Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth

Profile Picture of Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth
Associate Professor of English Education (Dir. Doc'l Programs in Multilingual Multicultural Studies)
Teaching and Learning
New York University


  • Ph.D. Linguistics, M.A. TESOL, B.A. Cum Laude, French and Early Childhood Education, Certificate in Spanish. 1974. Estudio General Lulliano. Mallorca, Spain. Cours de Civilisation Francaise. 1968. The University of Paris. Paris, France.

Research Interests

Bilingualism and Bilingual Education   Second Language Writing,   Language Learning and Technology,  

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Contact Information

  NYU Steinhardt Dept. of Teaching and Learning 239 Greene St, room316 New York, NY 10003


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List of Publications (87)
In 2019

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. E., Chai, C. and McCoy, L. (2019). Adolescent ELLs improve their academic

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In 2018

Stevens, L. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2018). A synergistic approach to the formative assessment of bilingual writing: heightening student and teacher awareness. Writing and Pedagogy, 10(1-2), 241-274.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Ebsworth, T., & Cai, C. (2018). English acquisition in Puerto Rico: Teachers' insights. Bilingual Research Journal. DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2017.1413441

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In 2017

Cai, C. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2017). Chinese language varieties: pre- and in-service teachers' voices. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2017.1397160

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., McDonell, T., DeFazio, A., & Cai, C. (2017). Hypertext versus footnotes: High school English learners' online reading recall. IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 47(1), 81-115.

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Verdi, G. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2017). Literacy development as social practice in the lives of four working-class women. In Thelin, W. & Carter, G. (Eds.), Class in the Composition Classroom: Pedagogy and the Working Class (pp. 298-320). Utah State University Press: Salt Lake City, UT.

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In 2016

Cai, C. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2016). Chinese language or dialect: What's in a name? NABE Perspectives, 39(1), 18-19.

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In 2014

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2014). The many faces of feedback on writing: A historical perspective. Writing and Pedagogy, 6(2), 195-221. doi: 10.1558/wap.v6i2.195

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2014). Editorial. Features of feedback: The conversation continues. Writing and Pedagogy, 6(2), 187-194. doi: 10.1558/wap.v6i2.187.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Tang, F., Razavi, N., & Aiello, J. (2013-2014). Variation in second language learning strategies among non-native English speakers. Applied Language Learning, 2-24, 23-46.

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Kostka, I. H. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2014). Using Turnitin to support students' understanding of textual borrowing in academic writing: A case study. In Li, Shuai and Swanson, Peter (Eds.), Engaging Language Learners through Technology Integration: Theory, Applications, and Outcomes (pp. 45-72). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6174-5.ch003

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2014). Forward. In A. Wolochuk (Ed.), Self-assessment in a Second Language. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2014). Guest editor: Feedback in writing. Special Issue, Writing and Pedagogy, 6(2).

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In 2013

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & McDonell, T. (2013). Native and emergent bilingual university-level English speakers reading online: The influence of hypertext on comprehension. Journal of Multilingual Education Research, 4(1), 61-86.

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In 2011

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2011). Language variation from a bilingual perspective. Perspectives, 34(1), 17-20.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Gottlieb, J., Gottlieb, B., Goldstein, M., & Bennett, J. (2011). U.S. mainland-born and non-mainland-born children referred for special education. Journal of Multilingual Education Research, 2, 37-55.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ebsworth, T. (2011). Teaching and learning English in Puerto Rico: An approach-avoidance conflict? In Fishman, J. and Garcia, O. (Eds.), Language Handbook, Volume II: The Language Continuum. (pp. 96-112). New York: Oxford University Press.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2011). Guest Editor. International Journal of the Sociology of Language: Affective Aspects of Second and Foreign Languages. 2011:208. Retrieved from http://www.degruyter.com/.../ijsl.2011.2011.issue-208.xml

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Kodama, N. (2011). The pragmatics of refusals in English and Japanese: Alternative approaches to negotiation. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 208, 95-117.

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Eisenstein J., Ebsworth, M. & Vaidhyanathan, V. (2011). Obama on Education -- A-Plus Values, F-Minus Policies. Huffington Post. January 12, 2011. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-weigant/guest-column-obama-on-edu_b_808350.html

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In 2010

Eisenstein, M. (2010). [Review: Plagiarism, the Internet and student learning, by W. Sutherland-Smith]. Journal of Writing and Pedagogy, 2(2), 321-324.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2010). Speech communities: Language as a mediator of messages and perceptions. In S. Behrens & J. Parker (Eds.), Language in the Real World (pp. 27-42). New York: Routledge. Chapter and Web-based associated materials.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Kim, A., & Klein, T. (2010). Projections: From a graduate TELL class to the practical world of L2 teachers. Calico Journal, 27(2), 349-375.

