Madelyn Houser

Profile Picture of Madelyn Houser
Assistant Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Emory University & EUSHC


  • B.S., Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, May 2013
  • Ph.D., Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis, Emory University, May 2019

Research Interests

Gut Microbiome, Gut Microbiomes   Gastrointestinal Inflammation   Metabolomics  

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Dr. Madelyn Houser is a Research track Assistant Professor affiliated with the Center for Data Science in the School of Nursing. She is experienced in biomedical and basic research and has the technical skills to conduct rigorous, reproducible analyses of large data sets including those generated in omics assays. Dr. Houser’s undergraduate training was in biochemistry and microbiology. She then earned her Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis from Emory’s Laney Graduate School. Her dissertation demonstrated the potential for intestinal inflammation to contribute to the development of Parkinson’s disease. She maintained her focus on perturbations of the gut environment and inflammation as a postdoc with Dr. Vicki Hertzberg in the SON Center for Data Science, continuing studies on Parkinson’s disease and applying similar approaches in projects related to other neurodegenerative diseases, as well asto heat-related illness and hypertension. Dr. Houser has extensive laboratory and computational research experience in studies of the interplay between gut microbes and the host immune system and the role of inflammatory processes in chronic disease. Dr. Houser works collaboratively with numerous research teams, contributing topical as well as methods expertise and technical skills in bioinformatics and analysis of omics data sets. Her current projects include studies of gut-brain connections in ALS and Alzheimer’s disease, mechanisms of heat-related illness and kidney disease in agricultural workers, factors which contribute to symptom severity in individuals living with multiple chronic health conditions, and drivers of dysfunction of pancreatic islet cells in type 2 diabetes. Consistent themes in Dr. Houser’s research are the integration of multiple data sources(often including microbiome, metabolomics, and/or inflammation-related data)and assessment of the interactions of complex systems to identify risk factors and contributors to adverse health outcomes.


Contact Information

  Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing Emory University 1520 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30322 Room 244

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List of Publications (33)
In 2024

Associations between TCA cycle plasma metabolites and fatigue in black females with systemic lupus erythematosus: An untargeted metabolomics pilot study (2024)

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Longitudinal Renal Function Degradation Among Florida Agricultural Workers (2024)

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Multi-omics analysis of the gut microbiome and metabolites associated with the psychoneurological symptom cluster in children with cancer receiving chemotherapy (2024)

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In 2023

Ronald C. Eldridge and Zhaohui S. Qin and Nabil Saba and Madelyn C. Houser and D. Neil Hayes and Andrew H. Miller and Deborah W. Bruner and Dean P. Jones and Canhua Xiao. "Unsupervised Hierarchical Clustering of Head and Neck Cancer Patients by Pre-Treatment Plasma Metabolomics Creates Prognostic Metabolic Subtypes" (2023)

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Jonathan J. Suarez and Lisa Elon and Adriana Rangel-Rodriguez and Nezahualcoyotl Xiuhtecutli and Madelyn C. Houser and Vicki Hertzberg and Linda McCauley and Jeff M. Sands and Roxana C. Chicas. "A pilot study examining the use of ultrasound to measure intravascular volume status in agricultural workers in a field-based research setting" (2023)

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Kathryn P. MacPherson and Lori N. Eidson and Madelyn C. Houser and Blaine E. Weiss and Jenna L. Gollihue and Mary K. Herrick and Maria Elizabeth de Sousa Rodrigues and Lindsey Sniffen and Erica M. Weekman and Adam M. Hamilton and Sean D. Kelly and Danielle L. Oliver and Yuan Yang and Jianjun Chang and Timothy R. Sampson and Christopher M. Norris and Mal{\'{u} } G{\'{a} }mez Tansey. "Soluble TNF mediates amyloid-independent, diet-induced alterations to immune and neuronal functions in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model" (2023)

