Matthew Lammi

Profile Picture of Matthew Lammi
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Internal Medicine
LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans


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Research Interests

Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry   Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension   Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic  

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List of Publications (40)
In 2021

Lammi MR, Ghonim MA, Johnson J, D'Aquin J, Zamjahn JB, Pellett A, Okpechi SC, Romaine C, Pyakurel K, Luu HH, Shellito JE, Boulares AH, deBoisblanc BP. "Acute effect of inhaled iloprost on exercise dynamic hyperinflation in COPD patients: A randomized crossover study." (2021)

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Minhas J, Narasimmal SP, M Bull T, Marco T, McConnell JW, Lammi MR, Thenappan T, P Feldman J, S Sager J, B Badesch D, Ryan JJ, C Grinnan D, Zwicke D, M Horn E, Elwing JM, Moss JE, Eggert M, Shlobin OA, P Frantz R, D Bartolome S, Mathai SC, Mazimba S, C Pugliese S, Al-Naamani N. "Health-related quality of life and hospitalizations in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension versus idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: an analysis from the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry (PHAR)." (2021)

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Saketkoo LA, Frech T, Varju C, Domsic R, Farrell J, Gordon JK, Mihai C, Sandorfi N, Shapiro L, Poole J, Volkmann ER, Lammi M, McAnally K, Alexanderson H, Pettersson H, Hant F, Kuwana M, Shah AA, Smith V, Hsu V, Kowal-Bielecka O, Assassi S, Cutolo M, Kayser C, Shanmugam VK, Vonk MC, Fligelstone K, Baldwin N, Connolly K, Ronnow A, Toth B, Suave M, Farrington S, Bernstein EJ, Crofford LJ, Czirjak L, Jensen K, Hinchclif M, Hudson M, Lammi MR, Mansour J, Morgan ND, Mendoza F, Nikpour M, Pauling J, Riemekasten G, Russell AM, Scholand MB, Seigart E, Rodriguez-Reyna TS, Hummers L, Walker U, Steen V. "A comprehensive framework for navigating patient care in systemic sclerosis: A global response to the need for improving the practice of diagnostic and preventive strategies in SSc." (2021)

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Pettersson H, Alexanderson H, Poole JL, Varga J, Regardt M, Russell AM, Salam Y, Jensen K, Mansour J, Frech T, Feghali-Bostwick C, Varju C, Baldwin N, Heenan M, Fligelstone K, Holmner M, Lammi MR, Scholand MB, Shapiro L, Volkmann ER, Saketkoo LA. "Exercise as a multi-modal disease-modifying medicine in systemic sclerosis: An introduction by The Global Fellowship on Rehabilitation and Exercise in Systemic Sclerosis (G-FoRSS)." (2021)

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Samant S, Tran HV, Uddo RB, deBoisblanc BP, Saketkoo LA, Saito S, Helmcke FR, Lammi MR. "Use of Handheld Ultrasound to Estimate Right Atrial Pressure in a Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic." (2021)

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Saketkoo LA, Russell AM, Jensen K, Mandizha J, Tavee J, Newton J, Rivera F, Howie M, Reese R, Goodman M, Hart P, Strookappe B, De Vries J, Rosenbach M, Scholand MB, Lammi MR, Elfferich M, Lower E, Baughman RP, Sweiss N, Judson MA, Drent M. "Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Sarcoidosis: Diagnosis, Management, and Health Outcomes." (2021)

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DuBrock HM, Burger CD, Bartolome SD, Feldman JP, Ivy DD, Rosenzweig EB, Sager JS, Presberg KW, Mathai SC, Lammi MR, Klinger JR, Eggert M, De Marco T, Elwing JM, Badesch D, Bull TM, Cadaret LM, Ramani G, Thenappan T, Ford HJ, Al-Naamani N, Simon MA, Mazimba S, Runo JR, Chakinala M, Horn EM, Ryan JJ, Frantz RP, Krowka MJ. "Health disparities and treatment approaches in portopulmonary hypertension and idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: an analysis of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry." (2021)

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Mathews KS, Seitz KP, Vranas KC, Duggal A, Valley TS, Zhao B, Gundel S, Harhay MO, Chang SY, Hough CL. "Variation in Initial U.S. Hospital Responses to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic." (2021)

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Kolaitis NA, Zamanian RT, de Jesus Perez VA, Badesch DB, Benza RL, Burger CD, Chakinala MM, Elwing JM, Feldman J, Lammi MR, Mathai SC, McConnell JW, Presberg KW, Robinson JC, Sager J, Shlobin OA, Simon MA, Kawut SM, Glidden DV, Singer JP, De Marco T. "Clinical Differences and Outcomes between Methamphetamine-associated and Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry." (2021)

