Jonas Braasch

Profile Picture of Jonas Braasch
School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


  • Ph.D. Bochum University, Bochum, Germany

Research Interests

Musical Acoustics   Psychoacoustics   Virtual Reality  

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Jonas Braasch is a Professor at the School of Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he teaches in the Graduate Program in Architectural Acoustics. His research interests span binaural hearing, auditory modeling, multimodal integration, sensory substitution devices, aural architecture and creative processes in music improvisation. At RPI, he directs the Communication Acoustics and Aural Architecture Research Laboratory (CA^3 RL). He obtained a master’s degree from Dortmund University (Germany, 1998) in Physics and two PhD degrees from Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (2001, 2004) in Electrical Engineering/Information Science and Musicology. His research interests include Binaural Hearing, Multi-channel Audio Technology, Telematic Music Systems, Perceptual Audio/Visual Integration, Intelligent Systems, and Musical Acoustics. For his work, he has received funding from NSF, NSERC, DFG (German Science Foundation), and NYSCA. As a soprano saxophonist and sound artist, he has worked with Curtis Bahn, Chris Chafe, Michael Century, Mark Dresser, Francisco Lopez, Pauline Oliveros, and Doug van Nort – among others. Jonas Braasch is an affiliated faculty member of RPI’s Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) and Board Member of the Deep Listening Institute (Kingston, NY).


Contact Information

  School of Architecture Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180


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List of Publications (288)
In 2023

J. Braasch (2023) Circular breathing - An introspective study across all types of wind-instrument generators, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 153(3), A39.

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M. Huang*, S. Chabot, J. Braasch (2023) Real-time co-location in dynamic virtual soundscapes across multi-occupant immersive rooms, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 153(3), A104.

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J. Tyler*, M. Si, J. Braasch (2023) Spatial location from running binaural signals using cepstral analysis and logarithmic filtering, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 153(3), A85.

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Session Chair: May 8 & 9, 2023: TCCA Session Co-Chair/Organizer (M. Vorla nder & J. Braasch). Real-Time Computing I & II (Hybrid Session), 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, May 8-12, 2023.

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Huang*, S. Chabot , C. Leita o , T. Krueger and J. Braasch (2023) Spatially-Aware Group Interaction Design Framework for Collaborative Room-Oriented Immersive Systems, Applied Ergonomics, Special issue on assessing human factors in the design of the built environment by mixed realities (accepted with minor revisions).

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Chabot, S., Braasch, J. (2023). Wave-Field Synthesis and Forced Perspective for Congruent Audiovisual Display, The 28th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2023) June 26 - July 1 2023, Norrko ping, Sweden.

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In 2022

Abraham Sanders, Tomek Strzalkowski, Mei Si, Albert Chang, Deepanshu Dey, Jonas Braasch, Dakuo Wang (2022) Towards a Progression-Aware Autonomous Dialogue Agent, NAACL.

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Shannon Briggs, Abraham Sanders, Erfan Al-Hossami, Jonas Braasch, Tomek Strzalkowski, cognitive immersive Razvan Bunescu (2022) Multiuser, multimodal environment with a task-oriented dialog system, IEEE SMC. sensemaking 4. Braasch, J., Chabot*, S., Chertok*, E., Jonathan, M. and Scott*, E. (2021), Auralizing concert venues over extended listening areas using wave field synthesis, in 'Audio Engineering Society Convention 150'.

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C.L. Abercrombie*, J. Braasch (2010) Perceptual Dimensions of Stage-Floor Vibration 1. Sanders, A., Strzalkowski, T., Si, M., Chang, A., Dey, D., Braasch, J., & Wang, D. (2022). Towards a Progression-Aware Autonomous Dialogue Agent. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03692.

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J. Tyler*, M. Si, J. Braasch (2022) Predicting room acoustical parameters from running signals using a precedence effect model and deep neural networks, In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), October 24-28, Gyeongju, Korea, Paper No. ABS-0627, p. 283-290, 3. A. Chang*, S.R.V. Chabot, J. Mathews*, S. Briggs, T. Strzalkowski, M. Si, J. Braasch (2022) A spatially-aware companion system for language learning and foreign-language dialogue, In: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), October 24-28, Gyeongju, Korea, Paper No. ABS-0631 (A-21, Virtual Acoustics), p. 67-76, J. Braasch, S.R.V. Chabot, M.J. Huang*, E.E.K. Scott* (2022) Rapid 3D Auralization of Historically Significant Buildings for the 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), October 24-28, Gyeongju, Korea, Paper No. ABS-0624, p. 126-135, Immersive Classroom Activities, Proceedings of In: J. Tyler*, J. Braasch, J. M. Si (2021) SpeakEasy Pronunciation Trainer: Personalized Multimodal Pronunciation Training, in 'Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society'.

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Braasch, J. (2022). Why did wind instruments stop evolving? The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), A182.

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Chang*, A., Si, M., Chabot*, S., Mathews*, J., Strzalkowski, T., & Braasch, J. (2022). A spatially-aware dialogue system for immersive classrooms. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), A132.

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Tyler*, J., Si, M., & Braasch, J. (2022). Predicting reflection patterns from binaural activity maps using deep neural networks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), A222.

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Huang*, M., & Braasch, J. (2022). Location-aware synthesis of walkable urban soundscapes in room-centered immersive virtual reality system. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), A251.

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October 27, 2022, Jonas Braasch, Josep Llorca-Bofi (co-chairs), A21-04 Rendering of realistic 3D virtual acoustic environments, 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), October 24-28, Gyeongju, Korea.

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Chabot*, S., & Braasch, J. (2022). Walkable auralizations for experiential learning in an immersive classroom. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152(2), 899-910.

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Morgan*, M. M., & Braasch, J. (2022). Open set classification strategies for long-term environmental field recordings for bird species recognition. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6), 4028-4038.

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Briggs, S., Peveler, M., Drozdal, J., & Braasch, J. (2022, June). Category Creation Between Digital and Analog Sensemaking Tools in a Cognitive Immersive Environment. In Human Interface and the Management of Information: Visual and Information Design: Thematic Area, HIMI 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26-July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 451-460). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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In 2021

Chabot*, S. and Braasch, J. (2021), Interactive Application to Control and Rapid-prototype in a Collaborative Immersive Environment, in 'Audio Engineering Society Convention 151'.

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Pastore, M. T., Zhou, Y., Braasch, J. and Yost, W. A. (2021), 'Differences in sound-source localization in reverberant environments that depend on stimulus-type and mode of presentation', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(4), A305.

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Chabot*, S., Mathews*, J. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'Multi-user interactive systems for immersive virtual environments', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(4), A172.

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Braasch, J., Chabot*, S., Huang, M., Mathews, J., Pastore, M. T. and Scott, E. E. (2021), 'Binaural model analysis of wave-field-synthesis auralization over extended listening areas', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(4), A304.

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Morgan*, M. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'Hierarchical classification of multi-corpus acoustic field recordings', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(4), A79.

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Huang*, M. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'Toward adaptive auralization of dynamic immersive virtual environments in room-centered virtual reality systems', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(4), A247.

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Dahlbom*, D. A. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'A model of cortical timbre classification using spike latency coding', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(4), A77.

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(2021), 15. Braasch, J., Braasch, J. L. and Pastore, M. T. (2021), 'Psychoacoustic phenomena in electric-guitar performance', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(4), A25.

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Farzaneh*, N. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'On the acoustics of coupled volumes in the safavid architecture-Comparison of computer-modeled objective parameters of two historic buildings', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(4), A117.

