bardzell, L Irani, S Lindtner, K Williams, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors ..., 2016.

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In 2015

SmartWrap: seeing datasets with the crowd's eyes. S Gardiner, A Tomasic, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 12th Web for All Conference, 3, 2015.

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Promoting sustainability through behavior change: A review. A Coskun, J Zimmerman, C Erbug Design Studies 41, 183-204, 2015.

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You Never Call, You Never Write: Call and SMS Logs Do Not Always Indicate Tie Strength. J Wiese, JK Min, JI Hong, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative ..., 2015.

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The Performance of a Crowdsourced Transportation Information System. A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, C Garrod, Y Huang, T Nip, A Steinfeld Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015.

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Exploring Power Distance, Classroom Activity, and the International Classroom Through Personal Informatics. D Gerritsen, J Zimmerman, A Ogan Sixth International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS2015), 11, 2015.

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Promoting Service Design as a Critical Lens within HCI. J Zimmerman .

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EnTable: Rewriting Web Data Sets as Accessible Tables. S Gardiner, A Tomasic, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers ..., 2015.

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Review of Medical Decision Support Tools: Emerging Opportunity for Interaction Design. Q Yang, J Zimmerman, A Steinfeld Proceedings of IASDR InterPlay2015 Conferene of the International ..., 2015.

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In 2014

Unpacking the thinking and making behind a user enactments project. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, H Choi, S Meier, A Park Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 513-522, 2014.

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Design methods for the future that is now: have disruptive technologies disrupted our design methodologies?. K Holtzblatt, I Koskinen, J Kumar, D Rondeau, J Zimmerman CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1063-1068, 2014.

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Challenges and opportunities in data mining contact lists for inferring relationships. J Wiese, JI Hong, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and ..., 2014.

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Detection of behavior change in people with depression. A Doryab, JK Min, J Wiese, J Zimmerman, JI Hong AAAI, 2014.

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Generating implications for design through design research. C Sas, S Whittaker, S Dow, J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing ..., 2014.

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Motivating contribution in a participatory sensing system via quid-pro-quo. A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, A Steinfeld, Y Huang Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative ..., 2014.

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Research through design in HCI. J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Ways of Knowing in HCI, 167-189, 2014.

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Placelessness, spacelessness, and formlessness: experiential qualities of virtual possessions. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 985-994, 2014.

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Designing for slowness, anticipation and re-visitation: a long term field study of the photobox. WT Odom, AJ Sellen, R Banks, DS Kirk, T Regan, M Selby, JL Forlizzi, ... Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2014.

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Toss NTurn: Smartphone as Sleep and Sleep Quality Detector. JK Min, A Doryab, J Wiese, S Amini, J Zimmerman, JI Hong Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014.

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Making sense of haul videos: self-created celebrities fill a fashion media gap. S Sykes, J Zimmerman CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2011-2016, 2014.

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A theoretical approach to the development of critical incidents for cultural training. D Gerritsen, J Zimmerman, A Ogan Fifth International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS2014), 51, 2014.

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In 2013

Towards persuasive sociometric technologies for inclusive educational settings. O Lyra, E Karapanos, R Gouveia, M Barreto, V Nisi, NJ Nunes, ... Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI, 10, 2013.

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Promoting Service Design as a Core Practice in Interaction Design. J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman Proceedings of IASDR, 2013.

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Probing bus stop for insights on transit co-design. D Yoo, J Zimmerman, T Hirsch Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2013.

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Fragmentation and transition: understanding perceptions of virtual possessions among young adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, A Lpez Higuera, M Marchitto, J Caas, ... Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2013.

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Citizen motivation on the go: The role of psychological empowerment. J Gonalves, V Kostakos, E Karapanos, M Barreto, T Camacho, ... Interacting with Computers, iwt035, 2013.

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Mining smartphone data to classify life-facets of social relationships. JK Min, J Wiese, JI Hong, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work ..., 2013.

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The future of crowd work. A Kittur, JV Nickerson, M Bernstein, E Gerber, A Shaw, J Zimmerman, ... Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work ..., 2013.

