Mohammad Ghamari

Profile Picture of Mohammad Ghamari
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kettering University


  • PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lancaster University

Research Interests

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle   Personal Wearable Health Monitoring Technologies   IoT Applications  

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Mohammad Ghamari received his B.Eng. degree in electronic and communications from University of Leeds in 2006, his M.Sc. degree in communications and signal processing from Newcastle University in 2007, and his Ph.D. degree from Lancaster University in 2013. His first professional work was with Reading University, where he was a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant for two years. He then worked for the University of Texas at El Paso, USA, as a Post-Doctoral Fellow for two and half years. He is currently an assistant professor at Kettering University. His current research interests are on wearable technologies and wireless environmental monitoring systems.


Contact Information

  Kettering University 1700 University Ave, Flint, MI 48504


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List of Publications (48)
In 2021

[14] M. Ghamari, C. Soltanpur, 'Laboratory and Surface Coal Mine Evaluation and Calibration of Three Inexpensive Particular Matter Sensors' In the pipeline to be submitted to Aerosol Science and Technology Journal in 2021

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[15] M. Ghamari and C. Soltanpur,'Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Civil Applications: A Survey' In the pipeline to be submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials in 2021

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In 2019

[13] C. Soltanpur, R. Paravi, M. Ghamari, B. Adebisi, 'Nonlinear MMSE Equalizer for Impulsive Noise Mitigation in OFDM-Based Communications' Published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2019

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In 2018

[5] M. Ghamari, A. Chung, U. Roedig, B. Honary, 'Vehicle-Driver Communication using Off-The-Shelf Transceivers', [6] D. Cruz, M. Patin---o, M. Mikhael, M. Ghamari, H. Nazeran, 'Bluetooth Enabled Smartphone Application for Wireless Photoplethysmography Monitoring Devices' Published in the 34th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 2018

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[8] M. Ghamari, E. Villeneuve, C. Soltanpur, J. Khangosstar, B. Janko, R.S. Sherratt and W. Harwin, 'Detailed Examination of a Packet Collision Model for Bluetooth Low Energy Advertising Mode ' Published in the IEEE Access Journal, 2018

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[12] D. Castaneda, A. Esparza, M. Ghamari, M. Ghamari, C. Soltanpur, H. Nazeran 'A Review on Wearable Photoplethysmography Sensors and their Potential Future Applications in Health Care ' Published in the International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2018

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In 2016

MSc Student, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Newcastle [1] M. Ghamari, C. Aguilar, C. Soltanpur, H. Nazeran 'Rapid Prototyping of a Smart Device-based Wireless Reflectance Photoplethysmograph' Published in The 32nd Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 2016

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[2] M. Ghamari, C. Soltanpur, R. Romero, R. Martinek, H. Nazeran 'Design and Prototyping of a Wristband -Type Wireless Photoplethysmographic Device for Heart Rate Variab ility Signal Analysis' Published in the International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016

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[7] M. Ghamari, B. Janko, R.S. Sherratt, W. Harwin, R. Piechocki, 'A Survey on Wireless Body Area Networks for eHealthcare Systems in Residential Environments' Published in Sensors, 2016

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[11] C. Soltanpur, M. Ghamari, B. Momahed Heravi, Fatima Zare 'Lowering Error Floors by Concatenation of LDPC and Array Code' Published in the International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 2016

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In 2014

[3] M. Ghamari, H. Arora, R.S. Sherratt, W. Harwin 'Comparison of Low-Power Wireless Communication Technologies for Wearable Health-Monitoring Applications' Published in IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technology, 2014

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[4] M. Ghamari, B. Janko, R.S. Sherratt, W. Harwin 'An Energy-Efficient Hybrid System for Wireless Body Area Network Applications' Published in the 15th Annual PostGraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, 2014

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[9] M. Ghamari, B. M. Heravi, U. Roedig, B. Honary, 'Reliability Comparison of Transmit/Receive Diversity and Error Control Coding in Low-Power Medium Access Control Protocols', Published in IET Networks, 2014

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In 2013

Official reports to Jaguar Land Rover Company regarding the Low-Power MAC Protocols project: [18] M. Ghamari 'Reliable Communication in Embedded Systems', PhD Thesis, 2013

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In 2012

[10] M. Ghamari, B. M. Heravi, U. Roedig, B. Honary, C. A. Pickering, 'Improving Transmission Reliability of Low-Power Medium Access Control Protocols Using Average Diversity Combining', Published in IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2012.

