Kenneth Kriz

Profile Picture of Kenneth Kriz
School of Public Management and Policy
University of Illinois Springfield


  • PhD, Public Affairs, Indiana University

Research Interests

Behavioral Public Finance   Public Pension Fund Management   Public Sector Risk Management  

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List of Publications (55)
In 2021

Espinosa, Salvador, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Yusuf, Wie. 2021. "Behavioral Public Finance and Budgeting: New Approaches to Old Questions?" Public Finance and Management 20, 1: 1-10.

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Krupa, Olha and Kriz, Kenneth A. 2021. "Property Tax Assessments, Collections, and Revenue Performance in Economic Downturns: An Examination of Large American Cities." Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration 18, 1: 61-75.

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In 2020

Buxton, Elham, Kriz, Kenneth A., Creemens, Matthew, and Kim, Jay. 2020. "An Auto Regressive Deep Learning Model for Sales Tax Forecasting from Multiple Short Time Series." Proceedings of the 2019 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2019, pp. 1359-1364. iEEE Xplore.

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Chen, Can, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Lin, Shaunglin. 2020. "Strategic Interaction in Urban Infrastructure Provision." Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper.

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In 2019

Kriz, Kenneth A. 2019. "Ensemble Forecasting." In Palgrave Handbook of Government Budget Forecasting (Calabrese, Thad and Williams, Daniel, eds.). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Clark, C. Brendan, Hayes, Charles, Armstrong, Jacob D., and Kriz, Kenneth A. March 2019.

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"Influence of Cognitive Empathy on Progressivism." North American Journal of Psychology 21, 1: 21- Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. 2019. Tax Increment Financing and Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact (2nd edition). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

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Includes the following authored or co-authored chapters: Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. "Chapter 1: Introduction." Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. "Chapter 2: A Primer on Tax Increment Financing." Kriz, Kenneth A. and Johnson, Craig L. "Chapter 3: A Review of State Tax Increment Financing Laws." Kriz, Kenneth A. "Chapter 12: The Theory and Economic Impact of Tax Increment Financing." Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. "Chapter 17: Conclusion." Srithongrung, Arwiphawee, Yusuf, Wie and Kriz, Kenneth A. 2019. "A Systematic Public Capital Management and Budgeting Process." In Capital Management and Budgeting in the Public Sector (Srithongrung, Arwiphawee, Yusuf, Wie and Ermasova, Natalia, eds.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

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Srithongrung, Arwiphawee and Kriz, Kenneth A. 2019. "Thai Public Capital Budget and Management Process." In Capital Management and Budgeting in the Public Sector (Srithongrung, Arwiphawee, Yusuf, Wie and Ermasova, Natalia, eds.). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

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In 2017

Kriz, Kenneth A. and Xiao, Yan. Summer 2017. "The Impact of Rating Recalibration on the Municipal Bond Yield Spreads." Public Budgeting & Finance 37, 2: 83-101.

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Clark, C. Brendan, Swails, Jeffrey A., Pontinen, Heidi M., Bowerman, Shannon E., Kriz, Kenneth A. and Hendricks, Peter S. July 2017. "A Behavioral Economic Assessment of Individualizing Versus Binding Moral Foundations." Personality and Individual Differences 112: 49- Kriz, Kenneth A. and Chen, Gang. Spring 2017. "How Well Does the Risk-Free Rate Predict the Future Rate of Return on Investments?" Municipal Finance Journal 38, 1: 57-72.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. and Joffe, Marc D. 2017. "Municipal Bond Insurance after the Financial Crisis: Can It Help Reduce Borrowing Costs for Local Governments?" Mercatus Research (Mercatus Center at George Mason University) Working Paper.

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In 2016

Chen, Can, Kriz, Kenneth A. and Wang, Qiushi. September 2016. "Does Public Infrastructure Health Affect State Bond Ratings? Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis." Public Finance Review 44, 5: 660-680.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. and Wang, Quishi. Summer 2016. "Municipal Bond Risk Premia During the Financial Crisis: Model and Implications" Municipal Finance Journal 37, 2: 29-49.

