Karthik Reddy Peddireddy

Profile Picture of Karthik Reddy Peddireddy
Research Scientist and Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physics and Biophysics
University of San Diego


  • PhD, Physics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization
  • MS, Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
  • BS, Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Research Interests

Emulsions   Liquid Crystal, Liquid Crystals   Origin of Life  

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Contact Information

  SCST 289, 5998 Alcala Park, University of San Diego. San Diego, CA, 92110


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List of Publications (27)
In 2023

Karthik Reddy P., Clairmont R., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "Polymer threadings and rigidity dictate the viscoelasticity and nonlinear relaxation dynamics of entangled ring-linear blends and their composites with rigid rod microtubules", Journal of Rheology, 67 (1) (2023), 125-138 (pdf)

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Sahu S., Chauhan P., Lumen E., Moody K., Karthik Reddy P., Mani N., Subramanian R., Robertson-Anderson R. M., Wolfe A., Ross J., "Interplay of self-organization of microtubule asters and crosslinking protein condensates", PNAS Nexus (2023), DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad231 (pdf)

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In 2022

Karthik Reddy P., Copar S., Le K. V., Musevic I., Bahr Ch., Jampani V. S. R., "Self-shaping Liquid Crystal Fibers", Fiber Society 2022 Spring Conference - Fibers for a Greener Society (2022), ISBN: 9781713859734.

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Karthik Reddy P., Clairmont R., Neill P., McGorty R., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "OpTiDDM (Optical Tweezers integrating Differential Dynamic Microscopy) maps the spatiotemporal propagation of nonlinear stresses in polymer blends and composites", Nature Communications, 13 (2022), 1-16 (pdf)

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Khanal P., Karthik Reddy P., Marfai J., McGorty R., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "DNA topology dictates emergent bulk elasticity and hindered macromolecular diffusion in DNA-dextran composites", Journal of Rheology, 66 (4) (2022), 699-715

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In 2021

Musevic I., Karthik Reddy P., Mur M., Khoa V. L., Copar S., Bahr Ch., Jampani V. S. R., "Self-Shaping of Liquid Crystals into Superstructures for Photonic Applications", Proc. SPIE 11707, Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies XVI, 117070F (2021) (pdf)

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Karthik Reddy P., Michieletto D., Aguirre G., Garamella J., Khanal P., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "DNA Confirmation Dictates Strength and Flocculation in DNA-Microtubule Composites", ACS Macro Letters, 5 (2021), 283-286 (pdf)

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Sheung J. Y., Achiriloaie D. H., Currie C., Karthik Reddy P., Aaron Xie., Simon-Parker J., Lee G., Rust M. J., Das M., Ross J. L., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "Motor-Driven Restructuring of Cytoskeleton Composites Leads to Tunable Time-Varying Elasticity", ACS Macro Letters, 10 (2021), 1151-1158 (pdf)

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Karthik Reddy P., Copar S., Le K. V., Musevic I., Bahr Ch., Jampani V. S. R., "Self-Shaping Liquid Crystal Droplets by Balancing Bulk Elasticity and Interfacial Tension", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (14) (2021), e2011174118 (pdf)

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In 2020

Karthik Reddy P., Lee M., Schroeder C. M., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "Viscoelastic Properties of Ring-Linear DNA Blends Exhibit Non-monotonic Dependence on Blend Composition", Phys. Rev. Research, 2 (2020), 023213 (pdf)

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Karthik Reddy P., Lee M., Zhou Y., Adalbert S., Schroeder C. M., Robertson-Anderson R. M., "Unexpected Entanglement Dynamics in Semidilute Blends of Supercoiled and Ring DNA", Soft Matter, 16 (2020), 152-161 (pdf)

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Sandoval J. A., Sommers J., Karthik Reddy P., Robertson-Anderson R. M., Tolley M.T., Deheyn D. D., "Towards Bioinspired Wet Adhesives: Lessons from Assessing Surface Structures of the Suction Disc of intertidal Clingfish", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12 (40) (2020), 45460-45475 (pdf)

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Saha D., Karthik Reddy P., Allgaier J., Zhang W., Maccarrone S., Frielinghaus H., Richter D., "Amphiphilic Comb Polymers as New Additives in Bicontinuous Microemulsions", Nanomaterials, 10 (12) (2020), 2410-2431 (pdf)

