María I. Ortiz, PhD

Profile Picture of María I. Ortiz, PhD
Executive Director, UC Faculty Enrichment Center & Associate Professor - Educator of Spanish
Office of the Provost
University of Cincinnati


  • Ph.D., Romance Languages and Literatures: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2007 (Caribbean and Latin American Literature Spanish Literature 20th Century Cultural Studies: Food, Identity and Literature)
  • Master of Arts in Spanish: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2004 (Spanish and Latin American Literature Teaching Spanish and Second Language)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Humanities: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 2000 (Concentration in Comparative Literature Suma Cum Laude)
  • Certificate in Media and Technology for Education: Harvard Graduate School of Education 2022
  • Mindfulness for Educators Program, Fall 2017. Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, Massachussets
  • Creativity & Design Thinking Certificate, 12 hours of instruction completed., Krause Center for Innovation, Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, California (USA)
  • Certified High School Teacher of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 2002 (Certification as Spanish High School Teacher Completed all 33-credits required on Fundamentals and Specialized topics in Education)

Research Interests

Food Identity   Comparative Literature   Cookbooks  

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Dr. María I. Ortiz has a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, with a mayor in Comparative Literature from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Graduating Suma Cum Laude, she received the UPRM Donald Marshall Award as Outstanding Humanities Student. After being Certified as a Spanish High School Teacher of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico, she completed her graduate studies at the University of Cincinnati, receiving a Masters degree in Spanish, and in of 2007 her Philosophy Doctorate Ph.D on Romance Languages and Literatures. Dr. Ortiz teaches Spanish as a second language at the UC Blue Ash College, with courses focused on culture, grammar, and communication. In 2023 she started her role as Executive Director of the UC Faculty Enrichment Center, after being Co-Director of the Learning and Teaching Center at UC Blue Ash. She was inducted to the University’s Academy of Fellows in Teaching & Learning (AFTL) as a distinguished member of the Class of 2021, and was recognized with the 2020 University of Cincinnati's Mrs. A.B. Dolly Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching. She received the Excellence in Teaching Awardee for the 33rd Annual Celebration of Teaching 2020 of The Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection Consortium (GC3). Also, Dr. Ortiz was recognized with the 2017 UCBA Innovative Teaching Award for implementation of the integration of mindfulness practices and technology for teaching Spanish language. In 2017, Dr. Ortiz led efforts to assist Puerto Rican college students with online courses after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. She worked with the University of Cincinnati's Provost Office and with colleagues nationwide to recruit and develop Sagrado Online Collaborative, a network of Spanish-speaking professors who remotely taught students through the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón in Puerto Rico. In another academic exchange, Dr. Ortiz shared her love for literature by teaching literature during the summer of 2019, as part of the expert faculty exchange at Xi’an International Studies University in Xi'an, China. Her research and publications include cultural studies perspective(s) and literary theory to analyze interactions between food, gastronomy, identity, Thirdspace, gender, performance and post colonial studies, as well as pedagogical strategies and activities for active learning classrooms. Her service work is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and practices, providing acknowledgement and support for the intersectional needs of underrepresented groups. She volunteered for the Alzheimer’s Association in Cincinnati.


Contact Information

  Office of the Provost | University of Cincinnati 2911 Woodside Dr. Langsam Library 545F – ML0033 Cincinnati, OH 45221


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List of Publications (21)
In 2022

Ortiz, Mari a I. (2022. ) "Recoding for Learning: Reading Comprehension Strategies for Online Discussions" .The Scholarly Teacher, , (September, 22, 2022 ) ,

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In 2021

Ortiz, Mari a (2021. ) Escritores en la cocina: Decodificando el imaginario culinario en textos selectos del Post-boom latinoamericano. Bordes: Revista de Estudios Culturales. , , Enero-junio (21 ) ,14-25 -ISSN 2244-8667

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Ortiz, Mari a I (2021. ) "Spanish Club Online: An Extracurricular Experience for Building a Community of Thriving Language Learners." .The FLTMAG, IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology), , Fall 2021 ,

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Ortiz, Mari a I. (2021. ) Integrating Inquiry-based Learning Strategies to Further L2 Proficiency. .The Cardinal Newsletter of the Ohio Foreign Language Association, Fall 2021 , Ohio Foreign Language Association