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In 2009

Verdi, G. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2009). Working-class women academics: Four sociolinguistic journeys. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 4(2), 183-204.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ruiz, P. (2009). Ideals and reality: A self-contained class for bilingual autistic children. Educac---a---o-Thematic Issue, Multiculturalism and Education. 32(1), 16-24.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2009). Foreign language in elementary school: Position paper. North Salem School District, North Salem, NY.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2009). True progress is bilingualism for all: A response to Porter. Puerto Rico TESOLGram, 35(3), 24-26.

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In 2008

Camhi, P. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2008). Merging a metalinguistic grammar approach with L2 academic process writing: ELLs in community college. TESL-EJ, 12(2).

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In 2007

Duffy, P. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2007). "Action through words" website teaching English language through content, based on the workings of the United Nations. http://www.unepd.info.

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In 2005

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2005). [Review: World Englishes: An introduction, by G. Melchers & P. Shaw]. Language Policy, 4(4), 425-429.

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In 2004

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Feknous, B, Loyette, D., & Zimmerman, S. (2004) Tape it yourself. ELT Journal, 58(2), 145-154.

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Saito, H. & Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2004). Seeing English language teaching and learning through the eyes of Japanese EFL and ESL students. Foreign Language Annals, 37(1), 111-124.

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In 2003

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2003). Should you doctor Your CV? Why do a doctorate? EL Gazette, April 2003. #279, EL Teaching Matters: page III.

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In 2002

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2002). Comments on bilingualism and schooling in the United States. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 155/156, 101-114.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & McDonell, T. (2002). Software review: The language and reading companion. Calico Journal, 2002 (online version appeared in 2001).

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ebsworth, T. (2000). The pragmatics and perceptions of multicultural Puerto Ricans. The International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 142, 119-155. Reprinted in 2002 in Mouton Classics, 1, 731-770. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

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In 2001

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2001). The teaching of language arts to limited English proficient/English language learners: Learning standards for ESL. Principal Writer (1 of 6). Albany, NY: SUNY/NY State Ed Dept.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ebsworth, T. (2001). Return migrants to Puerto Rico: An unappreciated asset. Puerto Rico TESOL Newsletter. Fall Issue.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2001). [Review: Bilingual education and social change, by R. Freeman]. Language and Education. ISSN: 0950-0782

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In 1999

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (1999). The truth about bilingual education. Bilingual Basics, Fall issue.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (1999). Collaboration key to evolution of U.S. English language teaching: Universities begin to recognize the value of symbiosis. EL Gazette, March,1999.

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In 1998

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (1998). U.S. project for accreditation. EL Gazette, June, 221, 223.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (1998). Accuracy vs. fluency: Which comes first in ESL instruction? ESL Magazine, March/April, 1(2), 24-26.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ebsworth, T. (1998). ESL standards: An old tradition in modern dress. Idiom, spring, 6-7.

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In 1997

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Schweers, C. W. (1997). What researchers say and practitioners do: Perspectives on conscious grammar instruction in the ESL classroom. Applied Language Learning, 8(2), 237-260.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ebsworth, T. (1997). Responses of island Puerto Ricans and continental Americans to critical incidents: A cross-cultural pragmatics study. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 30(3), 193-234.

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In 1996

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (1996). [Review: Word's out, by W. Leap]. Out and About, July, 1996, 11.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (1996). [Review: Second language practice: Classroom strategies for developing communicative competence, by G. Duquette, editor]. NABE NEWS, November, 1996, 15-16, 26.

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In 1995

Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Bodman, J., & Carpenter, M. (1995). Cross-cultural realization of greetings in American English. In S. Gass and J. Neu (Eds.), Speech Acts across Cultures: Challenges to Communication in a Second Language (pp. 89-108). New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

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In 1993

Eisenstein, M. & Ebsworth, T. (1993). Sensitizing learners to sociocultural aspects of L2: A critical incident activity. Idiom, 23(2), 1-6.

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Eisenstein, M. (1993). Language strategies: Texts recommended for teachers. College ESL, 3(1), 25-26.

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Eisenstein, M. & Bodman, J. (1993). Expressing gratitude in American English. In G. Kasper & S. Blum-Kulka (Eds.), Interlanguage Pragmatics (pp. 64-81). New York: Oxford University Press.

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In 1990

Eisenstein, M. (1990). [Review: Understanding research in second language learning: A teacher's guide to statistics and research design, by J. D. Brown, Ed.]. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 12.

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In 1989

Eisenstein, M. (1989). The Dynamic Interlanguage: Empirical Studies in Second Language Acquisition. New York: Plenum.

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Eisenstein, M. (1989). Crosslinguistic pragmatics: A view of research alternatives. CUNY Forum, 14, 45-51.

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Eisenstein, M. & Starbuck, R. (1989). The effect of emotional investment on L2 production. In S. Gass et al. (Eds.), Variation in Second Language Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Issues (pp.125-140). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

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Eisenstein, M., Bodman, J., & Carpenter, M. (1989). American English greetings: Native and nonnative performance. In D. Pam & D. Rodriguez-Diaz (Eds.), ESL beyond ESL. New York: CUNY ESL Council.