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In 2010

[19] M. Ghamari, U. Roedig and B. Honary, 'Energy Efficient Bidirectional Long Range Communications', 2010

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In 2009

[20] M. Ghamari, U. Roedig and B. Honary, 'Personal Remote Vehicle Communications', 2009

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A paper published in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters [13].

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A paper published in the IEEE Access journal [8].

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A paper published in International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics [12].

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Two more journal papers in the pipeline to be submitted soon [14] [15].

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Research Topic: Personal Wearable Health Monitoring Technologies Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Texas at El Paso (USA)

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Aims Monitoring of heart rate during physical exercise is an important feature in many modern wearable devices such as wristbands and smart watches. However, obtaining high quality photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals during physical exercise is difficult and challenging as PPG signals are usually contaminated by very strong motion artifacts caused by subject's hand movements. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of motion artifacts on the quality of acquired PPG signals and propose solution to mitigate or ideally remove its destructive affects.

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Achievements Designed, prototyped and tested a wireless wristband-type PPG-based device for Heart Rate Variability (HRV) signal analysis.

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Developed a new peak detection algorithm for PPG signals.

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Developed a novel model to represent the original PPG signal through simulation as the summation of two Gaussian functions.

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Used Kubios software to analyse the HRV signal in time and frequency domains.

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Collaborated with other researchers/engineers from other universities to create health monitoring technologies for patients and to improve the state-of-the-art in research.

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Prepared and submitted research results for presentation at conferences.

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A paper and an Abstract both published in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference [1] [16].

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A paper published in the IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) [2].

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A student paper is published in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference [6].

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Research Topic: Telehealth Communications Post-Doctoral Research Assistant (PDRA), University of Reading (UK)

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Aims Existing healthcare systems are unable to sufficiently service the increasing needs of the aging population.

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Current systems are mainly dominated by frequent and costly patient visits to clinics and hospitals for early prevention and treatment of possible diseases. The failure to do more regular health monitoring is specifically problematic for elderly people with a number of disorders co-occurring with a primary disease and often weak and rapidly changing health conditions. Given this future healthcare problems, it is thus necessary to extend healthcare services from clinics and hospitals into residential environments. The aim of this research is to use latest technological advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and wireless communications to remotely monitor patients' conditions at their own residential places and manage their treatment.

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Achievements Worked on a ---15 million multidisciplinary research project carried out by University of Reading in conjunction with University of Bristol and University of Southampton and in partnership with Bristol City Council, IBM and Toshiba.

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Carried out applied research on body area sensing and low-power communications.

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Investigated and reviewed almost all existing low-power wireless personal area network standards.

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Simulated Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) MAC layer protocol using MATLAB programming language.

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Investigated and computed the probability of packet collisions of advertising mode in BLE piconets.

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Compared the energy consumption of two different BLE communications modes.

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Attended weekly project meetings and monthly progress meetings with project team members and senior management.

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Participated in weekly seminars organized by Bristol University (in-person or over the Skype).

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Prepared and submitted research results for presentation at conferences and publication in peer- reviewed journals.

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1 paper published in the journal of Sensors [7].

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2 conference papers published, one in the in the Computer, Communication and Control Technology (I4CT) and one in the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNet) [3] [4].

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PhD Student, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster 2 journal papers published in the IET Networks and IET Wireless Sensor Systems [10] [9].

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1 conference paper published in the Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) [5].

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