Jose Fernando Florez-Arango

Profile Picture of Jose Fernando Florez-Arango
Associate Professor
Epi and Biostats
CUNY School of Public Health


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Human Computer Interaction, Human Computer Interactions   Mobile Health   Human Centered Design  

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List of Publications (80)
In 2024

A framework to develop an immersive virtual reality simulation tool for postpartum hemorrhage management nurse training. Z Lu, W Wang, JF Florez-Arango, JH Seo, DK Hamilton, E Wells-Beede Nursing Education Perspectives 45 (3), 189-191, 2024.

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In 2023

Percepcio n de brechas y oportunidades en eSalud de estudiantes de u ltimo an o de Medicina en Colombia. JF Flo rez-Arango, EA Torres-Silva, IF Luna-Go mez, JJ Gaviria-Jimenez, ... Revista Cubana de Informacio n en Ciencias de la Salud 34, 2023.

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Classification of Severe Maternal Morbidity from Electronic Health Records Written in Spanish Using Natural Language Processing. EA Torres-Silva, S Ru a, AF Giraldo-Forero, MC Durango, ... Applied Sciences 13 (19), 10725, 2023.

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III Congreso Internacional Cli nica Universitaria Bolivariana. JG Barrientos, JF Flo rez Arango, LA Nieto Ramos, A Taborda Restrepo, ... Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2023.

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Percepcio n de brechas y oportunidades en eSalud de estudiantes de u ltimo an o de Medicina en Colombia. JFF Arango, EAT Silva, IF Luna, JJG Jime nez, SL Marti nez, SMF Rami rez Revista Cubana de Informacio n en Ciencias de la Salud 34 (1), 11, 2023.

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In 2022

Telehealth as a means of enabling health equity. C Kuziemsky, I Hunter, JG Udayasankaran, P Ranatunga, G Kulatunga, ... Yearbook of Medical Informatics 31 (01), 060-066, 2022.

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E-enabled Patient-Provider Communication in Context. CE Kuziemsky, C Nohr, JF Florez-Arango, VL Patel Personal Health Informatics, 3-24, 2022.

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In 2021

Telehealth and the COVID-19 pandemic: international perspectives and a health systems framework for telehealth implementation to support critical response. A Basu, C Kuziemsky, M de Arau jo Novaes, A Kleber, F Sales, ... Yearbook of medical informatics 30 (01), 126-133, 2021.

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Characterization of a corpus extracted from maternal electronic health records through natural language processing techniques. MCD Barrera, EAT Silva, JF Florez-Arango, A Orozgo-Duque Revista Cubana de Informacio n en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 32 (4), 1-22, 2021.

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Development and usability of a mobile tool for identification of depression and suicide risk in Fiji. MS Iyengar, O Chang, JF Florez-Arango, M Taria, VL Patel Technology and health care 29 (1), 143-153, 2021.

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Metodologi as y materiales para el entrenamiento en te cnicas quiru rgicas: revisio n sistema tica. SM Calle-Di az, S., Garci a-Osorio , S., Flo rez-Arango, J. F., Torres-Silva, E ... Medicina U.P.B 40 (1), 35-45, 2021.

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In 2020

Ethics in telehealth: Comparison between guidelines and practice-based experience-the case for learning health systems. CE Kuziemsky, I Hunter, SB Gogia, G Kulatunga, V Rajput, V Subbian, ... Yearbook of Medical Informatics 29 (01), 044-050, 2020.

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President's Statement. S Koch, E Hovenga, J Ronald, L Westbrooke, D Skiba, RJ Edgecumbe, ... .

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New Care Delivery Models for Critical Responses: Case Studies of E-enabled Patient-Provider Communication in Context. PYS Hsueh, JF Florez-Arango, CE Kuziemsky, C N hr, VL Patel, X Zhu AMIA, 2020.

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XML data and knowledge-encoding structure for a web-based and mobile antenatal clinical decision support system: development study. EAT Silva, S Uribe, J Smith, IFL Gomez, JF Florez-Arango JMIR Formative Research 4 (10), e17512, 2020.