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Reviews of this book: Malcolm Crocker (2021) Book Review: 'The Technology of Binaural Understanding.' (Blauert, J., Braasch, J. eds.), International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 26(2) International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2021, 195-196.

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Kazuhiro Iida (2021) Book Review [in Japanese]: 'The Technology of Binaural Understanding (Jens Blauert, Jonas Braasch ed.) Journal of Acoustical Society of Japan 77 (10), 678.

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Brian F.G. Katz (2021) Book Review: Book review on "The technology of binaural understanding" by Jens Blauert and Jonas Braasch (Eds.). Acta Acustica, 5, 29. DOI: 10.1051/aacus/2021027

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H. Steven Colburn (2021) Book Review: The Technology of Binaural Understanding, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150, 4438; doi: 10.1121/10.0008979

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Brandon Cudequest (2021) The Technology of Binaural Understanding (J. Blauert and J. Braasch, eds.), J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 69, No. 5, 2021 May 367-368

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Morgan*, M. M., Bhattacharya, I., Radke, R. J. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'Classifying the emotional speech content of participants in group meetings using convolutional long short-term memory network', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(2), 885-894.

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Mathews*, J. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'Sparse Iterative Beamforming Using Spherical Microphone Arrays for Low-Latency Direction of Arrival Estimation in Reverberant Environments', Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 69(12), 967-977.

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Divekar, R. R., Drozdal, J., Chabot*, S., Zhou, Y., Su, H., Chen, Y., Zhu, H., Hendler, J. A. and Braasch, J. (2021), 'Foreign language acquisition via artificial intelligence and extended reality: design DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2021.1879162. evaluation', Computer Language Learning, Assisted 1-29, and 7. M.M. Morgan and J. Braasch (2021) Long-term deep learning-facilitated environmental acoustic monitoring in the Capital Region of New York State. Ecological Informatics 61, Paper ID 101242.

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M.M. Morgan, I. Bhattacharya, R. Radke, and J. Braasch (2021) Classifying emotional speech long short-term memory content of participants in group meetings using a convolutional network., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 149 (2), 885-894.

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Briggs, S., Peveler, M., Drozdal, J., Su, H. and Braasch, J. (2021), Thematic Units Comparisons Between Analog and Digital Brainstorming, in 'International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction', pp. 257-267.

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Mathews*, J. and Braasch, (2021), A Steered-Beamforming Method for Low-Latency Direction-of-Arrival Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Spherical Microphone Arrays, in 'Audio Engineering Society Convention 150'.

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In 2020

Braasch, J. (2020). The soprano saxophone adapted to different tone generators in comparison to prototype instruments (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2611.

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Braasch, J., Blauert, J., Pastore, M. T., & Zhou, Y. (2020). Modeling the advantage of head-movements in judging elevation (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2575.

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Chabot, S., Mathews, J., Su, H., & Braasch, J. (2020). Co-locating remote collaborators in immersive virtual environments using telematic systems (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2771.

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Chertok, E., Mathews, J., Chabot, S., & Braasch, J. (2020). Using a linear microphone array to evaluate inhomogeneous sound-fields of recreated enclosures (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2693.

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Farzaneh, N., & Braasch, J. (2020). The role of architectural acoustics in advancing the aural tradition during the Safavid era (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2797.

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Mathews, J., & Braasch, J. (2020). Low-latency localization in the spherical harmonics domain using an iterative search method (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2588.

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Morgan, M., & Braasch, J. (2020). Holistic, long-term soundscape monitoring in Upstate New York using convolutional long short-term memory deep neural networks (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2740.

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Pastore, M. T., & Braasch, J. (2020). How does temporal diffusion affect the ongoing precedence effect? (A) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2619.

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Tyler, J., Si, M., Zhou, H., su, h., & Braasch, J. (2020). SpeakEasy: Browser-based automated multi-language intonation training (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2697.

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Xiang, N., Braasch, J., & Brooks, T. (2020). Graduate research and education in architectural acoustics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2746-2747.

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J. Blauert, J. Braasch (editors, 2020). The Technology of Binaural Understanding, Springer, Cham, Switzerland (ISBN 978-3-030-00385-2, 815 pages).

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J. Braasch (2020/21) Pauline's World of Virtuosos: Expanded Instruments, Deep Listening, and Stretched Boundaries. In: Improvising across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument (Sherrie Tucker, ed.) University of Michigan Press (accepted).

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J. Braasch (2020). Binaural modeling from an evolving-habitat perspective. In: The Technology of Binaural Understanding (J. Blauert & J. Braasch, eds., pp. 251-286): Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

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J. Braasch (2020, 2nd edition) Sound Localization in Mammals, Models, in: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, D. Jaeger, R. Jung (eds.), ISBN: 978-1-4614-7320-6 (Online), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6, Springer New York, p. 1-17.

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J. Braasch (2020) Binaural Modeling from an Evolving Habitat Perspective, to appear in Blauert & Braasch, The Technology of Binaural Understanding, Springer, Berlin & Heidelberg.

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Architectural Acoustics Potpourri Everywhere, 7-11 December 2020.

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IV, 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Virtually December 11, 2020 TCAA Session Chair (J. Braasch) Architectural Acoustics Potpourri IV, 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Virtually Everywhere, 7-11 December 2020.

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M. Huang, Chabot, S., Krueger, T., Leita o, C., & Braasch, J. (2020). From immersion to collaborative embodiment: extending collective interactivity in built environments through human-scale audiovisual immersive technologies. Digital Creativity, 31(3), 200-212.

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Chabot, S., Drozdal, J., Peveler, M., Zhou, Y., Su, H., & Braasch, J. (2020). A collaborative, immersive language learning environment using augmented panoramic imagery. Paper presented at the 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN).

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Briggs S., Peveler M., Drozdal J., Balagyozyan L., Braasch J., Su H. (2020) Brainstorming for Sensemaking in a Multimodal, Multiuser Cognitive Environment. In: Stephanidis C., Marcus A., Rosenzweig E., Rau PL.P., Moallem A., Rauterberg M. (eds) HCI International 2020 - Late Breaking Papers: User Experience Design and Case Studies. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12423. Springer, Cham, pp. 66-83,

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In 2019

Braasch, J., Dahlbom, D., & Keil, N. (2019, October). A Binaural Model to Estimate Room Impulse Responses from Running Signals and Recordings. In Audio Engineering Society Convention 147. Audio Engineering Society.

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M.T. Pastore, J. Braasch (2019) Integrating interaural differences of time and level across frequencies and with each other in a precedence effect model. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), integrating 4th EAA Euroregio, 9 - 13 September 2019, Aachen, Germany (pp. 2182-2189).

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Morgan, M. M., Bhattacharya, I., Radke, R., & Braasch, J. (2019). Automatic speech emotion recognition using deep learning for analysis of collaborative group meetings (). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 3073-3074.

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Keil, N., Dahlbom, D. A., Stewart, J., Goodheart, M., Bahn, C., Simoni, M., ... & Braasch, J. (2019).

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Morgan, M. M., Moriarty, V., & Braasch, J. (2019). Automatic environmental soundscape classification of continuous field recordings around Lake George, NY. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1737.

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Scott, E. E., & Braasch, J. (2019). Small room auralizations: Investigating hybrid methods of acoustic simulations utilizing wave field synthesis. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1780.

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Tyler, J., Zou, H., Zhou, H., Su, H., & Braasch, J. (2019). Automated Mandarin tone classification using deep neural networks trained on a large speech dataset. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1814.

