M. Asghar Bhatti

Profile Picture of M. Asghar Bhatti
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Iowa


  • Ph.D., Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, University of California-Berkeley, 1980
  • M.S., Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, University of California-Berkeley, 1975
  • B.E., Civil Engineering, University of Karachi, 1972

Research Interests

Structural Design Optimization   Semi Rigid Frames   Earthquake Engineering  

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Contact Information

  (319) 335-5656

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List of Publications (156)
In 2009

M. A. Bhatti 1. Nishiyama, T., Lee, H. and Bhatti, M.A., "Investigation of Bonding Condition in Concrete Overlay by Laboratory Testing, Finite Element Modeling and Field Evaluation" Paper 05-2009, 84th Annual TRB Meeting, January 2005.

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In 2008

Structures Congress 2008: 18th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference MA Bhatti, CM Foley, FA Charney Structures Congress 2008@ sCrossing Borders , 2008

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In 2007

Maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements and technological control: proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, Park City, Utah, USA, 8-10 August, 2007 H Lee, MA Bhatti International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and ...

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Design and finite element analysis of piezoresistive cantilever with stress concentration holes MA Bhatti, LC Xi, LY Zhong, AN Abdalla Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2007. ICIEA 2007. 2nd IEEE ...

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Evaluation of Pavements with Thin-Bonded Concrete Overlays through 3D Finite Element Modeling T Nishiyama, MA Bhatti, H Lee Fifth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of ... , 2007

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In 2006

M. A. Bhatti 1. Ahmet Oztasa, Murat Palab, Erdogan Ozbayb, Erdogan Kancab, Naci Caglarc, and M. Asghar Bhatti, Predicting the compressive strength and slump of high strength concrete using neural network, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Volume 20, Issue 9, November 2006, Pages 769-775.

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M. A. Bhatti 1. M. A. Bhatti, Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis of Structures: with Mathematica and MATLAB Computations, 590 pages, ISBN 0-471-64807-9, John Wiley, New York 2006.

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Predicting the compressive strength and slump of high strength concrete using neural network A Oztas, M Pala, E Ozbay, E Kanca, N Caglar, MA Bhatti Construction and building materials 20 (9), 769-775 , 2006

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Retaining wall design optimization with MS excel solver Structures Congress 2006@ s17th Analysis and Computation Specialty ... , 2006

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Advanced topics in finite element analysis of structures: with Mathematica and MATLAB computations John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2006

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In 2005

M. A. Bhatti 1. Bhatti, M.A., Structural Design Optimization using the MS Excel Solver and Computer Algebra Systems, ASCE Structures Congress, New York, 2005.

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Nishiyama, T., Lee, H., and Bhatti, M.A., "Investigation of Bonding Condition in Concrete Overlay by Laboratory Testing, Finite Element Modeling and Field Evaluation" Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1933, TRB 2005, pp. 15-23.

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Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, June 2005-Present.

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M. A. Bhatti, Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: with Mathematica and MATLAB Computations, 700 pages, ISBN 0-471-64808-6, John Wiley, New York 2005.

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M. A. Bhatti 1. Presentaion, ASCE Structures Congress, New York, April 2005.

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Bhatti, M.A., Vignes, R. and Han, R.P.S., Muscle Forces and Fatigue in a Virtual Soldier Environment, SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, Paper No. 2005-01-2712, pp. 2930-2936, March 2005.

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Muscle forces and fatigue in a digital human environment MA Bhatti, RPS Han, R Vignes SAE Technical Paper , 2005

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, MA Bhatti, HD Lee 10, 169-174 , 2005

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Finite Element Analysis with Mathematica and Matlab Computations and Practical Applications: Fundamental Concepts John Wiley , 2005

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Structural Design Optimization using the MS Excel Solver and Computer Algebra Systems Structures Congress 2005@ sMetropolis and Beyond, 1-9 , 2005

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Investigation of bonding condition in concrete overlay by laboratory testing, finite element modeling, and field evaluation T Nishiyama, H Lee, MA Bhatti Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ... , 2005

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Fundamental finite element analysis and applications Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons , 2005

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In 2004

M. A. Bhatti, Ryan Vignes, and Ray P.S. Han, Incorporating Muscle Fatigue in a Virtual Soldier Environment, International Soldier Systems Conference, December 13-16, 2004, Boston, MA.

