Mary-Louise Risher

Profile Picture of Mary-Louise Risher
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Sciences
Marshall University


  • PhD

Research Interests

Experimental Tools   Binge Drinking   Critical Review  

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List of Publications (29)
In 2023

Coulter OR, Walker CD, Risher ML. "Astrocyte-specific Ca(2+) activity: Mechanisms of action, experimental tools, and roles in ethanol-induced dysfunction." (2023)

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In 2022

Walker CD, Sexton HG, Hyde J, Greene B, Risher ML. "Diverging Effects of Adolescent Ethanol Exposure on Tripartite Synaptic Development across Prefrontal Cortex Subregions." (2022)

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Sexton HG, Olszewski NA, Risher ML. "The Effects of Rosiglitazone on Task Specific Anxiety-Like Behavior and Novelty Seeking in a Model of Chronic Adolescent Unpredictable Stress." (2022)

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Tetteh-Quarshie S, Risher ML. "Adolescent brain maturation and the neuropathological effects of binge drinking: A critical review." (2022)

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In 2021

Bernanke A, Burnette E, Murphy J, Hernandez N, Zimmerman S, Walker QD, Wander R, Sette S, Reavis Z, Francis R, Armstrong C, Risher ML, Kuhn C. "Behavior and Fos activation reveal that male and female rats differentially assess affective valence during CTA learning and expression." (2021)

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In 2020

Walker CD, Risher WC, Risher ML. "Regulation of Synaptic Development by Astrocyte Signaling Factors and Their Emerging Roles in Substance Abuse." (2020)

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In 2019

Testen A, Ali M, Sexton HG, Hodges S, Dubester K, Reissner KJ, Swartzwelder HS, Risher ML. "Region-Specific Differences in Morphometric Features and Synaptic Colocalization of Astrocytes During Development." (2019)

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In 2017

Miller KM, Risher ML, Acheson SK, Darlow M, Sexton HG, Schramm-Sapyta N, Swartzwelder HS. "Behavioral Inefficiency on a Risky Decision-Making Task in Adulthood after Adolescent Intermittent Ethanol Exposure in Rats." (2017)

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In 2016

Swartzwelder HS, Risher ML, Miller KM, Colbran RJ, Winder DG, Wills TA. "Changes in the Adult GluN2B Associated Proteome following Adolescent Intermittent Ethanol Exposure." (2016)

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In 2015

Risher ML, Sexton HG, Risher WC, Wilson WA, Fleming RL, Madison RD, Moore SD, Eroglu C, Swartzwelder HS. "Adolescent Intermittent Alcohol Exposure: Dysregulation of Thrombospondins and Synapse Formation are Associated with Decreased Neuronal Density in the Adult Hippocampus." (2015)

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Swartzwelder HS, Acheson SK, Miller KM, Sexton HG, Liu W, Crews FT, Risher ML. "Adolescent Intermittent Alcohol Exposure: Deficits in Object Recognition Memory and Forebrain Cholinergic Markers." (2015)

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Risher ML, Fleming RL, Risher WC, Miller KM, Klein RC, Wills T, Acheson SK, Moore SD, Wilson WA, Eroglu C, Swartzwelder HS. "Adolescent intermittent alcohol exposure: persistence of structural and functional hippocampal abnormalities into adulthood." (2015)

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In 2014

Centanni SW, Teppen T, Risher ML, Fleming RL, Moss JL, Acheson SK, Mulholland PJ, Pandey SC, Chandler LJ, Swartzwelder HS. "Adolescent alcohol exposure alters GABAA receptor subunit expression in adult hippocampus." (2014)

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Swartzwelder HS, Hogan A, Risher ML, Swartzwelder RA, Wilson WA, Acheson SK. "Effect of sub-chronic intermittent ethanol exposure on spatial learning and ethanol sensitivity in adolescent and adult rats." (2014)

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Klein RC, Saini S, Risher ML, Acheson SK, Fleming RL, Sexton HG, Swartzwelder HS, Moore SD. "Regional-specific effects of ovarian hormone loss on synaptic plasticity in adult human APOE targeted replacement mice." (2014)