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Huang, M., Chabot, S., Wetzel, J., Goebel, J., Su, H., & Braasch, J. (2019). Audiovisual system design and content creation for immersive virtual environments with deployable panoramic display. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 2933.

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Loshin, B., & Braasch, J. (2019). Integration of auditory and tactile stimuli in the perception of building noise and vibration. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1874-1875.

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Braasch, J., & Blauert, J. (2019). Binaural models that can assess and understand architectural environments. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 2801-2802.

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Deshpande, N., & Braasch, J. (2019). Detection of early reflections from a binaural activity map using neural networks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 2529-2539.

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Richie, S., & Braasch, J. (2019). Audio and visual distance perception of familiar and unfamiliar objects using Wave Field Synthesis and a stereoscopic display. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1873.

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Braasch, J. (2019). Binaural modeling from an evolving habitat perspective. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1875.

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Dahlbom, D. A., & Braasch, J. (2019). Multiple f0 pitch estimation for musical applications using dynamic Bayesian networks and learned priors. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1814.

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Xiang, N., Braasch, J., & Brooks, T. (2019). Graduate education and research in architectural acoustics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1708.

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J. Braasch (2019) Hyper-specializing on the saxophone using acoustical insight and deep listening skills, Springer, Cham, Switzerland (ISBN 978-3-030-15045-7, 205 pages).

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Deshpande, N., & Braasch, J. (2019). Detection of early reflections from a binaural activity map using neural networks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 2529-2539.

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Pastore, M. T., & Braasch, J. (2019). The impact of peripheral mechanisms on the precedence effect. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(1), 425-444.

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Chabot, S., Drozdal, J., Zhou, Y., Su, H., & Braasch, J. (2019, July). Language Learning in a Cognitive and Immersive Environment Using Contextualized Panoramic Imagery. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 202-209). Springer, Cham.

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M.T. Pastore*, J. Braasch (2019) The impact of peripheral mechanisms on the precedence effect, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146(1), 425-444.

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Zhang, Lingyu, Mallory Morgan, Indrani Bhattacharya, Michael Foley, Jonas Braasch, Christoph Improved Visual Focus of In 2019

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Riedl, Brooke Foucault Welles, and Richard J. (2019, October).

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Chabot, S., Drozdal, J., Zhou, Y., Su, H., & Braasch, J. (2019, July). Language Learning in a Cognitive and Immersive Environment Using Contextualized Panoramic Imagery. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 202-209). Springer, Cham.

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In 2018

S. Agrawal, J. Braasch (2018)

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Impression of Spatially Distributed Reverberation in Multi-channel Audio Reproduction, 145th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 2018

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D. A. Dahlbom, J. Braasch (2018) An oscillatory template pitch model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1746.

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S. Chabot, J. Braasch (2018) A framework for evaluating perceptual interactions of various dimensions of sound for data sonifications, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1750.

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J. Braasch, M. T. Pastore, and Yi Zhou (2018) Modeling binaural detection of a Gaussian noise target in the presence of a lead/lag masker, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1814.

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N. Deshpande, J. Braasch (2018) A correlation-based binaural localization model with reflection identification using neural networks, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1814.

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J. Braasch (2018) A raytracing method to create inhomogeneous wave fields for collaborative virtual reality systems, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1824.

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M.M. Morgan, J. Braasch (2018) Automatic recognition and immersive representation of environmental soundscapes, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1825.

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J. Mathews and J. Braasch (2018) Multiple sound-source localization and identification with a spherical microphone array and lavalier microphone data, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1825.

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N. Deshpande, J. Braasch (2018) Repurposing the algorithm: How digital signal processing brought on the re-use of reverb, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1931.

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J. Braasch (2018) The use of physical and artificial room reverberation to create transparent or fused ensemble sounds, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (143), 1931.

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May 10, 2018: CMU/TCAA/TCPP Session Chair/Organizer (J. Braasch) Sound Effects and Perception, 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 7-11 May 2018.

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J. Braasch, M.T. Pastore* (2018) Binaural detection of a Gaussian noise target in the presence of a lead/lag masker, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143(1), EL49-EL54.

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J. Mathews* and J. Braasch (2018) Real-Time Source-Tracking Spherical Microphone Arrays for Immersive Environments, Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality, Audio Engineering Society, August 20-22, Redmond, WA, USA.

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S. Chabot*, W. Lee*, R. Elder*, J. Braasch (2018). Using a multimodal immersive environment to investigate perceptions in augmented virtual reality systems, The 24th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2018) June 10-15, 2018, Houghton, Michigan, 168-175,

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In 2017

J. Braasch, N. Deshpande*, J. Mathews*, S. Chabot* (2017) Using binaural and spherical microphone arrays to assess the quality of synthetic spatial sound fields, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3465.

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S. Chabot*, J. Braasch (2017) High-density data sonification of stock market information in an immersive virtual environment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3512.

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S.W. Clapp*, A. Guthrie*, J. Braasch (2017) Comparison of listener preference in concert halls from the stage and the audience, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3497.

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N. Deshpande*, J. Braasch (2017) Source-blind localization and segregation model featuring head movement and reflection removal, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3636.

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J. Braasch, M.T. Pastore*, Yi Zhou (2017) Binaural detection of a Gaussian noise burst target in the presence of a lead/lag masker, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3639.

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J. Mathews, J. Braasch (2017) Real-time localization and tracking of musical instruments with spherical microphone arrays, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3726.

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D.A. Dahlbom*, J. Braasch (2017) A pitch model based on rate, place, and envelope information, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3816.

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W. Lee*, S. Chabot*, J. Braasch (2017) Using visual cues to perceptually extract sonified data in collaborative, immersive big-data display systems, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3896.

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J. Blauert, J. Braasch, A. Raake (2017) Tools for the assessment of sound quality and quality of experience in original and simulated spaces for acoustic performances, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3932.

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Braasch their inter-relationships, Book Chapter for Systematic Musicology for Handbook (R. Bader, ed.), Springer cross-correlation Convolution, analysis, Fourier and and J. Braasch, S. Bringsjord, N. Deshpande, P. Oliveros, D. Van Nort (2017). An intelligent music system to perform different "shapes of jazz - to come", in: Studies in Musical Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Springer, Berlin & Heidelberg (A. Schneider, ed.), p. 375-403.

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J. Braasch, J. Blauert (2017) Auditory Perception in Rooms, Book Chapter, in: Handbook in Architectural Acoustics (N. Xiang, ed.) J. Ross Publishing, 173-196.

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Conference Organizer: Conference chair, 5th Annual International Symposium on Adaptive Technology in Music and Art (ISATMA): Expanding the Improvising Community Across Abilities, Bodies, Cultures, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, October 20-22, 2017, EMPAC, Studio 1 & CRAIVE-Lab, sponsored by the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. URL: and-art-octber-20-22

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June 25, 2017: TCMU Session Chair/Organizer (J. Braasch & D. Griesinger). Concert Hall Acoustics, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston, June 25-29, 2017.

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N. Deshpande*, J. Braasch (2017) Blind localization and segregation of two sources including a binaural head movement model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142(1), EL113-117.

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E. Teret*, M.T. Pastore* and J. Braasch (2017) The influence of signal type on the internal auditory representation of a room, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141(3), 1675-1682.

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S. Chabot*, J. Braasch (2017) An immersive virtual environment for congruent audio-visual spatialized data sonifications, The 23rd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2017), 203-210.

