Max Paquette

Profile Picture of Max Paquette
Associate Professor
School of Health Studies - Biomechanics
University of Memphis (Main)


  • PhD

Research Interests

Overuse Injury   Biomechanics   Musculoskeletal  

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Dr. Max R. Paquette earned a Bachelors Degree in Human Kinetics and a Masters Degree in Biomechanics under the guidance of Dr. Lori Ann Vallis from The University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada). He completed his PhD training under the guidance of Dr. Songning Zhang at The University of Tennessee in the area of Biomechanics. He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Health Studies at The University of Memphis, and Director of the Musculoskeletal Analysis Laboratory (MAL). Dr. Paquette’s research interests are largely focused on lower limb joint mechanics with regards to injury and musculoskeletal disease prevention. His primary research interests are focused on the effects of different footwear, fatigue/repetition, altered techniques and training interventions for injury prevention and performance improvement in runners. Dr. Paquette's research also focuses on the effects of exercise interventions and gait modifications on joint mechanics, function and, quality of life in obese, aging and osteoarthritic populations. For more information visit the Musculoskeletal Analysis Laboratory website. Dr. Paquette actively collaborates with researchers from other institutions within the US and around the World. He is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Society for Biomechanics. Dr. Paquette has consulted with high school, collegiate and World-class track and field athletes and their coaches to optimize performance and reduce injury risks.


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List of Publications (39)
In 2024

Paquette MR , Melaro JA, Smith R, Moore IS (2024). Time to stability of treadmill running kinematics in novel footwear. Journal of Biomechanics, EPub, 164, Feb 2024

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Neal BS, Moore IS, McCarthy-Ryan M, Bramah C, Napier C, Paquette MR, Gruber AH (2024). Using wearable technology data to explain recreational running injury: A prospective longitudinal feasibility study. Physical Therapy in Sport , 65: 130-136.

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Martinez III E, Hoogkamer W, Powell DW, Paquette MR (2024). The influence of "super-shoes" and foot strike pattern on metabolic cost and joint mechanics in competitive female runners. MSSE, EPub.

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Paquette MR , Lyons SM, Tenbroek T, Steiner E. (2024) Effects of advanced midsole foam in a daily trainer on muscle soreness, fatigue, and training load during running training. MSSE , In Review.

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In 2023

Kearns ZC, DeVita P, Paquette MR (2023). Gender differences on the age-related distal-to-proximal shift in joint kinetics during running. Scand J Med Sci Sports , Accepted, Online.

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Kearns ZC, Krupenevich RL, Franz JR, Powell DW, Paquette MR (2023). Do Different Home-Based Resistance Training Programs Affect Running Economy and Plantarflexor Function in Middle-Aged Runners? An Exploratory Study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, In Review

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In 2021

Melaro J, Gruber AH, Powell DW, Paquette MR (2021). Joint work is not shifted proximally after a long run in rearfoot strike runners . JSS, 39(1):78-83.

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Paquette MR , Powell DW, DeVita P (2021). Age and Training Volume Influence Joint Kinetics During Running. Scan J Med Sci Sports, 31(2):380-387.

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In 2018

Korak JA, Paquette MR , Fuller DK, Caputo JL, Coons JM (2018). Effect of a rest-pause vs traditional squat on electromyography and lifting volume in trained women. Eur J App Phys 118(7):1309-1314.

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Korak JA, Paquette MR , Fuller DK, Caputo JL, Coons JM (2018). Muscle activation patterns of lower body musculature among three traditional lower body exercises in trained women. JSCR. 32(10):2770-2775.

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Paquette MR , DeVita P, Williams III DSB. (2018). Biomechanical implications of training volume and intensity in aging runners . MSSE, 50(3):510-515.

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Paquette MR , Peel SA, Smith R, Temme M, Dwyer JN (2018). The impact of different cross-training modalities on performance and injury-related variables in high school cross country runners. JSCR, 32(6): 1745-1753.

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In 2017

Korak JA, Paquette MR , Brooks J, Fuller DK, Coons JM (2017). Effect of Rest-Pause VS. Traditional Bench Press Training on Muscle Strength, Electromyography, and Lifting Volume. Eur J App Phys. 117(9): 1891-1896.

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Paquette MR, Peel SA, Schilling BK, Melcher DA, Bloomer RJ. (2017). Soreness-related changes in three-dimensional running biomechanics following eccentric knee extensor damage. European Journal of Sport Science . 17(5): 546-554

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Melcher D, Paquette MR , Schilling BK, Bloomer RJ. (2017). Joint stiffness and running economy during imposed forefoot strike before and after a long run. J Sports Sciences. 35(23): 2297-2303

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Paquette MR , Melcher DA. (2017). Impact of a long run on injury-related biomechanics with relation to mileage in trained runners. J Applied Biomechanics. 33(3): 216-221.