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In 2020

Ortiz, Mari a (2020. ) "Puesta en escena: Las manifestaciones de la hibridez cultural y el performance como medios interpretativos en las obras de 'La pasio n segu n Anti gona Pe rez' de Luis Rafael Sa nchez; 'Yo tambie n hablo de la rosa' de Emilio Carballido; 'Entre Villa y una mujer desnuda' de Sabina Berman y 'Postestad' de Eduardo Pavlosky. .Contexto, Revista de Estudios Literarios Universidad de Los Andes , , 24 (26 ) ,64-78

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Ortiz, Mari a & Annette Redmon (2020. ) "Creating a Culture of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Through Active Learning Using Student-Created Infographics." .Association for University Regional Campuses of Ohio (AURCO) Journal, , Volume 26 ,

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In 2018

Ortiz, Mari a (2018. ) "Distopi as en la cocina: un ana lisis de los ori genes de la puertorriquen idad a trave s del discurso culinario en las Cro nicas de Indias". .Revista Estudios Latinoamericanos, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CELA). Universidad Nacional Auto noma de Me xico (UNAM): Facultad de Ciencias Poli ticas y Sociales., , an o XXXIII, nu m. 42, julio-diciembre 2018 (42 ) ,139-158

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Ortiz, Maria, Ruth Benander & Brad Mallory (2018. ) "Language Perceptions and Identity: Responses to linguistic microaggressions from one community's conversation." .Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching (JRPCT) What works in the classroom, , Vol. 3.1 ,47-64.

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In 2017

Ortiz, Mari a (2017. ) "El discurso gastrono mico como si mbolo de cohesio n ante la fragmentacio n de la identidad de la 'Borinquen trasplantada' en la novela Tro pico en Manhattan de Guillermo Cotto-Turner." .Cuadrivium: ACTAS Primer Programa Acade mico del Festival de la Palabra., ,

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Ortiz, Mari a, Lizzie Ngwenya-Scoburgh & Annette Redmon (2017. ) "The Next Crusade: Combating Workplace Microaggressions to Avert Employment Litigation." .The 53rd Annual MBAA International Conference, (Proceedings) March 22-24, 2017. , , 1-16

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In 2015

Ortiz, Mari a (2015. ) "Cocinando identidades: Un ana lisis del performance gastrono mico y la fragmentacio n del sujeto femenino en 'Recetario de incautos' de Carmen Lugo Filippi". Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e Hispanoame rica: El Caribe en tiempos de Post-Boom. , ,

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In 2012

Ortiz, Mari a (2012. ) "La consolidacio n del libro de cocina como espacio narrativo El libro de los afectos culinariosde Carmen Va zquez Arce." .Argus-a: Artes y Humanidades., ,

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In 2011

Ortiz, Mari a (2011. ) "Paradigmas del performance gastrono mico en 'Marina y su olor' de Mayra Santos- Febres." .Hispanic Culture Review., ,

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In 2009

Ortiz, Mari a (2009. ) "La comida que nos une y la geografi a que nos separa: El discurso gastrono mico como elemento de cohesio n de la identidad puertorriquen a en Tro pico en Manhattan de Guillermo Cotto-Thorner." .CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies., ,

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In 2008

Ortiz, Mari a (2008. ) "Anti gona furiosa: Paradigma de la sociedad argentina regida por el terror." .Grafemas: Boleti n electro nico de la Asociacio n Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispa nica. , ,

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Ortiz, Mari a (2008. ) "Gastronomi a, humor y lenguaje en Historia de la vida del Busco n de Quevedo." .Hispanic Culture Review., ,

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Ortiz, Mari a (2008. ) "Aproximaciones del "Reader Response" a los poemas "La sardina", "La habichuela", "La cebolla" y "Oda al Hambre" de Rosa Chacel." .Espe culo: Revista de estudios literarios., ,

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In 2007

Ortiz, Mari a (2007. ) "Discurso gastrono mico, discurso del poder: Una cri tica a la dictadura franquista en Nada de Carmen Laforet." .Espe culo: Revista de estudios literarios., ,

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In 2006

Ortiz, Mari a (2006. ) "La materializacio n, manifestaciones y significados del "tercer espacio" en el film de Como agua para chocolate." . Divergencias: Revista de Estudios Lingu i sticos y Literarios. , ,

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In 2005

Ortiz, Mari a (2005. ) "Historia de Arroz con Habichuelas: Un convenio gastrono mico de la identidad puertorriquen a desde la perspectiva de Ana Lydia Vega." .Monographic Review: Feasting, Fasting and Gastronomy in Hispanic Literature., ,

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Ortiz, Mari a (2005. ) "Especta culo y gastronomi a en el Quijote: Una cri tica a la sociedad espan ola en el episodio de las Bodas de Camacho." .Espe culo: Revista de estudios literarios., ,

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