Kristi Stringer

Profile Picture of Kristi Stringer
Associate Professor
Middle Tennessee State University


  • PhD, Medical Sociology

Research Interests

Drug Use Stigma   Opioid Use Disorder   Criminal Justice Personnel  

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List of Publications (35)
In 2021

Stringer KL, Langdon KJ, McKenzie M, Brockmann B, Marotta P. Leveraging COVID-19 to sustain regulatory flexibility in the treatment of opioid use disorder. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2021 Apr;123:108263. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108263

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In 2020

Chapman Lambert C, Tarver WL, Musoke PL, Stringer KL, Whitfield S, Turan B, Modi R, Mugavero MJ, Fredericksen RJ, Weiser S, Johnson MO, Turan JM. Complexities of HIV Disclosure in Patients Newly Entering HIV Care: A Qualitative Analysis. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2020 Apr;31(2):208-218. DOI: 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000127

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Marotta PL, Stringer KL, Mandavia AD, et al. Assessing factors associated with discharge from opioid agonist therapy due to incarceration in the United States. J Addict Dis. 2020;38(1):1-18. doi:10.1080/10550887.2019.1690365

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Stringer KL, Marotta P, Goddard-Eckrich D, et al. Mental Health Consequences of Sexual Misconduct by Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Personnel among Black Drug-Involved Women in Community Corrections. J Urban Health. 2020;97(1):148-157. doi:10.1007/s11524-019-00394-w

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Nowotny KM, Zielinski MJ, Stringer KL, et al. Training the Next Generation of Researchers Dedicated to Improving Health Outcomes for Justice-Involved Populations. Am J Public Health. 2020;110(S1):S18-S20. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2019.305411

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Goshin LS, Sissoko DRG, Stringer KL, Sufrin C, Byrnes L. Stigma & US Nurses' Intentions to Provide the Standard of Maternal Care to Incarcerated Women, 2017. Am J Public Health. 2020;110(S1):S93-S99. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2019.305408

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In 2019

Rice, W.S., Stringer, K.L., Sohail, M. et al. Accessing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Perceptions of Current & Potential PrEP Users in Birmingham, Alabama. AIDS Behav 23, 2966-2979 (2019).

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Stringer KL, Azuero A, Ott C, et al. Feasibility & Acceptability of Real-Time Antiretroviral Adherence Monitoring among Depressed Women Living with HIV in the Deep South of the US. AIDS Behav. 2019;23(5):1306-1314. doi:10.1007/s10461-018-2322-z

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Stringer KL, Mukherjee T, McCrimmon T, et al. Attitudes towards people living with HIV & people who inject drugs: A mixed method study of stigmas within harm reduction programs in Kazakhstan. Int J Drug Policy. 2019;68:27-36. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.02.007

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Stringer KL, Marotta P, Baker E, et al. Substance Use Stigma & Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among a Drug-Using Population Living with HIV. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2019;33(6):282-293. doi:10.1089/apc.2018.0311

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In 2018

Stringer KL, Baker EH. Stigma as a Barrier to Substance Abuse Treatment Among Those With Unmet Need: An Analysis of Parenthood & Marital Status. J Fam Issues. 2018;39(1):3-27. doi:10.1177/0192513X15581659

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In 2017

Rice WS, Turan B, Stringer KL, et al. Norms & stigma regarding pregnancy decisions during an unintended pregnancy: Development & predictors of scales among young women in the U.S. South. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(3):e0174210. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0174210

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In 2016

Coleman LO, Gibson P, Cotten SR, Howell-Moroney M, Stringer K. Integrating Computing Across the Curriculum: The Impact of Internal Barriers & Training Intensity on Computer Integration in the Elementary School Classroom. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 2016;54(2):275-294. doi:10.1177/0735633115616645

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Stringer KL, Turan B, McCormick L, et al. HIV-Related Stigma Among Healthcare Providers in the Deep South. AIDS Behav. 2016;20(1):115-125. doi:10.1007/s10461-015-1256-y

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Batey DS, Whitfield S, Mulla M, et al. Adaptation & Implementation of an Intervention to Reduce HIV-Related Stigma Among Healthcare Workers in the United States: Piloting of the FRESH Workshop. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2016;30(11):519-527. doi:10.1089/apc.2016.0223

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Smith W, Turan JM, White K, et al. Social Norms & Stigma Regarding Unintended Pregnancy & Pregnancy Decisions: A Qualitative Study of Young Women in Alabama. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2016;48(2):73-81. doi:10.1363/48e9016