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In 2015

Kriz, Kenneth A. 2015. "Optimal Size of Fiscal Reserves for Local Governments" In Local Government Budget Stabilization: Explorations and Evidence (Hou, Yilin, ed.). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

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Chen, Gang, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Ebdon, Carol. Fall 2015. "The Effect of Board Composition on Public Sector Pension Funding." Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management 27, 3: 352-376.

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Kriz, Kenneth A., Wang, Quishi, and Issarachaiyos, Sikarn. Fall 2015. "Debt Burden and Perceived Sovereign Default Risk: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps." Public Finance and Management 15, 3: 203-224.

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Wang, Janey Qian and Kriz, Kenneth A. Summer 2015. "Determinants of Debt Burdens: Evidence from California Counties." Public Finance and Management 15, 2: 91-107.

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In 2014

Kriz, Kenneth A. 2014. "Anchoring and Adjustment Biases and Local Government Referenda Language." Proceedings. Annual Conference on Taxation and Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the National Tax Association, 107, 1-16.

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Srithongrung, Arwiphawee and Kriz, Kenneth A. Fall 2014. "The Impact of Sub-national Fiscal Polic ies on Economic Growth: A Dynamic Analysis Approach." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 33: 912-928.

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Peng, Jun, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Wang, Qiushi. Spring 2014. "The Two Worlds of Municipal Bonds: Are Lower Rated Bonds Punished More by Financial Crisis?" Public Budgeting & Finance 34: 18-38. This paper was awarded the Jesse Burkhead Award for the Best Article in Public Budgeting & Finance volume 34.

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In 2013

Chen, Gang, Ebdon, Carol, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Maisondieu Laforge, Olivier. Fall 2013.

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O'Neil, Patrick D. and Kriz, Kenneth A. July/August 2013. "Do High Reliability Systems Have Lower Error Rates? Evidence from Commercial Aircraft Accidents." Public Administration Review 73: 601-612.

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In 2012

Kriz, Kenneth A. and Wang, Qiushi. 2012. "Measuring and Monitoring Debt Capacity and Affordability: Market-and Nonmarket-Based Models." In Handbook of Local Government Fiscal Health (Justice, Jonathan, Levine, Helisse, Scorsone, Eric, eds.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. 2012. "Long-Term Forecasting Models." In Handbook of Local Government Fiscal Health (Justice, Jonathan, Levine, Helisse, Scorsone, Eric, eds.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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Srithongrung, Arwiphawee and Kriz, Kenneth A. October 2012. "From Public Infrastructure to National Economic Growth: Do Systematic Investment Practices Matter?" International Public Management Review 13: 19-47.

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In 2011

Kriz, Kenneth A. 2011. Quantitative Research in Public Administration: Methods and Application.

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Bartle, John R., Kriz, Kenneth A., and Morozov, Boris. Summer 2011. "Local Government Revenue Structure: Trends and Challenges." Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management 23: 268-287.

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In 2010

Kamal, Mehruz, Song, Changsoo, Qureshi, Sajda, and Kriz, Kenneth. 2010. "Assessment of Micro- enterprise Development through IT Adoption." Systems Sciences, 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. iEEE Xplore.

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Stalebrink, Odd, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Guo, Weiyu. Winter 2010. "Prudent Public Sector Investing and Modern Portfolio Theory: An Examination of Public Defined Benefit Plans." Public Budgeting & Finance 30: 28-46.

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Lember, Veiko and Kriz, Kenneth A. 2010. "Purchase-of-Service Contracting in Estonia." Halduskultuur - Administrative Culture 11: 240-255.

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In 2009

Kriz, Kenneth A. and Qureshi, Sajda. 2009. "The Role of Policy in the Relationship between ICT Adoption and Economic Development: A Comparative Analysis of Singapore and Malaysia." Proceedings of the 2nd Annual SIG GlobDev Workshop. Ted Stohr, editor. Association for Information Systems: Special Interest Group on ICT and Global Development.

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In 2008

Kenneth A. Kriz, Jaanika Meriku---ll, Alari Paulus, and Karsten Staehr. 2008. "Why Do Individuals Evade Payroll and Income Taxation in Estonia?" INFER Advances in Economic Research: Shadow Economy, Corruption, and Governance. Edward Shinnick, editor. Edward Elgar.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. 2008. "Local Government Finance in Estonia." Local Government Finance in Central and Eastern Europe. Zeljko Sevic, editor. Edward Elgar.

