Kelly Clifton

Profile Picture of Kelly Clifton
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Portland State University


  • PhD in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin
  • MS in Planning from the University of Arizona
  • BS in Mechanical Engineering from West Virginia University

Research Interests

Transportation Research Board   Transportation Policy   Transportation Research Record  

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Kelly J. Clifton is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Portland State University. Dr. Clifton conducts research and teaches courses in various aspects of transportation planning and policy, including: travel behavior, land use and transportation, physical activity and health, and travel survey methods. She is the Director of the Oregon Modeling Collaborative, a consortium of public and private agencies working to research, develop and apply integrated transportation modeling approaches. She is also a fellow in the Institute for Sustainable Solutions and the chair of the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research. To date, she has served as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on funded research projects totaling nearly $5 million dollars as well as participating in several unfunded projects. Project sponsors include: Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, Metro, Maryland Department of Transportation, Active Living Research Division of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, US General Services Administration, and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. She has published articles in Transportation, Transportation Research D, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of Transportation Statistics, Journal of Public Transportation, and Transportation Research Record. Her current research projects have focused tools to aid in forecasting the demand for transportation (see Research page for a complete list of current projects). Dr. Clifton works in modeling the connections between land use and transportation at multiple scales and incorporating multiple modes. She and her team have made contributions to the GreenSTEP model – the greenhouse gas estimation software developed by Oregon Department of Transportation. While at the University of Maryland, she worked with a team to the developed of the suite of models included in Maryland Statewide Transportation Model. She also developed a pedestrian demand model MoPeD (Model of Pedestrian Demand) in a GIS platform that predicts pedestrian volumes at the supra-neighborhood scale. Another product of her recent research efforts is PEDS (the Pedestrian Environment Data Scan), an audit tool to evaluate microscale features of the pedestrian environment. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Dr. Clifton worked as a researcher for the US Department of Energy in Morgantown, WV; a project manager for NuStats, a survey research firm in Austin Texas; and a transportation consulting firm, John F. Hickman and Associates in Austin, Texas. Dr. Clifton has a PhD in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin, MS in Planning from the University of Arizona, and BS in Mechanical Engineering from West Virginia University.


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List of Publications (268)
In 2016

Consumer behavior and travel mode: An exploration of restaurant, drinking establishment, and convenience store patrons. K Clifton, CD Muhs, T Morrissey, KM Currans International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 10 (3), 260-270, 2016.

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Webinar: Development of a Pedestrian Demand Estimation Tool. K Clifton .

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How Representative of Bicycling Populations are Smartphone Application Surveys of Travel Behavior?. B Blanc, M Figliozzi, K Clifton Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, 2016.

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Book Review: Changing Lanes: Visions and Histories of Urban Freeways. KJ Clifton Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X16647452, 2016.

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A07-Considering Health in US Metropolitan Long-Range Transportation Plans: A Review of Guidance Statements and Performance Measures. P Singleton, K Clifton Journal of Transport & Health 3 (2), S8, 2016.

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Representing pedestrian activity in travel demand models: Framework and application. KJ Clifton, PA Singleton, CD Muhs, RJ Schneider Journal of Transport Geography 52, 111-122, 2016.

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Development of destination choice models for pedestrian travel. KJ Clifton, PA Singleton, CD Muhs, RJ Schneider Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 94, 255-265, 2016.

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In 2015

Bigazzi, A. and Clifton, KJ. "Modeling the effects of congestion on fuel economy for advanced powertrain vehicles," Transportation Planning and Technology, 38:2, 2015, pp 149- 161, DOI: 10.1080/03081060.2014.997449.

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Currans, K; Gehrke, S and Clifton K. "Visualizing The Housing, Accessibility, And Transportation characteristics Of A Neighborhood In A Stated Preference Survey: A Pilot Study," Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2015.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina M. and Muhs, Christopher D. "Adjusting ITE's Trip Generation Handbook for Urban Context," Journal of Transport and Land Use, 8(1), 2015, pp 1- Kelly J. Clifton 6. Bigazzi, Alex; Figliozzi, Miguel and Clifton, Kelly. "Traffic Congestion and Air Pollution Exposure for Motorists: Comparing Exposure Duration and Intensity," International Journal of Sustainable Transport, 9:7, 2015, pp. 443-456, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2013.805345.

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Singleton, P and Clifton, K. "Theory of Travel Decision Making: Conceptual Framework of Active Travel Behavior," Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2015.

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"Understanding Residential Location Choices for Climate Change and Transportation Decision Making: Phase 1", Oregon Department of Transportation SPR 745: 14FINAL_012715LP.pdf 3. Clifton, Kelly J.; Harris, Ashley; Currans, Kristina; Wagner, Zef. "A Multimodal Framework for the Transportation Planning Rule Process," Report prepared for the Oregon Department of Transportation, July 2013.

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Understanding Residential Location Choices for Climate Change and Transportation Decision Making: Phase 2 Report. KJ Clifton, SR Gehrke, KM Currans .

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The Use of Images in Transportation Surveys: Testing Respondents Perceptions of Housing, Transportation and Built Environment Characteristics. KM Currans, SR Gehrke, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015.

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Development of a Pedestrian Demand Estimation Tool. K Clifton, PA Singleton, CD Muhs, RJ Schneider .

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How to Estimate Pedestrian Demand. K Clifton, PA Singleton, CD Muhs, RJ Schneider .

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Development of a Pedestrian Demand Estimation Tool: a Destination Choice Model. CD Muhs, K Clifton, PA Singleton, RJ Schneider .

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Toward a spatial-temporal measure of land-use mix. SR Gehrke, KJ Clifton Journal of Transport and Land Use 9 (1), 2015.

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Hiding Private Locations by Anonymizing Data. KJ Clifton, SR Gehrke .

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Understanding Residential Neighborhood Preferences: A pilot stated preference study in Oregon. KM Currans, KJ Clifton, S Gehrke IATBR 2015-WINDSOR, 2015.

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Workshop synthesis: Built environment and contextual variables. K Clifton, P Perez Transportation Research Procedia 11, 452-459, 2015.

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Do characteristics of walkable environments support bicycling? Toward a definition of bicycle-supported development. CD Muhs, KJ Clifton Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2015.

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Singleton, P and Clifton, K. "Incorporating Public Health in U.S. Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Planning: Connecting Guidance Statements, Performance Measures, and Travel Model Capabilities," Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2015.

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Clifton, Kelly J., Gehrke, Steven; Currans, Kristina M. "Understanding Residential Location Choices for Climate Change and Transportation Decision Making: Phase 2", Oregon Department of Transportation SPR 745 and National Institute for Transportation and Communities RR-543, available online: 15FINAL_012715LP.pdf.