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In 2016

J. Braasch, J. Carter*, S. Chabot*, J. Mathews* (2016) An immersive teleconferencing system using spherical microphones and wave field synthesis, invited paper for the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, September 5-9, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Session: Virtual Acoustics: Paper ICA2016-826.

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J. Braasch, N. Deshpande*, M.T. Pastore*, J. Blauert (2016) A precedence effect model with top-down processing stages based on visual cues, invited paper for the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, September 5-9, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Session: Communication Acoustics: Paper ICA2016-827.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, N. Desphande* (2016) A binaural model to segregate sound sources in the presence of early reflections using a multi-source precedence-effect model, 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, September 5-9, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Session: Communication Acoustics: Paper ICA2016-43.

Found on CV

N. Deshpande*, J. Braasch (2016) Source-blind binaural source segregation, Proceeding of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, Buenos Aires, Sept. 5-9, 2016, Session: Communication Acoustics: Paper ICA2016-818.

Found on CV

M.T. Pastore*, E. Teret*, B. Cudequest*, J. Braasch (2016) Are the precedence effect and spatial impression the result of different auditory processes?, Proceeding of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, Buenos Aires, Sept. 5-9, 2016, Session: Free-Field Virtual Psychoacoustics and Hearing Impairment: Paper ICA2016-816.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2016) Western timbre using multi-resonator/generator systems of wind instruments (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 3142, non-western approaches to control and 60. J. Braasch (2016) Telematic systems seen from a music instrument building perspective (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 2989,

Found on CV

J. Mathews*, J. Braasch (2016) A method for real-time, multiple-source localization using spherical harmonic decomposition (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 3450,

Found on CV

C. Riggs*, J. Braasch (2016) Real-time natural soundscape generation based on current weather 3041, for workspace voice-masking Acoust.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2016) Binaurally integrated cross-correlation/auto-correlation mechanism (BICAM) (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 2211,

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2016) Instrument identification and blending in vinyl records during the transition 2203, rock music Acoust.

Found on CV

Conference chair, 4th Annual International Symposium on Adaptive Technology in Music and Art (ISATMA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May 14, 2016, CRAIVE-Lab Conference chair, 3rd Annual International Symposium on Adaptive Technology in Music and Art (ISATMA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, March 14, 2015, CRAIVE-Lab Conference chair, 2nd Annual International Symposium on Adaptive Technology in Music and Art (ISATMA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, July 13, 2014, CRAIVE-Lab Conference chair, 1st Annual International Symposium on Adaptive Technology in Music and Art (ISATMA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, June 8, 2013, EMPAC, Studio 2, sponsored by the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation,

Found on CV

Dec 02, 2016: TCMU Session Chair/Organizer (S. Iwamiya & J. Braasch) Music and Sound in Multimedia, 172nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (joint with the Acoustical Society of Japan) Honolulu, Nov. 28-Dec 02, 2016.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2016) Binaurally Integrated Cross-correlation Auto-correlation Mechanism (BICAM), Express Letter, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140(1), EL143-EL148.

Found on CV

M.T. Pastore*, C. Trahiotis, and J. Braasch (2016) The import of within-listener variability to understanding the precedence effect, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139(3), 1235-1240.

Found on CV
In 2015

(A), period from jazz to 65. M.T. Pastore and J. Braasch (2015) The precedence effect with increased lag level (A), J. Acoust.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2015) Understanding timbral effects of multi-resonator/generator systems of wind instruments in the context of western and non-western music (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2426,

Found on CV

Cudequest, M.T. Pastore, J. Braasch (2015) Investigating the effect of arrival time of diffuse 2357, envelopment Acoust.

Found on CV

(A), reflections listener on 68. B.E. Gibbs, J. Braasch (2015) Defying the physical: Acoustic design as a medium for reimagining 2375, recontextualizing expression Acoust.

Found on CV

M.T. Pastore and J. Braasch (2015) The addition of a second lag to the lead-lag precedence effect (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2228, temporally overlapping noise stimuli paradigm for

Found on CV

E. Teret, J. Braasch, M.T. Pastore (2015) The influence of signal type on the internal J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2322, representation of a room in the auditory system,

Found on CV

K. Hochgraf, J. Botts, N. Xiang, J. Braasch (2015) Simulation and auralization of a concert hall's inhomogeneous sound field using finite difference time-domain methods and wave field synthesis, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2358,

Found on CV

J. Braasch, M.T. Pastore, N. Deshpande, J. Blauert (2015) A bi-modal model to simulate auditory expectation for reverberation time and direct-to-reverberant energy from visual feedback (A), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2376,

Found on CV

A.G. DeLoach, J.P. Carter, J. Braasch (2015) Tuning the cognitive environment: Sound masking J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2291, 1 review for EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Hindawi Publication, 2009)

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2015) A researcher's perspective, in: Programming EMPAC: The First 4,158 Days (Johannes Goebel, Kevin Duggan, eds.), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York (ISBN 978-0-692-43588-5), p. 37-41.

Found on CV

S. Ellis, A. Haig, N. Sundar Govindarajulu, S. Bringsjord, J. Valerio, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros (2015)

Found on CV

May 21, 2015: TCPP Session Chair/Organizer: Psychological and Physiological Acoustics and Speech Communication: Influence of Visual Cues on Auditory Perception, 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 18-22 May, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA.

Found on CV

May 22, 2015: TCMU Session Chair/Organizer: Musical Acoustics: Non-western Music Spaces. 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 18-22 May, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA.

Found on CV

M.T. Pastore*, J. Braasch (2015) The precedence effect with increased lag level, J. Acoust. Soc.

Found on CV

Nevo, S. Nevo, N. Kumar, J. Braasch, K. Mathews (2015) Enhancing the Visualization of Big Data to Support Collaborative Decision-Making, 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE, 121-130.

Found on CV
In 2014

J. Braasch (2014) Sound Localization in Mammals, Models, in: Encyclopedia of Computational (Online), DOI 978-1-4614-7320-6

Found on CV

Deep Listening Band (2014) Dunrobin Sonic Gems, Pauline Oliveros (V-Accordion, Conch Shell), Stuart Dempster (Trombone, Didjeridu), Jonas Braasch (Saxophone), IONE (Opening Invocation), Jesse Stewart (Percussion), Johannes Welsch (Gongs), recorded live on October 5, 2013 at the Dunrobin Sonic Gym, Deep Listening Records.

Found on CV

Triple Point (2014) Phase/Transition, Jonas Braasch, soprano saxophone; Pauline Oliveros, V-accordion; Doug Van Nort, granular-feedback expanded instrument system (GREIS) electronics, audio compact disk 3 CDs, Pogus Records 21078-2.

Found on CV

S. Clapp, J. Braasch, N. Xiang, A. Guthrie (2014) Localization Accuracy in Presenting Measured Sound Fields via Higher Order Ambisonics, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2014), June 22-25, 2014, New York, USA.

Found on CV

Clapp*, S.W., Guthrie*, A.E., Braasch, J., Xiang, N. (2014) Evaluating the Accuracy of the the EAA Joint Symposium on Ambisonic Reproduction Measured Soundfields, Proc. of Auralization and Ambisonics, Berlin, Germany, 3-5 April 2014, 169-174

Found on CV

Cunningham, W. Keddy-Hector, U. Sinha, D. Whalen, D. Kruse, J. Braasch, J. Wen (2014) Jamster: A Mobile Dual-Arm Assistive Robot with Jamboxx Control, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), IEEE Computer Society, Fullon Hotel Danshui Fishermen's Wharf, Taipei, Taiwan.