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In 2019

CDC yellow book 2020: health information for international travel. CDC Prevention (CDC Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Un "Hada" madrina para la salud de las maternas. CPG Salcedo Universitas Cienti fica 22 (2), 56-59, 2019.

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SIM-CIG: a serious game to practice and improve clinical guidelines adoption based on computer-interpretable guidelines. S Uribe-Ocampo, EA Torres, IF Luna, JF Florez-Arango, JW Smith MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 1997-1998, 2019.

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In 2018

Evaluation of satisfaction and usability of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) targeted for early obstetric risk assessment and patient follow-up. EAT Silva, IFL Gomez, JFF Arango, JW Smith, SU Ocampo, JE Hidalgo HEALTH, 3, 2018.

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Desarrollo de un CDSS para un modelo de prestacio n de servicios en telemedicina mediante deteccio n del riesgo obste trico. LG Ivan Felipe, UO Sebastian, TS Ever Augusto, FA Jose Fernando, ... Cuba Salud 2018, 2018.

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Design of an information system for palliative care: user analysis. VA Alvarez-Tobo n, IF Luna-Go mez, EA Torres-Silva, JF Florez-Arango, ... Nursing Informatics 2018, 11-13, 2018.

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In 2017

Remote patient management for home dialysis patients. EL Wallace, MH Rosner, MD Alscher, CP Schmitt, A Jain, F Tentori, ... Kidney international reports 2 (6), 1009-1017, 2017.

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Measuring workload demand of informatics systems with the Clinical Case Demand Index. MS Iyengar, D Rogith, JF Florez-Arango AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2017, 985, 2017.

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Crossing the Chasm between Clinical Evidence and Clinical Practice: Persuasive Technology and Translational Science. S Iyengar, J Smith, JF Florez-Arango .

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Rapid Development and Distribution of Mobile Media-Rich Clinical Practice Guidelines Nationwide in Colombia. JF Flo rez-Arango, M Sriram Iyengar, IT Caicedo, G Escobar MEDINFO 2017: Precision Healthcare through Informatics, 1220-1220, 2017.

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De la salud 2.0 a la 3.0. Implicaciones para la enfermeri a. JF Florez-Arango .

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Sistemas de Informacio n en el Soporte a la actividad de la enfermeri a. JF Florez-Arango .

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In 2016

Demonstration of GuideVue mobile clinical guideline technology. MS Iyengar, JF Florez-Arango, JW Smith AMIA, 2016.

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Performance Evaluation Clinical Task Ontology(PECTO). J Florez-Arango, S Patin o-Giraldo, S , Iyengar, JW Smith ICBO 2016, 2016.

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In 2015

Development of a Dynamic and Adaptive Simulator for Health. AL Correa-Arango, C Tamayo-Correa, D Meji a-Zapata, E Castrillo n, ... MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 1062-1062, 2015.

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Use of information and communications technology to care for the maternal-fetal binomial: topic review/Uso de las tecnologias de informacion y comunicacion para el cuidado del .... IFL Gomez, EAT Silva, CT Correa, SV Zuluaga, MMR Morales, CG Serna, ... Medicina UPB 34 (2), 138-148, 2015.

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Arquetipos, terminologi as e interoperabilidad sema ntica en salud. JC Castrillo n-Betancur, JF Flo rez-Arango Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biome dicas 34 (4), 365-377, 2015.

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Terminologi as y sistemas de clasificacio n en ciencias biome dicas. JC Castrillo n-Betancur, JF Flo rez-Arango Revista Cubana de Informa tica Me dica 7 (1), 89-104, 2015.

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Development of a concept-based template report editor for Radiological Information System. C Valencia, A Arbela ez, S Ve lez, H Chvatal, AF Zapata, L Tamayo, ... AMIA, 2015.

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In 2013

Decreasing workload among community health workers using interactive, structured, rich-media guidelines on smartphones. MS Iyengar, JF Florez-Arango Technology and Health Care 21 (2), 113-123, 2013.

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In 2012

Percepcio n de la adherencia a tratamientos en pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular. R Zambrano, JF Duitama, JI Posada, JF Flo rez Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pu blica 30 (2), 163-174, 2012.