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Evaluating air pollution exposures across cycling infrastructure types: Implications for facility design. WJ Farrell, S Weichenthal, M Goldberg, M Hatzopoulou Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2015.

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Level-of-Service Model for Protected Bike Lanes. N Foster, CM Monsere, J Dill, K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2015.

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Modeling the effects of congestion on fuel economy for advanced power train vehicles. AY Bigazzi, KJ Clifton Transportation Planning and Technology 38 (2), 149-161, 2015.

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Gehrke, S and Clifton, K. "Toward a Spatial-Temporal Measure of Land Use Mix, "Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2015.

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Foster, N; Monsere, C; Dill, J and Clifton, K. "Level-of-Service Model for Protected Bike Lanes," Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2015.

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Using household travel surveys to adjust ITE trip generation rates. KM Currans, KJ Clifton Journal of Transport and Land Use 8 (1), 85-119, 2015.

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Traffic Congestion and Air Pollution Exposure for Motorists: Comparing Exposure Duration and Intensity. AY Bigazzi, MA Figliozzi, KJ Clifton International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9 (7), 443-456, 2015.

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Adjusting ITEs Trip Generation Handbook for urban context. KJ Clifton, KM Currans, CD Muhs Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2015.

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Bigazzi, Alex; Figliozzi, Miguel and Clifton, Kelly. "Traffic Congestion and Air Pollution Exposure for Motorists: Comparing Exposure Duration and Intensity," International Journal of Sustainable Transport, 9:7, 2015, pp. 443-456,

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In 2014

Muhs, C. D., & Clifton, K. J. "Bicycling is Different: Built Environment Relationships to Non- Work Travel," Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2014.

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Singleton, P. A., Muhs, C. D., Schneider, R. J., & Clifton, K. J. "Representing Walking Activity in Trip-Based Travel Demand Forecasting Models: A Proposed Framework," Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2014.

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S.R. Gehrke & K.J. Clifton. "Operationalizing Land Use at Varying Geographic Scales and its Connection to Mode Choice: Evidence from Portland, Oregon," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., Issue 2453, 2014, pp 128-136.

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Kelly J. Clifton 10. Gehrke, Steven R. and Clifton, Kelly, J. "Operationalizing Land Use Diversity at Varying Geographic Scales and its Connection to Nonmotorized Mode Choice: Evidence from Portland, Oregon," Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2014.

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Singleton, P. A., & Clifton, K. J. "Exploring Synergy in Bicycle and Transit Use: Empirical Evidence at Two Scales," Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2014.

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Insights into Pedestrian Attitudes and Perceptions of Delay, Safety, and Crossing Decisions at Signalized Intersections. S Kothuri, K Clifton, C Monsere Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

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Wider Dissemination of Household Travel Survey Data Using Geographical Perturbation Methods. KJ Clifton, SR Gehrke .

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The Impact of Residential Location Decisions on Miles Traveled, Trip Frequency, and Automobile Ownership for Households in the Portland Metropolitan Region. SR Gehrke, KM Currans, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

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More Urban Form, Fewer Auto Trips. KJ Clifton .

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Active Travelers, Competitive Consumers. KJ Clifton, CD Muhs, S Morrissey, T Morrissey, KM Currans, C Ritter .

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S.R. Gehrke, K.M. Currans & K.J. Clifton. "The Impact of Residential Location Decisions on Miles Traveled, Trip Frequency, and Automobile Ownership for Households in the Portland Metropolitan Region." Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

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Singleton, P. A., Schneider, R. J., Muhs, C. D., & Clifton, K. J. (2014). "The Pedestrian Index of the Environment (PIE): Representing the Walking Environment in Planning Applications," Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2014.

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Incorporating public health in US long-range metropolitan transportation planning: 1 A review of guidance statements and performance measures 2. PA Singleton, KJ Clifton Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 11 ..., 2014.

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Exploring synergy in bicycle and transit use: Empirical evidence at two scales. P Singleton, K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2014.

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Bicycling is different: Built environment relationships to non-work travel. C Muhs, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

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Operationalizing land use diversity at varying geographic scales and its connection to mode choice: Evidence from Portland, Oregon. S Gehrke, K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2014.

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Representing walking activity in trip-based travel demand forecasting models: A proposed framework. PA Singleton, CD Muhs, RJ Schneider, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

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The pedestrian index of the environment: Representing the walking environment in planning applications. PA Singleton, RJ Schneider, C Muhs, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014.

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Clifton, Kelly, Muhs, Christopher; Morrissey, Tomas, and Currans, Kristina. "Consumer behavior and travel mode: An exploration of restaurant, drinking establishment and convenience store patrons," International Journal of Sustainable Transport, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2014.897404.

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Lessons from the green lanes: evaluating protected bike lanes in the US. C Monsere, J Dill, N McNeil, KJ Clifton, N Foster, T Goddard, M Berkow, ... .

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In 2013

Kelly J. Clifton 4. Clifton, Kelly J. and Gehrke, Steven R. Wider Dissemination of Household Travel Survey Data Using Geographical Perturbation Methods. Project report prepared for the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, August 2013.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina Marie; and Muhs, Christopher D. "Evolution of ITE Trip Generation Handbook: Proposal for Collecting Multimodal, Multi-context Establishment- Level Data," Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.

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Clifton, KJ; Muhs, Chris; Curans, K; Morrissey, S; Morrissey, T; and Ritter, C. "Consumer Behavior and Travel Choices: Implications for Local Businesses," Project Report OTREC RR- 12-15, Project prepared for Oregon Transport Research and Education Consortium, Portland, OR, 2013. Available online at:

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Clifton, Kelly J. "Collecting Qualitative and Quantitative Data on the Social Context of Travel Behaviour", in Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making (ed. Zmud, Lee- Gosselin, Munizaga, and Carrasco, JA), Bingley, UK: Emerald Press, 2013. pp.441-448.

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Improving the Representation of the Pedestrian Environment in Travel Demand Models, Phase I. KJ Clifton, PA Singleton, CD Muhs, RJ Schneider, P Lagerwey .

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The Adoption of Complete Streets Policies in Transportation-Disadvantaged Communities: Lessons from US Case Studies. KJ Clifton, S Bronstein, S Morrissey Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, 2013.

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Workshop Synthesis: Collecting Qualitative and Quantitative Data on the Social Context of Travel Behaviour. K Clifton .