Found on CV

J. Parkman Carter, J. Braasch (2014) Cross-modal Soundscape Mapping: Integrating Ambisonic Environmental Audio Recordings and High Dynamic Range Spherical Panoramic Photography, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2014), June 22-25, 2014, New York, USA.

Found on CV
In 2013

Pastore*, M.T. and Braasch, J. (2013) The effects of interaural level differences caused by interference between lead and lag on summing localization, Proc. 135th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct. 17-20, 2012, New York, NY, Paper 9015.

Found on CV

Parks*, A., Clapp*, S., Braasch J. (2013) Auralization of Measured Impulse Responses Considering Head Movements, Proc. 135th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct.

Found on CV

Clapp*, S.W., Guthrie*, A.E., Braasch, J., Xiang, N. (2013) Using Ambisonics to Reconstruct Measured Soundfields, Proc. 135th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct. 17-20, 2012, New York, NY, Paper 9002.

Found on CV

J. Blauert, J. Braasch (2013) Applications of models of binaural hearing, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 050009.

Found on CV

S. Clapp*, A. Guthrie*, J. Braasch, N. Xiang (2013) Three-dimensional spatial analysis of concert and recital halls with a spherical microphone array, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 015020.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, P. Oliveros, D. Van Nort (2013) Telehaptic interfaces for interpersonal communication within a music ensemble Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 015027.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, A. Parks*, M.T. Pastore*, J. Blauert (2013) A cognitive approach for binaural models using a top-down feedback structure. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 050197.

Found on CV

A. Parks*, J. Braasch (2013) Head tracking and source localization in reverberant cocktail party scenarios, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7

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June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 050146.

Found on CV

M.T. Pastore*, J. Braasch (2013) The Haas Effect - Lateral extent and perceptual weighting of localization cues, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 050154.

Found on CV

N. Xiang, U. Trivedi, J. Oh, J. Braasch, B. Xie (2013) Adapting spaciousness of artificial, enveloping reverberation in multichannel rendering based on coded sequences , Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, International Congress on Acoustics, 2-7 June 2013, Montreal, Canada, Paper ID 015035.

Found on CV

Jaeger, Jung 11. J. Braasch (2013) The cosm Project: An Introspective Platform to Study Intelligent Agents in the Context of Music Ensemble Improvisation, in: Sound - Perception - Performance, R. Bader (ed.), Springer, p. 257-270.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, S. Clapp, A. Parks, T. Pastore and N. Xiang (2013) A Binaural Model that Analyses Acoustic Spaces and Stereophonic Reproduction Systems by Utilizing Head Rotations, in: The Technology of Binaural Listening J. Blauert (ed.), Springer, p. 201-223

Found on CV

A. Kohlrausch, J. Braasch, D. Kolossa, J. Blauert (2013) The technology of binaural listening, in: The Technology of Binaural Listening (J. Blauert, ed.), Springer, p. 1-32.

Found on CV

N. Peters*, J. Braasch, S. McAdams (2013) Recording techniques and their effect on sound quality at off-center listening positions in 5.0 surround environments. Journal of the Canadian Acoustical Association (JCAA), 41(3), 37-49.

Found on CV

P.W. Robinson, A. Walther, C. Faller, J. Braasch (2013) Echo thresholds for reflections from acoustically diffusive architectural surfaces, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134(4), 2755-2764.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2013) A precedence effect model to simulate localization dominance using an adaptive, stimulus parameter-based inhibition process, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134(1), July 013, 420-435.

Found on CV

D. Van Nort*, P. Oliveros, J. Braasch (2013) Electro/Acoustic Improvisation and Deeply Listening Machines, Journal of New Music Research 42(4), 303-324.

Found on CV

S. Ellis, N. Sundar Govindarajulu, J. Valerio, S. Bringsjord, J. Braasch (2013) Creativity in Artificial in: Computational Creativity, Concept Intelligence as a Hybrid of Logic and Spontaneity, Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI)Workshop at the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 3-9 August, 2013, Beijing, China.

Found on CV
In 2012

17-20, 2012, New York, NY, Paper 8948.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, D. Van Nort, P. Oliveros, S. Bringsjord, N. Sundar Govindarajulu, C. Kuebler, A. Parks (2012), A creative artificially-intuitive and reasoning agent in the context of live music improvisation, in: Music, Mind, and Invention Workshop: Creativity at the Intersection of Music and Computation, March 30 and 31, 2012, The College of New Jersey, URL: mmi/proceedings.html.

Found on CV

D. Van Nort*, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros (2012) Sound Texture Recognition through Dynamical Systems Modeling of Empirical Mode Decomposition, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132(4), 2734-2744.

Found on CV

D. Valente*, J. Braasch, S. Myrbeck*, (2012) Comparing perceived auditory width to the visual image of a performing ensemble in contrasting bi-modal environments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(1), 205-217.

Found on CV

S. Ellis, N. Sundar G., S. Bringsjord, A. Haig, C. Kuebler, J. Taylor, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros, D. Van Nort (2012), Creativity and Conducting: Handle in the CAIRA Project, Proceedings of the Workshop "Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence," Tarek R. Besold, Kai-Uwe Ku hnberger, Marco Schorlemmer & Alan Smaill (eds.), August 27, 2012, Montpellier, France, Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science (PICS) University of Osnabru ck, Vol. 1-2012, Osnabru ck, Germany, ISSN: 1610-5389, 15-20.

Found on CV

D. Van Nort, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros (2012) Mapping to musical actions in the FILTER system, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'12), May 21-23, 2012, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Found on CV
In 2011

J. Braasch, S. Bringsjord, C. Kuebler, P. Oliveros, A. Parks*, D. Van Nort* (2011) Caira - a Creative Artificially-Intuitive and Reasoning Agent as conductor of telematic music improvisations, Proc. 131th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct. 20-23, 2011, New York, NY, Paper Number 8546.

Found on CV

S.W. Clapp*, A.E. Guthrie*, J. Braasch, N. Xiang (2011) Investigations of Room Acoustics with a Spherical Microphone Array, Proc. 131th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct.

Found on CV

20-23, 2011, New York, NY, Paper 8459.

Found on CV

Parks*, J. Braasch (2011) The Effect of Head Movement on Perceived Listener Envelopment and Apparent Source Width, Proc. 131th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Oct. 20-23, 2011, New York, NY, Paper Number 8567.

Found on CV

S. Bringsjord, J. Taylor, G. Milsap, S. Austin, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros, D. Van Nort, A. Rosenkrantz, K. Hayden (2011) Creativity and Conducting: Handle in the CAIRA Project, Poster presentation at the 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C 2011), November 3-6, 2011, Atlanta, GA.

Found on CV

N. Peters*, J. Braasch, S. McAdams (2011) Compensation of undesired Doppler artifacts in virtual microphone simulations, Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2011, Deutsche Ges. Akust., Du sseldorf, (Ref-number DAGA2011/410).

Found on CV

2 reviews for AES 44th Conference on Audio Networking (2011)

Found on CV

1 project review for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, Canada, 2011)

Found on CV

J. Braasch, N. Peters, D. Van Nort, P. Oliveros, C. Chafe (2011) A Spatial Display for Telematic Music Performances, in: Principles and Applications of Spatial Hearing: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on IWPASH (Y. Suzuki, D. Brungart, Y. Iwaya, K. Iida, D. Cabrera, H. Kato, eds.) World Scientific Pub Co Inc, ISBN: 9814313874, p. 436-451.