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Bridging Research and Practice in Design: Reflections of the Project on Value Construction with Virtual Possessions. MH Lee, TJ Nam, Y Lee, Y Row, Y Lim, D Kim, J Seok, W Odom, ... Proceedings of IASDR, 2013.

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Understanding the Curation Activities of Creating Personal and Social Meanings for Virtual Possessions. J Seok, D Kim, Y Lim, T Nam, M Lee, Y Lee, Y Row, B Sohn, ... Proceedings of IASDR 8, 2013.

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Workers as a Service: The End of Employers?. J Zimmerman, D Boyarski, G Wildman, N Durrant, G Mendoza, K Nash, ... Proceedings of IASDR,, 2013.

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Systems and methods for implementing a machine-learning agent to retrieve information in response to a message. J Zimmerman, A Tomasic, I Hargraves US Patent 8,533,132, 2013.

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Distributed Transit Rider Messaging. S Gardiner, A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, J Valenti, A Steinfeld .

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Intent-based information processing and updates. AS Tomasic, JD Zimmerman US Patent 8,566,699, 2013.

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In 2012

System for and method of shopping through television. N Dimitrova, JD Zimmerman, RS Jasinschi US Patent 8,261,306, 2012.

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Building a dynamic and computational understanding of personal social networks. J Wiese, JI Hong, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Mobile systems for computational ..., 2012.

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Rethinking the smart closet as an opportunity to enhance the social currency of clothing. JA Rode, R Magee, M Sebastian, A Black, R Yudell, A Gibran, ... Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 183-192, 2012.

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Co-producing value through public transit information services. A Steinfeld, SL Rao, A Tran, J Zimmerman, A Tomasic Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering, 231, 2012.

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Investigating the presence, form and behavior of virtual possessions in the context of a teen bedroom. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, H Choi, S Meier, A Park Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2012.

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A fieldwork of the future with user enactments. W Odom, J Zimmerman, S Davidoff, J Forlizzi, AK Dey, MK Lee Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 338-347, 2012.

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Critical design and critical theory: the challenge of designing for provocation. S Bardzell, J Bardzell, J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman, J Antanitis Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 288-297, 2012.

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In 2011

The role of design in Ubicomp research and practice. Z Fu, J Zimmerman, J Wu, CM Kirwan, C Zhao Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing ..., 2011.

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Absence and Family Life: Understanding and Supporting Adaption to Change. W Odom, R Harper, A Sellen, J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman, R Banks, D Kirk The Connected Home: The Future of Domestic Life, 237-266, 2011.

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Intent-based information processing and updates. AS Tomasic, JD Zimmerman US Patent 8,032,823, 2011.

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Constructive Design Research-1. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrm, S Wensveen Elsevier Inc., 2011.

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Mixer: mixed-initiative data retrieval and integration by example. S Gardiner, A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, R Aziz, K Rivard IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 426-443, 2011.

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Crowd-Sourcing of Information for Shared Transportation Vehicles. AS Tomasic, JD Zimmerman, A Steinfeld US Patent App. 13/639,995, 2011.

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Token-based personalization of smart appliances. J Zimmerman US Patent 7,933,968, 2011.

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Learning patterns of pick-ups and drop-offs to support busy family coordination. S Davidoff, BD Ziebart, J Zimmerman, AK Dey Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2011.

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Mobile transit information from universal design and crowdsourcing. A Steinfeld, J Zimmerman, A Tomasic, D Yoo, R Aziz Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2011.

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Are you close with me? are you nearby?: investigating social groups, closeness, and willingness to share. J Wiese, PG Kelley, LF Cranor, L Dabbish, JI Hong, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing ..., 2011.

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Field trial of tiramisu: crowd-sourcing bus arrival times to spur co-design. J Zimmerman, A Tomasic, C Garrod, D Yoo, C Hiruncharoenvate, R Aziz, ... Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2011.

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Teenagers and their virtual possessions: design opportunities and issues. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems ..., 2011.

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I'm the mayor of my house: examining why people use foursquare-a social-driven location sharing application. J Lindqvist, J Cranshaw, J Wiese, J Hong, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems ..., 2011.