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Madelyn C. Houser and Daniel J. Smith and David Rhodes and Judith L. Glick-Smith and Phillip Chovan and Erin Ferranti and Sandra B. Dunbar and Mal{\'{u} } G. Tansey and Vicki Hertzberg and Valerie V. Mac. "Inflammatory profiles, gut microbiome, and kidney function are impacted after high-fidelity firefighter training" (2023)

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Associations of differentially expressed genes with psychoneurological symptoms in patients with head and neck cancer: A longitudinal study (2023)

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Stool Fatty and Bile Acid Profiles Differ between ALS Patients and Caregiver Controls (2023)

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The impact of heat exposures on biomarkers of AKI and plasma metabolome among agricultural and non-agricultural workers (2023)

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In 2022

Madelyn C. Houser and Oihane Uriarte Huarte and Rebecca L. Wallings and Cody E. Keating and Kathryn P. MacPherson and Mary K. Herrick and George T. Kannarkat and Sean D. Kelly and Jianjun Chang and Nicholas H. Varvel and Jessica E. Rexach and Mal{\'{u} } G{\'{a} }mez Tansey. "Progranulin loss results in sex-dependent dysregulation of the peripheral and central immune system" (2022)

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Aoji Xie and Elizabeth Ensink and Peipei Li and Juozas Gordevi{\v{c} }ius and Lee L. Marshall and Sonia George and John Andrew Pospisilik and Velma T.E. Aho and Madelyn C. Houser and Pedro A.B. Pereira and Knut Rudi and Lars Paulin and Mal{\'{u} } G. Tansey and Petri Auvinen and Patrik Brundin and Lena Brundin and Viviane Labrie and Filip Scheperjans. "Bacterial Butyrate in Parkinson's Disease Is Linked to Epigenetic Changes and Depressive Symptoms" (2022)

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Hydration Interventions Among Agricultural Workers: A Pilot Study. (2022)

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Chicas, R. and Xiuhtecutli, N. and Houser, M. and Glastra, S. and Elon, L. and Sands, J.M. and McCauley, L. and Hertzberg, V. "COVID-19 and Agricultural Workers: A Descriptive Study" (2022)

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Tansey, M.G. and Wallings, R.L. and Houser, M.C. and Herrick, M.K. and Keating, C.E. and Joers, V. "Inflammation and immune dysfunction in Parkinson disease" (2022)

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Chicas, R.C. and Elon, L. and Houser, M.C. and Mutic, A. and Gallegos, E.I. and Smith, D.J. and Modly, L. and Xiuhtecutli, N. and Hertzberg, V.S. and Flocks, J. and Sands, J.M. and McCauley, L. "The Health Status of Hispanic Agricultural Workers in Georgia and Florida" (2022)

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In 2021

Xie, A. and Ensink, E. and Li, P. and Gordevi?ius, J. and Marshall, L.L. and George, S. and Pospisilik, J.A. and Aho, V.T.E. and Houser, M.C. and Pereira, P.A.B. and Rudi, K. and Paulin, L. and Tansey, M.G. and Auvinen, P. and Brundin, P. and Brundin, L. and Labrie, V. and Scheperjans, F. "Butyrate and related epigenetic changes link Parkinson's disease to inflammatory bowel disease and depressive symptoms" (2021)

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Houser, M.C. and Caudle, W.M. and Chang, J. and Kannarkat, G.T. and Yang, Y. and Kelly, S.D. and Oliver, D. and Joers, V. and Shannon, K.M. and Keshavarzian, A. and Tansey, M.G. "Experimental colitis promotes sustained, sex-dependent, T-cell-associated neuroinflammation and parkinsonian neuropathology" (2021)

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Kline, E.M. and Houser, M.C. and Herrick, M.K. and Seibler, P. and Klein, C. and West, A. and Tansey, M.G. "Genetic and Environmental Factors in Parkinson's Disease Converge on Immune Function and Inflammation" (2021)

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Houser, M.C. and Mac, V. and Smith, D.J. and Chicas, R.C. and Xiuhtecutli, N. and Flocks, J.D. and Elon, L. and Tansey, M.G. and Sands, J.M. and McCauley, L. and Hertzberg, V.S. "Inflammation-Related Factors Identified as Biomarkers of Dehydration and Subsequent Acute Kidney Injury in Agricultural Workers" (2021)