Found on CV

Jonas Braasch (2011) Sonic Territories, DVD video with 5-channel surround sound, Jonas Braasch: soprano saxophone, field recordings, electronic processing and composition, Deep Listening Records, DL-DVD-4.

Found on CV

Pauline Oliveros, Francisco Lo pez, Doug Van Nort, Jonas Braasch (2011) Quartet for the End of Space, Pauline Oliveros, digital accordion; Francisco Lo pez (electronics), Doug Van Nort (electronics), Jonas Braasch (soprano saxophone), work contains 8 electroacoustic compositions (2 from each composer) based on improvised session material with the ensemble, audio compact disk, Pogus Records 21059-2.

Found on CV

N. Peters*, J. Braasch J., S. McAdams (2011) Sound Spatialization Across Disciplines Using Virtual Microphone Control (ViMiC), Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS), Vol. 5(2), 167-190. doi:10.4407/jims.2011.11.003

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2011) A cybernetic model approach for Free Jazz improvisations, Kybernetes 40/7-8, 984-994.

Found on CV

R.H.Y. So, N.M. Leung, A.B. Horner, J. Braasch, K.L. Leung (2011) Effects of Spectral Manipulation on Nonindividualized Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs), Human Factors 53/3, 271-283.

Found on CV

Braasch, J. Blauert (2011) Stimulus-dependent Adaption of Inhibitory Elements in Precedence Effect Models, Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark.

Found on CV

Blauert, J. Braasch (2011) Binaural Signal Processing, 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2011), July 6-8, 2011, Corfu, Greece (IEEExplore digital library).

Found on CV
In 2010

S. Clapp*, J. Braasch, A. Guthrie*, N. Xiang (2010) Investigating Room Acoustics using Higher Order Ambisonics, Proc. 20th International Congress on Acoustics, Aug. 2010, Sydney, Australia.

Found on CV

P. Robinson, N. Xiang, J. Braasch (2010) Optimal architectural configurations and acoustic parameters for multiple sources, Proc. 20th International Congress on Acoustics, Aug. 2010, Sydney, Australia.

Found on CV

April 23, 2010: TCMU Session Chair/Organizer: Extended Instrument Techniques, 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, April 19-23, 2010, Baltimore, MD.

Found on CV

Abercrombie*, J. Braasch (2010) A Method for Multimodal Auralization of Audio-Tactile Stimuli from Acoustic and Structural Measurements, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 58/10, 818-827.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, J. Goebel, T. Vos (2010) A Cinematic Spatial Sound Display for Panorama Video Applications, Organised Sound 15/3, 260-270.

Found on CV

R.H.Y. So, B. Ngan, A. Horner, J. Braasch, J. Blauert, K.L. Leung (2010) Toward orthogonal non-individualised head-related transfer functions for forward and backward directional sound: cluster analysis and an experimental study, Ergonomics 53/6, 767-781.

Found on CV

Valente*, J. Braasch (2010) Subjective scaling of spatial room acoustic parameters influenced by visual environmental cues, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 1952-1964.

Found on CV

D. Van Nort*, P. Oliveros, J. Braasch (2010) Developing Systems for Improvisation based on Listening, in Proc. of the 2010 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2010), New York, NY, June 1-5, 2010.

Found on CV
In 2009

3 reviews for peer-reviewed conference: EAA Auralization Symposium (2009)

Found on CV

1 project review for the European Research Council (2009)

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2009) [Modeling of binaural hearing], in: [Communication Acoustics] (J. Blauert, ed.), Science Press, Beijing. China, 60-88 (ISBN: 9787030235527, Chinese Edition of the following reference).

Found on CV

Triple Point (2009) Sound Shadows (full digital album, six tracks), Jonas Braasch, soprano saxophone; Stuart Dempster, trombone, didjeridu, little instruments; Shane Myrbeck, mixing and mastering; Pauline Oliveros, digital accordion, Expanded Instrument System (EIS, Track 3); Doug Van Nort, laptop, GREIS, additional mixing and spectral processing on Tracks 4 and 6. Deep Listening Records, DL-DD-1.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2009) The Telematic Music System: Affordances for a New Instrument to Shape the Music of Tomorrow, Contemporary Music Review 28/4-5, 421-432.

Found on CV

P. Oliveros, S. Weaver, M. Dresser, J. Pitcher, J. Braasch, C. Chafe (2009) Telematic Music: Six Perspectives, Leonardo Music Journal 19, online supplement with accompanying sound files.

Found on CV

D. Van Nort*, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros (2009) A system for musical improvisation combining sonic gesture recognition and genetic algorithms, in: Proceedings of the SMC 2009-6th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 23-25 July 2009, Porto, Portugal, 131-136.

Found on CV

McDonald, D. Kouttron, C. Bahn, J. Braasch, P. Oliveros (2009) The Vibrobyte: A Haptic Interface for Co-Located Performance, New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Conference.

Found on CV
In 2008

J. Braasch (2008) Telematic Music - restrictions and affordances compared to traditional one-site music events, Proc. of the 2008 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2008, 24-29

Found on CV

J. Blauert, J. Braasch (2008) Ra umliches Ho ren [Spatial Hearing] in: Taschenbuch der (S. Weinzierl, ed.), Springer Verlag, Audiotechnik [Handbook for Audio Engineering]

Found on CV

J. Braasch, P. Oliveros, B. Woodstrup, C. Chafe and others (2008) Tele-Colonization, (digital video release, recording of the ICAD Concert in 2007. Deep Listening Records TS1, Kingston, NY.

Found on CV

D.L. Valente*, J. Braasch (2008) Subjective Expectation Adjustments of Early-to-Late Reverberant Energy Ratio and Reverberation Time to Match Visual Environmental Cues of a Musical Performance, Acta Acustica united with Acustica 94/6, 840-855.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, N. Peters*, D. Valente* (2008) A loudspeaker-based projection technique for spatial music application using Virtual Microphone Control, Computer Music Journal 32/3, 55-71.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2008) Acoustical measurements of expression devices in pipe organs, J. Acoust. Soc.

Found on CV

Peters*, T. Matthews, J. Braasch, S. McAdams (2008) ViMiC - A novel toolbox for spatial sound processing in Max/MSP, Proc. of the 2008 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2008, 24-29 August 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Found on CV
In 2007

J. Braasch, H.V. Savitala*, J. Blauert (2007) Modeling the precedence effect for percussive sounds with different attack transients, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Sept. 2-7, 2007, Madrid, Spain, paper: PPA-05-001-IP (6 pages).

Found on CV

J. Braasch, N. Tranby* (2007) A sound-source tracking device to track multiple talkers from microphone array,and lavalier microphone data, 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Sept.

Found on CV

2-7, 2007, Madrid, Spain, paper: ELE-03-009 (6 pages).

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2007) Cranial Transitions for soprano saxophone and electronic processing, Proc. 13th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), Montreal, Canada, June 26-29, 2007.

Found on CV
In 2006

M.T. Marshall, N. Peters*, A.R. Jensenius, J. Boissinot, M.M. Wanderley, and J. Braasch (2006) On the Development of a System for Gesture Control of Spatialization, Proc. of the 2006

Found on CV

International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2006, New Orleans, USA, 2006.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2006) Eine virtuelle Umgebung zur Simulation von mikrophonbasierten stereophonen Aufnahmeverfahren [A virtual environment for the simulation of microphone-based recording techniques], Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2006, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Braunschweig, 705-706.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2006) Ein binaurales Modell zur Evaluierung von Stereoaufnahmetechniken [A binaural model to evaluate stereophonic recording techniques], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2006, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Braunschweig, 93-94.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2006) Synthese, Steuerung und Analyse von ra umlich vera nderlichen Klangfeldern in der Musik [Synthesis, control, and analysis of dynamic spatial sound fields in music], in: Fortschr.