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Obadat, M., Lee, H., Bhatti, M.A., and Maclean, B., "Development of Peripheral Interface Controller Microcontroller for Smart MEMS Sensor" Paper 04-4902, 83rd Annual TRB Meeting, January 2004.

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In 2003

Presentaion, Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education, Nashville, TN, June 2003

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Nishiyama, T., Bhatti, M.A., and Lee, H., "Finite Element Characterization of Bond-Levels and Performance of Pavements with Overlays", pp. 141-150, Proceedings of the International Conference On Highway Pavement Data, Anaysis and Mechanistic Design Applications, Columbus, Ohio, September 7-10, 2003.

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Nishiyama, T., Bhatti, M.A., and Lee, H., "Finite Element Simulation of Different Bond Levels in Pavements with Thin and Ultra Thin Whitetopping" Third International Symposium on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, Guimaraes, Portugal, July 7 - 10, 2003.

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Chen, X., Lee, H., and Bhatti, M.A., "Prototype of Web-GIS for UAST-based Railroad Fatigue Management", Paper No. 03-4373, 82nd Annual TRB Meeting, January 2003.

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Presentaion, Third International Symposium on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, Guimaraes, Portugal., July 2003

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Presentaion, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Reasearch Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, January 2003

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Obadat, M., Lee, H., Bhatti, M.A. and Maclean, B., "Full-Scale Field Evaluation of Microelectromechanical System-Based Biaxial Strain Transducer and Its Application in Fatigue Analysis" Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, Vol 16, No. 3, pp. 100-107, July 2003.

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Obadat, M., Lee, H., Bhatti, M.A., and Maclean, B., "Full-Scale Field Evaluation of MEMS-Based Biaxial Strain Transducer in Predicting Fatigue Life of Rail Structure", Paper No. 03-3326, 82nd Annual TRB Meeting, January 2003.

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Nishiyama, T., Bhatti, M.A., and Lee, H., "Development of 3-D Finite Element Model to Quantify Bond Level of Thin Concrete Overlay", Paper No. 03-2985, 82nd Annual TRB Meeting, January 2003.

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Full-scale field evaluation of microelectromechanical system-based biaxial strain transducer and its application in fatigue analysis M Obadat, HD Lee, MA Bhatti, B Maclean Journal of Aerospace Engineering 16 (3), 100-107 , 2003

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Finite element characterization of bond-levels and performance of pavements with overlays T Nishiyama, MA Bhatti, HD Lee International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis and Mechanistic ... , 2003

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3-D finite element model of the rail including an elastic foundation T Nishiyama, MA Bhatti, HD LEE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION RAILWAY ... , 2003

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In 2002

Presentaion, 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Reasearch Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, January 2002

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Obadat , M., Lee, H., and Bhatti, M. A., Predicting Fatigue Life of Rails Using Measured and 3D Finite Element Simulated Strain Histories, Paper # 02-3876, Transportation Research Board, 81st Annual Meeting, January 13-17, 2002, Washington, DC.

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Bucher und Software-Practical Optimization Methods. With Mathematica Applications Physik Journal 1 (4), 60-60 , 2002

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In 2001

Session Moderator, Session 7B, Second International Symposium on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, July 29 - August 1, 2001, Auburn, Alabama, July 2001

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Invited speaker, Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm, 2001 Mathematica Developers Conference, Champaign, IL., October 2001

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Bhatti, M.A. and Stoner, J.W., Jointed Concrete Pavement Finite Element Model Development Using The Fwd Data, Paper 01-148, Second International Symposium on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, July 29 - August 1, 2001, Auburn, Alabama.