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In 2019

Anderson S. J., Matsuda C., Garamella J., Karthik Reddy P., Robertson-Anderson R. M., McGorty R. J., "Filament Rigidity Vies with Mesh Size in Determining Anomalous Diffusion in Cytoskeleton", Biomacromolecules, 20 (12) (2019), 4380-4388

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In 2018

Robert F., David M., Karthik Reddy P., Cole H., Carl K., Bekele J. G., Rae M. R. A., "Synergistic Interactions Between DNA and Actin Trigger Emergent Viscoelastic Behavior", Phys. Rev. Lett, 121 (25) (2018), 257801 (pdf)

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Joshua D. C., Qingkun L., Bohdan S., Allister W. F., Karthik Reddy P., Ivan I. S., "Cellulose-Based Reflective Liquid Crystal Films as Optical Filters and Solar Gain Regulators", ACS Photonics, 5 (6) (2018), 2468-2477 (pdf)

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In 2016

Karthik Reddy P., Nicolai T., Benyahia L., Capron I., "Gelation Kinetics and Network Structure of Cellulose Nanocrystals in Aqueous Solution", Biomacromolecules, 17 (10) (2016), 3298-3304 (pdf)

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Karthik Reddy P., Nicolai T., Benyahia L., Capron I., "Stabilization of Water in Water Emulsions by Nano-Rods", ACS Macro Letters, 5 (2016), 283-286 (pdf)

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In 2014

Karthik Reddy P., Jampani V. S. R., Herminghaus S., Bahr Ch., Marusa V., Musevic I., "Lasing and Waveguiding in Smectic-A Liquid Crystal Optical Fibers", Proc. SPIE 9182, Liquid Crystals XVIII, 91820Y (2014) (pdf)

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Karthik Reddy P., Kumar P., Thutupalli S., Herminghaus S., Bahr Ch., "Solubilization of Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Compounds in Aqueous Surfactant Solutions", Langmuir, 28 (34) (2012), 12426-12431 (pdf) in Smectic-A Liquid Crystal Optical Fibers", Optics Express, 21 (25) (2013), 30233-30242 (pdf), Highlighted in OSA spotlight 21 (25) (2013) (pdf) and Nature Photonics, 8 (2) (2014), 84-84 (pdf)

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In 2013

Karthik Reddy P., Kumar P., Thutupalli S., Herminghaus S., Bahr Ch., "Myelin Structures Formed by Thermotropic Smectic Liquid Crystals", Langmuir, 29 (50) (2013), 15682-15688 (pdf)

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In 2009

Karthik Reddy P., Jampani V. S. R., Thutupalli S., Herminghaus S., Bahr Ch., Musevic I., "Lasing and Waveguiding Karthik Reddy P., Prashant J. G., Dilip K. S., Ghoshal A. K., Parameswar K. I., "Mechanistic Investigation, Kinetic Modeling and Analysis Parameters of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Degradation to Fullerenes", Polymer Degradation and Stability, 94 (10) (2009), 1839-1848 (pdf)

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Chowlu A. C., Karthik Reddy P., Ghoshal A. K., "Pyrolytic Decomposition and Model-Free Kinetics Analysis of Mixture of Polypropylene (PP) and Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)", Thermochimica Acta, 485 (1-2) (2009), 20-25 (pdf)

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In 2008

Saha B., Karthik Reddy P., Ghoshal A. K., "Hybrid Genetic Algorithm to Find the Best Model and the Globally Optimized Overall Kinetics Parameters for Thermal Decomposition of Plastics", Chemical Engineering Journal, 138 (2008), 20-29

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Saha B., Karthik Reddy P., Chowlu A. C., Ghoshal A. K., "Model-Free Kinetic Analysis of n-HZSM-5 Catalyzed Pyrolysis of Polypropylene (PP)", Thermochimica Acta, 468 (1-2) (2008), 94-100 (pdf)

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Karthik Reddy P., Chowlu A. C., Ghoshal A. K., "Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Model-Free Coupled Direct Search Methods for Kinetics of Nanocrystalline ZSM-5 Catalyzed Decomposition of Polypropylene (PP)", Applied Catalysis A: General, 351 (2) (2008), 195-203 (pdf)

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In 2007

Saha B., Chowlu A. C., Karthik Reddy P., Ghoshal A. K., "Effect of Aluminum Content in Al-MCM-41 Catalyst on Decomposition of Low-Density Polyethylene", International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 5 (4) (2007), 1552-1560 (pdf)

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