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Peng, Jun, Kriz, Kenneth A., and Neish, Tracy. 2008. "Method of Sale in the Municipal Bond Market." The Handbook of Municipal Bonds. Frank J. Fabozzi and Sylvan G. Feldstein, editors.

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Bartle, John R., Kriz, Kenneth A., and Wang, Qiushi. Summer 2008. "Assessing Debt Affordability for Large Capital Projects: A Case Study." Municipal Finance Journal 29(2): 1-20.

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In 2006

Kriz, Kenneth A., Staehr, Karsten, and Paulus, Alari. 2006. "User Charges and Fees: The Estonian Case." Local Government Non-tax Revenue Sources in Transition Countries: User Fees and Charges. Zeljko Sevic, editor. NISPAcee.

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In 2005

Kriz, Kenneth A. 2005. "Prospect Theory and the Municipal Bond Market." Financial Management Theory, Aman Khan and W. Bartley Hildreth, editors. Praeger.

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Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. Spring 2005. "Fiscal Institutions, Borrowing Costs, and Infrastructure Finance." Public Budgeting & Finance 25: 84-103.

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In 2004

Kriz, Kenneth A. and Johnson, Craig L. 2004. "Could Governments Hedge Their Financial Risk?" Proceedings of the 96th Annual Conference on Taxation. National Tax Association Kriz, Kenneth A. Summer 2004. "Risk Aversion and the Pricing of Municipal Bonds." Public Budgeting & Finance 24: 74-87.

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In 2003

Kriz, Kenneth A. 2003. "The Optimal Size of Local Government Budget Reserves: A Simulation Approach," Proceedings of the 95th Annual Conference on Taxation. National Tax Association.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. and Kiedrowski, P. Jay. 2003. "Capital Markets," The Encylcopedia of Public Administration and Policy. W. Bartley Hildreth, editor. Marcel Dekker.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. Summer 2003. "Comparative Costs of Negotiated Versus Competitive Bond Sales: New Evidence from State General Obligation Bonds," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 43: 191-211.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. March 10, 2003. "The Optimal Size of Local Government Budget Reserves: A Simulation Approach," State Tax Notes.

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In 2002

Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. Spring 2002. "Impact of Three Credit Ratings on Interest Cost of State GO Bonds," Municipal Finance Journal 23:1-16.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. Spring 2002. Book Review "An Analyst's Guide to Government Financial Statements," Public Budgeting & Finance.

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In 2001

Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. 2001. "A Review of State Tax Increment Financing Laws," Tax Increment Finance and Economic Development: Uses, Structures and Impact. Joyce Y. Man and Craig L. Johnson, editors. State University of New York Press.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. Summer 2001. "The Effect of Tax Increment Finance on Local Government Financial Condition," Municipal Finance Journal 22: 41-64.

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In 2000

Kriz, Kenneth A. Fall 2000. "Do Municipal Bond Underwriting Choices Have Implications for Other Financial Certification Decisions?" Municipal Finance Journal 21: 1-23.

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Kriz, Kenneth A., Morse, Debra Elias, and Wilsey, David. 2000. "Enhancing Access to Equity Capital for Rural Businesses," Just in Time Research: Resilient Communities. University of Minnesota, pp. 79-86.

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In 1999

Johnson, Craig L. and Kriz, Kenneth A. 1999. "An Analysis of the Implications of California's Proposition 218: The 'Right to Vote on Taxes Act' on Municipal Debt," Policy Analysis Methods.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. Fall 1999. Book Review "Local Government Budgeting: A Managerial Approach." Public Budgeting & Finance.

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Kriz, Kenneth A. Forthcoming. "Teaching Public Pensions in a Traditional MPA Program." In Teaching Public Budgeting and Finance: A Guide for Teaching Professional Competencies (Jordan, Meagan and McDonald, Bruce, eds.). London, UK: Routledge.

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"The Management of Defined Contribution Pension Plans in Local Government." Public Budgeting & Finance 33: 75-95.

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Stuart S. Nagel, editor. Nova Science Publishers.

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