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Simoni ZR, Gibson P, Cotten SR, Stringer K, Coleman LO. Does Place Matter? The Effects of Concentrated Poverty on the Computer Use of Elementary Students. Journal of Urban Technology. 2016;23(3):3-21. doi:10.1080/10630732.2015.1073901

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In 2015

Stringer K, Schumacher JE, Turan JM, Mugavero M, Kempf MC, Baker E. The perceived stigma of substance abuse scale: Reliability & validity with substance using people living with HIV. Drug & Alcohol Dependence. 2015;156:e215. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.07.579

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In 2014

Turan B, Stringer KL, Onono M, et al. Linkage to HIV care, postpartum depression, & HIV-related stigma in newly diagnosed pregnant women living with HIV in Kenya: a longitudinal observational study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014;14:400. doi:10.1186/s12884-014-0400-4

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Turan J, Smith W, White K, Stringer KL, Simpson T, Cockrill K. Exploring the role of reproductive stigmas in pregnancy decision making in Alabama. Contraception. 2014;90(3):342-343. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2014.05.173

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Carter WC, Stringer KL. Exotic dancers in an awkward negotiation: Implications for affect control theory. The Social Science Journal. 2014;51(2):277-286. doi:10.1016/j.soscij.2014.01.001

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Gibson PA, Stringer K, Cotten SR, Simoni Z, O'Neal LJ, Howell-Moroney M. Changing teachers, changing students? The impact of a teacher-focused intervention on students' computer usage, attitudes, & anxiety. Computers & Education. 2014;71:165-174. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.10.002

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Stringer, Kristi L. 2014. "Health Related Deviance." In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior & Society, edited by W. C. Cockerham, R. Dingwall, & S. Quah. San Francisco, CA: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Stringer, Kristi L. 2014. "Stigma, Stress, & Health." in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior & Society, edited by W. C. Cockerham, R. Dingwall, & S. Quah. San Francisco, Ca: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Stringer, Kristi L. 2014. "Monitoring the Future." in Encyclopedia of Social Deviance, edited by C. Forsyth & H. Copes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Stringer, Kristi L. & Bryant Hamby. 2014. "Constructionist Perspectives." in Encyclopedia of Social Deviance, edited by C. Forsyth & H. Copes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Stringer, Kristi L. 2014. "Gender & Drug Use." in Encyclopedia of Social Deviance, edited by C. Forsyth & H. Hopes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Stringer, Kristi L. 2014 "The National Survey of Drug Use & Health." in Encyclopedia of Social Deviance, edited by C, Forsyth & H. Copes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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In 2013

Foster PS, Drago V, Yung RC, et al. Differential lexical & semantic spreading activation in Alzheimer's disease. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2013;28(5):501-507. doi:10.1177/1533317513494445

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Alia Carter, Shelia R. Cotten, Philip Gibson, LaToya J. O'Neal, Zachary Simoni, Kristi L. Stringer, & Leticia S. Watkins. 2013. "Integrating Computing Across the Curriculum: Incorporating Technology into STEM Education." In H. Yang, Z. Yang, D. Wu, & S. Liu (Eds.), Transforming K-12 Classrooms with Digital Technology. IGI Global).

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In 2012

Broadhead RS, Borch C, van Hulst Y, et al. Relying on Injection Drug Users to Access & Adhere to HIV Therapeutics: Bittersweet Lessons Using Respondent-Driven Sampling & a Peer-Driven Intervention. Journal of Drug Issues. 2012;42(2):127-146. doi:10.1177/0022042612446581

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In 2011

Foster PS, Yung RC, Branch KK, et al. Increased spreading activation in depression. Brain Cogn. 2011;77(2):265-270. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2011.08.001

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Flagg, Lee Ann, Matthew West, Kristi L. Stringer, & Casey Borch. 2011. "Connections in Society." in Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society, edited by J. Goldson. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.

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Stringer & Borch. 2011. "Gross Domestic Product." in Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society, edited by J. Goldson. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.

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Marotta P.L., Stringer K., Beletsky L., West B., Goddard-Eckrich D., Gilbert L., Hunt T., Wu., El-Bassel.Socio-ecological and pharmacy-level factors associated with buprenorphine stocking at pharmacies in New York City. Int J Drug Policy. In press.

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