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Design research through practice: From the lab, field, and showroom. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrom, S Wensveen Elsevier, 2011.

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Field-5: How to Follow Design Through Society. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrm, S Wensveen Elsevier Inc., 2011.

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Killing off user-centered design. J Zimmerman interactions 18 (3), 10-11, 2011.

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Families and services: understanding opportunities for co-production of value in service design. J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman, S Dow Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and ..., 2011.

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Design Uncertainty in Crowd-Sourcing Systems. A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, A Steinfeld, Y Huang, D Yoo, ... World Wide Web Internet and Web Information Systems, 2011.

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Understanding Human Behavior at Large Scales through Mobile Devices. JI Hong, J Zhang, J Zimmerman White paper for Gutmann, Myron P., Rebuilding the Mosaic: Fostering Research ..., 2011.

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In 2010

Intent-based information processing and updates in association with a service agent. AS Tomasic, JD Zimmerman US Patent 7,672,908, 2010.

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Investigating the opportunity for a smart activity bag. SY Park, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2010.

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Virtual possessions. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 368-371, 2010.

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Understanding the space for co-design in riders' interactions with a transit service. D Yoo, J Zimmerman, A Steinfeld, A Tomasic Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2010.

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Designing for dynamic family structures: divorced families and interactive systems. W Odom, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 151-160, 2010.

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How routine learners can support family coordination. S Davidoff, J Zimmerman, AK Dey Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2010.

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Agent-assisted task management that reduces email overload. A Faulring, B Myers, K Mohnkern, B Schmerl, A Steinfeld, J Zimmerman, ... Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user ..., 2010.

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How to support designers in getting hold of the immaterial material of software. FK Ozenc, M Kim, J Zimmerman, S Oney, B Myers Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2010.

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Measuring the dynamics of remembered experience over time. E Karapanos, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, JB Martens Interacting with Computers 22 (5), 328-335, 2010.

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An analysis and critique of Research through Design: towards a formalization of a research approach. J Zimmerman, E Stolterman, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 310-319, 2010.

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In 2009

Visions for Euclase: Ideas for Supporting Creativity through Better Prototyping of Behaviors. S Oney, B Myers, J Zimmerman .

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User-created forms as an effective method of human-agent communication. J Zimmerman, K Rivard, I Hargraves, A Tomasic, K Mohnkern Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2009.

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Building a unified framework for the practice of experience design. J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, I Koskinen CHI'09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4803-4806, 2009.

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From design research to theory: Evidence of a maturing field. J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman, E Stolterman International Assoc. of Societies of Design Research Conference, 2009.

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Designing for the self: making products that help people become the person they desire to be. J Zimmerman Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2009.

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User experience over time. E Karapanos, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, JB Martens SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 729-738, 2009.

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In 2008

Driving the family: empowering the family technology lead. M Forrest Jr, J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman CHI'08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2913-2918, 2008.

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New Methods for the Design of Products that Support Social Role Transitions. J Zimmerman, K Ozenc, B Jeong Artifact 2 (3-4), 190-206, 2008.

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ENSURE: Support for Parents in Managing their Children's Health. S Park, H Jeong, J Zimmerman the Proceedings of Design and Emotion, 2008.

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TV program profiling technique and interface. J Zimmerman US Patent 7,451,470, 2008.

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Opportunities to support parents in managing their children's health. HY Jeong, SY Park, J Zimmerman CHI'08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 3225-3230, 2008.

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Crafting a place for interaction design research in HCI. J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman, S Evenson Design Issues 24 (3), 19-29, 2008.

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The role of design artifacts in design theory construction. J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Artifact 2 (1), 41-45, 2008.

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Message from the SAUCE Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs. PL Reiher, J Zimmerman, K Eustice WiMob, 2008.

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Supporting New Parents In Their Desire to Share Babys Life. SY Kim, J Zimmerman Design and Emotion, 2008.

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An Introduction to This Special Issue on Interaction Design Research in Human-Computer Interaction. S Evenson, J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman Design Issues 24 (3), 1-3, 2008.