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Chen, Roger B.; Gehrke, Steven R.; Currans, Kristina Marie; Clifton, Kelly J.; Liu, Jenny and Jang, Yunemi. "Exploring Residential Tenure and Housing Type Decisions and Household Activity Engagement," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2344, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 68-78.

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THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR. KJ Clifton Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making, 441, 2013.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Bronstein, Sarah; and Morrissey, Sara. "The Adoption of Complete Streets Policies in Transportation-Disadvantaged Communities: Lessons from U.S. Case Studies, " Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Gehrke, Steven R. "Application of Geographic Perturbation Methods to Residential Locations in the Oregon Household Activity Survey: Proof of Concept," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2354, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 40- 10. Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina Marie and Muhs, Christopher D. "Evolution of ITE Trip Generation Handbook: Proposal for Collecting Multimodal, Multi-context Establishment- Level Data," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2344, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013, pp. 107-117.

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Evolving the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Handbook: A proposal for collecting multi-modal, multi-context, and establishment-level data. KJ Clifton, KM Currans, CC Muhs Transportation Research Record 2344 (2), 107-117, 2013.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Gehrke, Steven R. "Application of Geographic Perturbation Methods to Residential Locations in the Oregon Household Activity Survey: Proof of Concept," Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.

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Evolving the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Handbook: A proposal for collecting multi-modal, multi-context, and establishment-level data. KJ Clifton, KM Currans, CC Muhs Transportation Research Record 2344 (2), 107-117, 2013.

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Exploring engagement in household activities and decisions on residential tenure and household type. R Chen, S Gehrke, J Liu, Y Jang, K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2013.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina M; Cutter, April C. and Schneider, Robert. "A Context- Based Approach for Adjusting Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Rates in Urban Contexts Using Household Travel Surveys," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2307, 2013. pp. 108-119.

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Singleton, Patrick and Clifton, Kelly J. "Pedestrians in Regional Travel Demand Forecasting Models: State of the Practice, " Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.

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Application of geographic perturbation methods to residential locations in the oregon household activity survey: proof of concept. K Clifton, S Gehrke Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2013.

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Chen, Roger B.; Gehrke, Steven R.; Currans, Kristina Marie; Clifton, Kelly J.; Liu, Jenny; and Jang, Yunemi. "Exploring Residential Tenure and Housing Type Decisions and Household Activity Engagement," Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.

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Examining consumer behavior and travel choices. KJ Clifton, CD Muhs, S Morrissey, T Morrissey, KM Currans, C Ritter .

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina Marie; Muhs, Christopher; Ritter, Chloe; Morrissey, Sara; andRoughton, Collin. "Consumer Behavior and Travel Choices: A Focus on Cyclists and Pedestrians," Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina M; Cutter, April C. and Schneider, Robert. "A ContextBased Approach for Adjusting Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Rates in Urban Contexts Using Household Travel Surveys," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2307, 2013. pp. 108-119.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina Marie and Muhs, Christopher D. "Evolution of ITE Trip Generation Handbook: Proposal for Collecting Multimodal, Multi-context Establishment Level Data," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2344, 2013, pp. 107-117.

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Pedestrians in regional travel demand forecasting models: State-of-the-practice. PA Singleton, KJ Clifton 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013.

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In 2012

Capturing and representing multimodal trips in travel surveys: Review of the practice. K Clifton, C Muhs Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2012.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Morrissey, Sara, and Ritter, Chloe. "Mode Choice and Consumer Spending: Examination of Grocery Store Trips," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Gregor, Brian J. 2012. "The Development of a Decision Tool for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies: The Role of NHTS Data in GreenSTEP Model Development," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Bigazzi, Alexander York; Clifton, Kelly J.; Gregor, Brian J. "Modeling The Effects Of Congestion On Fuel Economy For Advanced Powertrain Vehicles," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Kelly J. Clifton 15. Akar, G; Clifton, KJ and Doherty, ST. "Redefining Activity Types: Who Participates in Which Leisure Activity?," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 4 (8), 2012. pp. 1194- 1204.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Muhs, Christopher. "Capturing and Representing Multimodal Trips in Travel Surveys: A Review of the Practice," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2285, 2012. pp. 74-83.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Currans, Kristina Marie; Cutter, April; Schneider, Robert J. "Context-Based Approach for Adjusting Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Rates," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Clifton, KJ; Currans, K, and Muhs, C. "Contextual Influences on Trip Generation," Project Report OTREC RR-12-13 prepared for Oregon Transport Research and Education Consortium, Portland, OR, 2012. Available online at:

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Noyan, Nebahat. "Framework for Applying Data Masking and Geoperturbation Methods to Household Travel Survey Data Sets," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Framework for Applying Data Masking and Geo-Perturbation Methods to Household Travel Survey Datasets. K Clifton, N Noyan 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2012.

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Exploring Residential Tenure and Housing Type Decisions and Household Activity Engagement. RB Chen, SR Gehrke, Y Jang, JH Liu, KJ Clifton .

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Development of Decision Tool for Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Role of National Household Travel Survey Data in GreenSTEP Model Development. K Clifton, B Gregor Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2012.

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Exploring the relationship between consumer behavior and mode choice. KJ Clifton, S Morrissey, C Ritter TR News 280, 29, 2012.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Muhs, Christopher. "Capturing and Representing Multimodal Trips in Travel Surveys: Review of the Practice," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Traveling in comfort: investigating weather ranges for travel. RB Chen, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, 2012.

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Mode choice and consumer spending: An examination of grocery store trips. K Clifton, S Morrissey, C Ritter Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, 2012.

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Business Cycles. KJ Clifton, S Morrissey, C Ritter Active Transportation, 26, 2012.

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Kelly J. Clifton 21. Chen, Roger B.; Clifton, Kelly J. "Traveling in Comfort: Investigating Weather Ranges for Travel," Proceedings of the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2012.

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Contextual Influences on Trip Generation. KJ Clifton, KM Currans, CD Muhs .

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Household travel surveys in context-based approach for adjusting ITE trip generation rates in urban contexts. K Clifton, K Currans, A Cutter, R Schneider Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2012.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Gregor, Brian J. "The Development of a Decision Tool for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies: The Role of NHTS Data in GreenSTEP Model Development," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2291, 2012, pp124-134.

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Akar, G; Clifton, KJ, and Doherty, ST. "Redefining Activity Types: Who Participates in Which Leisure Activity?," Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 4 (8), 2012. pp. 1194-1204.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Gregor, Brian J. "The Development of a Decision Tool for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategies: The Role of NHTS Data in GreenSTEP Model Development," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2291, 2012, pp. 124-134.