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In 2020

Saketkoo LA, Alexanderson H, Lammi MR, LeSage D, Jensen K, Scholand MB, Volkmann ER, Russell AM. "An ode to the primal tonic of dance-congratulating the Life of Breath project." (2020)

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DesJardin JT, Kolaitis NA, Kime N, Kronmal RA, Benza RL, Elwing JM, Lammi MR, McConnell JW, Presberg KW, Sager JS, Shlobin OA, De Marco T. "Age-related differences in hemodynamics and functional status in pulmonary arterial hypertension: Baseline results from the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry." (2020)

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Saketkoo LA, Scholand MB, Lammi MR, Russell AM. "Patient-reported outcome measures in systemic sclerosis-related interstitial lung disease for clinical practice and clinical trials." (2020)

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Channick CL, Garrison G, Huie TJ, Narewski E, Caplan-Shaw C, Cho J, Rafeq S, Alalawi R, Alashram R, Bailey KL, Carmona EM, Habib N, Kapolka R, Krishnan A, Lammi MR, Peck T, Pennington KM, Rali P, Small BL, Swenson C, Witkin A, Hayes MM. "ATS Core Curriculum 2020. Adult Pulmonary Medicine." (2020)

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Min J, Feng R, Badesch D, Berman-Rosenzweig E, Burger C, Chakinala M, De Marco T, Feldman J, Hemnes A, Horn EM, Lammi MR, Mathai S, McConnell JW, Presberg K, Robinson J, Sager J, Shlobin OA, Simon M, Thenappan T, Ventetuolo C, Al-Naamani N. "Obesity in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH): The Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry (PHAR)." (2020)

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In 2019

Dransfield MT, Voelker H, Bhatt SP, Brenner K, Casaburi R, Come CE, Cooper JAD, Criner GJ, Curtis JL, Han MK, Hatipoglu U, Helgeson ES, Jain VV, Kalhan R, Kaminsky D, Kaner R, Kunisaki KM, Lambert AA, Lammi MR, Lindberg S, Make BJ, Martinez FJ, McEvoy C, Panos RJ, Reed RM, Scanlon PD, Sciurba FC, Smith A, Sriram PS, Stringer WW, Weingarten JA, Wells JM, Westfall E, Lazarus SC, Connett JE. "Metoprolol for the Prevention of Acute Exacerbations of COPD." (2019)

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Lammi MR, Saketkoo LA, Okpechi SC, Ghonim MA, Wyczechowska D, Bauer N, Pyakurel K, Saito S, deBoisblanc BP, Boulares AH. "Microparticles in systemic sclerosis: Potential pro-inflammatory mediators and pulmonary hypertension biomarkers." (2019)

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Petrauskas LA, Saketkoo LA, Kazecki T, Saito S, Jaligam V, deBoisblanc BP, Lammi MR. "Use of red cell distribution width in a population at high risk for pulmonary hypertension." (2019)

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In 2018

Narewski ER, Blackford AL, Lammi MR, Fuhlbrigge AL, Soler X, Albert R, Criner GJ. "Clinical Differences in COPD Patients with Variable Patterns of Hypoxemia." (2018)

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Lammi MR, Saketkoo LA, Gordon JK, Steen VD. "Changes in hemodynamic classification over time are common in systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary hypertension: insights from the PHAROS cohort." (2018)

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In 2017

Walsh SLF, Maher TM, Kolb M, Poletti V, Nusser R, Richeldi L, Vancheri C, Wilsher ML, Antoniou KM, Behr J, Bendstrup E, Brown K, Calandriello L, Corte TJ, Cottin V, Crestani B, Flaherty K, Glaspole I, Grutters J, Inoue Y, Kokosi M, Kondoh Y, Kouranos V, Kreuter M, Johannson K, Judge E, Ley B, Margaritopoulos G, Martinez FJ, Molina-Molina M, Morais A, Nunes H, Raghu G, Ryerson CJ, Selman M, Spagnolo P, Taniguchi H, Tomassetti S, Valeyre D, Wijsenbeek M, Wuyts W, Hansell D, Wells A. "Diagnostic accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an international case-cohort study." (2017)

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Lammi MR, Saketkoo LA, Gordon JK, Lauto P, Fagan K, Steen VD. "Clinical characteristics and survival of systemic sclerosis patients with pulmonary hypertension and elevated wedge pressure: Observations from the PHAROS cohort." (2017)

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Lick AN, Danrad R, Smith DL, Lammi MR. "Left Atrium Measurements via Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiogram as a Predictor of Diastolic Dysfunction." (2017)