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In 2007

Fabric-circle-slider: Prototype exploring the interaction aesthetic of contextual integration. J Zimmerman, AK Hurst, MMR Peeters Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (1), 51-57, 2007.

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User Constructed Data Integration via Mixed-Initiative Design. A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, I Hargraves, R McMullen Interaction Challenges for Intelligent Assistants, 122-123, 2007.

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Learning information intent via observation. A Tomasic, I Simmons, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 51-60, 2007.

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Apparatuses, systems, and methods to automate a procedural task. AS Tomasic, JD Zimmerman US Patent App. 12/373,233, 2007.

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Your dinner's calling: supporting family dinnertime activities. M Snyder, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing pleasurable products and ..., 2007.

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Smart bag: managing home and raising children. MK Lee, S Davidoff, J Zimmerman, AK Dey Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing pleasurable products and ..., 2007.

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Survey measures for evaluation of cognitive assistants. A Steinfeld, PA Quinones, J Zimmerman, SR Bennett, D Siewiorek Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent ..., 2007.

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VIO: a mixed-initiative approach to learning and automating procedural update tasks. J Zimmerman, A Tomasic, I Simmons, I Hargraves, K Mohnkern, ... Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ..., 2007.

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Shared moments: opportunities for mobile phones in religious participation. R Sterling, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing for User eXperiences, 15, 2007.

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Reverse Alarm Clock: a research through design example of designing for the self. KF Ozenc, B Jeong, N Shih, K Au, J Zimmerman Design of Pleasurabel Products and Interaces, 2007.

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MediaFranca: ubiquitous computing for youth engagement. H Spencer, S Evenson, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing pleasurable products and ..., 2007.

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How interface agents affect interaction between humans and computers. J Forlizzi, J Zimmerman, V Mancuso, S Kwak Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing pleasurable products and ..., 2007.

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Rapidly exploring application design through speed dating. S Davidoff, MK Lee, AK Dey, J Zimmerman International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 429-446, 2007.

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Touch-screen image scrolling system and method. J Zimmerman, JA Martino, KP Electronics NV US Patent 7,184,064, 2007.

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Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI. J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi, S Evenson Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems ..., 2007.

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Acknowledgement of Reviewers. AL Bang, J Bardzell, AG Bennett, T Bhamra, A Black, J Blijlevens, ... .

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Ubiquitous Computing and the Transition in Parent-Child Relationship. J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi .

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In 2006

Linking messages and form requests. A Tomasic, J Zimmerman, I Simmons Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Intelligent user ..., 2006.

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System and method for reduced playback of recorded video based on video segment priority. J Zimmerman, N Dimitrova, L Parameswaran US Patent 7,046,911, 2006.

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Smart homes, families, and control. MK Lee, S Davidoff, J Zimmerman, A Dey Design and Emotion, 2006.

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The SenseChair: The Lounge Chair as an Intelligent Assistive Device for Elders. J Forlizzi, C Disalvo, J Zimmerman, B Mutlu, A Hurst Gain: Journal of Business and Design, 2006.

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Socially-aware requirements for a smart home. S Davidoff, MK Lee, J Zimmerman, AK Dey Proceedings of the international symposium on intelligent environments, 41-44, 2006.

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Cherish: smart digital photo frames for sharing social narratives at home. J Kim, J Zimmerman CHI'06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 953-958, 2006.

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Cherish: Smart Digital Photo Frames. J Kim, J Zimmerman Design and Emotion, 2006.

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Principles of smart home control. S Davidoff, MK Lee, C Yiu, J Zimmerman, AK Dey International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 19-34, 2006.

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Processing information intent via weak labeling. A Tomasic, I Simmons, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and ..., 2006.

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In 2005

Monitoring and managing presence in incoming and outgoing communication. YC Chung, J Zimmerman, J Forlizzi CHI'05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1284-1287, 2005.

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The Sense Lounger: establishing a ubicomp beachhead in elders' homes. A Hurst, J Zimmerman, C Atkeson, J Forlizzi CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1467-1470, 2005.

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Discovering and Extracting Knowledge in the Design Project. J Zimmerman, S Evenson, J Forlizzi Design Research Society, 2005.