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Redefining activity types: Who participates in which leisure activity?. G Akar, KJ Clifton, ST Doherty Transportation research part A: policy and practice 46 (8), 1194-1204, 2012.

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Consumer behavior and travel choices: A focus on cyclists and pedestrians. K Clifton, KM Currans, CD Muhs, C Ritter, S Morrissey, C Roughton 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC 14, 2012.

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In 2011

Disaggregate land uses and walking. ME McConville, DA Rodriguez, K Clifton, G Cho, S Fleischhacker American journal of preventive medicine 40 (1), 25-32, 2011.

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Voorhees CC, Yan F, Clifton K and Wang MQ. "How does neighborhood built environment influence physical activity in urban youth? Evaluating a structural model of walking behavior pathways among African American adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior, Nov. 35(6), 2011. pp. 674-88.

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District of Columbia Office of Planning, Clifton, Kelly J (Lead author of chapters 5 and 6; contributing author to chapters 4 and 7); "A Study of Workforce Housing, Transportation and Employment Decisions: Implications for Siting Future Federal Facilities," Project report prepared for General Services Administration, Washington, D.C., 2011.

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Clifton, KJ; Akar, G; Livi-Smith, A, and Voorhees, CC. "Gender Differences in Adolescent Travel to School: Exploring the Links with Physical Activity and Health." Proceedings from the 4th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation, 2011

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Introducing the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research. K Krizek, KJ Clifton The Journal of Transport and Land Use 4 (3), 1-1, 2011.

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Refining GreenSTEP: Impacts of Vehicle Technologies and ITS/Operational Improvements on Travel Speed and Fuel Consumption Curves. K Clifton, AY Bigazzi .

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Akar, G; Clifton, KJ and Doherty, ST. "Discretionary Activity Location Choice: In-Home or Out-of-Home?" Transportation, vol. 38, 2011. pp. 101-122.

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Clifton, KJ; Akar, G; Livi-Smith, A, and Voorhees, CC. "Gender Differences in Adolescent Travel to School: Exploring the Links with Physical Activity and Health." Transportation Research Board: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2(46), 2011. pp. 203-212.

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McConville, Megan; Rodriguez, Daniel; Clifton, Kelly; Cho, Gihyoug; and Fleischhacker, Sheila. "Disaggregate Land Uses and Walking," American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 40(1), 2011. pp. 25-32.

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Motorists Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Modeling the Effects of Traffic Characteristics. A Bigazzi, M Figliozzi, K Clifton 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2011.

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Bigazzi, Alexander York; Figliozzi, Miguel; Clifton, Kelly J. "Motorists' Exposure to Traffic- Related Air Pollution: Modeling the Effects of Traffic Characteristics," Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2011.

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Representing weather in travel behaviour models: A case study from Sydney, AUS. KJ Clifton, RB Chen, A Cutter Australasian Transport Research Forum 2011 Proceedings, 28-30, 2011.

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Clifton, KJ; Akar, G; Livi-Smith, A, and Voorhees, CC. "Gender differences in adolescent travel to school: exploring the links with physical activity and health." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol. 2(46), 2011. pp. 203-212.

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McConville, Megan; Rodriguez, Daniel; Clifton, Kelly; Cho, Gihyoug; Fleischhacker, Sheila. "Disaggregate land uses and walking," American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 40(1), 2011. pp. 25-32.

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Gender Differences in Adolescent Travel to School. KJ Clifton, AL Smith, CC Voorhees Womens Issues in Transportation, 203, 2011.

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Discretionary activity location choice: in-home or out-of-home?. G Akar, KJ Clifton, ST Doherty Transportation 38 (1), 101-122, 2011.

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Neighborhood environment, self-efficacy, and physical activity in urban adolescents. CC Voorhees, AF Yan, KJ Clifton, MQ Wang American journal of health behavior 35 (6), 674-688, 2011.

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In 2010

Yan AF, Voorhees CC, Clifton KJ, and Burnier C. "Do You See What I See? - Correlates of Multidimensional Measures of Neighborhood Form and Perceived Physical Activity Related Neighborhood Barriers and Facilitators in Minority Youth," Preventive Medicine, vol. 50(1), 2010. pp. S18-S23.

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"Defining Mixed Use: Which Land Uses Promote Walking?," Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2010.

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Do you see what I see?: Correlates of multidimensional measures of neighborhood types and perceived physical activityrelated neighborhood barriers and facilitators for urban youth. A FANG YAN, CC VOORHEES, K CLIFTON, C BURNIER Preventive medicine 50, 2010.

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Defining Mixed-Use: Which Land Uses Promote Walking?. M McConville, DA Rodrguez, G Cho, S Fleischhacker, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 2010.

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Erratum to Do you see what I see?-Correlates of multidimensional measures of neighborhood types and perceived physical activity-related neighborhood barriers and facilitators for urban youth. A FANG YAN, CC VOORHEES, K CLIFTON, C BURNIER Preventive medicine 50 (5-6), 2010.

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Do you see what I see?Correlates of multidimensional measures of neighborhood types and perceived physical activityrelated neighborhood barriers and facilitators for urban youth. AF Yan, CC Voorhees, K Clifton, C Burnier Preventive medicine 50, S18-S23, 2010.

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Do you see what I see?Correlates of multidimensional measures of neighborhood types and perceived physical activityrelated neighborhood barriers and facilitators for urban youth. AF Yan, CC Voorhees, K Clifton, C Burnier Preventive medicine 50, S18-S23, 2010.

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In 2009

Severity of injury resulting from pedestrianvehicle crashes: What can we learn from examining the built environment?. KJ Clifton, CV Burnier, G Akar Transportation research part D: transport and environment 14 (6), 425-436, 2009.

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Influence of individual perceptions and bicycle infrastructure on decision to bike. G Akar, K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2009.

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Clifton, Kelly J. Chapter 10: "Physical Activity in the Built Environment: Synthesis of a Workshop," In Transport Survey Methods: Keeping Up With a Changing World. (ed. Bonnel, Lee- Gosselin, Zmud and Madre), Bingley, UK: Emerald Press, 2009. pp. 191-196.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Akar, Gulsah, and Doherty, Sean T. "How Do Travel Attributes Affect Planning Time Horizon of Activities?," Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2009.

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Akar, Gulsah and Clifton, Kelly J. "The Influence of Individual Perceptions and Bicycle Infrastructure on the Decision to Bike," Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2009.