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In 2011

Comparability of Digital Photography with the ETDRS Film Protocol for Evaluation of Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. JF Flo rez Arango, HK Li, RP Danis, A Esquivel, E Krupinski Association For Research In Vision And Ophthalmology, 2011.

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Qualitative-Fuzzy. C URIBE, C ISAZA, JF FLOREZ-ARANGO Decision Support System for Monitoring Patients with Cardiovascular Risk ..., 2011.

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Performance factors of mobile rich media job aids for community health workers. JF Florez-Arango, MS Iyengar, K Dunn, J Zhang Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (2), 131-137, 2011.

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Comparability of digital photography with the ETDRS film protocol for evaluation of diabetic retinopathy severity. HK Li, RP Danis, LD Hubbard, JF Florez-Arango, A Esquivel, ... Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 52 (7), 4717-4725, 2011.

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Mosaics versus Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy seven standard fields for evaluation of diabetic retinopathy severity. HK Li, A Esquivel, LD Hubbard, JF Florez-Arango, RP Danis, ... Retina 31 (8), 1553-1563, 2011.

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Qualitative-fuzzy decision support system for monitoring patients with cardiovascular risk. C Uribe, C Isaza, JF Florez-Arango 2011 Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge ..., 2011.

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In 2010

Comparison of Multiple Stereoscopic and Monoscopic Digital Image Formats to Film for Diabetic Macular Edema Evaluation. JF Flo rez Arango, LD Hubbard, R Danis, HK Li, A Esquivel, EA Krupinski Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2010.

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Digital vs. Film Fundus Photography for Research Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. JF Flo rez Arango, HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, A Esquivel, EA Krupinski, ... Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2010.

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Monoscopic vs. Stereoscopic Retinal Photography for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. JF Flo rez Arango, HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, A Esquivel, EA Krupinski Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2010.

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Persuasive Aspects of a rich-media mobile health system. M Iyengar, J Florez-Arango Persuasive2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010.

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Compendio Me dico Segunda Edicio n. A Ramos Alexander Ramos, 2010.

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Protocolo para la prestacio n de servicios de telesalud en la evaluacio n remota del binomio materno-fetal. LM Benavides Rojas Universidad EIA, 2010.

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Fenotipo e historia natural de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal en un centro de referencia en Medelli n-Colombia. F Juliao Ban os, MH Ruiz Ve lez, JF Flo rez Arango, JH Donado Go mez, ... Revista colombiana de Gastroenterologi a 25 (3), 240-251, 2010.

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Monoscopic versus stereoscopic retinal photography for grading diabetic retinopathy severity. HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, A Esquivel, JF Florez-Arango, ... Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51 (6), 3184-3192, 2010.

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Digital versus film fundus photography for research grading of diabetic retinopathy severity. HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, A Esquivel, JF Florez-Arango, NJ Ferrier, ... Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51 (11), 5846-5852, 2010.

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Comparison of multiple stereoscopic and monoscopic digital image formats to film for diabetic macular edema evaluation. HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, JF Florez-Arango, A Esquivel, ... Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51 (12), 6753-6761, 2010.

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Grading diabetic retinopathy severity from compressed digital retinal images compared with uncompressed images and film. HK Li, JF Florez-Arango, LD Hubbard, A Esquivel, RP Danis, ... Retina 30 (10), 1651-1661, 2010.

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L. Esquivel A. Danis R. Krupinski E. Grading diabetic retinopathy severity from compressed digital retinal images compared with uncompressed images and film. LHFAJ Hubbard Retina 30, 1651-1661, 2010.

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SLD436-INCORPORACIO N DE LA INFORMA TICA ME DICA EN LAS ACTIVIDADES DOCENTES DE LA FACULTAD DE MEDICINA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA. PG Mo nica, FA Jose Fernando, DH Diana Patricia VIII Congreso Internacional de Informa tica en la Salud. II Congreso Moodle Salud, 2010.

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Cambios en MEDICINA UPB. JFF Arango Medicina UPB 29 (1), 13-13, 2010.