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Gather: Design for Impromptu activity support utilizing social networks. B Kowitz, H Khalsa, A Darrow, J Zimmerman Eindhoven Technical University Press, 2005.

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User study for generating personalized summary profiles. L Agnihotri, JR Kender, N Dimitrova, J Zimmerman 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1094-1097, 2005.

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Video Sketches: Exploring pervasive computing interaction designs. J Zimmerman IEEE pervasive computing 4 (4), 91-94, 2005.

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Framework for personalized multimedia summarization. L Agnihotri, J Kender, N Dimitrova, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia ..., 2005.

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Putting a face on embodied interface agents. J Zimmerman, E Ayoob, J Forlizzi, M McQuaid Eindhoven Technical University Press, 2005.

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Breakaway: an ambient display designed to change human behavior. N Jafarinaimi, J Forlizzi, A Hurst, J Zimmerman CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1945-1948, 2005.

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Evaluating a Fabric Device Controller. A Hurst, J Zimmerman CHI 2005. W14: Innovative Approaches to Evaluating Affective Interfaces, 2005.

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Designing to Support the Social Aesthetics of Inquiry. I Hargraves, B Haven, S Evenson, J Zimmerman Human-Computer Interaction Institute, 230, 2005.

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Supporting Academic Inquiry in the Arts & Humanities. I Hargraves, B Haven, S Evenson, J Zimmerman Designing Pleasurable Products and Interaces, 2005.

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Searching for Intrinsic Value in Interaction: Reflections on the Conceptual Designs of Digital Music Players. J Zimmerman, E Ayoob, J Forlizzi Eindhoven Technical University Press, 2005.

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The Persectives Browser: Exploratory Data Analysis for Everyone. M Derthick, J Zimmerman .

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Exploring Social Relationships Between Smart Homes and Their Occupants. J Zimmerman, KF Ozenc CHI 2005. W15: Social Implications of Ubiquitous Computing. Conference on ..., 2005.

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In 2004

Workshop on the relationship between design and HCI. J Zimmerman, S Evenson, K Baumann, P Purgathofer CHI'04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1741-1742, 2004.

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The role of products in consumer-celebrity relationships. J Zimmerman, E Ayoob Human-Computer Interaction Institute, 235, 2004.

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Media augmentation and personalization through multimedia processing and information extraction. N Dimitrova, J Zimmerman, A Janevski, L Agnihotri, N Haas, D Li, R Bolle, ... Personalized Digital Television, 203-233, 2004.

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Learning to navigate web forms. A Tomasic, W Cohen, S Fussell, J Zimmerman, M Kobayashi, E Minkov, ... Human-Computer Interaction Institute, 234, 2004.

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Method and system for processing incoming calls on a communication unit. J Zimmerman US Patent 6,745,040, 2004.

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VISUALIZATION OF ENTERTAINMENT CONTENT. G Roberts, J Martino, J Debont, L Nikolovska, J Zimmerman, KPE NV EP Patent 1,464,012, 2004.

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TV personalization system: Design of a TV show recommender engine and interface. J Zimmerman, K Kauapati, AL Buczak, D Schaffer, S Gutta, J Martino Personalized Digital Television: Targetting Programs to Individual Viewers ..., 2004.

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Touch-screen image scrolling system and method. J Zimmerman, JA Martino US Patent 6,690,387, 2004.

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In 2003

Method and system for providing complementary information for a video program. J Zimmerman, N Dimitrova, D Li, JM Bont, AHE Lamers, A Janevski, ... US Patent 7,934,233, 2003.

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Position Paper on Design in HCI Education. J Zimmerman Human-Computer Interaction Institute, 244, 2003.

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Method and system for providing personalized news. J Zimmerman, L Nikolovska, J Bont, A Lamers, N Dimitrova, A Janevski, ... US Patent App. 10/509,725, 2003.

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MyInfo: a personal news interface. J Zimmerman, N Dimitrova, L Agnihotri, A Janevski, L Nikolovska CHI'03 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 898-899, 2003.