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Akar, Gulsah, Clifton, Kelly, and Doherty, Sean. "How Travel Attributes Affect Planning Time Horizon of Activities," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2132, 2009. pp. 33-41.

Found on CV

Shay, Elizabeth; Rodriguez, Daniel A; Cho, Gihyoug; Clifton, Kelly J. and Evenson, Kelly R. "Comparing Objective Measures of Environmental Supports for Pedestrian Travel in Adults," International Journal of Health Geographics, vol. 8:62, 2009.

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Akar, Gulsah and Clifton, Kelly. "The Influence of Individual Perceptions and Bicycle Infrastructure on the Decision to Bike," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2140, 2009. pp. 165-172.

Found on CV

Clifton, Kelly, Burnier, Carolina and Akar, Gulsah. "Severity of Injury Resulting from Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes: What Can we Learn from Examining the Built Environment?," Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 14(6), 2009. pp. 425-436.

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"Influence of Social Support of Family and Friends for Adolescent Walking, Physical Activity, and Health," Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2009.

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How travel attributes affect planning time horizon of activities. G Akar, K Clifton, S Doherty Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2009.

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Physical Activity in the Built Environment: Synthesis of a Workshop. KJ Clifton Transport Survey Methods: Keeping Up with a Changing World, 191, 2009.

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Influence of Social Support of Family and Friends for Adolescent Walking, Physical Activity, and Health. KJ Clifton, G Akar, MD Yan, A Fang, G Knaap, CC Voorhees Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, 2009.

Found on Publication Page

Clifton, Kelly, Burnier, Carolina, and Akar, Gulsah. "Severity of injury resulting from pedestrian-vehicle crashes: What can we learn from examining the built environment?," Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 14(6), 2009. pp. 425-436.

Found on Publication Text

Shay, Elizabeth; Rodriguez, Daniel A; Cho, Gihyoug; Clifton, Kelly J; and Evenson, Kelly R. "Comparing objective measures of environmental supports for pedestrian travel in adults," International Journal of Health Geographics, vol. 8:62, 2009.

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Comparing objective measures of environmental supports for pedestrian travel in adults. E Shay, DA Rodriguez, G Cho, KJ Clifton, KR Evenson International journal of health geographics 8 (1), 1, 2009.

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In 2008

Examination of traveler responses to real-time information about bus arrivals using panel data. F Zhang, Q Shen, K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2008.

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Relation of modifiable neighborhood attributes to walking. DA Rodriguez, S Aytur, A Forsyth, JM Oakes, KJ Clifton Preventive medicine 47 (3), 260-264, 2008.

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The environment and urban adolescents' use of recreational facilities for physical activity: a qualitative study. AV Ries, J Gittelsohn, CC Voorhees, KM Roche, KJ Clifton, NM Astone American Journal of Health Promotion 23 (1), 43-50, 2008.

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Quantitative analysis of urban form: a multidisciplinary review. K Clifton, R Ewing, GJ Knaap, Y Song Journal of Urbanism 1 (1), 17-45, 2008.

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Zhang, Feng; Shen, Qing and Clifton, Kelly. "An Examination of Traveler Responses to Real- Time Bus Arrival Information Using Panel Data," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2082, 2008. pp. 107-115.

Found on CV

Zhang, Feng; Shen, Qing, and Clifton, Kelly. "An Examination of Traveler Responses to Real- time Bus Arrival Information Using Panel Data, Transportation Research Record," Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2008.

Found on CV

Kelly J. Clifton 32. Cho, Gihyoug; Rodriguez, Daniel A.; Clifton, Kelly J, and Evenson, Kelly R. "A Comparison of Walking Information Self-Reported Using Travel Diaries and GPS-Derived Walking Behavior," Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2008.

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A Comparison of GPS and Travel Diaries to Characterize Walking Behavior. G Cho, DA Rodriguez, KJ Clifton, K Evenson Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, 2008.

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Clifton, KJ; Burnier, CV; Huang, S.; Kang, MW, and Schneider, R. "Pedestrian Demand Model and Crash Analysis Protocol," Prepared for the Office of Traffic and Safety, Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation, 2008.

Found on CV

Clifton, KJ; Burnier, CV; Huang, S.; Kang, MW, and Schneider, R. "Pedestrian Demand Model for Evaluating Pedestrian Risk Exposure, Summary Report," Prepared for the Office of Traffic and Safety, Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation, 2008.

Found on CV

Rodriguez, DA; Aytur, S; Forsyth, A; Oakes, MJ, and Clifton, KJ. "Relation of Modifiable Neighborhood Attributes to Walking," Preventive Medicine, vol. 47(3), 2008. pp. 260-264.

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Clifton, Kelly; Ewing, Reid; Knaap, Gerrit-Jan, and Song, Yan. "Quantitative Analysis of Urban Form: A Multi-Disciplinary Review," Journal of Urbanism, vol. 1(1), 2008. pp. 17-48.

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Applications-Health Promoting Community Design-The Environment and Urban Adolescents' Use of Recreational Facilities for Physical Activity: A Qualitative Study-This study investigated environmental factors influencing the use of recreational facilities for physical activity by urban African American adolescents. Data included in-depth interviews with 48 adolescents aged 14 to 18 and 26 direct observations of facilities. The results suggest that facility use is influenced by the physical, social, organizational, and economic environments. Adolescents are attracted to low-cost, well-maintained facilities that offer preferred activities and are within close proximity to home. Concerns about facility safety largely determine use, particularly for adolescent females. AV Ries, J Gittelsohn, CC Voorhees, KM Roche, KJ Clifton, NM Astone American Journal of Health Promotion 23 (1), 43, 2008.

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Neighborhood built environment and physical activity in urban adolescentsevaluating a structural model of walking behavior and physical activity. C Voorhees, AF Yan, K Clifton, MQ Wang Annual Meeting Home, 2008.

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Voorhees CC, Yan F, Clifton K, Wang MQ. "How does neighborhood built environment influence physical activity in urban youth? Evaluating a structural model of walking behavior pathways among African American adolescents," Obesity, vol. 16(1), 2008. pp. s82-83.

Found on Publication Text

Ries, A.V.; Gittelsohn, J.G.; Voorhees, C.C.; Roche, K.; Clifton, K. & Astone, N. "The Environment and Urban Adolescents' Use of Recreational Facilities for Physical Activity: a Qualitative Study," American Journal of Health Promotion, 23(1), 2008. pp. 43-50.

Found on CV

Zhang, Feng; Shen, Qing, and Clifton, Kelly. "An examination of traveler responses to real-time bus arrival information using panel data," Transportation Research Record, No. 2082, 2008. pp. 107-115.