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Aho, V.T.E. and Houser, M.C. and Pereira, P.A.B. and Chang, J. and Rudi, K. and Paulin, L. and Hertzberg, V. and Auvinen, P. and Tansey, M.G. and Scheperjans, F. "Relationships of gut microbiota, short-chain fatty acids, inflammation, and the gut barrier in Parkinson's disease" (2021)

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In 2020

Butkovich, L.M. and Houser, M.C. and Chalermpalanupap, T. and Porter-Stransky, K.A. and Iannitelli, A.F. and Boles, J.S. and Lloyd, G.M. and Coomes, A.S. and Eidson, L.N. and De Sousa Rodrigues, M.E. and Oliver, D.L. and Kelly, S.D. and Chang, J. and Bengoa-Vergniory, N. and Wade-Martins, R. and Giasson, B.I. and Joers, V. and Weinshenker, D. and Tansey, M.G. "Transgenic mice expressing human a-synuclein in noradrenergic neurons develop locus ceruleus pathology and nonmotor features of parkinson's disease" (2020)

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In 2019

Interactions Between Commensal Bacteria and Enteric Neurons, via FPR1 Induction of ROS, Increase Gastrointestinal Motility in Mice (2019)

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De Sousa Rodrigues, M.E. and Houser, M.C. and Walker, D.I. and Jones, D.P. and Chang, J. and Barnum, C.J. and Tansey, M.G. "Targeting soluble tumor necrosis factor as a potential intervention to lower risk for late-onset Alzheimer's disease associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes" (2019)

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Butkovich, L.M. and Houser, M.C. and Chalermpalanupap, T. and Porter-Stransky, K.A. and Eidson, L.N. and de Sousa Rodrigues, M.E. and Oliver, D.L. and Kelly, S.D. and Chang, J. and Bengoa-Vergniory, N. and Wade-Martins, R. and Weinshenker, D. and Tansey, M.G. "Transgenic mice expressing human alpha-synuclein in noradrenergic neurons develop locus coeruleus pathology and non-motor features of Parkinson's disease" (2019)

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In 2018

Potential Role of the Gut Microbiome in ALS: A Systematic Review (2018)

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The gut microbiome and neuroinflammation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? Emerging clinical evidence (2018)

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-Synuclein and Noradrenergic Modulation of Immune Cells in Parkinson's Disease Pathogenesis (2018)

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Madelyn C. Houser and Jianjun Chang and Stewart A. Factor and Eric S. Molho and Cyrus P. Zabetian and Erin M. Hill-Burns and Haydeh Payami and Vicki S. Hertzberg and Mal{\'{u} } G. Tansey. "Stool Immune Profiles Evince Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Parkinson's Disease" (2018)

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In 2017

Madelyn C. Houser and Mal{\'{u} } G. Tansey. "The gut-brain axis: is intestinal inflammation a silent driver of Parkinson's disease pathogenesis?" (2017)

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de Sousa Rodrigues ME and Bekhbat M and Houser MC and Chang J and Walker DI and Jones DP and Oller do Nascimento CMP and Barnum CJ and Tansey MG. "Chronic psychological stress and high-fat high-fructose diet disrupt metabolic and inflammatory gene networks in the brain, liver, and gut and promote behavioral deficits in mice." (2017)

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In 2016

Butin-Israeli, V. and Houser, M.C. and Feng, M. and Thorp, E.B. and Nusrat, A. and Parkos, C.A. and Sumagin, R. "Deposition of microparticles by neutrophils onto inflamed epithelium: A new mechanism to disrupt epithelial intercellular adhesions and promote transepithelial migration" (2016)

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In 2014

Ardita CS and Mercante JW and Kwon YM and Luo L and Crawford ME and Powell DN and Jones RM and Neish AS. "Epithelial adhesion mediated by pilin SpaC is required for Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG-induced cellular responses." (2014)

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