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In 1988

Eisenstein, M. & Perez, A. (1988). Second Language Acquisition and Affective Factors. New York, NY: NYU Psycho-educational Center.

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Bodman, J. & Eisenstein, M. (1988). May God increase your bounty: Expressions of gratitude by native and non-native English speakers. Cross Currents, Summer, 15, 1-21.

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Devine, J. & Eisenstein, M. (1988). Person to person. In L. Fox (Ed.), Conference proceedings of the CUNY ESL Council Conference, Improving the Odds. New York: CUNY Instructional Resource Center.

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In 1987

Eisenstein, M., Shuller, S., & Bodman, J. (1987). Learning English with an invisible teacher. System, 15(2), 209-216.

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In 1986

Eisenstein, M., Chaudron, C., & Wolfson, N. (1986). Alternatives in second language research. TESOL Quarterly. 20(4), 683-718.

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Eisenstein, M. & Jimenez, C. (1986). Traveling on the road to literacy through familiar territory: Approaches to literacy for speakers of non-majority languages. In I. Anderson (Ed.), Collected Papers from the Sixth Annual Language Symposium. Brooklyn: Long Island University and Medgar Evers College.

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Eisenstein, M. (1986). Target language variation and second language acquisition: Learning English in New York City. World Englishes, 5(1), 31-46.

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Eisenstein, M. (1986). [Review: Sociolinguistics and language acquisition, by N. Wolfson]. Language in Society, 15, 99-101.

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Eisenstein, M. & Bodman, J. (1986). I very appreciate: Expressions of gratitude by native and non-native speakers of American English. Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 167-185.

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In 1985

Eisenstein, M. & Verdi, G. (1985). The intelligibility of social dialects for working class adult learners of English. Language Learning, 35(2), 287-298.

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Montgomery, C. & Eisenstein, M. (1985). Real reality revisited: An experimental communicative course in ESL. TESOL Quarterly, 19(2), 317-333.

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Eisenstein, M. (1985). Connecting language to reality: Variation and second language acquisition. NABE News, 8(2), 8-16.

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Eisenstein, M. (1984). What is applied linguistics? NYS TESOL Applied Linguistics Newsletter, June, 1984, 2. Reprinted in Int'l TESOL Applied Linguistics SIG Newsletter, March, 1985, 8-10.

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In 1984

Eisenstein, M. (1984). [Review: Towards a Crosslinguistic Assessment of Speech Production, by H. Dechert & M. Raupach Eds.]. Language Learning.

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Eisenstein, M. (1984). Literacy and technology. University, 3(4), 9.

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In 1983

Eisenstein, M. & Hopper, S. (1983). The intelligibility of English social dialects for adult learners of English as a second language. The Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics.

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Eisenstein, M. & Jimenez, C. (1983). Playing hide and seek with English as a second dialect. In I. Anderson (Ed.), Fourth Annual Language Symposium Proceedings. Medgar Evers College: Brooklyn, NY.

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Eisenstein, M. (1983). Native reactions to Non-native speech. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 5(2), 160-176.

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Eisenstein, M. (1983). Language Variation and the ESL Curriculum. 1983. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.

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In 1982

Eisenstein, M. (1982). A study of social variation in adult second language acquisition. Language Learning, 367-392.

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Eisenstein, M., Kaltinick, C., & Shaw, E. (1982). Introducing dialects in the ESL class. Cross Currents, 9(1).

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Bailey, N., Madden, C., & Eisenstein, M. (1982). It takes two: Contrasting tasks and contrasting structures. TESOL Quarterly.

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Eisenstein, M. (1982). Learning about Englishes as a second language. The Linguistic Reporter, 24(8), 1-2.

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In 1981

Eisenstein, M. & Berkowitz, D. (1981). The effect of phonological differences on adult learner comprehension. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 4(1), 75-80.

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In 1980

Eisenstein, M. (1980). The relationship of childhood bilingualism to adult language learning aptitude. The International Review of Applied Psychology. 29, 159-174.

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Eisenstein, M. (1980). Grammatical explanation in teaching English as a second language: Teach the students not the method. TESL Talk, 2(4), 3-13.

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Berkowitz, D. & Eisenstein, M. (1980). Phonological deviance and adult learner comprehension. In I. Anderson et al. (Eds.), What are the School's Responsibilities in Language Diverse Situations? Medgar Evers: Brooklyn, NY.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. & Ebsworth T. (Forthcoming). Challenging perceptions of self and others: Creating a safe space for honesty, exploration and growth. In T. Austin & M. Eisenstein Ebsworth (Eds.), Exploring the Influence of Racism in Education- Building Antiracist Allies.

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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M., Wildstein, T., & Goldberg, S. (Forthcoming). Development of Hebrew/English biliteracy in a Jewish Day School: Issues of language and identity. In R. Pandaharipande, M. David, M. & M. Eisenstein Ebsworth, (Eds.), Sociology of Language and Religion. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

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English while learning about the UN online. Languages, 4(9), 1-18. doi:10.3390/languages4010009

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