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Voorhees CC, Yan F, Clifton K, Wang MQ. "How does Neighborhood Built Environment Influence Physical Activity in Urban Youth? Evaluating a Structural Model of Walking Kelly J. Clifton Behavior Pathways among African American Adolescents," Obesity, vol. 16 (supplement 1s), 2008. pp. s82-83.

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In 2007

Planning and the built environment: implications for obesity prevention. S Handy, K Clifton Handbook of obesity prevention, 171-192, 2007.

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An examination of the environmental attributes associated with pedestrianvehicular crashes near public schools. KJ Clifton, K Kreamer-Fults Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (4), 708-715, 2007.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Kreamer-Fults, Kandice. "An Examination of the Environmental Attributes Associated with Pedestrian Vehicular Crashes near Public Schools," Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39(4), 2007. pp. 708-715.

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The development and testing of an audit for the pedestrian environment. KJ Clifton, ADL Smith, D Rodriguez Landscape and Urban Planning 80 (1), 95-110, 2007.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Andrew Blohm. "Automobile Level Of Service In Transit Station Areas: A Survey of Current Practice," Project report prepared for Fairfax County, VA and Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Transportation Land Use Connections Program, 2007.

Found on CV

Zhang, Feng, Clifton, Kelly J. and Shen, Qing. Chapter 10: "Reexamining ICT Impact on Travel using the 2001 NHTS Data for Baltimore Metropolitan Area," In Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access, Miller, Harvey J. (ed.), Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2007. pp. 153-166.

Found on CV

Kelly J. Clifton 4. Handy, Susan L. and Clifton, Kelly J. Chapter 8: "City and Regional Planners," In Handbook of Obesity Prevention: A Resource for Health Professionals, Kumanyika and Brownson (eds.), NY, NY: Springer Publishing Co. pp. 171-192, 2007.

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Clifton, Kelly J., Livi, Andrea, and Harrell, Rodney. "Healthy Urban Design: Maryland's Smart Codes and the Pedestrian Environment," In Incentives, Regulations and Plans: The Role of States and Nation States in Land Use Planning, (Knaap, Haccou, Clifton and Frece (eds.), Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2007. pp. 209-229.

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The Influence of Personal and Activity Attributes on Discretionary Activity Location Choice: In Home or Out of Home?. KJ Clifton, G Akar, ST Doherty Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting, 2007.

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Livi Smith, AD, Burnier, CV., and Clifton, KJ. "Women's Walking Behavior and Health: Exploring the Links," Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2007.

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Reexamining ICT impact on travel using the 2001 NHTS data for Baltimore Metropolitan Area. F Zhang, KJ Clifton, Q Shen Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access, 153-166, 2007.

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Clifton, Kelly J., Akar, Gulsah, and Doherty, Sean T. "The Influence of Personal and Activity Attributes on Activity Location Choices: In-home or Out-of-home?," Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2007.

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Nonmotorized transportation pilot program evaluation study. KJ Krizek, G Barnes, R Wilson, R Johns, L McGinnis, K Clifton, A Forsyth, ... Federal Highway Administration. Minneapolis, MN: Center for Transportation ..., 2007.

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10. Healthy urban design: Marylands Smart Codes and the pedestrian environment. KJ Clifton, AL Smith, R Harrell Incentives, Regulations and Plans: The Role of States and Nation-states in ..., 2007.

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Reexamining ICT Impact on Travel using the 2001 NHTS Data for Baltimore Metropolitan Area. K Clifton .

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An Analysis of Discretionary Activity Attributes in Activity Location Choice, In home or Out of Home?. G Akar, KJ Clifton, ST Doherty 11th World Conference on Transport Research, 2007.

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Knaap, Gerrit; Haccou, Huibert A; Clifton, Kelly J.; and Frece, John, eds. Incentives, Regulations and Plans: The Role of States and Nation States in Land Use Planning, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2007.

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Planning and the Built Environment: Implications for Obesity Prevention. K Clifton, S Handy .

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Association Between Physical Activity and Land Use Neighborhood Clusters in Adolescents. DR Young, K Clifton, C Voorhees, MQ Wang, G Knaap Annual Meeting, 2007.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Livi Smith, Andrea D., and Rodriguez, Daniel. "The Development and Testing of an Audit for the Pedestrian Environment," Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 80(1-2), 2007. pp. 95-110.

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Clifton, Kelly J., Livi Smith, Andrea D., and Rodriguez, Daniel. "The development and testing of an audit for the pedestrian environment," Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 80(1-2), 2007. pp. 95-110.

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Incentives, regulations and plans: the role of States and Nation-States in smart growth planning. G Knaap Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.

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In 2006

Influence of transportation access on individual firm location decisions. F Targa, K Clifton, H Mahmassani Transportation research record: journal of the transportation research board ..., 2006.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Burnier, Carolina. Chapter 6: "From the Ground Up: Local Land use Policies, Transportation Choices, and the Potential for Improved Air Quality," in Smart Growth and Climate Change: Regional Development, Infrastructure, and Adaptation, M. Ruth (ed.), Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2006. pp. 269-290.

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Targa, Felipe; Clifton, Kelly J. and Mahmassani, Hani S. "Influence of Transportation Access on Individual Firm Location Decisions," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1977, 2006. pp. 179-189.

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Livi, Andrea and Clifton, Kelly J. "The Development and Testing of An Audit for the Pedestrian Environment," Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2006.

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11 From the Ground Up: Local Land Use Policies, Transportation Choices and the Potential for Improved Air Quality. KJ Clifton, CV Burnier Smart Growth and Climate Change: Regional Development, Infrastructure and ..., 2006.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Kreamer-Fults, Kandice. "The Role of Environmental Attributes in Explaining Pedestrian-vehicular Crashes near Public Schools," Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2006.

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Burnier, Carolina and Clifton, Kelly J. "Pedestrian - Vehicular Crashes: The Influence of Environmental Factors," Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2006.

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Targa, Felipe, Clifton, Kelly J. and Mahmassani, Hani S. "Influence of Transportation Access on Individual Firm Location Decisions," Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2006.

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Role of Environmental Attributes in Explaining Pedestrian-Vehicular Crashes near Public Schools. K Clifton, K Kreamer Fults Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting. Washington DC, United ..., 2006.

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In 2005

Women's Travel Behavior and Land Use: Will New Styles of Neighborhoods Lead to More Women Walking?. KJ Clifton, J Dill Transportation research board conference proceedings, 2005.

