Leslie Kochanowski

Profile Picture of Leslie Kochanowski
Director of Research & Intitiatives
School of Education- Arlitt Center for Education, Research & Sustainability
University of Cincinnati


  • PhD, Educational Studies (Developmental & Learning Sciences), University of Cincinnati

Research Interests

Early Childhood Education for Sustainability (ECEfS)   21st Century Learning   Action Research  

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Dr. Leslie Kochanowski is the Director of Research and Initiatives at the Arlitt Center for Education, Research, & Sustainability at the University of Cincinnati. She is an advocate for social justice, equity, and high-quality programming in early childhood education, employing principles of Early Childhood Education for Sustainability and Reggio Emilia practices as quality frameworks. She is the Associate/Managing Editor for the Children, Youth & Environments Journal and a consultant on designing and optimizing children's play and learning environments. Her experience as a teacher and researcher informs her scholarly focus on participatory action research in early childhood education aimed at elevating pedagogy and children's schooling experiences.


Contact Information

  47 Corry Blvd., Cincinnati, OH 45221


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