Leah Sikoyo

Profile Picture of Leah Sikoyo
Senior Lecturer
Department of Foundations and curriculum studies
Makerere University


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Research Interests

Teacher Education, Teacher Educators   Teacher Professional Development   Curriculum Innovation  

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List of Publications (40)
In 2023

Sikoyo, L., & Isabirye, C. (2023). Teacher Educators' Professional Learning and Pedagogical Change in Relation to Learner-Centred Pedagogy. East African Journal of Education Studies, 6(2), 39-55. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.6.2.1219

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Pallitt, N., Grossman, H., Barlow-Zambodla, A., Liu, J. C., Kramm, N., Sikoyo, L., Tshuma, N. (2023). Emerging principles for online cross-cultural, collaborative research. In : (Eds. Zifikile Phindile Shangase, Daniela Gachago and Eunice Ivala) Co- teaching/researching in an Unequal World: Using Virtual Classrooms to Connect Africa and the World. Delaware, United States: Vernon Press.

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In 2022

Ezati, B.A and Sikoyo, L.N. (2022) Strengthening homes as learning sites during emergency: Lessons from COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. In: (Eds. Lydia Namatende-Sakwa, Sarah Lewinger, Catherine Langsford): COVID-19 and Education in Africa: Challenges, Possibilities, and Opportunities, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Publishing, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

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Sikoyo, L.N. (2022). Blended Learning experiences of selected graduate students of Makerere University during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, Second East African Teacher Education Symposium, November, 9-11, Kampala, Uganda.

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Walimbwa, M., Nampijja, D., Sikoyo, L.N., Ezati, B., Ayikoru, A. J., Okot, D (2022).

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Pallitt, N., Barlow-Zambodla, A., Grossman, H., Liu, J. C., Sikoyo, L.N, Tshuma, N., Kramm, N. (2022). Flexibility of online/remote learning as a 'double-edged sword' : sharing reflections across cultural settings, Association for Educational Communications and Technology Convention (AECT), October 23-25, 2022, Las Vegas & Virtual, Nevada, USA.

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Sikoyo, L.N, Ezati, B., Nampijja, D,Walimbwa, M, Ayikoru, J.A (2022). Unlocking potential for Enhanced Teaching and Learning of Students with Visual Impairment in Uganda's public universities: the role of assistive technologies. Paper accepted for presentation at the Pan-Common Wealth Forum on Open education (PCF10), Calgary, Canada, Sept 15-15 2022.

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IX. CONSULTANCY WORK 2022 (May-October): One of a two-person team contracted to design and facilitate training in Learner centered pedagogic practice for the Department of Environmental Management, College of Agricultural and Environmental Studies,

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In 2021

Sikoyo, L.N., Ezati, B.A, Nampijja, D.,Walimbwa, M., Ayikoru, J.A., Okot, D., & Onyait, G. (2021). Preparedness of Uganda's Public Universities to Provide Education to Students with Visual Impairment: A Situational Analysis Report. Makerere University, Uganda Pallitt, N., Grossman, H., Barlow-Zambodla, A., Liu, J. C., Sikoyo, L., Kramm, N., Tshuma, N. (2020-2021), Educational Technology Access and Usage in African Universities, study by the International Research Collaborative of Established and Emergent Scholars: Supporting Historically Marginalized and Underserved Learners Group Sikoyo, L.N; Najjuma, R; Walimbwa, M & Ocheng. M (Manuscript preparation In- progress) Leveraging Supervisory and Peer support to student teachers during School practice using social media.

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Sikoyo, L.N (2021) Access and Participation of Special Needs Learners in Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the National Stakeholders Symposium on COVID-19 and Education in Uganda, Kampala, 24-25 November, 2021

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Barlow-Zambodla, A., Grossman, H., Sikoyo, L., Liu, J. C., Pallitt, N., Tshuma, N. (2021). Conceptual Lenses in collaborative Experiential Research : An Evolving Process with Multiple Perspectives, Panel at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) 2021 International Convention, November 2-6, Chicago, USA and Virtual.

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Barlow-Zambodla, A., Grossman, H., Kramm, N., Liu, J. C., Pallitt, N., Sikoyo, L., Tshuma, N. (2021). Educational Technology Usage in African Higher Education Contexts: Preliminary Results and Cross-cultural Collaborative Research Process. A presentation at the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) 2021

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Barlow-Zambodla, A., Grossman, H., Kramm, Liu, J. C., Pallitt, N., Sikoyo, L., Tshuma, N. (2021). Decolonizing Educational Technology Research & Use through Cross- cultural Collaborations, Presentation at 11th Annual African, African American, and Diaspora Studies (AAAD) Interdisciplinary Conference.

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Kobia, S.D and Sikoyo, N. L (2021) Enhancing the Role of Civil Society Organizations in Public Education Sector Monitoring and Accountability, paper presented at the International Quality Education Conference, 18-20 May 2021, Dar es Salam, Tanzania Pallitt, N., Grossman, H., Barlow-Zambodla, A., Liu, J. C., Sikoyo, L., Kramm, N., Tshuma, N. (2020). Learning about culturally-situated collaborative research through doing.