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The built environment and trip generation for non-motorized travel. F Targa, KJ Clifton Journal of Transportation and Statistics 8 (3), 55-70, 2005.

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Gender differences in walking behavior, attitudes about walking, and perceptions of the environment in three Maryland communities. KJ Clifton, AD Livi Research on womens issues in transportation 2, 79-88, 2005.

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Seeing the elephant: multi-disciplinary measures of urban sprawl. GJ Knaap, Y Song, R Ewing, K Clifton National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education, Urban Studies and ..., 2005.

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Kelly Clifton and Jennifer Dill, "Women's Travel Behavior and Land Use: Will New Styles of Neighborhoods Lead to More Women Walking?" Conference Proceedings 35: Research on Women's Issues in Transportation, Volume 2, Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Burnier, Carolina, and Kreamer-Fults, Kandice. "Women's Involvement in Pedestrian-Vehicular Crashes: The Influence of Personal and Environmental Factors," Conference Proceedings 35: Research on Women's Issues in Transportation, Volume 2, Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Targa, Felipe and Clifton, Kelly J. (corresponding author). "The Built Environment and Trip Generation for Non-Motorized Travel," Journal of Transportation and Statistics, vol. 8(3), 2005. pp. 55-70.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Andrea Livi. "A Smart Step Forward: A Study of the Pedestrian Environment in Three Maryland Communities," Project report prepared for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ, 2005.

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Clifton, Kelly and Livi, Andrea. "Gender Differences in Walking Behavior, Attitudes about Walking and Perceptions of the Environment in Three Maryland Communities," Conference Proceedings 35: Research on Women's Issues in Transportation, Volume 2, Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Clifton, Kelly J. Review of: The Geography of Urban Transportation, by Susan Hanson and Genevieve Giuliano, editors, Third Edition, Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(4), 2005.

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Scuderi, Marco and Clifton, Kelly J. (corresponding author). "Bayesian Approaches to Learning from Data: Using NHTS Data for the Analysis of Land Use and Transportation," Journal of Transportation and Statistics, vol. 8(3), 2005. pp. 25-40.

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Womens Involvement in PedestrianVehicle Crashes. KJ Clifton, C Burnier, KK Fults Research on Womens Issues in Transportation, 155, 2005.

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Clifton, Kelly J., Gary Davies, William G. Allen, Noah Raford. "Pedestrian Flow Modeling for Prototypical Maryland Cities," Project report prepared for Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Highway Safety Office, Hanover, MD, 2005.

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Women's involvement in pedestrian-vehicle crashes: Influence of personal and environmental factors. KJ Clifton, C Burnier, KK Fults Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, 2005.

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Bayesian approaches to learning from data: using NHTS data for the analysis of land use and travel behavior. MG SCUDERI, KJ CLIFTON JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION AND STATISTICS 8, 25, 2005.

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Targa, Felipe, Clifton, Kelly J. and Mahmassani, Hani S. "Economic Activity and Transportation Access: An Econometric Analysis of Business Spatial Patterns," Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2005.

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Targa, F; Clifton, KJ and Mahmassani, HS. "Economic Activity and Transportation Access: An Econometric Analysis of Business Spatial Patterns," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1932, 2005. pp. 61-71.

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The geography of urban transportation. KJ Clifton JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 71 (4), 459-460, 2005.

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Built environment and nonmotorized travel: evidence from Baltimore city using the NHTS. F Targa, KJ Clifton Journal of Transportation and Statistics 8 (3), 55-70, 2005.

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Economic activity and transportation access: an econometric analysis of business spatial patterns. F Targa, K Clifton, H Mahmassani Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2005.

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In 2004

Examining the empirical evidence of transport inequality in the US and UK. KJ Clifton, K Lucas .

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Clifton, K. "Mobility Strategies and Food Shopping for Low-Income Families: a Case Study," Journal of Planning Education and Research, 23(4), 2004. pp. 402-413.

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Mobility strategies and food shopping for low-income families a case study. KJ Clifton Journal of Planning Education and Research 23 (4), 402-413, 2004.

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Livi, A, and Clifton, Kelly J. "Issues and Methods in Capturing Pedestrian Behaviors, Attitudes And Perceptions: Experiences With A Community-Based Walkability Survey," Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2004.

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Kelly J. Clifton 43. Targa, F., Clifton, K. J. "Integrating Social and Psychological Processes into the Land Use- Travel Behaviour Research Agenda: Theories, Concepts and Empirical Study Design," Conference Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Travel Survey Methods, 2004.

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Kelly J. Clifton 15. Clifton, Kelly J., Hani S. Mahmassani, Carolina Burnier, Yeonjoo Min, Colleen Mitchell, and Felipe Targa. "Economic Impact Study of the Intercounty Connector," Project report prepared for Maryland Department of Transportation, State Highway Office, Hanover, MD. 2004.

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Bayesian approaches to learning from data: Using NHTS data for the analysis of land use and transportation. M Scuderi, KJ Clifton Proceedings of the National Household Travel Survey: Understanding Our ..., 2004.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Karen Lucas. Chapter 2: "Examining the Empirical Evidence of Transport Inequality in the USA and UK," in Running on Empty, Lucas, K. (ed), Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, 2004. pp. 15-36.

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Pedestrian Environment Data Scan (PEDS) Tool. K Clifton, AL Smith, D Rodrguez Planning 80, 95-110, 2004.

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Integrating Social AND Psychological Processes INTO THE Land Use-Travel Behaviour Research Agenda: Theories, Concepts AND Empirical Study Design. KJ Clifton .

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Issues and methods in capturing pedestrian behaviours, attitudes and perceptions: Experiences with a community based walkability survey. AD Livi, KJ Clifton Transportation Research Board, Annual Meeting, 2004.

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The utility of the NHTS in understanding bicycle and pedestrian travel. KJ Clifton, KJ Krizek National Household Travel Survey Conference: understanding our nations ..., 2004.

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In 2003

Independent mobility among teenagers: exploration of travel to after-school activities. K Clifton Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ..., 2003.

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Clifton, Kelly J. "Independent Mobility Among Teenagers: An Exploration of Travel to After- School Activities," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1854, 2003. pp. 74-80.

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Examining travel choices of low-income populations. KJ Clifton Issues, methods, and new approaches, Lucerne, 10th International Conference ..., 2003.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Susan Handy L. Chapter 16: "Qualitative Methods in Travel Behaviour Research," in Transport Survey Quality and Innovation, P. Stopher and P. Jones (eds.), Oxford UK: Elsevier Science, Pergamon, 2003. pp. 283-302.