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Evaluation of Diabetic Macular Edema From Multiple Digital Formats Compared to Film. HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, JF Florez-Arango, A Esquivel, ... Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51 (13), 4659-4659, 2010.

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Copyright 2010 by The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc. HK Li, RP Danis, A Esquivel, JF Florez-Arango, EA Krupinski .

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In 2009

GuideView: a system for developing structured, multimodal, multi-platform persuasive applications. MS Iyengar, JF Florez-Arango, CA Garcia Proceedings of the 4th international conference on persuasive technology, 1-5, 2009.

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Workload and performance factors associated with multimedia job aids for community health workers. JF Florez-Arango .

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Monoscopic vs. Stereoscopic Digital Color Retinal Images for Grading Diabetic Macular Edema. LD Hubbard, HK Li, RP Danis, T Harding, JF Florez-Arango, EA Krupinski Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 50 (13), 1316-1316, 2009.

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The GuideView System for Interactive, Structured, Multi-modal Delivery of Clinical Guidelines. S Iyengar, J Florez-Arango, CA Garcia HRP Investigators''Workshop, 2009.

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In 2008

Informatics-based Medical Procedure Assistance during Space Missions. JF Flo rez Arango, S Iyengar, T Carruth, K Dunn Hippokratio General Hospital of Thessalonki, 2008.

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Informatics-based medical procedure assistance during space missions. MS Iyengar, TN Carruth, J Florez-Arango, K Dunn Hippokratia 12 (Suppl 1), 23, 2008.

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Compressed vs. Uncompressed Digital Color Stereo Color Retinal Images for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. RP Danis, JF Florez-Arango, LD Hubbard, TM Harding, J Reimers, ... Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49 (13), 2754-2754, 2008.

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Digital vs. Film Stereo Color Retinal Images for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. HK Li, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, T Harding, JF Florez-Arango, EA Krupinski Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49 (13), 2748-2748, 2008.

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Mosaic of Wide-Angle Digital Color Images vs. ETDRS Stereo 7 Field Images for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. TM Harding, JF Florez-Arango, LD Hubbard, RP Danis, AE Mosher, ... Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49 (13), 2737-2737, 2008.

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Role of hypoxia and angiogenesis in oral cancer (OSCC) metastasis. K SHEVCHENKO, JF FLOREZ-ARANGO, J WU, S NARENDRAN, ... .

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In 2007

Demonstration of GuideView, a multi-platform system for interactive, multimodal presentation of clinical advice. MS Iyengar, J Florez-Arango Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical ..., 2007.

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Delivering structured, multi-modal clinical guidelines via cell phones. JF Florez-Arango, MS Iyengar Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical ..., 2007.

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Poster Presentations Abstract Index P1-P68. L Education, T Magazines Telemedicine and e-Health 13 (2), 211-219, 2007.

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In 2006

Simulation of diabetic retinopathy neovascularization in color digital fundus images. X Xu, B Li, JF Florez, HK Li International Symposium on Visual Computing, 421-433, 2006.

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In 2004

Modelo de datos para un sistema de informacio n de urgencias. J Flo rez Iatreia 17, 177-178, 2004.

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Development of an Information System Based in Electronic Health Records (EHR) to Support Decision Making in Emergency Rooms. JF Florez Arango Technology and health care 12 (5), 368, 2004.

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In 2002

La Informa tica me dica como disciplina formal para el apoyo de la formacio n y el ejercicio me dico en Colombia. JF Flo rez Iatreia, a g. 111-113, 2002.

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In 2001

Manual de primeros auxilios para estudiantes de areas de la salud. JMG Alzate, JFF Arango, JC Lopez, JB Graf .

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Texas A&M University. L Logan, B Colwell, J Florez-Arango, Y Batista, G Parker, S Gibbs, ... CUGH 2021 Virtual Conference, 0.

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A multiple methods approach in user-centered design for designing and evaluating a prototype of a data collection tool to submit information about incidents of violence against .... M Ditmore, JF Florez-Arango .

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Figurative Reasoning and Informatics: Metaphors in the Healthcare Room. C KULIKOWSKI, JW SMITH, JF FLOREZ-ARANGO .

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