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In 2019

Sikoyo, L.N and Kanali. C (2019). Creating awareness for Third Party Funded Research :opportunities and impact of the EANLAR network. A presentation at the EANLAR project International Conference, 23-27 September, 2019

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In 2018

Sikoyo, L.N. (2018). Rethinking Curriculum implementation in 21st Century pedagogic contexts. A paper presented at the First International Curriculum Conference held at the Imperial Resort Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda, 28-31 May 2018

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Sikoyo, L.N. (2018). Repositioning the Curriculum in Transitional Societies; Reflections on policy and practice. A Presentation at the Sixth Annual Research Conference of the Aga Khan University International Institute of Education and Development, Dar es Salaam, 21-23 March 2018.

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In 2017

Sikoyo, L.N; Najjuma, R.; Walimbwa, M., Ocheng, M. (2017): Mobile technology enabled professional support to student teachers during school practice. A Presentation at the Aga Khan International Conference on Education held from 23-25 October 2017 at Hotel Africana, Kampala.

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Sikoyo, L.N. (2017). Fostering collaborative learning in a graduate class through emerging technologies: a presentation at the Distance Education Leapfrogging project (DELP) annual research workshop organized by the College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University, Kampala, 22nd May, 2017

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In 2015

Sikoyo, L.N. (2015) Capacity development needs among research administrators in selected universities in East Africa: a presentation at the East African Network of Learning of Research Administrators (EANLA) conference, University of Kassel, Germany, 23-26

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In 2014

Kisaakye, V., Sikoyo, L.N., & Sentongo, J. (2014). The Recontextualisation of the National HIV Counselling and Testing Training Curriculum in Central Uganda: Trainers' Perceptions and Practices. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 18(1), 344-359.

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In 2011

Sikoyo, L. N. (2011). Expectations of a graduate supervisor: A presentation at a PhD research supervision workshop, Regional Eastern Africa DAAD Alumni (REAL), Kampala, 28 November 2011.

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In 2010

Sikoyo, L.N. (2010). Contextual challenges of implementing learner-centered pedagogy: the case of the problem-solving approach in Uganda. Cambridge Journal of Education, Vol. 40 (3), 247-263.

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Ezati, B; Ssentamu, N. P; Ocheng, M.K and Sikoyo, L.N. (2010). Enhancing quality of student teachers' practices through reflective journal writing during school practice.

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Sikoyo, L.N. (2010). Uganda's Education Reforms: Issues and Challenges of Universal Primary Education: A presentation to the Africa-at-Noon seminar series of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 1st December 2010.

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In 2009

Sikoyo L.N and Jacklin, H. (2009). Exploring the boundary between school science and everyday knowledge in primary school pedagogic practices, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 30, Issue 6, 713-726.

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Sikoyo, L.N (2009). Education sector reforms: Uganda's experience. Paper presented at the Principals' Executive Leadership Seminar Series, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 12-19 September 2009.

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In 2008

Sikoyo, L.N. (2008) Uganda's education system: structure, policy context and recent innovations. Paper presented to the Institute of International Studies Study abroad students, 14th March 2008, at the Faculty of Forestry and Conservation, Makerere University.

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In 2007

Sikoyo, L.N. (2007). Primary teachers' recontextualization of a curriculum innovation in Uganda; Unpublished PhD thesis; University of Cape Town, South Africa.

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Sikoyo, L.N (2007). The Use of theory in research: a presentation at the Doctoral Research Methodology workshop, 19-30, November 2007, Makerere University.

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In 2006

Sikoyo, L. N. (2006). Recontextualizing official pedagogic discourse: teachers' efforts to adopt a pedagogic innovation, Paper presented at the Fourth International Basil Bernstein Symposium, Rutgers State University, New Jersey, USA. 6-9, July 2006.

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In 2005

Sikoyo, L. N. (2005). Inequalities in education provision in Uganda: an appraisal of policy and practice. Paper presented at the Kenton, Education Association, Mpekweni Resort, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 27 - 30 October 2005.

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In 2003

Sikoyo, L. N. (2003). Curriculum initiatives in basic education: a case study of government and non-government organisations in Uganda. In E. K. Kirumira (Ed.), Life skills, sexual maturation, and sanitation, what's (not) happening in our schools? An exploratory study from Uganda. Harare: Weaver Press.

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Sikoyo, L.N and Ssentamu, P.N. (2003), Gender dynamics in professional development: a case study of teacher education at the School of Education, Makerere University, Commissioned by Department of Women and Gender Studies Makerere University under the University Wide Gender Mainstreaming research competition.

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In 2002

Ocheng, M.K; Sikoyo, L.N, Mwalye, P; Ssentamu, P.N; Byaruhanga, M. (2002) Quality Assurance in Tertiary Teacher Education in Uganda, a study commissioned by the School of Education, NORAD project.

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In 2001

Sikoyo, L.N; Kasirye, G, K, Ocheng, M.K; Mwalye, P; Ssentamu, P.N; Byaruhanga, M (2001) Training of School Inspectors for effective monitoring of teaching and learning in primary schools", report of a feasibility study, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation/Makerere University capacity building programme for decentralization.

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In 1996

Namarome, L. E. (1996) The Implications of the proposed Universal Primary Education (UPE) on school facilities and Teacher supply in Mbale district, unpublished M. ED dissertation, Makerere University.

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Perspectives in Education, Vol.8 (2), 31-40.

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Resilience of Students with Visual Impairment to learn before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences from Kyambogo and Makerere Universities. Second East African Teacher Education Symposium, November, 9-11, Kampala, Uganda.

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International Convention, November 2-6, Chicago, USA and Virtual.

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