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Clifton, Kelly J. "Independent mobility among teenagers: An exploration of travel to after-school activities," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1854, 2003. pp. 74-80.

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Clifton, Kelly J. "Independent Mobility among Teenagers: An Exploration of Travel to After- school Activities," Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2003.

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Examining travel choices of low-income populations: issues, methods, and new approaches. KJ Clifton 10th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 10-15, 2003.

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In 2002

Handy, Susan L. and Clifton, Kelly. "Evaluating Neighborhood Accessibility: Possibilities and Practicalities," Journal of Transportation and Statistics, 4(2/3), 2002.pp. 67-78.

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Handy, Susan; De Garmo, Andrew, and Clifton, Kelly. "Understanding the Growth in Non- Work Vehicle Miles Traveled," Research Report SWUTC/02/167802-1, Southwest Region University Transportation Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 2002.

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Understanding the growth in non-work VMT [vehicle miles travelled]. S Handy, A DeGarmo, K Clifton .

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Understanding the growth in non-work VMT. S Handy, A DeGarmo, K Clifton Southwest Region University Transportation Center, Center for Transportation ..., 2002.

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In 2001

Qualitative methods in travel behaviour research. KJ Clifton, SL Handy Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, 2001.

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Evaluating neighborhood accessibility: Possibilities and practicalities. SL Handy, KJ Clifton Journal of transportation and statistics 4 (2/3), 67-78, 2001.

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Local shopping as a strategy for reducing automobile travel. SL Handy, KJ Clifton Transportation 28 (4), 317-346, 2001.

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Kelly J. Clifton 39. Handy, Susan L. and Clifton, Kelly. "Local Shopping as a Strategy for Reducing Automobile Travel" Transportation, vol. 28, 2001. pp. 317-346.

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Clifton, Kelly J. and Handy, Susan, L. "Limits on Access in Low-Income Neighborhoods and The Travel Patterns of Low-Income Households," Research Report SWUTC/01/167502-1, Southwest Region University Transportation Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 2001.

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Mobility strategies and provisioning activities of low-income households in Austin, Texas. K Clifton .

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Limits on access in low-income neighborhoods and the travel patterns of low-income households. K Clifton, S Handy .

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In 2000

Evaluating neighborhood accessibility: issues and methods using geographic information systems. SL Handy, K Clifton Southwest Region University Transportation Center, Center for Transportation ..., 2000.

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Handy, Susan L. and Clifton, Kelly. "Evaluating Neighborhood Accessibility: Issues and Methods Using Geographic Information Systems," Research Report SWUTC/00/167202-1 Southwest Region University Transportation Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 2000.

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In 1999

Clifton, Kelly. "An Assessment of Jobs-Housing Balance in the Austin Metropolitan Area," Downtown Austin Alliance, Issue paper No. 12, Austin, TX, 1999.

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In 1998

The effectiveness of land use policies as a strategy for reducing automobile dependence: a study of Austin neighborhoods. SL Handy, K Clifton, J Fisher Southwest Region University Transportation Center, Center for Transportation ..., 1998.

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Handy, Susan; Clifton, Kelly, and Fisher, Janice. "The Effectiveness of Land Use Policies as a Strategy for Reducing Automobile Dependence: A Study of Austin Neighborhoods," Research Report SWUTC/98/467501-1, Southwest Region University Transportation Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 1998.

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Effectiveness of land use policies as a strategy for reducing automobile dependence: A study of Austin neighborhoods. Research report. SL Handy, K Clifton, J Fisher Department of Transportation, Southwest Region Univ. Transportation Center ..., 1998.

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Handy, Susan L. and Clifton, Kelly J. "Urban Form and Travel Behavior in Six Austin Neighborhoods", Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 1998.

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In 1996

Rosenbloom, Sandra and Clifton, Kelly. "The Complicated Demographics of Transit Usage," Proceedings of the 75th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 1996.

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Rosenbloom, Sandra and Clifton, Kelly. "The Puzzle of Income, Race, and Density: Preliminary Evidence on Transit Use from the 1991 American Housing Survey," Journal of Public Transportation, 1(1), 1996. pp. 87-102.

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The puzzle of income, race, and density: preliminary evidence on transit use from the 1991 American housing survey. S Rosenbloom, K Clifton Journal of public transportation 1 (1), 1996.

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Clifton, Kelly J., Gehrke, Steven; Currans, Kristina M; Liu, Jenny; and Chen, Roger.

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Clifton, KJ; Bronstein, S, and Morrissey, S. "The Path to Complete Streets in Underserved Communities: Lessons from U.S. Case Studies," Paper prepared for the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, Active Living Research.

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Singleton, P. A., & Clifton, K. J. "Exploring Synergy in Bicycle and Transit Use: Empirical Evidence at Two Scales," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., forthcoming.

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Muhs, C and Clifton, KJ. "Do Characteristics of Walkable Environments Support Bicycling? Towards a Definition of Bicycle-supported Development," Journal of Transport and Land Use, forthcoming.

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McConville, Megan; Rodriguez, Daniel; Cho, Gihyoug; Fleischhacker, Sheila; Clifton, Kelly.

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Clifton, K. J., Singleton, P. A., Muhs, C. D., Schneider, R. J., and Lagerwey, P. "Improving the representation of the pedestrian environment in travel demand models: Phase I report," OTREC-RR- 13-08. Portland, OR: Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium.

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A Context-Based Approach for Adjusting Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Rates in Urban Contexts Using Household Travel Surveys. KJ Clifton, KM Currans, AC Cutter, R Schneider .

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VALIDATING SHIFTS IN THE TOTAL DESIGN OF TRAVEL SURVEYS (A6). J Armogun, HC Cortes, B Chlond, K Clifton, B Fell, B Kohla, M Kowald, ... .

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Economic Activity and Transportation Access. F Targa, KJ Clifton, HS Mahmassani .

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Clifton, Kelly J.; Akar, Gulsah Akar; Yan, Alice Fang; Knaap, Gerrit and Voorhees, Carolyn.

Found on CV

Currans, K.M. and Clifton K.J. "Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts: Using Household Travel Surveys as a method to Adjust ITE Trip Generation Rates," Journal of Transport and Land Use, forthcoming.

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S.R. Gehrke & K.J. Clifton. "Operationalizing Land Use at Varying Geographic Scales and its Connection to Mode Choice: Evidence from Portland, Oregon," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, forthcoming.

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Currans, K.M. and Clifton K.J. "Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts: Using Household Travel Surveys as a method to Adjust ITE Trip Generation Rates," Journal of Transport and Land Use, forthcoming.

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