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In 2000

Session Chairman, Vibrations conference, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, April 2000

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Buranadham, S., Aquilino, S., Stanford, C.M., and Bhatti, M.A., "Cement Stresses in an Anterior Tooth Restored with Cast-Dowel Core", submitted for the symposium of International and American Association for Dental Research , IADR 2000.

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M. A. Bhatti, Practical Optimization Methods With Mathematica Applications, 715 page textbook with CD, ISBN 0-387-98631-6, Springer- Verlag, New York, 2000.

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In 1999

M. A. Bhatti 1. Bhatti, M.A., "A Mathematica Based Environment for Analysis and Optimum Design of Composite Structures", Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures, Editors: S. Hernandez, A.J. Kassab, and C. A. Brebbia, pp. 301-310, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 1999.

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Presentation, Nonlinear Analysis of Jointed Concrete Pavements, 78th Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, DC., January 1999

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Mathematica Developers Conference, Champaign, IL., October 1999

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Invited lecturer, Transportation safety: Simulation tools and applications, Naif Academy of Security Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia., October 1999

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Chiu, L.B., Bhatti, M.A., and Chen, J.S., "A Four Field Variational Formulation for Incompressible Problems in Hyperelasticity", Proceedings of the Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, January 1999.

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Presentation, A Four Field Variational Formulation for Incompressible Problems in Hyperelasticity, Sixth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil., January 1999

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Session Co-Chairman, Session W2D, Fracture/Fatigue, 1999 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA., June 1999

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Session Co-Chairman, Session W3D, Fracture, 1999 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA., June 1999

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Bhatti, M.A., "Graphical Representation of Constrained Optimization Problems", Mathematica In Education and Research, Vol. 8, No3-4, pp 37-42, 1999.

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Invited speaker, Constrained Optimization Using Penalty Functions, 1999

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Presentation, A Mathematica Based Environment for Analysis and Optimum Design of Composite Structures, OPTI99, Orlando, Florida., March 1999

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In 1998

Bhatti, M.A. and Stoner, J.W., "Nonlinear Pavement Distress Model Using Dynamic Vehicle Loads", ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, pp. 71-78, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 1998.

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Invited speaker/organizer, Finite Element Modeling of Jointed Concrete Pavements Using ANSYS and PaveSim, First National Symposium on 3D Finite Element Modeling for Pavement Analysis and Design, Charleston, WV., November 1998

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Invited speaker, Teaching Optimum Design Using Mathematica, 10th Anniversary Mathematica Developers Conference, Chicago, IL., June 1998

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M. A. Bhatti 17. Invited speaker, Analysis and Optimum Design of Composite Structures Using a Symbolic Computational Environment, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, Troia, Portugal., July 1998

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M. A. Bhatti 12. Bhatti, M.A., "Finite Element Modeling of Jointed Concrete Pavements Using ANSYS and PaveSim", Proceedings of First National Symposium on 3D Finite Element Modeling for Pavement Analysis and Design, November 1998.

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Bhatti, M.A., Molinas-Vega, Idelin and Stoner, J.W., "Nonlinear Analysis of Jointed Concrete Pavements", Paper No. 98-1063, pp. 50-57, Transportation Research Record, No. 1629, 1998.

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Presentation, 77th Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, DC., January 1998

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In 1997

Bhatti, M.A. and Stoner, J.W., "Rigid Concrete Pavement Response to Alternative Heavy Vehicle Configurations", Paper No. 971220, TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January, 1997.

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Lin, Baizhong, and Bhatti, M.A., , "Fatigue Threshold Based on Cyclic Friction Energy Dissipation", Proceedings of the Fifth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 1997.

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Bhatti, M.A., Lin, Baizhong and Stoner, J.W. "Dynamic Simulation Based Pavement Consumption Model", ASCE Special publication on Infrastructure Condition Assessment: Art, Science, and Practice, (Editor: Mitsuru Saito), pp. 161-170, 1997.

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Presentation, 76th Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, DC., January 1997

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Bhatti, M.A., "Teaching Optimum Design Using Mathematica", Proceedings of the 59 Annual ASEE North Midwest Conference, Iowa City, IA, October 1997.

