Profile Picture of JOHN J STAPLETON
Kean University


  • PhD -ABD, MS, BA

Research Interests

Alternative Sight for Blind   Various Kinds   Various Sources  

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John J Stapleton MIL&MED Electro-optic Design: Vision Transducer of Invisible Observables Offers expertise of wisdom over half-century experience in EO&ECM interdisciplinary fields 6 Caldwell Ct, E. Brunswick NJ 08816-3910, 732 238 5314 Professional Engineering Experience 1965-2022 1st design Grumann E-2C displays ½ century transformative technologies in science of vision of invisible observables enables and spurs reverse engineering to make VT Sight Prosthesis convert visible world to invisible infrared (IR) imaging in tune with selective IR resonance (3.5,7,11) of amino acids found in retina, retina-like skin & cortex. StapleVision LLC’08 Founder (formerly StapleVision Inc.’85) Vision Transducer Alternative sight for blind. Founder C-to-C Consultants’73 -- Boeing, Lockheed, ITT, SRL, AT&T, USAF-WP,CIA, ASA, Janus, NSys. ITT Senior Technical Consultant to EO Sys ECM & to CEO Key Technology / Defense 1976-83 Fairchild Camera Design Engineer 1975-76 periscope 360o/10s LLLTV10 times lower light level Princeton Electronics Products 1973-75 Engineering Manager PMTS Xray & US image capture Hughes Image Devices Design Engineer 1971-73 hospital & airport Xray capture(unviolated911) Hazeltine Engineer Instructor & Design Engineer MTS 1966-71 NTDS, E-2C, AWACS Sperry Gyroscope Polaris Engineer Instructor 1965-66 NAVDAC, LORAN-C Innovative Research & Product Development: • E2C (easy to see) “Hawkeye” Digital Displays Circuits & Auto Test ; fail-safe keyboard • AWACS rapid (during tv retrace), random deflection amplifier design for Boeing • Image Capture for almost all Xray baggage systems—1st gen. • 1st Diagnostic Ultrasound with video grayscales & TV format for Hughes, Picker, Unirad • 1st EKG TV Hughes & UCLA Medical School Head of Cardiology; Bach y Rita sight substitute • Value Engineered Casper IR Probeye 1 of top 100 Industrial Products (M.R.T./10 & $/10) • Electro-optic (EO)& RF TVCM (classified) ITT, USAF ”video guru”, USN, Army ”” • Omnispectravision 3 color IR Search/Track & Omnispectramammography (20µ)^3 bc • 1st “Intelligent Video Jukebox” a $43MM IPO “homerun” for start-up client ETC • Automated Image Quality Assurance Janus Sys & 2nickel diodes densitometer saved AT&T $55M • Clients in Med & Mil imaging: AT&T, Lockheed, ITT, SRL, USAF-WP, CIA, ASA, NSys… • Multisync/multiscan Patent license royalties from: Sony, NEC, Matsushita (Panasonic), LG, Packard Bell…fund Vision Thermalization R&D alternative sight for blind. Professional Awards: Princeton University & AEA small biz invited speaker HDTV Panel Distinguished Member 1990 NSF 1965 Grant “Recent Advances in Physics & Chemistry” American U & NIST 12 US Patents 7843488+ 6489997 6124893 5832140 5803082 5537483 5019807 4418359 4361785 4343020 4338627 4304491 SID, Applied Radiology, AIIM, SPIE peer review panel papers SID Chairman Mid Atlantic elected /served 3 Terms (Asked to design display for blind) Elected Committeeman C-NY helped Senator Jim Buckley beat R&D candidates. Education • EE abd PhD Rutgers SUNJ ongoing R&D Unblind: The Total Image Process 1980- • UPMC 6 AMA credits in video radiology 1972. (UPMC will do VT testing on blind volunteers) • MS Engineering Management / (Nonlinear) Operations Research Long Island U 1969-71 • Brothers of the Christian Schools 1959-65 (a/k/a Br. Augustine Stapleton, FSC) • Teacher Certification courses St Anselm’s College NH 1963-65 • BA Physics Catholic U DC 1960-63; St John’s U 1958-59 full 4yr academic scholarship • St. Augustine DHS Brooklyn NY 1954-58 full 4yr academic scholarship Publications (Unclassified) JJ Stapleton, e-book UNBLIND.VisionTransducer Information Technology Alternative Sight JJStapleton SID/SUNY Display Horizons Large Screen Display LSD or Hallucination 1979 EE Times 17Mar80p48 shows JJ Stapleton “one of the world leaders in this highly skilled technology” . depicted with “The infra-red tracking display system...” ; Omnispectravision 3color IR in 3-5micron band augment TV camera video. Patents 4418359, 4343020, Omnispectravision SPIE Vol 270, 1981, 3 Color IR...SID 1982 JJ Stapleton “The Action of Light,” SID NYC seminar Dec1999; see JJ Stapleton , “Advanced Imaging Design,” Applied Radiology June/July 1975 Vision Thermalization (VT) U.S. Patent 7843488 alternative sight for the blind exploits IR resonance of amino acids vibes at 3.5, 7, 11 micron. 2010 & 2018 upgrades Provisional Patent Alternative Sight Substitution System: TFT Vision Transducer Displays IR/PSI for Blind+SIGHTED Key reference: Kenshalo, D.R., Spatial Summation...Journal Of Comparative Physiological Psychology 1967, Vol.63,No.3, 510-515; Warm & Cool Thresholds...Perception & Psychophysics, 1968, Vol.3 (2A); Temporal Course...Science, 4March1966 1095,1096 Teaching Experience (industry & academia) Adjunct Professor Salem College teaching Engineering Clinic& College Physics 9/2012-2019 Adjunct Professor Kean U taught Math 1000&1016 College Algebra& Statistics 2006-12 Pop Physics& Math volunteer Middlesex County Juvenile Detention 80% passed GED 2000-05 “Pop Physics” volunteer St Thomas Enrichment Program (STEP), Bronx NY 1999-2005 SUNY &SID Horizons in Displays Seminars Program Chair 1980+monthly SID seminars Engineering Instructor Hazeltine Corp USN Tactical Data Systems LI NY 1966-70 Polaris Engineers Instructor NAVDAC, LORAN-C Sperry Gyroscope LI NY 1965-66 Physics& Math teacher Bradley High, Manchester NH1963-65(coach basketball, radio& glee club)


