Lanita Jacobs

Profile Picture of Lanita Jacobs
Associate Professor
Department of American Studies & Ethnicity
University of Southern California


  • Ph.D. Linguistic Anthropology, UCLA

Research Interests

African American Student Shares   Race, Gender, Humor, Disability, Mindfulness, Writing, Zora Neale Hurston, Anthropology, Ethnography, Love   Cultural Identities  

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Contact Information

  USC, ANTH DEPT, 3620 S. Vermont Avenue, KAP 352, LA, CA 90089 2537

  213 740 1909

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List of Publications (42)
In 2018

Jacobs, Lanita. 2018. "It's about to get real": Authenticating Apologies in Black Standup Comedy. Paper presented at the American Jewish Humor Conference (April 29), Columbia, SC.

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In 2017

Jacobs, Lanita. 2017. "It's about to get real": Kevin Hart as a Modern-Day Trickster. Paper presented at Indiana University (October 20), Bloomington, IN.

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In 2015

Jacobs, Lanita. 2015. On "Making Good" in a Study of African American Children with Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injuries. In R. Sanjek (Ed.) Mutuality: Anthropology's Changing Terms of Engagement (249-258).

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In 2012

Encyclopedic Entries Jacobs, Lanita. 2012. Learning through the Breach: Language Socialization. In N. Seel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (1989-1992). New York: Springer.

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In 2011

Jacobs, Lanita, Mary Lawlor and Cheryl Mattingly. 2011. I/We Narratives among African American Families Raising Children with Disabilities. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 35(1): 3-25.

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Jacobs, Lanita. 2011. "The Arab is the New Nigger": African American Comics Confront the Irony and Tragedy of 9/11. In T. Gournelos and V. Greene (Eds.) A Decade of Dark Humor: How Comedy, Irony, and Satire Have Shaped Post-9/11 America (47-56). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. [Reprint]

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2011. Learning through the Breach: Language Socialization among African American Cosmetologists. In S. Delamont (Ed.) Ethnographic Methods in Education, Volume 4 . London: Sage. [Reprint]

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2011. Into the Breach: Representing the Messy Truths of Black Women's Hair and Language Politics. In Sonja L. Lanehart (Ed.) African American Women's Language: Discourse, Education, and Identity (262-275). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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Jacobs, Lanita. 2011. "Can you feel me?": Race and Authenticity in African American Standup Comedy. Paper presented at the International Society for Humor Studies Conference (July), Boston, MA.

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In 2010

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2010. Negotiating Multiple Accountabilities & Positionalities in Boundary Crossing. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Occupational Science Symposium (March), Los Angeles, CA.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2010. Race and Authenticity in African American Obama Humor. Paper presented at the Post-Racial Turn "Memories" Workshop [in conversation with Dr. Nikhil Singh], (April), Northwestern University.

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In 2009

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2009. Moralizing Whiteness in Joan of Arcadia. In Diane Winston (Ed.) Small Screen Big Picture: Television and Lived Religion (233-258). Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

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In 2008

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2008. Into the Breach: Representing the Messy Truths of Black Women's Hair and Language Politics.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2008. Gender and Authenticity in African American Hair Humor. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Tillie K. Lubin Symposium, (February), Brandeis University.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2008. Gender and Authenticity in African American Hair Humor. Paper presented at the Anthropology Brown Bag Speaker Series, (February), Saddleback College.

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In 2007

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2007. Learning through the Breach: Language Socialization among African American Cosmetologists. Ethnography 8(2): 171-203.

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In 2005

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2005. Ethnography of Performance: Methodological Insights from an African American Standup Comedy Study. Workshop presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Social Organization (LISO) Conference, (May), University of California, Santa Barbara.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2005. (In Pursuit of) `Truth' and `Authenticity' in African American Standup Comedy. Plenary talk presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Social Organization (LISO) Conference, (May), University of California, Santa Barbara.

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In 2004

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2004. Remembering Crissy: enGendering Knowledge, Difference, and Power in Women's Hair Care Narratives. Transforming Anthropology 11(2): 30-42.

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In 2003

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2003. Examining the Politics of Representation in Language and Gender Research. Workshop presented at the COSWL/IGALA Perception & Realization in Language and Gender Research Conference (July), East Lansing, MI.

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In 2001

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2001. Epistemological Deliberations: Constructing and Contesting Knowledge in Women's Cross-Cultural Hair Testimonies. In Nancy Tuana and Sandi Morgen (Eds.) EnGendering Rationalities (335-359).

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Reviews Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2006c. Review of John L. Jackson, Harlemworld: Doing Race and Class in Black America , John L. Jackson (University of Chicago Press, 2001). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30(1): 709-711.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2001. Language and Identity in African American Hair Care Settings: Reflections of a Linguistic Anthropologist. Paper presented to the Santa Monica College Anthropology Club (May).

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In 2000

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2000. Epistemological Deliberations: Constructing and Contesting Knowledge in Women's Cross- Cultural Hair Testimonies. Paper presented at the UCLA Department of Anthropology Colloquia, (December).

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In 1998

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 1998. We Are Just Like Doctors, We Heal Sick Hair: Cultural and Professional Discourses of Hair and Identity in a Black Hair Care Seminar. In Chalasani, Mani C., Jennifer Grocer and Peter Haney (Eds.)

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In 1997

Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 1997. Is There An Authentic African American Speech Community?: Carla Revisited . Penn Working Paper Series in Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 1: 331-370.

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Jacobs, Lanita. n.d. To Be Real: Truth in Authenticity in African American Standup Comedy, from 9/11 to Obama.

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Book under contract with Oxford University Press (anticipated 2019).

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2006a. From the Kitchen to the Parlor: Language and African American Women's Hair Care .

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Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Click to read Introduction or Chapter 2)

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Jacobs, Lanita. n.d. Revisiting "Hair": Unversed Scenes from the Kitchen to the Parlor. Forthcoming Essay in M. Bucholtz and K. Hall (Eds.) Parsing the Body: Language and the Social Life of Embodiment. Publisher pending.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2006b. "The Arab is the New Nigger": African American Comics Confront the Irony and Tragedy of September 11. Transforming Anthropology 14(1): 60-64.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2003a. "Ladies are Seen, Not Heard": Language Socialization in a Southern, African American Cosmetology School. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 34(3): 277-299.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2002a. The Natives are Gazing and Talking Back: Reviewing the Problematics of Positionality, Voice, and Accountability among "Native" Anthropologists. American Anthropologist 104(3): 791-804.

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Mattingly, Cheryl, Mary Lawlor, and Lanita Jacobs-Huey. 2002b. Narrating September 11: Race, Gender, and the Play of Cultural Identities. American Anthropologist 104(3): 743-753.

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SALSA V: Proceedings of the 5 th Annual Symposium about Language and Society-Austin, TLF 39 (213-223).

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 1996a. Negotiating Social Identity in an African American Beauty Salon . In N. Warner et al.

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(Eds.) Gender and Belief Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Women in Language Conference. Berkeley (331-343). University of California, Berkeley Women and Language Group.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 1996b. Negotiating Price in an African American Beauty Salon. Issues in Applied Linguistics, (June) Vol. 7, No. 1: 45-59.

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 2003b. Black/"Urban" Standup Comedy: A Performance by Brandon Bowlin . Theatre Journal 55(3): 539-541 (October).

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Jacobs-Huey, Lanita. 1996c. The Strands of Culture Woven in Our Hair: An African American Student Shares Her Experiences With One of Los Angeles' Finest Braiders. The Stylist Beauty Guide (March Edition).

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Paper presented at the African American Women's Language Conference, (March), University of Texas, San Antonio.

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