Found on CV

Akust. DAGA 2006, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Braunschweig, 9-16.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2006) Lokalisation und Detektion in Mehrschallquellensituationen [Localization and detection in Multiple-Sound-Source Scenarios]: 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fu r Audiologie (DGA) [9th annual conference of the German Society for Audiology], Cologne, March 8-11, 2006 (7 pages).

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2006) Global reflections, audio compact disk, Deep Listening Publications DL 34-2006, Kingston, NY.

Found on CV

R.H.Y. So, N.M. Leung, J. Braasch, K.L. Leung (2006) A low cost, non-individualized surround sound system based upon head related transfer functions: An ergonomics study and prototype development, Applied Ergonomics 37/6, 695-707.

Found on CV

Ahrens, S. Schmidt, J. Braasch (2006) Wiedergewonnene spa tbarocke Strahlkraft - Hofkirche Dresden: Wiederherstellung des historischen Stimmtons nach Silbermann gewa hrleistet optimale klangphysikalische Pra senz und Durchho rbarkeit des Orgelklang [Regained late-barockan brilliance - Court Cathedral Dresden: Reconstruction of Silbermann's historical tuning pitch ensures optimal acoustical presence and transparency of the original pipe-organ sound], Organ - Journal fu r die Orgel [Organ - Journal for the pipe organ], 2006/04, Schott Verlag, 9-12.

Found on CV
In 2005

W.L. Martens, J. Braasch, T. Ryan (2005) On Spatial Auditory Display Using Multiple Subwoofers in Two Different Reverberant Reproduction Environments, Limerick, Ireland, Proc. 11th Meeting of the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), July 6-9, 2005.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, W. Woszczyk (2005) A Tonmeister approach to the positioning of sound sources in a multichannel audio system, in: 2005 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA 05), Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, New York, October 16-19, 2005, 130-133.

Found on CV

J. Blauert, J. Braasch (2005) Acoustical communication: the Precedence Effect, Proc. Forum Acusticum Budapest 2005, HU-Budapest.

Found on CV

J. Braasch (2005) Modeling of binaural hearing, in: Communication Acoustics (J. Blauert, ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, p. 75-108.

Found on CV
In 2004

J. Braasch, S. Schmidt (2004) Expression Devices in Pipe Organs, Proc. 7. Congre s Franc ais d'Acoustique/30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, Strasbourg, France, 1231-1232.

Found on CV

J. Braasch, J. Blauert (2004) Modeling the Precedence Effect for Noise Burst of Different Durations, Proc. 7. Congre s Franc ais d'Acoustique/30. Dtsch. Jahrestg. f. Akust., CFA/DAGA'04, Strasbourg, 33. W. Hess, J. Braasch, (2003) Evaluierung von Ra umen anhand Binauraler Aktivita tsmuster [Evaluation of rooms by means of binaural activity patterns], in: Fortschr. Akust.

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J. Braasch (2004). Orgelregister mit Durchschlagzungen. Geschichte, Konstruktion und akustische Eigenschaften [Organ stops with free reeds. History, construction and acoustical properties], Logos Verlag, Berlin, (ISBN 3-8325-0758-2, 447 pages, published version of the Dissertation in Musicology).

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In 2003

J. Braasch (2003) On the acoustical quality of free-reed organ pipes, in: First ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems, Akademie Mont-Cenis, Germany, 23-25

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April 2003 (U. Jekosch, S. Mo ller eds.), ISBN 1680-8908, 109-116.

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DAGA 2003, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Aachen, 658-659.

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J. Blauert 34. S. Schmidt, J. Braasch (2003) Die akustische Kopplung von Resonatorbechern an Aufschlagzungen [The acoustical coupling between resonators and striking reeds], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2003, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Aachen, 526-527.

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J. Braasch (2003) Untersuchung zur Auspra gung der Lokalisationsdominanz in Abha ngigkeit der Signalbandbreite [Investigating the degree of localization dominance in dependence of the signal bandwidth], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2003, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Aachen, 618-619.

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J. Braasch (2003) Zur Entwicklung der Mensurierung von Orgelregistern mit Durchschlagzungen.

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An analysis from today's view], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2003, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Aachen, 520-521.

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J. Braasch (2003) Akustische Untersuchungen an Expressionseinrichtungen in Orgeln [Acoustical investigations on expression devices in organs], in: Vom rechten Thon der Orgeln und anderer Instrumenten, Festschrift Christian Ahrens zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Christian Ahrens [On the right sound of organs and other instruments, Festschrift for the 60st birthday of Prof. Christian Ahrens] (B. Abels, ed.), Ko stritzer Schriften 2, Bad Ko stritz 2003, p. 13-30.

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Ahrens, J. Braasch (2003) Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein - De uitvinder van de orgelregisters met doorslaande tongen [Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein - the inventor of organ stops with free reeds], Het Orgel 99/4, 32-36.

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J. Braasch, J. Blauert (2003) The precedence effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths. II.

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J. Braasch, J. Blauert, T. Djelani (2003) The precedence effect for noise bursts of different bandwidths. I. Psychoacoustical data, Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan) 24/5, 233-241.

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J. Braasch (2003) Localization in the presence of a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane. III. The role of interaural level differences, Acta Acustica United with Acustica 89/4, 674-692.

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In 2002

J. Braasch, S. Schmidt (2002) Physikalische Modellierung von Orgelpfeifen mit Auf- und Durchschlagzungen [Physical modeling of organ pipes with striking reeds and free reeds], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2002, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Bochum, 400-401.

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J. Braasch (2002) Lokalisationsmodelle des binauralen Ho rens [Localization models of binaural hearing], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2002, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Bochum, 464-465.

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J. Braasch (2002) Using a combined localization/detection model to simulate human localization performance near the masked threshold level, in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2002, Deutsche Ges.

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J. Braasch (2002) The role of interaural time and level differences when localizing noise in noise, in: The proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 3rd EAA European Congress on acoustics, Sevilla, Spain, Sept. 16-20, 2002 (A. Calvo-Manzano, A. Pe rez-Lo pez, J.S. Santiago eds.), CD-rom, ISBN: 84-87985-07-6, PSY-02-005-IP.

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J. Braasch, S. Schmidt (2002) Physical modeling of organ pipes with free reeds and striking reeds, in: The proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 3rd EAA European Congress on acoustics, Sevilla, Spain, Sept. 16-20, 2002 (A. Calvo-Manzano, A. Pe rez-Lo pez, J.S. Santiago eds.), CD-rom, ISBN: 84-87985-07-6, MUS-06-011.

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N.M. Leung, J. Braasch, R.H.Y. So (2002) Optimizing the cost and performance of non-individualized binaural cues for surround sound simulations, in: The proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 3rd EAA European Congress on acoustics, Sevilla, Spain, Sept. 16-20, 2002 (A. Calvo-Manzano, A. Pe rez-Lo pez, J.S. Santiago eds.), CD-rom, ISBN: 84-87985-07-6, ELE-Gen-006.

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J. Braasch (2002) Auditory Localization and Detection in Multiple-Sound-Source Scenarios, VDI Verlag, Du sseldorf (ISBN 3-18-370710-1, 172 pages, published version of the Dissertation in Engineering).