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  732 238 5314

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List of Publications (10)
In 2023

Milestones that our company has accomplished to date: CV2.2.2023 mil-med.pdf, SeeNN pcb; US Patents 7843488 + 6489997 6124893 5832140 5803082 5537483 5019807 4418359 4361785 4343020 4338627 4304491 11Aug11 feasibility demo /proof of principle L3 GA

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Alternative Sight Vision Transducer Visual Touch (AS VT) How Sighted Dual-Use Vision Transducer Alternative Sight Portends Blindness Breakthru TFT Thin Film Transistors Electro/Thermal/Tactile Vision Transducer for Blind + Sighted AS VT Visual Touch 2.2.2023

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a) Get TFT4VT b)Test blind volunteers c) M/A to Mass Produce 309M

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Target W.H.O. market:309 Million vision impaired @$10k-$1k(=>$309Bn)+sighted

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Some info on our competitors-none offer 20/20 vision & wide angle

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Our USP (unique selling proposition) at 10% of $10k recommended price (BOM $333)

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Future financials: discount like smartphones, solar, wind-15%-25%/yr

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Alternative sight thin film transistors vision transducer transforms visible world to thermal/tactile infrared for the blind to see via retina-like skin viper-like sensibility in resonance of amino acids tuned sensitivities common to retina, brain, skin. 8.23.21MHSRS-21-02589. Peer review/acceptance. See RFQ TFT4VT

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"It is only by the concurrence of evidence of various kinds &from various sources that practical certainty may at least be attained & complete confidence restored."

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Lord Rayleigh, UK physicist 1852-1919] 1884 Inaugural

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