Matthew Kaproth

Profile Picture of Matthew Kaproth
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Minnesota State University, Mankato


  • PhD, Plant Biology

Research Interests

Plant Ecology   Functional Traits   Dispersal  

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Plant biologist working on trait diversity and ecophysiology of the oaks of the Americas and prairie conservation. Investigations reveal rates of adaptation within the phylogeny with Drs. Andrew Hipp, Paul Manos, Antonio González-Rodríguez and Jeannine Cavender-Bares. Foci: Trade-offs between drought-tolerance & growth, comparative ecology among/within species using common garden experiments, herbarium surveys of functional traits, and conceptual models of invasiveness with Drs. Jane Molofsky and Maarten Eppinga.


Contact Information

  S-271 Trafton Science Center South, 415 Malin Avenue, Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN 56001

  (507) 389-2787

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List of Publications (34)
In 2024

Forest and Biodiversity 2: a tree diversity experiment to understand the consequences of multiple dimensions of diversity and composition for long-term ecosystem function and .... J Cavender-Bares, J Grossman, JA Guzman Quesada, SE Hobbie, ... bioRxiv, 2024.03. 09.584227, 2024.

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In 2023

Evolutionary history and intraspecific competition mediate ballistic seed dispersal. MA Kaproth, MB Eppinga, J Molofsky Functional Ecology 37 (7), 1935-1947, 2023.

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Drought response strategies are coupled with leaf habit in 35 evergreen and deciduous oak (Quercus) species across a climatic gradient in the Americas. MA Kaproth, BW Fredericksen, A Gonza lez Rodri guez, AL Hipp, ... New Phytologist 239 (3), 888-904, 2023.

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In 2022

DATASET: Drought response strategies are coupled with leaf habit in 35 evergreen and deciduous oak (Quercus) species across a climatic gradient in the Americas. MA Kaproth, BW Fredericksen, A Gonza lez Rodri guez, ..., 2022.

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Defining plant ecological specialists and generalists: Building a framework for identification and classification. A Kirsch, MA Kaproth Ecology and Evolution 12 (11), e9527, 2022.

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In 2021

Contrasting Oak Responses to Water Stress-Osmolyte Profiling Across Species. J Newman .

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In 2020

Climate and phylogenetic history structure morphological and architectural trait variation among fine root orders. ML McCormack, MA Kaproth, J Cavender Bares, E Carlson, AL Hipp, ... New Phytologist 228 (6), 1824-1834, 2020.

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DATASET: Functional leaf and stem traits of the Oaks of the Americas. MA Kaproth, M Hahn, PS Manos, AL Hipp, A Gonza lez-Rodri guez, ..., 2020.

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In 2018

Linking Above and Below Ground Allometric Growth Patterns in Oak Species. G Conner .

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Investigating Shading as a Viable Control Method for I. pseudacorus Seed Establishment. B Bentley .

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Sympatric parallel diversification of major oak clades in the Americas and the origins of Mexican species diversity. AL Hipp, PS Manos, A Gonza lez Rodri guez, M Hahn, M Kaproth, ... New Phytologist 217 (1), 439-452, 2018.

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The role of diversification in community assembly of the oaks (Quercus L.) across the continental U.S. J Cavender Bares, S Kothari, JE Meireles, MA Kaproth, PS Manos, ... American Journal of Botany 105 (3), 565-586, 2018.

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In 2017

Prairie Flora Guide to Blue Earth County. AR Theis, MA Kaproth Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2017.

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In 2016

Associations of leaf spectra with genetic and phylogenetic variation in oaks: prospects for remote detection of biodiversity. J Cavender-Bares, JE Meireles, JJ Couture, MA Kaproth, CC Kingdon, ... Remote Sensing 8 (3), 221, 2016.

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Drought Tolerance and Climatic Distributions of the American Oaks. MA Kaproth, J Cavender-Bares International Oaks 27, 49-60, 2016.

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Oaks of the Americas. E Carlson .

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In 2015

Phylogenetic Distribution of Leaf Spectra and Optically Derived Functional Traits in the American Oaks. J Cavender-Bares, JE Meireles, JJ Couture, M Kaproth, PA Townsend AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, B51K-08, 2015.

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In 2014

Human aided admixture may fuel ecosystem transformation during biological invasions: theoretical and experimental evidence. J Molofsky, SR Keller, S Lavergne, MA Kaproth, MB Eppinga Ecology and Evolution 4 (7), 899-910, 2014.

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In 2013

Leaf litter variation influences invasion dynamics in the invasive wetland grass Phalaris arundinacea. MA Kaproth, MB Eppinga, J Molofsky Biological Invasions 15, 1819-1832, 2013.

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Mechanisms of Success: Comparing Within Species Variation Between Introduced and Native Plant Populations. MA Kaproth University of Vermont, 2013.

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In 2011

Litter feedbacks, evolutionary change and exotic plant invasion. MB Eppinga, MA Kaproth, AR Collins, J Molofsky Journal of Ecology 99 (2), 503-514, 2011.

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In 2010

PS 103-111: Has a weedy lifestyle evolved? Comparing variation of life history traits between invasive populations compared to their native counterparts. MA Kaproth, J Molofsky The 95th ESA Annual Meeting, 2010.

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In 2009

COS 30-1: Genetic variance of invasiveness in woody ornamental plants: The role of genotype differences versus phenotypic plasticity. SA Treanor, JM Allen, MA Kaproth, N LaFleur, J Molofsky, JA Silander Jr The 94th ESA Annual Meeting, 2009.

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In 2008

Seed Viability and Dispersal of the Wind-Dispersed Invasive Ailanthus altissima in Aqueous Environments. MA Kaproth, JB McGraw Forest Science 54 (5), 490-496, 2008.

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Spatial modeling of propagule pressure in Ailanthus altissima. MA Kaproth West Virginia University, 2008.

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In 2004


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99th ESA Annual Meeting (August 10--15, 2014). CT Kaase, JM Kabrick, EJ Kachergis, AM Kaczowka, B Kadapuram, ... .

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Phenotypic variation and local site adaptation in native and introduced ranges: Varying responses of two woody ornamentals with similar invasion histories. ST Bois, JM Allen, MA Kaproth, J Molofsky, KE Holsinger, JA Silander Jr .

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Post-introduction evolutionary change in the invasive plant Phalaris arundinacea can lead to critical transitions in wetland ecosystems. J MOLOFSKY, MA EPPINGA, S KELLER, S LAVERGNE, MA KAPROTH NEOBIOTA 2012, 95, 0.

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Variation in explosive seed dispersal: Comparing introduced populations to their native counterparts under competition. MA Kaproth .

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Has a weedy lifestyle evolved? Comparing variation of life history traits between invasive populations compared to their native counterparts. MA Kaproth, J Molofsky Diversity and Distributions 10 (5-6), 321-331, 0.

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Investigating litter feedbacks on establishing invasive Phalaris arundinacea. MA Kaproth .

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Into Mesoamerica: convergence of Quercus functional traits across environmental gradients. MA Kaproth, J Cavender-Bares, A Kirsch, A Gonza lez Rodri guez, ... .

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Maternal effects of plant competition: Comparing introduced populations to their native counterparts. M Kaproth, J Molofsky .

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