Melissa Scala

Profile Picture of Melissa Scala
Clinical Professor
Stanford University


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Neonatal Care   Neonatal Population   Developmental Care  

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List of Publications (51)
In 2024

Freccero A, Scala M, McLeod KA, Donahue B, Webb M, Briggs M, Najm I, Sinha M, Dahlen A, Nasr A. The Safety of Body Wraps on Skin-to-Skin Care in the Neonatal Population: A Pilot Study. Adv in Neonatal Care 2024 Feb 1; 24 (1): E11-E19. PMID 38127581

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Scahill M, Chock V, Travis KE, Lazaraus M, Helfenbein E, Scala M. Sample entropy correlates with intraventricular hemorrhage and mortality in premature infants early in life. Pediatric Research, Feb 16, 2024,, PMID 38365874

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Byrne E, Hunt K, Frecerro A, Scala M. Introducing the i-Rainbow- An evidence-based, parent-friendly care pathway designed for even the most critically ill infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care setting, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2024 April 1, issue 2, PMID 38568275

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Feister J, Razdan S, Sharp D, Punjabi S, Blecharczyk E, Escobar V, Gay PM, Scala M, Bonifacio S. Increasing In-person medical interpreter utilization in the NICU through a bundle of interventions. J Perinatol 2024, Feb 29, PMID 38424233

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Rogers E, Scala M, Pineda R. Developmental Care. Fetal and Neonatal brain injury, 6th edition, in preparation, submission planned June 2024

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Perinatal and Infant Psychiatry Conference-clinician panel member, "Experience of Parents in High-risk Perinatal Settings", May 18, 2024

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Workshop on improving teamwork dynamics in the NICU, Childrens Hospital Network Conference, accepted and planned October 2024

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In 2023

Kumar K, Marchman VA, Morales MC, Scala M, Travis KE. Investigating Relations Between the NICU Speech Environment and Weight Gain in Infants Born Very Preterm. American Journal of Perinatology March 2023, PMID: 36720260

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Dubner SE, Morales MC, Marchman VA, Shaw RJ, Travis KE, Scala M. Maternal Mental Health and Engagement in Developmental Care Activities with Preterm Infants in the NICU, J Perinatol, 2023 Jul;43(7):871-876. PMID: 37046070

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Kirby K, Noori H, Lombardi-Lytle S, Scala M, Beidelman M, Dubner S, Ryan K. Implementation of a dedicated cardiac neurodevelopmental program. Cardiology in the Young 2023; 33 (7): S1238-73. doi:10.1017/S1047951123001804

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Lazarus MF, Marchman VA, Brignoni-Perez E, Dubner S, Feldman HM, Scala M, Travis KE. Inpatient Kangaroo Care Predicts Early Cognitive Development at 6 and 12 Months in Infants Born Very Preterm. medRXiv, 2023 Apr 09, Under review J Ped

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Dubner S, Rickerich L, Bruckert L, Poblaciones R, Sproul D, Scala M, Feldman HM, Travis KE. Early, low-dose hydrocortisone and near-term brain connectivity in extremely preterm infants, Pediatric Research, 29 Nov 2023, PMID 38030826

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Scala M, contributed to multiple chapters, Neonatal Simulation: a compilation of Team-Based Scenarios, e-book available on apple itunes and amazon/kindle, Johnston et al editors, 2023

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Teamwork workgroup presentation, "Teamwork challenges in the NICU-conflict between fellows and frontline providers", ONTPD meeting spring 2023, Washington, DC, USA

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Vermont Oxford Network homeroom cluster education,"The iRainbow Carepath"-spring 2023, presented on 2 dates to 2 national workgroups, virtual to attendees from USA and Canada

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AAP Family Centered Care workgroup national meeting presentation, "The iRainbow Carepath", July 2023, virtual to national audience from USA and Canada

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March of Dimes San Francisco Annual Walk-a-thon-lead speaker, "Innovations in Neonatal Care" March 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA

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Association of Pediatric Program Directors webinar-Led panel discussion, "Improving teamwork between physician trainees and frontline providers", November 2023, virtual to national audience from USA

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In 2022

Scala M, Marchman VA, Dowtin L, Givrad S, Nguyeen T, Thomson A, Gao C, Sorrells K, Hall S. Evaluation of a course for neonatal fellows on providing psychosocial support to NICU families. Patient Education and Counseling Innovation, volume 1, Dec 2022, 100053, PMID: 37213727

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Dowtin L, Willis T, Givrad S, Scala M. Teaching and Training, Behavioral Health Services with High-Risk Infants and Families: Meeting the Needs of patients, families and providers in fetal, neonatal intensive care unit and neonatal follow-up settings, in Behavioral Health Services with High-Risk Infants and Families edited by Allison G. Dempsey, Joanna C.M. Cole, and Sage N. Saxton. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, September 14, 2022, p 82-94

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National webinar on mental health in NICU parents,"Interrupted Bonding of the Parent-Infant Dyad in the NICU"-Carousel Care Campaign AAP/TECaN, January 2022, virtual to national audience primarily USA

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Grand Rounds, "The impact of COVID-19 on the NICU care environment"-Philadelphia Perinatal Society inaugural presentation March 2022, virtual to multiple institutions in Philadelphia, PA and Wilmington, DE, USA

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Panel moderator ONTPD, "The experience of associate program directors", ONTPD annual meeting October 2022, Anaheim, CA, USA

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In 2021

Saltzman AM, Sigurdson K, Scala M. Barriers to Kangaroo Care in the NICU: a qualitative study analyzing parent survey responses. Advances in Neonatal Care 2021 May 27. PMID:34054009

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Jani SG, Nguyen AD, Abraham Z, Scala M, Blumenfeld YJ, Morton J, Nguyen M, Ma J, Hsing JC, Moiwa-Grant M, Profit J, Wang CJ. Preterm Connect: Leveraging mobile technology to mitigate social disadvantage in the NICU and beyond. Seminars in Perinatology 2021: 151413. PMID: 33888330.