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Indian music the reed organ in India], 19. J. Braasch, G. Klinke (2002) ...That Bane of Indian Music - Das Harmonium in Indien [...That bane of in: Harmonium und Handharmonika/20.

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Ahrens, J. Braasch (2002) Die japanischen Register der Klais-Orgel in der Kyoto Concert Hall, Japan [The Japanese stops of the Klais organ in the Kyoto Concert Hall], Acta Organologica 27, 147-178.

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J. Braasch (2002) Localization in the presence of a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane. II. Model algorithms, Acta Acustica United with Acustica 88/6, 956-969.

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J. Braasch, K. Hartung (2002) Localization in the presence of a distracter and reverberation in the frontal horizontal plane. I. Psychoacoustical data, Acta Acustica United with Acustica 88/6, 942-955.

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In 2001

N.M. Leung, J. Braasch, R.H.Y. So (2001) Sound localization performance with head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) of different complexities, Proc. 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2-6 July 2001, Hong Kong, 2475-2480.

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J. Braasch (2001) Ein Lokalisationsmodell zur Simulation des menschlichen Ho rens in in in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2001, Deutsche Ges. Akust., to simulate human hearing [A localization model Mehrschallquellen-Situationen multiple-sound-source scenarios], D-Hamburg, 460-461.

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J. Braasch, C. Ahrens (2001) Die Klais-Orgel in Kyoto und die akustischen Besonderheiten ihrer japanischen Register [The Klais organ in Kyoto and the acoustical characteristics of its Japanese stops], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2001, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Hamburg., 430-431, 45. J. Braasch, J. Angster, A. Miklo s (2001) The influence of the shallot leather facing on the sound of lingual organ pipes, in: Proceeding of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA, D. Bonsi, D. Gonzalez, D. Stanzial eds.), September 10-14, Perugia, Italia, 325-328.

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In 2000

J. Braasch, K. Hartung (2000) Die Bedeutung von interauralen Zeit- und Pegeldifferenzen bei der interaural time and level differences for the Lokalisations-unscha rfe [The importance of localization blur], in: Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2000, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 314-315.

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J. Cane vet Braasch, G. des Signal-Sto rabstandes und dem Signaleinsatzzeitpunkt [The localization blur as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio and the signal onset time], Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2000, Deutsche Ges.

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Lokalisationsunscha rfe in Abha ngigkeit (2000) Die 48. J. Braasch, C. Ahrens, J.P. Cottingham, T.D. Rossing (2000) Der Einfluss der Becherla nge bei Orgelpfeifen mit Durchschlagzungen [The influence of the resonator length in organ pipes with free reeds], Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 2000, Deutsche Ges. Akust., D-Oldenburg, 242-243.

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C. Ahrens, J. Braasch, Eds. (1999) [On the History of the Concert-Hall Organ in Germany], Bochinsky, D-Frankfurt am Main (157 pages; The book has been reviewed in: Ars Organi, 47/4, 1999, p. 242f. and Die Musikforschung, 53/1, 2000, p. 117f.), also contributed two book chapters [#7+8] that are listed in the next section.

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J. Braasch, Chr. Ahrens (2000) Attack Transients of Free Reed Pipes in Comparison to Striking Reed Pipes and Diapason Pipes, Acta Acustica United with Acustica 86/4, 662-670.

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In 1999

K. Hartung, J. Braasch, S. Sterbing (1999) Comparison of Different Methods for the Interpolation of Head-Related Transfer Functions, AES 16th Int. Conf. on Spatial Sound Reproduction, 319-329.

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Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium [Reed Organ and Harmonica/20th Music-Instrument-Building Symposium Michaelstein], Michaelstein, Nov. 19-21, 1999 (M. Lustig, ed.), Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte, 62, D-Michaelstein, p. 83-100.

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J. Braasch, C. Ahrens (1999) Akustik des Registers Klarinette [Acoustics of the clarinet stop], in: Zur Geschichte der Konzertsaalorgel in Deutschland [On the History of the Concert-Hall Organ in Germany] (C. Ahrens, J. Braasch, eds.), Bochinsky, D-Frankfurt am Main, p. 133-146

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J. Braasch, J Blauert (1999) Plazierung der Orgel [Positioning of the organ], in: Zur Geschichte der in Deutschland [On the History of the Concert-Hall Organ in Germany] (C. Konzertsaalorgel Ahrens, J. Braasch, eds.), Bochinsky, D-Frankfurt am Main, p. 120-132.

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In 1998

J. Braasch, K. Hartung (1998) Lokalisation von maskierten Breitbandrauschsignalen in reflexionsarmer und reflexionsfreier Umgebung [Localization of masked broadband-noise signals in anechoic and reverberant environments], Fortschr. Akust. DAGA 1998, Deutsche Ges. Akust., Ch-Zu rich, 500-501. b. Abstracts, Letters of Correspondence, Book Reviews (non-refereed)

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October 17-20, New York, NY, USA, Convention Paper 10076.

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Eine Analyse aus heutiger Sicht [On the development of scaling of organ stops with free reeds.

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Morgan*, M. and Braasch, 'Improving data labeling efficiency for deep learning-facilitated bioacoustics monitoring', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(4), A55.

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Dahlbom, D. A., & Braasch, J. (2020b). Pitch shifts and peak selection in autocorrelation models of pitch perception (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148(4), 2463.

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Polyphonic pitch perception in rooms using deep learning networks with data rendered in auditory virtual environments. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), 1784.

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(Give title, co-authors or collaborators, if any, publisher or commissioner, and date. State if a contributing author to an edited compilation.)

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Handle: Engineering Artificial Musical Creativity at the "Trickery" Level, in: Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines (Besold, T. R. and Schorlemmer, M. and, Smaill, A., eds.) Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London. p. 285-308.

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(eds.), Neuroscience, D. ISBN: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6, Springer New York, p. 1-17.

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Recordings (publicly released through Record Label)

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What goes around comes around (Jonas Braasch, soprano Saxophone; Jeff Carter, Visuals; Gisela Gamper, Video; Zack Layton, Guitar; Pauline Oliveros, Accordion) studio production following a the concert at Ione's Dream Festival at the CRAIVE-Lab [see C3-30]. Recordings were obtained in two subsequent studio sessions. Rough mix of the material exists. Important records has expressed interest to release this project.

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Triple Point (in preparation), Jonas Braasch, soprano saxophone; Pauline Oliveros, V-accordion; Doug Van Nort, granular-feedback expanded instrument system (GREIS) electronics, audio compact disk 1 CDs, final mix has been established. Expected to be released by Important Records.

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(Give title, co-authors, if any, journal, volume, issue, date, paging.

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List spin-offs (i.e., publications essentially on the same piece of work) from a major work under the major item. Provide copies for at least the past six years of all journal articles, abstracts, and books reviews if they are not already with the department file. This list should also contain articles accepted but not yet in print and those submitted and not yet reviewed.)

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Note: an asterisk indicates my graduate student advisees, or my mentored postdoctoral researcher, Doug Van Nort.

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In Refereed Journals (articles which are reviewed by peers in the field prior to publication).

Found on CV

D. A. Dahlbom, & Braasch, J. (2020a). How to pick a peak: Pitch and peak shifting in temporal models of pitch perception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147(4), 2713-2727.

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Comparison of model algorithms, Acoust. Sci. & Tech. (Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan)

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Attention Estimation and Prosodic Features for Analyzing Group Interactions.

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International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 385-394).

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