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M. A. Bhatti 1. Bhatti, M. A., Baizhong Lin, Paul Taylor, and Leslie Hart, "PaveSim: Simulation of Pavement Damage due to Heavy Vehicles", Public Policy Center Report, 1997.

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Presentation, Fifth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, San Juan, Puerto Rico., January 1997

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Presentation, ASCE Conference on Infrastructure Condition Assessment, Boston, MA., August 1997

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Presentation , 59th Annual ASEE North Midwest Meeting, Iowa City, IA., October 1997

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In 1996

Presentation , 58th Annual ASEE North Midwest Meeting, Fargo, ND., October 1996

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Sesisesquicentennial Transportation Conference Proceedings, pp. 97-100, May 1996.

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Bhatti, M.A., "Use Of Symbolic Computer Algebra System In Teaching Finite Element Analysis", Proceedings of the 58 Annual ASEE North Midwest Conference, Fargo, ND, October 1996.

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Bhatti, M.A., "Role of Computer Algebra Systems in Structural Design Practice", Computing & Information Technology for Architecture, Engineering & Construction, (Editors: H. K. Lye, C. Y. Sang, and H. Adeli) pp. 71-78, May 1996.

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Invited lecture, Nanyang Technological University, Department of Civil Engineering, Singapore., May 1996

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Bhatti, M.A., "Optimum Cost Design of Partially Composite Steel Beams Using LRFD", AISC Engineering Journal, pp. 18-29, Vol 33, No. 1, First Quarter 1996.

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Presentation, 1996 TRB Sesquicentennial Transportation Conference Ames, Iowa., May 1996

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Bhatti, M.A., "Mathematica as a Teaching and Research Aid in Finite Element Analysis", Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, April 1996.

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Presentation, First International Conference on Computing and Information Technology for Architecture, Engineering & Construction, Singapore., May 1996

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Presentation, ACI Annual Spring Convention, Denver, CO., March 1996

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Bhatti, M.A., Molinas-Vega, I. and Stoner, J. W., "Nonlinear Finite Element Based Model for Simulation of Performance of Concrete Pavements", 1996

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Bhatti, M.A. and Almughrabi, A., "A Refined Model to Estimate Torsional Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams", ACI Structural Journal, pp. 614-622, Vol. 95, No. 5, September/October 1996.

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Bhatti, M.A., Barlow, J., and Stoner, J.W., "Modeling Damage To Rigid Pavements Caused By Subgrade Pumping", ASCE Transportation Journal, pp. 12- 21, Vol 122, No. 1, January/February 1996.

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Bhatti, M.A., Lin, Baizhong, and Molinas-Vega, I., "Effect of Openings on Deflections and Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs", ACI Special Publication SP-161, Recent Developments in Deflection Evaluation of Concrete Structures, (Editor: E. G. Nawy), pp. 149-164, November 1996.

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In 1995

Presentation, ACI Fall Convention, Montreal, Canada., November 1995

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Invited panelist, Mathematica in Engineering Mechanics, Mathematica Developers Conference, Wolfram Research, Champaign, IL., September 1995

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Presentation, Fourth International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures, Miami, FL, September 1995

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Bhatti, M.A. and Al-Gahtani, A.S., "Optimum Design of Welded Plate Girders Subjected to Highway Bridge Loading", Structural Optimization, Editors: S. Hernandez, M. El-Sayed, and C. A. Brebbia, pp. 225-232, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1995.

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M. A. Bhatti 13. Bhatti, M.A. and J. D. Hingtgen., "Effect of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames", AISC Engineering Journal, pp. 21- 33, Volume 32, No. 1, 1995.

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In 1994

Stoner, J.W. and M. A. Bhatti, "Estimating Pavement Damage from Longer and Heavier Combination Vehicles", Midwest Transportation Center Report, June 1994.

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Bhatti, M.A., Teng, Susanto, and Ashton, W.D., "Simplified Analysis of a Cracked Concrete Arch Dam", Concrete International, p. 53-57, January 1994.