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Exploring the role of emotion in the interaction design of digital music players. J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Designing pleasurable ..., 2003.

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Who's that actor?: the InfoSip TV agent. N Dimitrova, A Janevski, D Li, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMM workshop on Experiential telepresence, 76-79, 2003.

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Visual summary for scanning forwards and backwards in video content. S Jeannin, J Zimmerman, KP Electronics NV, TQ Tran, N Chowdhury US Patent 7,333,712, 2003.

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Music Videos Miner. L Agnihotri, N Dimitrova, J Kender, J Zimmerman Proceedings, ACM Multimedia... 11, 442, 2003.

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Study on requirement specifications for personalized multimedia summarization. L Agnihotri, N Dimitrova, J Kender, J Zimmerman Multimedia and Expo, 2003. ICME'03. Proceedings. 2003 International ..., 2003.

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Content augmentation aspects of personalized entertainment experience. N Dimitrova, J Zimmerman, A Janevski, L Agnihotri, N Haas, R Bolle Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Personalization in Future TV, 42-51, 2003.

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Toward the Automatic Assessment of Behavioral Distrubances of Dementia. SJ Allin, A Bharucha, J Zimmerman, D Wilson, MJ Robinson, S Stevens, ... .

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Methods for empathic design. J Zimmerman Designing Pleasurable Products And Interfaces: Proceedings of the 2003 ..., 2003.

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Integrating Domain Knowledge and Visual Evidence to Support Highlight Detection in Sports Videos. J Assfalg, M Bertini, C Colombo, A Del Bimbo Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications, 97, 2003.

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The Video Scout System. J Zimmerman, L Agnihotri, R Jasinschi, T McGee, N Dimitrova, D Li Handbook of Video Databases: Design and Applications, 2003.

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Exploiting celebrity to produce delight in multimedia tools. J Zimmerman IEEE MultiMedia 10 (3), 10-14, 2003.

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Affective television monitoring and control. N Dimitrova, J Zimmerman, L Agnihotri, KPE NV US Patent 8,561,095, 2003.

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In 2002

Context and time sensitive profile builder. J Martino, J Zimmerman, G Roberts US Patent App. 10/185,405, 2002.

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Method and system for displaying search results. J Martino, L Nikolovska, J De Bont, J Zimmerman US Patent App. 10/086,008, 2002.

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Celebrity recommender. J Zimmerman, L Parameswaran, K Kurapati .

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User interface for reviewing and controlling use of data objects. J Zimmerman, J Martino, G Roberts US Patent App. 10/055,338, 2002.

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Anticipatory content augmentation. R Jasinschi, N Dimitrova, J Zimmerman US Patent App. 10/165,931, 2002.

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Interface Design for MyInfo: a Personal News Demonstrator Combining Web and TV Content. J Zimmerman, N Dimitrova, L Agnihotri, A Janevski, L Nikolovska IFIP INTERACT Conference, 2002.

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A probabilistic layered framework for integrating multimedia content and context information. RS Jasinschi, N Dimitrova, T McGee, L Agnihotri, J Zimmerman, D Li, ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2 ..., 2002.

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Personalized news through content augmentation and profiling. N Haas, R Bolle, N Dimitrova, A Janevski, J Zimmerman Image Processing. 2002. Proceedings. 2002 International Conference on 2, II ..., 2002.

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Conversational content recommender. J Zimmerman US Patent App. 10/136,965, 2002.

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Exposing profiles to build trust in a recommender. J Zimmerman, K Kurapati CHI'02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 608-609, 2002.

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Method and apparatus for an adaptive audio-video program recommendation system. J Zimmerman US Patent App. 10/084,715, 2002.

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Personalization: improving ease-of-use, trust and accuracy of a TV show recommender. A Buczak, J Zimmerman, K Kurapati .

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Method and system for providing previous selection information. A Buczak, J Zimmerman, K Kurapati US Patent App. 10/291,037, 2002.

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In 2001

Personalizing video recorders using multimedia processing and integration. N Dimitrova, R Jasinschi, L Agnihotri, J Zimmerman, T McGee, D Li Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 564-567, 2001.

