Lucas Koerner

Profile Picture of Lucas Koerner
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering
University of St. Thomas


  • PhD Cornell University, Physics

Research Interests

Direct Time   Sensor Networking, Sensor Networks, Sensor Network   Dynamic Range  

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List of Publications (42)
In 2023

Plastic classification using optical parameter features measured with the tmf8801 direct time-of-flight depth sensor. CN Becker, LJ Koerner Sensors 23 (6), 3324, 2023.

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Correction: Becker, C.N.; Koerner, L.J. Plastic Classification Using Optical Parameter Features Measured with the TMF8801 Direct Time-of-Flight Depth Sensor. Sensors 2023 .... CN Becker, LJ Koerner Sensors 23 (18), 7986, 2023.

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The impact of frame quantization on the dynamic range of a one-bit image sensor. LJ Koerner arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01323, 2023.

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Design of a Configurable 16-Electrode Sense and Stimulation Neuromodulation System. N Lopresto, P Cao, LJ Koerner, H Orser 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in ..., 2023.

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In 2022

Magnetic annealing of extruded thermoplastic magnetic elastomers for 3D-Printing via FDM. NA Fischer, AL Robinson, TJ Lee, TM Calascione, L Koerner, ... Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 553, 169266, 2022.

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A digital feedback amplifier for oocyte ion channel measurements. LJ Koerner, ID Bonequi, A Stroschein, C Uberecken, N LoPresto, J Porter Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 271a, 2022.

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Pyripherals: A Python Package for Communicating with Peripheral Electronic Devices. A Stroschein, ID Bonequi, LJ Koerner Journal of open source software 7 (79), 2022.

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A field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based data acquisition system for closed-loop experiments. I Delgadillo Bonequi, A Stroschein, LJ Koerner Review of Scientific Instruments 93 (11), 2022.

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In 2021

Models of direct time-of-flight sensor precision that enable optimal design and dynamic configuration. LJ Koerner IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-9, 2021.

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Commissioning a Real-World Industry-Grade Microgrid with Undergraduate and Graduate Students: An Educational Experience. M Kabalan, G Mowry, D Weinkauf, LJ Koerner, I Masui, G Gregory, ... 2021 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2021.

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In 2020

Conductive 3D printing: Resistivity dependence upon infill pattern and application to EMI shielding. L Truman, E Whitwam, BB Nelson-Cheeseman, LJ Koerner Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (17), 14108-14117, 2020.

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Characterization of a miniaturized IR depth sensor with a programmable region-of-interest that enables hazard mapping applications. RM Jans, AS Green, LJ Koerner IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (10), 5213-5220, 2020.

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Autonomous low-power voice coil motor parking. LJ Koerner US Patent 10,670,943, 2020.

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An Integrated I2C Sensor Network for Transcatheter Heart Valves. TW Secord, LJ Koerner, RJ Kopas Frontiers in Biomedical Devices 83549, V001T05A001, 2020.

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In 2019

A python instrument control and data acquisition suite for reproducible research. LJ Koerner, TA Caswell, DB Allan, SI Campbell IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (4), 1698-1707, 2019.

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An embedded electrical impedance analyzer based on the AD5933 for the determination of voice coil motor mechanical properties. LJ Koerner, TW Secord Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 295, 99-112, 2019.

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Instrbuilder: A Python package for electrical instrument control. LJ Koerner Journal of Open Source Software, 2019.

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Controlling the EMI Shielding Properties of Conductive Fused Deposition Modeling Material. L Truman, L Koerner, B Nelson-Cheeseman APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, T70. 017, 2019.

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Characterization of LED Temperature Dependence and Power-Efficient LED Modulation Methods for Use in Fluorescence Absorption Spectroscopy. P Kuplic, L Koerner APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, T70. 047, 2019.

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In 2018

Multiple Sampling Photodiode Readout That Overcomes ADC Resolution Limit. LJ Koerner, SM Johnson, LS Manke 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 1-2, 2018.

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In 2017

Current recycling voice-coil-motor (VCM) driver circuit. LJ Koerner US Patent 9,621,096, 2017.

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In 2012

High-resolution protein structure determination by serial femtosecond crystallography. S Boutet, L Lomb, GJ Williams, TRM Barends, A Aquila, RB Doak, ... Science 337 (6092), 362-364, 2012.

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High-Speed in Situ X-ray Scattering of Carbon Nanotube Film Nucleation and Self-Organization. ER Meshot, E Verploegen, M Bedewy, S Tawfick, AR Woll, KS Green, ... Acs Nano 6 (6), 5091-5101, 2012.