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Bhatti, M.A., J. W. Stoner, and J. D. Hingtgen., "Simulation of Dynamic Loads from Alternative Vehicle Configurations", Heavy Vehicle Systems, International Journal of Vehicle Design, pp. 396-416, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1994.

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In 1993

Presentation, 2nd International Conference on the Concrete Future, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., February 1993

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Teng, S., Bhatti, M. A., and Ashton, W.D.,, "Investigation of a Cracked Concrete Arch Dam using the Finite Element Method", pp. 201-208, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Concrete Future, The National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 9-11, 1993, pp. 201-208.

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In 1992

Stoner, J.W., M. A. Bhatti, and N. S. J. Foster, "The Economic, Operating, and Infrastructure Impacts of Concentrated Truck Transport Service and Designated Commercial Highway Networks", Midwest Transportation Center Report, 1992.

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In 1991

Presentation, ACI Spring Convention, Boston, Mass., March 1991

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Febres-Cedillo, H.E., and Bhatti, M.A., "Parametric Modeling of Earthquake Response Spectra", International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, pp. 291-302, vol. 10, No. 6, August 1991.

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Stoner, J.W., Bhatti, M.A., Kim, S.S., Bernard, J.E., Molinas-Vega, I., C. Q. Febres, Amhoff, B., Koo, J.K., S.W. Stearns, and N.S.J. Foster, "Dynamic Simulation Methods for Evaluating Vehicle Configuration and Roadway Design ", Midwest Transportation Center Report, 1991.

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In 1990

Stoner, J.W., Bhatti, M.A., Kim, S.S., Koo, J.K., Molinas-Vega, I., Amhoff, B., "Dynamic Simulation Methods for Evaluating Motor Vehicles and Roadway Design and Resolving Policy Issues", Midwest Transportation Center Report, 1990.

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In 1988

Presentation, Sixth National Conference on University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering Design, and Manufacturing, Atlanta, GA., June 1988

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Febres-Cedillo, H.E. and Bhatti, M.A., "A Simple Strain Energy Based Mesh Refinement Scheme", Computers and Structures, Vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 523-533, 1988.

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Bhatti, M. Asghar, "Developing Engineering Design Software Using HyperCard", Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 111-126, 1988.

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Bhatti, M. Asghar, "Computer Aided Load and Resistance Factor Design of Steel Beams", pp. 37-41, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering Design, and Manufacturing, June 27- 29, 1988.

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In 1986

Presentation, ASCE Ninth Conference on Electronic Computation, Birmingham, Alabama., February 1986

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Rajan, S. D and Bhatti, M. A., "SADDLE: Structural Analysis and Dynamic Design LanguagE, Part II: Database management system", Computers and Structures, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 205-212, 1986.

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Invited lecture, National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Pakistan., April 1986

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Presentation, ASCE Fourth Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Boston, MA., October 1986

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Al-Gahtani, A. and Bhatti, M.A., "Software for Optimum Design of Highway Bridge Beams", Proceedings ASCE Fourth Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Boston, MA, October 27-29, 1986.

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Hussain, A. and Bhatti, M.A., "Optimal Design of Continuous Parabolically Varying Depth Prestressed Concrete Girders", Ninth Conference on Electronic Computation, Birmingham, Alabama, February 23-26, 1986.

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Rajan, S. D. and Bhatti, M. A., "SADDLE: Structural Analysis and Dynamic Design LanguagE, Part I: Design System", Computers and Structures, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 185-204, 1986.

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Bhatti, M.A. and Nam, D.H., "Optimal Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames", Proceedings National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, The Institution of Engineers, Pakistan, April 1986.

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In 1985

Rajan, S. D., and Bhatti, M. A., "On Designing a Database Management system for a Computer Aided Engineering Software System", Computers and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 1047-1057, 1985.