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Interface Design of Video Scout: A Selection, Recording, and Segmentation System for TVs. J Zimmerman, G Marmaropoulos, C van Heerden Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001.

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Sort slider with context intuitive sort keys. J Martino, J Zimmerman, H Lamers, G Roberts, J Bont US Patent App. 10/037,445, 2001.

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Systems for sensing similarity in monitored broadcast content streams and methods of operating the same. R Jasinschi, L Agnihotri, J Zimmerman US Patent App. 09/991,242, 2001.

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Method and apparatus for access and display of content allowing users to apply multiple profiles. J Martino, J Zimmerman US Patent App. 10/037,464, 2001.

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Video playback device with real-time on-line viewer feedback capability and method of operation. A Miller, J Zimmerman US Patent App. 09/858,733, 2001.

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Video scouting: an architecture and system for the integration of multimedia information in personal TV applications. RS Jasinschi, N Dimitrova, T McGee, L Agnihotri, J Zimmerman Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings.(ICASSP'01 ..., 2001.

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Media recommender which presents the user with rationale for the recommendation. J Zimmerman, K Kurapati US Patent App. 10/015,709, 2001.

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Method of populating an explicit profile. J Zimmerman, J Martino US Patent App. 10/040,245, 2001.

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System and method for displaying group viewing statistics during television viewing. J Zimmerman, N Dimitrova, KP Electronics NV US Patent App. 09/967,867, 2001.

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Visual summary of audio-visual program features. D Li, J Zimmerman, N Dimitrova US Patent App. 10/024,778, 2001.

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Systems for monitoring broadcast content and generating notification signals as a function of subscriber profiles and methods of operating the same. J Zimmerman, R Jasinschi, L Agnihotri, J Radu S. US Patent 20,030,093,789, 2001.

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Integrated multimedia processing for topic segmentation and classification. RS Jasinschi, N Dimitrova, T McGee, L Agnihotri, J Zimmerman, D Li Image Processing, 2001. Proceedings. 2001 International Conference on 3, 366-369, 2001.

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Automatic setting of video and audio settings for media output devices. J Zimmerman US Patent App. 09/876,529, 2001.

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Method and apparatus for recommending television programming through a celebrity or using a celebrity profile. J Zimmerman US Patent App. 09/815,856, 2001.

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A multi-agent TV recommender. K Kurapati, S Gutta, D Schaffer, J Martino, J Zimmerman Proceedings of the UM 2001 workshop Personalization in Future TV, 2001.

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In 2000

Video scouting demonstration: smart content selection and recording. N Dimitrova, L Agnihotri, R Jasinschi, J Zimmerman, G Marmaropoulos, ... Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 499-500, 2000.

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TV content recommender system. S Gutta, K Kurapati, KP Lee, J Martino, J Milanski, JD Schaffer, ... PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 1121-1122, 2000.

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Content-based Analysis and Retrieval for Personal Video Recorders. J Zimmerman, L Agnihotri, R Jasinschi, T McGee, N Dimitrova, D Li .

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Tiramisu Transit. A Steinfeld, A Tomasic, J Zimmerman .

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Nurturing Families by Augmenting Life Control. S Davidoff, MK Lee, J Zimmerman, A Dey .

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Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering. A Steinfeld, SL Rao, A Tran, J Zimmerman, A Tomasic .

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General Terms. J Zimmerman, A Tomasic, C Garrod, D Yoo, C Hiruncharoenvate, R Aziz, ... .

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Can Your Smartphone Reveal If You Are Depressed?. A Doryab, JK Min, J Zimmerman, J Hong .

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Showroom-6: Research Meets Design and Art. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrm, S Wensveen Elsevier Inc., 0.

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Constructive Design Research in Society-9. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrm, S Wensveen Elsevier Inc., 0.

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Building Research Programs-10. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrm, S Wensveen Elsevier Inc., 0.

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Lab-4: Can You Really Study Design in the Laboratory?. I Koskinen, J Zimmerman, T Binder, J Redstrm, S Wensveen Elsevier Inc., 0.

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