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Paquette MR, Peel SA, Schilling BK, Bravo JD, Li Y, Townsend R. (2017). Computerized agility training improves change-of-direction and balance performance independent of footwear in young adults. Research Quarterly in Exercise and Sport . 88(1): 44-51

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Bennett HJ, Shen G, Weinhandl JT, Reinbolt J, Coe DP, Paquette MR , Zhang S. (2017). Two gait modifications in stair ascent knee biomechanics in people with different knee alignments. MSSE , 49(3): 563-572.

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Paquette MR , Milner CE, Melcher DA. (2017). Foot contact angle variability during a prolonged run with relation to injury history and habitual foot strike pattern. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 27(2): 217-222

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In 2016

Klein I, Paquette MR . (2016). Cross-training for runners: How athletes can maintain performance when training off the track. USTFCCCA. Techniques Magazine . Volume 11.

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Kuhman DJ, Paquette MR, Peel SA, Melcher DA. (2016). Comparison of ankle kinematics and ground reaction forces between prospectively injured and uninjured collegiate cross country runners. Human Movement Science. 47: 9-15.

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Melcher DA, Lee SR, Peel SA, Paquette MR , Bloomer RJ. (2016). Effects of methylsulfonylmethane supplementation on oxidative stress, muscle soreness, and performance variables following eccentric exercise. Gazz Med Ital - Arch Sci Med. 176(5): 271-283.

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Chester S, Zucker-Levin A, Melcher DA, Peel SA, Bloomer RJ, Paquette MR . (2016). A comparison of lower limb kinematics and metabolic parameters during elliptical exercises and treadmill running. J Applied Biomechanics . 32(2):113-119.

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Caia J, Weiss WL, Chiu LZF, Schilling BK, Paquette MR . (2016). Consistency of lower-body dimensions using surface landmarks and simple measurement tools. J Strength Cond Res . 30(9): 2600-2608.

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Caia J, Weiss WL, Chiu LZF, Schilling BK, Paquette MR . (2016). Do lower-body dimensions and body composition explain vertical jump ability? J Strength Cond Res . 30(11): 3073-3083.

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Kuhman DJ, Melcher DA, Paquette MR . (2016). Ankle and knee kinetics between strike patterns at common training speeds in competitive male runners. Journal of Sport Sciences. 16(4):433-40

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In 2015

Milner CE, Paquette MR. (2015). A kinematic method to detect foot contact during running for all foot strike patterns. J Biomechanics. 48(12): 3502-5.

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Paquette MR , Zucker-Levin A, DeVita P, Hoekstra J, Pearsall D. (2015) Lower extremity joint angular position and muscle activity during modified elliptical exercise in healthy young men. Journal of Applied Biomechanics . 2015, 31(1):19-27.

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Harry J, Paquette MR , Townsend R, Schilling BK, Weiss LW, Caia J. (2015). The effects of footwear condition on maximal jumping performance. J. Strength Conditioning Research. 29(6):1657-65

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Paquette MR , Zhang S, Klipple G. (2015). Greater step widths reduce knee internal abduction moments in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis patients in stair ascent. J. Applied Biomechanics. 31(4):229-36.

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Paquette MR , Li Y, Hoekstra J, Bravo J. (2015) An eight-week reactive balance training program in older healthy adults: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Sport and Health Sciences. 4(3): 263-269.

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In 2014

Paquette MR , Zhang S, Milner CE, Fairbrother JT, Reinbolt JA. (2014) Effects of increased step width on frontal plane knee biomechanics in healthy adults during stair descent. . Aug;21(4):821-6.

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Paquette MR , Zhang S, Milner CE, Klipple G. (2014) Does increasing step width alter knee biomechanics in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis patients during stair descent? . Jun;21(3):676-82.

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Cantrell G, Schilling BK, Paquette MR , Murlasits Z. (2014) Maximal strength, power, and aerobic endurance adaptations to concurrent strength and sprint interval training. European Journal of Applied Physiology . 114(4):763-71..

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Gardner J, Paquette MR , Milner CE, Brock E, Foch E, Zhang S (2014). Gait biomechanics of a second generation unstable shoe. Journal of Applied Biomechanics . 30(4):501-7

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In 2013

Zhang X, Paquette MR , Zhang S (2013) A comparison of gait biomechanics of flip-flops, sandals, barefoot and shoes. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research . 6:45, 1-8.

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In 2012

Zhang S, Paquette MR , Milner CE, Westlake C, Byrd E, Baumgartner L. (2012) An unstable rocker-bottom shoe alters lower extremity biomechanics during level walking. Footwear Science, 4:3, 243-253

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Lyons SM, Vickery T, Powell DW, Paquette MR . Influence of auditory biofeedback of foot angular velocity on ankle kinetics and propulsive function in older healthy adults. Gait & Posture , In Review.

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Wu H, Brook-Wavell K, Fong DTP, Paquette MR , Blagrove RC. Do supplementary exercise-based prevention programmes reduce overuse injury in endurance runners? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine (SPOA), Accepted, Online.

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