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In 2011

Small-angle solution scattering using the mixed-mode pixel array detector. LJ Koerner, RE Gillilan, KS Green, S Wang, SM Gruner Journal of synchrotron radiation 18 (2), 148-156, 2011.

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Pixel array detector for X-ray free electron laser experiments. HT Philipp, M Hromalik, M Tate, L Koerner, SM Gruner Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators ..., 2011.

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Fast X-ray microdiffraction techniques for studying irreversible transformations in materials. ST Kelly, JC Trenkle, LJ Koerner, SC Barron, N Walker, PO Pouliquen, ... Journal of synchrotron radiation 18 (3), 464-474, 2011.

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X-ray analog pixel array detector for single synchrotron bunch time-resolved imaging. LJ Koerner, SM Gruner Journal of synchrotron radiation 18 (2), 157-164, 2011.

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In 2010

Time-resolved x-ray microdiffraction studies of phase transformations during rapidly propagating reactions in Al/Ni and Zr/Ni multilayer foils. JC Trenkle, LJ Koerner, MW Tate, N Walker, SM Gruner, TP Weihs, ... Journal of Applied Physics 107 (11), 2010.

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Femtosecond radiation experiment detector for x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) coherent x-ray imaging. HT Philipp, LJ Koerner, MS Hromalik, MW Tate, SM Gruner IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (6), 3795-3799, 2010.

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In 2009

An accumulating pixel array detector for single-bunch synchrotron experiments. LJ Koerner, MW Tate, SM Gruner IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (5), 2835-2842, 2009.

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A quantum-limited CMOS-sensor-based high-speed imaging system for time-resolved x-ray scattering. B Rodricks, B Fowler, C Liu, J Lowes, LJ Koerner, MW Tate, SM Gruner Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XI 7449, 178-188, 2009.

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X-ray tests of a Pixel Array Detector for coherent x-ray imaging at the Linac Coherent Light Source. LJ Koerner, HT Philipp, MS Hromalik, MW Tate, SM Gruner Journal of Instrumentation 4 (03), P03001, 2009.

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In 2008

Pixel array detectors for high count rate X-ray imaging. MW Tate, M Hromalik, LJ Koerner, HT Philipp, DR Schuette, SM Gruner Acta Crystallographica Section A 64, C191-C192, 2008.

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Phase transformations during rapid heating of Al/Ni multilayer foils. JC Trenkle, LJ Koerner, MW Tate, SM Gruner, TP Weihs, TC Hufnagel Applied physics letters 93 (8), 2008.

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In 2007

First results from the 128x128 pixel mixed-mode Si x-ray detector chip. W Vernon, M Allin, R Hamlin, T Hontz, D Nguyen, F Augustine, SM Gruner, ... Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detector Physics IX 6706, 205-215, 2007.

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Pixel array detector for the capture of femtosecond duration x-ray images. HT Philipp, LJ Koerner, M Hromalik, MW Tate, SM Gruner Ultrafast X-Ray Sources and Detectors 6703, 156-163, 2007.

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Data acquisition and control for the LCLS pixel array detector. MS Hromalik, HT Philipp, LJ Koerner, MW Tate, SM Gruner 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 3, 1744-1750, 2007.

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2006-01-1041 Quantitative Characterization of Near-Field Fuel Sprays by Multi-Orifice Direct Injection Using Ultrafast X-Tomography Technique. X Liu, K Im, Y Wang, J Wang, DLS Hung, JR Winkelman, MW Tate, ... SAE TRANSACTIONS 115 (3), 576, 2007.

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In 2006

In-situ X-ray Diffraction of Phase Transformations in Nanostuctured Reactive Multilayer Foils. JC Trenkle, L Koerner, MW Tate, S Gruner, TP Weihs, TC Hufnagel Fifth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science ..., 2006.

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Quantitative Characterization of Near-Field Fuel Sprays by Multi-Orifice Direct Injection Using Uitrafast X-Tomography Technique. X Liu, KS Im, Y Wang, J Wang, DLS Hung, JR Winkelman, MW Tate, ... SAE transactions, 576-583, 2006.

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In 2005

Near-field characterization of direct injection gasoline sprays from multi-hole injector using ultrafast x-tomography. X Liu, SK Cheong, CF Powell, J Wang, DL Hung, JR Winkelman, MW Tate, ... ILASS Americas, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray ..., 2005.

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Undergraduate Research Highlights. LJ Koerner, SM Johnson, LS Manke .

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