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M. A. Bhatti 38. Presentation, ASME 11th Design Automation Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio., September 1985

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Krishnaswami, P. and Bhatti, M.A., "Symbolic Computing in Optimal Design of Dynamic Systems", Paper No. 85-DET-76, (6 pages), ASME 11th Design Automation Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1985.

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Nagib, M. E., Breckner, P., Farsakh, L., and Bhatti, M. A., "RCCR-Wall: Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Retaining Wall", Design of Structural Concrete, Computer Program Series/Com-2(85), ACI 1985.

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Bhatti, M.A., Raza, S.M.N., and Rajan, S.D. "Preliminary Optimal Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges", Engineering Optimization, Vol. 8, 1985, pp. 265-289.

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Yang, R.J. and Bhatti, M.A., "Nonlinear, Static and Dynamic Analysis of Plates", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 111, No. 2, February 1985, pp. 175-187.

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Bhatti, M.A., "Computer Aided Design at The University of Iowa", Proceedings National Computer Graphics Association Conference and Exposition, April 14- 18, 1985, Dallas, Vol. III, pp. 307-316.

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Presentation, National Computer Graphics Association Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX., April 1985

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In 1984

Bhatti, M. A., Ciampi, V. and Pister, K. S., "Interactive Optimal Design of Dynamically Loaded Structures", Optimum Structural Design, E. Atrek, R. H. Gallagher, K. M. Ragsdell, and O. C. Zienkiewicz (Editors), John Wiley, 1984, pp. 633-662.

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Krishnaswami, P. and Bhatti, M.A., "A General Approach for Design Sensitivity Analysis of Constrained Dynamic Systems", Paper 184-DET-132 (7 pages), ASME 1984 Design Engineering Technical Conference, October 7-10, 1984, Cambridge, MA.

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In 1983

Rajan, S. D. and Bhatti, M. A., "Data Management in FEM-Based Optimization Software", Computers and Structures, Vol. 16, No. 1-4, pp. 317-325, 1983.

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In 1982

Bhatti, M. A., Ciampi, V., Kelly, J. M. and Pister, K. S., "An Earthquake Isolation System for Steam Generators in Nuclear Power Plants", Nuclear Engineering and Design, v.73, pp. 229-252, 1982.

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Arabi-Katibi, M. N. and Bhatti, M. A., "COLAPS: A Graphics-Oriented Interactive Program for Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Planar Frame Structures", Technical Report No. CAD-SS-82.8, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 52242, February 1982.

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In 1981

Bhatti, M. A., Wu, E. B. and Lim, O.K., "ICAL - Interactive Computer Analysis Language", Technical Report No. CAD-SS-81-3, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, September 1981.

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Bhatti, M. A., Pister, K. S. and Polak, E., "A Package for Optimization Based Interactive CAD", ASCE Journal of Structural Division, Vol. 107, No. ST 11, November 1981, pp. 2271-2284.

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M. A. Bhatti 28. Bhatti, M. A. and Pister, K. S., "Transient Response Analysis of Structural Systems with Nonlinear Behavior," Computers and Structures, Vol. 12, January, 1981, pp. 181-188.

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Bhatti, M. A., Ciampi, V., Pister, K. S. and Polak, E., "OPTNSR - An Interactive Software System for Optimal Design of Statically and Dynamically Loaded Structures with Nonlinear Response, Report No. UCB/EERC-81/02, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA, January 1981.

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Balling, R., Bhatti, M. A., Ciampi, V. and Pister, K. S., "Interactive Optimal Design of Dynamically Loaded Structures Using the OPTNSR Software System", Proceedings, International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design, Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 1981.

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Bhatti, M. A. and Pister, K. S., "Applications of Optimal Design to Structures Subjected to Earthquake Loading", pp. 620 - 649, Optimization of Distributed Parameter Structures: Volume I, E. J. Haug and J. Cea (Editors), Sijthoff and Noordhoff 1981.

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Presentations, International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design, Tucson, Arizona., October 1981

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Bhatti, M. A., Essebo, T., Nye, W., Pister, K. S., Polak, E., Sanjiovanni, A. and Tits, A., "A Software System for Optimization Based Interactive Computer-Aided Design", pp. 602 - 619, Optimization of Distributed Parameter Structures: Volume I, E. J. Haug and J. Cea (Editors), Sijthoff and Noordhoff 1981.