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Brignoni-Perez E, Scala M, Marchman VA, Feldman HM, Travis KE. Disparities in Kangaroo Care for premature infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2021 Oct 28. PMID: 34723932

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Scala M, Marchman VA, Brignoni-Perez E, Morales MC, Travis KE. Impact of COVID-19 on development care practices for infants born preterm. Early Hum Dev 2021 Oct 04: 163: 105483. PMID: 3469193

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MCPOP annual meeting, "Care of the Micropremie", May 2021, virtual to attendees primarily from California, USA

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Regional NICU Education in India, "Translating Knowledge into Action: Best Practices in Neonatal Care" hosted by State Institute of Health and Family Welfare Government of Gujarat, India-Care of the VLBW infant-October 2021, virtual to NICU healthcare providers across Gujarat, India

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In 2020

Scala M, Marchman VA, Godenzi C, Gao C, Travis KE. Assessing speech exposure in the NICU: Implications for speech enrichment for preterm infants, J Perinatology, 2020; PMID: 32362660.

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Sigurdson K, Profit J, Dhurjati R, Morton C, Scala M, Vernon L, Randolph A, Phan J, Franck L. Former NICU Families Describe Gaps in Family-Centered Care, Qualitative Health Research, published July 2020; PMID: 32713256

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Givrad S, Dowtin L, Scala M, Hall S. Recognizing and mitigating infant distress in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Journal of Neonatal Nursing Sep 2020.

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Scala M, Rao A. Maintenance of Thermal Homeostasis. In: MacDonald M, Ramasethu J and Seo S eds. Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2020: p 142-150

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Scala M, Kumbhat N. Thermal regulation in the Neonate. In: MacDonald M, Ramasethu J and Seo S eds. Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2020: p 160-168

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Scala M, Givrad S, Shaw R. Psychological Interventions in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, in Psychological Consultation on Parents of Premature Infants: PTSD in the NICU. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, Greg Kuny editor, Washington, DC; 2020; p 127-182.

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Bay area Perinatal Mental Health symposium ,Panel discussion on "Mitigating parental and infant mental health in the NICU", February 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA

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Gravens Conference workshop, "Creation of evidence based developmental care programming", March 2020, Clearwater, Florida, USA

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Pediatric Pulmonary division grand rounds, Stanford University/LPCH, "Respiratory care of the micropremie", May 2020, virtual to division faculty, Palo Alto, CA, USA

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Neonatal Grand rounds, Georgetown University, December 2020, "The Therapeutic NICU parent: an often missed opportunity", virtual to neonatology faculty, Washington, DC, USA

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In 2019

Henning SM, Wallenstein MB, Weigel N, Jonson C, Yang J, Lee R, Korn M, Scala M, Stevenson DK, Ben-Nissan D, Heber D, Li Z. Appearance of Ellagic Acid Metabolites from Pomegranate Juice in Breast Milk: A Case Report, Annals of Clinical Case Reports, 2019; 4: 1738. ISSN: 2474-1655

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Brazil international NICU webinar, "Developmental Care Best Practice Evidence and Protocols", Sept 2019, virtual to attendees across Brazil

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In 2018

Scala M, Berg J, Keszler M, Abubakar K. Premature Infants Conceived with Assisted Reproductive Technology: An Analysis of Infant Morbidity, Compared with Infants Conceived Naturally. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Jul 31. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1667288. PubMed PMID: 30064149.

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Scala M, Seo S, Lee-Park J, McClure C, Scala M, Palafoutas JJ, Abubakar K. Effect of reading to preterm infants on measures of cardiorespiratory stability in the neonatal intensive care unit. J Perinatol. 2018 Nov;38(11):1536-1541. doi: 10.1038/s41372-018-0198-4. PMID: 30120423.

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CHILD-annual nursing education for NICU, ICN nurses, "Developmental care of infants" March-May 2018, Palo Alto, CA, USA

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In 2017

Scala, M, Hoy, D, Bautista, M, Palafoutas, JJ, Abubakar, K. Pilot study of dornase alfa (Pulmozyme) therapy for acquired ventilator associated infection in preterm infants. Pediatr Pulmonol 2017, 52: 787-791. doi:10.1002/ppul.23656. PMID: 28052587.

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In 2016

NeuroNICU course, "Developmental Care in the NICU", November 2016, Stanford University/Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Palo Alto, CA, USA

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In 2014

Pediatric Grand Rounds, "Got Milk?: Updates on Breast Milk", December 2014, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA

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In 2013

Scala M, Kozma C. Perimortem Sampling. In: MacDonald M, Ramasethu J and Rais-Bahrami K, eds. Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2013: p134-138.

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Scala M, Barton A. Transcutaneous Bilirubin Monitoring. In: MacDonald M, Ramasethu J and Rais-Bahrami K, eds. Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2013: p79-83.

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Purkey NJ, Han P, Woodward A, Davis A, Johnston L, Klein R, Krawczeski CD, Leeman KT, Machut KZ, Patel MD, Scala M, McBride ME. Advancing women physicians in academic medicine: a scoping review, under review, Academic Medicine

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Gu H and Scala M. Pulmonary Hemorrhage. In Neonatology 9th edition, Tricia Gomella ed, Lange Clinical Manual, under review

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