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Saketkoo LA, Steen VD, Lammi MR. "Reliance on Pulmonary Function Tests in Assessment of Systemic Sclerosis Patients for Pulmonary Hypertension: Comment on the Article by Antoniou et al." (2017)

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In 2016

Lammi MR, Mathai SC, Saketkoo LA, Domsic RT, Bojanowski C, Furst DE, Steen VD. "Association Between Initial Oral Therapy and Outcomes in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension." (2016)

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Lammi MR, Ghonim MA, Pyakurel K, Naura AS, Ibba SV, Davis CJ, Okpechi SC, Happel KI, deBoisblanc BP, Shellito J, Boulares AH. "Treatment with intranasal iloprost reduces disease manifestations in a murine model of previously established COPD." (2016)

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Ibba SV, Ghonim MA, Pyakurel K, Lammi MR, Mishra A, Boulares AH. "Potential of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase as a Therapeutic Target for Allergen-Induced Airway Hyperresponsiveness: A Critical Connection to Nitric Oxide Levels and PARP Activity." (2016)

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In 2015

Marchetti N, Lammi MR, Travaline JM, Ciccolella D, Civic B, Criner GJ. "Air Current Applied to the Face Improves Exercise Performance in Patients with COPD." (2015)

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Lammi MR, Marchetti N, Criner GJ. "Hyperinflation: A Potential Target for Treatment of Vascular Disease in Emphysema?" (2015)

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Ghonim MA, Pyakurel K, Ibba SV, Wang J, Rodriguez P, Al-Khami AA, Lammi MR, Kim H, Zea AH, Davis C, Okpechi S, Wyczechowska D, Al-Ghareeb K, Mansy MS, Ochoa A, Naura AS, Boulares AH. "PARP is activated in human asthma and its inhibition by olaparib blocks house dust mite-induced disease in mice." (2015)

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Ghonim MA, Pyakurel K, Ibba SV, Al-Khami AA, Wang J, Rodriguez P, Rady HF, El-Bahrawy AH, Lammi MR, Mansy MS, Al-Ghareeb K, Ramsay A, Ochoa A, Naura AS, Boulares AH. "PARP inhibition by olaparib or gene knockout blocks asthma-like manifestation in mice by modulating CD4(+) T cell function." (2015)

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Lammi MR, Aiello B, Burg GT, Rehman T, Douglas IS, Wheeler AP, deBoisblanc BP. "Response to fluid boluses in the fluid and catheter treatment trial." (2015)

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Lammi MR, Baughman RP, Birring SS, Russell AM, Ryu JH, Scholand M, Distler O, LeSage D, Sarver C, Antoniou K, Highland KB, Kowal-Bielecka O, Lasky JA, Wells AU, Saketkoo LA. "Outcome Measures for Clinical Trials in Interstitial Lung Diseases." (2015)

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Ghonim MA, Pyakurel K, Ju J, Rodriguez PC, Lammi MR, Davis C, Abughazleh MQ, Mansy MS, Naura AS, Boulares AH. "DNA-dependent protein kinase inhibition blocks asthma in mice and modulates human endothelial and CD4(+) T-cell function without causing severe combined immunodeficiency." (2015)

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Janot AC, Huscher D, Walker M, Grewal HK, Yu M, Lammi MR, Saketkoo LA. "Cigarette smoking and male sex are independent and age concomitant risk factors for the development of ocular sarcoidosis in a New Orleans sarcoidosis population." (2015)

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In 2014

Wille KM, Sharma NS, Kulkarni T, Lammi MR, Barney JB, Bellot SC, Cantor RS, Naftel DC, Diaz-Guzman E, McGiffin DC. "Characteristics of patients with pulmonary venoocclusive disease awaiting transplantation." (2014)

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Lammi MR, Marchetti N, Criner GJ. "Reduced dynamic hyperinflation after LVRS is associated with improved exercise tolerance." (2014)

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Diaz-Abad M, Chatila W, Lammi MR, Swift I, D'Alonzo GE, Krachman SL. "Determinants of CPAP Adherence in Hispanics with Obstructive Sleep Apnea." (2014)

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In 2013

Lammi MR, Marchetti N, Barnett S, Criner GJ. "Heterogeneity of lung volume reduction surgery outcomes in patients selected by use of evidence-based criteria." (2013)

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In 2012

Lammi MR, Panetta N, Vega ME. "Airway bypass stents for emphysema, algorithm to exclude precapillary pulmonary hypertension, and sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction." (2012)

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Lammi MR, Ciccolella D, Marchetti N, Kohler M, Criner GJ. "Increased oxygen pulse after lung volume reduction surgery is associated with reduced dynamic hyperinflation." (2012)

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