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Bhatti, M. A. and Pister, K. S., "A Dual Criteria Approach for Optimal Design of Earthquake Resistant Structural Systems", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 9, November-December 1981, pp. 557-572.

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Bhatti, M. A., Ciampi, V., Pister, K. S. and Polak, E., "An Interactive Software System for Optimal Design of Statically and Dynamically Loaded Structures with Nonlinear Response", Proceedings, International Symposium on Optimum Structural Design, Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 1981.

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In 1980

Bhatti, M. A., Pister, K. S. and Polak, E., "Interactive Optimal Design of Dynamically Loaded Structures," Preprint No. 80-635, ASCE National Convention, Hollywood, FL, October 1980.

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Bhatti, M.A., Pister, K.S., and Polak, E., "Optimization of Control Devices in Base Isolation Systems for Aseismic Design", pp. 127 - 138, Structural Control, H. H. E. Leipholz (Editor), North-Holland Publishing Company and SM Publications 1980.

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Bhatti, M. A., Pister, K. S., "An Implementable Algorithm for Computer-Aided Design Problems With or Without Dynamic Constraints", Advances in Computer Technology Conference, ASME, San Francisco, CA, August, 1980, pp. 392-400.

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Presentation, ASCE National Convention, Hollywood, Florida., October 1980

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Presentation , ASME International Computer Technology Conference, San Francisco, CA., August 1980

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Presentations, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Optimization of Distributed Parameter Structures, Iowa City, IA., Summer 1980.

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In 1979

Bhatti, M. A., Polak, E. and Pister, K. S., "OPTDYN - A General Purpose Optimization Program for Problems With or Without Dynamic Constraints", UCB/EERC - 79/16, July 1979, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

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Bhatti, M. A., "Optimal Design of Localized Nonlinear Systems with Dual Performance Criteria Under Earthquake Excitations," UCB/EERC - 79/15, July 1979, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

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In 1978

Bhatti, M. A., Pister, K. S. and Polak, E. "Optimal Design of an Earthquake Isolation System", UCB/EERC - 78/22, October 1978, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

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Sreekantamurthy, T., Rajan, S.D., Reddy, C.P.D., Staley, D.T., Bhatti, M.A. and Arora, J.S., "Database Management in Design Optimization", Technical Report No. CAD-SS-83-17, Division of Materials Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

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Rajan, S. D. and Bhatti, M. A. "SADDLE: A Computer-Aided Structural Analysis and Dynamic Design Language", Technical Report CAD-SS-82.13, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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Molinas-Vega, I., M. A. Bhatti, and W. F. Nixon, "A Nonlinear Fatigue Damage Model for Concrete in Tension", International Journal for Damage Mechanics, p.

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Yungtun, L. and Bhatti, M. A., "Interactive Use of ANSYS for Static Analysis Problems", Technical Report, CAD-SS-82.20, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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M. A. Bhatti 13. Bhatti, M. A. and Haririan, M., "CANON: Computer Aided Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Systems", Technical Report CAD-SS-82.26, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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Liu, J. J. and Bhatti, M. A., "ITABS: A Graphics Oriented Interactive Program for Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems", Technical Report CAD-SS- 82.29, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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Yungtun, L. and Bhatti, M. A., "Interactive Use of ANSYS for Dynamic Analysis Problems", Technical Report CAD-SS-82.22, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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Rajan, S. D. and Bhatti, M. A., "OPTECH User's Manual", Technical Report CAD SS-82.12, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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Bhatti, M. A. "Welcome to GIFTS (A Graphics Oriented Interactive Finite Element Time-Sharing System)", Technical Report CAD-SS-82.19, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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Yungtun, L. and Bhatti, M. A., "Interactive Use of ANSYS for Thermal Analysis Problems", Technical Report CAD-SS-82.21, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

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