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In 2013

Li Q, Fleming RL, Acheson SK, Madison RD, Moore SD, Risher ML, Wilson WA, Swartzwelder HS. "Long-term modulation of A-type K(+) conductances in hippocampal CA1 interneurons in rats after chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence or adulthood." (2013)

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Acheson SK, Bearison C, Risher ML, Abdelwahab SH, Wilson WA, Swartzwelder HS. "Effects of acute or chronic ethanol exposure during adolescence on behavioral inhibition and efficiency in a modified water maze task." (2013)

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Fleming RL, Li Q, Risher ML, Sexton HG, Moore SD, Wilson WA, Acheson SK, Swartzwelder HS. "Binge-pattern ethanol exposure during adolescence, but not adulthood, causes persistent changes in GABAA receptor-mediated tonic inhibition in dentate granule cells." (2013)

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Risher ML, Fleming RL, Boutros N, Semenova S, Wilson WA, Levin ED, Markou A, Swartzwelder HS, Acheson SK. "Long-term effects of chronic intermittent ethanol exposure in adolescent and adult rats: radial-arm maze performance and operant food reinforced responding." (2013)

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In 2012

Swartzwelder NA, Risher ML, Abdelwahab SH, D'Abo A, Rezvani AH, Levin ED, Wilson WA, Swartzwelder HS, Acheson SK. "Effects of ethanol, Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, or their combination on object recognition memory and object preference in adolescent and adult male rats." (2012)

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In 2011

Middlemore-Risher ML, Adam BL, Lambert NA, Terry AV Jr. "Effects of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-oxon on the dynamics and movement of mitochondria in rat cortical neurons." (2011)

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Terry AV Jr, Buccafusco JJ, Gearhart DA, Beck WD, Middlemore-Risher ML, Truan JN, Schwarz GM, Xu M, Bartlett MG, Kutiyanawala A, Pillai A. "Repeated, intermittent exposures to diisopropylfluorophosphate in rats: protracted effects on cholinergic markers, nerve growth factor-related proteins, and cognitive function." (2011)

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In 2010

Middlemore-Risher ML, Buccafusco JJ, Terry AV Jr. "Repeated exposures to low-level chlorpyrifos results in impairments in sustained attention and increased impulsivity in rats." (2010)

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In 2007

Terry AV Jr, Gearhart DA, Warner S, Hohnadel EJ, Middlemore ML, Zhang G, Bartlett MG, Mahadik SP. "Protracted effects of chronic oral haloperidol and risperidone on nerve growth factor, cholinergic neurons, and spatial reference learning in rats." (2007)

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Ergul A, Elgebaly MM, Middlemore ML, Li W, Elewa H, Switzer JA, Hall C, Kozak A, Fagan SC. "Increased hemorrhagic transformation and altered infarct size and localization after experimental stroke in a rat model type 2 diabetes." (2007)

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Terry AV Jr, Gearhart DA, Beck WD Jr, Truan JN, Middlemore ML, Williamson LN, Bartlett MG, Prendergast MA, Sickles DW, Buccafusco JJ. "Chronic, intermittent exposure to chlorpyrifos in rats: protracted effects on axonal transport, neurotrophin receptors, cholinergic markers, and information processing." (2007)

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Terry AV Jr, Gearhart DA, Warner SE, Zhang G, Bartlett MG, Middlemore ML, Beck WD Jr, Mahadik SP, Waller JL. "Oral haloperidol or risperidone treatment in rats: temporal effects on nerve growth factor receptors, cholinergic neurons, and memory performance." (2007)

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In 2006

Hernandez CM, Gearhart DA, Parikh V, Hohnadel EJ, Davis LW, Middlemore ML, Warsi SP, Waller JL, Terry AV Jr. "Comparison of galantamine and donepezil for effects on nerve growth factor, cholinergic markers, and memory performance in aged rats." (2006)

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Gearhart DA, Middlemore ML, Terry AV. "ELISA methods to measure cholinergic markers and nerve growth factor receptors in cortex, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and basal forebrain from rat brain." (2006)

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